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Choose the correct option:

1. You are a doctor, you?
a) aren’t
b) are
c) isn’t

2. Let’s go to a restaurant tonight, we?

a) don’t
b) won’t
c) shall

3. He has arrived on time, he?

a) doesn’t
b) hasn’t
c) didn’t

4. He win the lottery, did he?

a) didn’t
b) hadn’t
c) did

5. It’s very cold today, ?

a) is it?
b) are they?
c) isn’t it?

6. A: ‘I don’t like shrimps.’ B:

‘Neither I. ‘
a) am
b) will
c) do

7. A: ‘I have been to London. ‘ B: ‘

have I.’
a) So
b) Neither
c) Do

8. A: ‘I wouldn’t like to live abroad.’ B: ‘

Neither I. ‘
a) do
b) am
c) would
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C

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