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Digital Assignment-1
Being adaptive to the analytics competitor position, how would you
convince your boss to invest on the various segments of analytical

1.Provide the different scenarios of analytical investment venues ?

Three investment avenues are equity's, Mutual Fund, Bank FD's. It is

identifying great options to the investors to put their money in a wealth
avenue for beautiful income. By increasing investors' economic wealth,
investors can contribute to economic growth and economic wealth.
This analysis helps the company from where companies can have raised
the capital through the market. This helps the Investors, corporates,
and many more, to benefit in increasing their financial wealth. It is a
plan to make a habit of investing from small savings, which is made to
guide an investor to Select the most suitable investment portfolio that
will help them to achieve their financial goals within a given period of
time. There are some mantras for investing “Higher the Risk, Higher the
Return'', “Analysis or Prevention is better than to rectify the mistake”.
2.The parameters need to be projected to your boss?

 The word investment has become muddled with overuse. A stock

or a bond is an investment. People are now encouraged to make
investments in their educations, their cars, and even their flat-
screen TVs. All of these things may make sound financial sense,
but they are not, strictly speaking, investments.

1. Ownership Investments

Ownership investments are the most volatile and profitable class of

investment. The following are examples.

Owning stock means owning a portion of a company. It may be a
miniscule stake, but it's ownership.

Some of these investments, such as stocks, come with the right to a

portion of the company's value. Others, such as futures contracts, come
with the right to carry out a certain action that will benefit their

Your expectation of profit is realized (or not) by how the market values
the asset you own the rights to. If you own shares in Apple (AAPL) and
the company posts a record profit, other investors are going to want
Apple shares too. Their demand for shares drives up the price,
increasing your profit if you choose to sell the shares.

The money put into starting and running a business is an investment.
Entrepreneurship is one of the toughest investments to make because
it requires more than just money. By creating a product or service and
selling it to people who want it, entrepreneurs can make huge personal
fortunes. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the world's richest
men, is a prime example.

Real Estate
Houses and apartments that are purchased to rent out or to resell are

The house you live in can have multiple purposes. It fills a need for
shelter. It may appreciate in value over time, but it may also lose value,
depending on market conditions. In essence, the house you live in not
only provides basic necessities, but may also be a source of income that
can be realized when the house is sold at a profit.

2. Lending Investments
Lending money is a category of investing. The risks generally are lower
than for many investments and, consequently, the rewards are
relatively modest.

Savings Accounts

A regular savings account is an investment. The investor is essentially

lending money to the bank. The bank will pay interest to the account
holder and will earn its profit by loaning out the rest of the money to
businesses at a higher rate of interest.

The return on savings accounts is currently quite low, but the risk is
essentially zero. In the U.S., savings accounts are fully insured up to
$250,000 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Bond is a catch-all category for a wide variety of investments from U.S.
Treasuries and international debt issues to corporate junk bonds
and credit default swaps (CDS).

The risks and returns vary widely between the different types of bonds.
Overall, these types of lending investments pose a lower risk and
provide a lower return than ownership investments.

3. Cash Equivalents
These are investments are "as good as cash," which means that they
can be converted back to cash easily and quickly.

Money Market Funds

Money market funds are similar to savings accounts and can be

purchased at any bank. The difference is that the investor commits to
leaving the money alone for a period of time in return for a slightly
higher rate of interest. The time period is as little as three months and
no longer than a year.

Money market funds are more liquid than other investments, meaning
you can write checks out of money market accounts just as you would
with a checking account. Although, once you start writing checks on it
you've erased much of its value as an investment.
3.Which graph will be used to project the scenario clearly?

Visual representations help us to understand data quickly. When you

show an effective graph or chart, your report or presentation gains
clarity and authority, whether you're comparing sales figures or
highlighting a trend.

Line Graphs
One of the graphs you will likely use most often is a line graph.

Line graphs simply use a line to connect the data points that you plot. They are
most useful for showing trends and for identifying whether two variables relate to
(or "correlate with") one another.

Examples of trend data include how sales figures vary from month to month, and
how engine performance changes as the engine temperature rises.
Bar Graphs
Another type of graph that shows relationships between different data sets is the
bar graph. In a bar graph, the height of the bar represents the measured value:
the higher or longer the bar, the greater the value.

Pie Charts
A pie chart compares parts to a whole. As such, it shows
a percentage distribution. The pie represents the total data set, and each
segment of the pie is a particular category within the whole.
To use a pie chart, the data you are measuring must depict a ratio or percentage
relationship. Each segment must be calculated using the same unit of
measurement, or the numbers will be meaningless.

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