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Welcome back. We are going to discuss Oracle Zero Downtime Migration.

So Zero
Downtime Migration enables easy as well as efficient migration of your on-prem
database to Oracle Cloud. It leverages Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture,
such as active [INAUDIBLE] kind of technologies, are getting used to minimize or
eliminate the downtime.

It's very comprehensive. It is MAA compliant. It does a lot of pre-checks as well

as post-checks when building the database. And it's resumable, rollbacks are
supported, and it also provides several customizable workflows as part of the
activity. Migration jobs are in parallel, and it maintains the audit trail of the

So in terms of supported platforms, so any database which is 11g, or 12c, or 18c,

they can be migrated with Zero Downtime Migration utility to a target platform. And
you can take any platform like virtual machine, so bare-metal cloud service or
exadata cloud at customer. So you would be able to migrate them using zero-downtime
migration tools.

Any databases, if you are running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, so they
can be also brought to a Oracle Cloud Infrastructure on bare-metal virtual machines
or Exadata Cloud Service by using this tool.

So now, we will try to understand the step-by-step migration workflow. It is just

four different workflows, and it starts with analysis as well as preparation, where
we try to understand the source database environment and gather all the
information. Then we work on the migration bar, and then switching over and
finalizing. If migration is successful and you are satisfied, you can go ahead with
doing the application connectivity to new platform.

To start the first phase, you have to download as well as configure ZDM for your
on-prom server. You have to configure it, and then you'll be able to gather all the
required information about your on-prem database migration. Then, in the second
phase, we configure the connectivity from your ZDM host to your source database, as
well as target database servers. And it uses the SSH keys which are provided in
order to establish connectivity.

Once we are connected to source and target, now, ZDM will connect with this source
database and the object storage, which is there in the cloud. And it uses HTTPS
connectivity to communicate over object storage bucket.

Once the connectivities are established, ZDM we start transferring the files from
your source to object storage. And while transferring these files, it will be your
database backup files, your database files, backup files, as well as any
incrementals, and they all will get transferred to object storage bucket. For
communication, it is going to use HTTPS as the protocol so it's secure, and the
file will reach into object storage bucket.

Once files have reached to object storage bucket, ZDM is going to instantiate the
standby database, and standby is instantiated on that target platform with help of
all the backup files and database-related files which are available on the object
storage bucket.

So afterwards, ZDM is going to [INAUDIBLE] the transport file, as well as it has

instantiated the standby database, and the target platform is basically built on
the Oracle Cloud infrastructure. So once the standby database comes up, ZDM will
try to synchronize primary as well as the standby. It basically uses the SQL
[INAUDIBLE] connectivity between source as well as target, and it does the
synchronize and [INAUDIBLE] and the standby databases. And it is using the Data
Guard technologies to do that.
So once we are done with synchronizing target platform, ZDM can do the switch-over,
and it is able to do the role swap. So role swap happens between primary and the
standby, and then switch-over of [INAUDIBLE] can be done, as well as finalize this.
So any users, if they are doing this migration, they will validate that the
migrated environment is good for them. They can finalize based on their
[INAUDIBLE]. And ZDM is keeping their standby database on-prem as well as in the
cloud to a synchronized state, and the user can decide on if they want to stop the
process or to be able to fall back. But it totally depends on the user to accept
the migration.

Just to summarizing the total workflow, it is the process that starts with
downloading the ZDM software, connecting to source as well as target, making that
connectivity to object, as well as transferring their database files, then
instantiating a standby and synchronizing both the primary as well as standby
environments, and then doing the role reversal [INAUDIBLE] switchover capability of
Data Guard, and then deciding on [INAUDIBLE] good migration and they want to
proceed on the new platform.

For more information, you can always look into Oracle website under /goto/zdm. And
it talks about the various steps involved in cloud migration. But one of the best
practices in switchover is [INAUDIBLE]. So before switching over, it is always
desirable to do a proper testing of your new environment, as well as the
applications, once you are done with your testing.

And then, one use would be in doing the final switchover, because Data Guard
provides you a way you can create a snapshot of standby from there. That will open
up the database in read and write mode. You can perform all the activities or
testing steps, and then you can pass it back.

And since this job is is resumable in nature, ZDM will take care of synchronizing
it back. Once the testing is completed, then you will be able to take a decision on
to move to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with the new environment.

So just to summarize, we have looked at various Oracle Database offerings which are
available in Oracle Cloud. We discussed about various metrics to move to Oracle
Cloud, as well as different migration scenarios, including bare metal VMs,
[INAUDIBLE], or autonomous databases. We discussed about several migration
solutions like [? MB2, ?] [? LEB, ?] and a new Zero Downtime Migration tools.

That's all, and for more information, you can always looking into these links which
are there on the web. You can also enroll for certain trainings, as well as
education programs. And you can explore the OCI Training Cloud [INAUDIBLE] hands-on
[INAUDIBLE] platform. And for more information, you can also subscribe to our
Youtube channel, and under Oracle Learning, you'll be able to see, always, the
latest videos.

So thanks for watching, and I hope it was useful.

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