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IS 165.


The art of


what’s in it for me?
Since I was a kid the question “What do you wanna be in the
future?” has always been thrown around. As someone taking up a
business major, the answer is usually as expected, “I want to own
my own business” or “be the CEO of a top multinational.” But for
me it’s always been different. My life goal has always just been to
be the best mom ever.

Although being a parent is still far off into the future, through this
project I hope to immerse myself in the field to be able to better
understand what the role entails, the struggles that people face,
and most importantly the reason why, despite everything, people
do it anyway.
What is parenting?

Parenting is more than just the act of being a
mother or father to someone. It is the umbrella
term to refer to caring, supporting, and raising
someone from infancy to adulthood usually
performed by, but not limited to, one’s biological
What is parenting like for
parents and those who are
connecting with minds

(varying relationships
(varying stages of
(philosophy and
with parents) parenting) theology)

To get a better grasp of the biggest issues in parenting it’s

important to not only connect with parents but more importantly
with the people who are recipients of this parenting not just
children but adults as well.
4 Layers of Needs




4 Layers of Needs
What is parenting & what are the
characteristics of the ideal parent?

A parent should be able to take Parents view parenting as a life-
on different roles as the need long commitment. It isn’t just
arises: a teacher, a caregiver, a something that you can quit at
cheerleader, etc. But at the any time, parenting is something
baseline of all this, what that they dedicate their lives to.
children want is just to feel love
and kindness from their
4 Layers of Needs
How would you want to experience
parenting / being a parent?

While children are aware that Just like for the children,
their parents know a lot more parents want to be respected
than them, they do not want to by their kids. There must be a
be controlled. They want their balance between giving respect
parents to respect their decisions and receiving it in return,
and give them the
independence to make their
own choices.
4 Layers of Needs
Why are you / do you want to be a parent?
What object would it be?
Parenting is a way for someone to do something or create something
that is 100% theirs, something you can be proud of and that you can
truly call your own. If the parenting were an action it would be the
act of writing a book. In so doing, one is able to pour out parts of
themselves and leave a legacy.

This could explain why some parents may tend to be hard on their
kids, because parenting is as much for the parent as it is for the child.
A child is a parents legacy and parents work hard to ensure that these
legacies are not tainted.
4 Layers of Needs
What is the deeper universal motivator?
4 Layers of Needs
What is the deeper universal motivator?

LOVE: To be a parent is to give and experience love like no other. The

picture in the previous slide I feel is a perfect representation of the
type of self-giving that a parent endures for her child. In the same
way, having a child is also a way to experience love in return. Your child
is someone who is almost “required” to love you no matter how many
arguments you get into.
key findings

01 02 03
There is a transition There’s a lot of Because of the
that must happen as preparation needed inherent age gap
one’s child grows to be a parent between parents and
older. Parents must because it’s a high their children and a
shift from their roles pressure job. To be a difference in the
as teachers (focusing good parent is about generations in which
on developing the making sure that you they were raised, they
child) to more are the very thing you will inevitably differ in
support roles as want your children to their opinions, values,
guidance counselors. to be. and beliefs.
innovation objectives

01 02 03
for parents for children for both
In what ways might In what ways might In what ways might
we help parents we empower this we help parents
transition from their generation to and children be
roles as teachers to better prepare more
guidance themselves for understanding of
counselors? parenthood? each other?
chosen innovation objective
In what ways might we encourage parents and children
to be more understanding of each other?
Ideation Techniques Innovation Ideas




The Winner?
where did I draw inspiration
for this idea from?
understand someone
who is very different
from you

metaphorical world
The world of the Ateneo OSCI department
(specifically JEEP and Immersion) perfectly
capture the dynamic of interacting and
understanding “The Other.” JEEP and Immersion
are Ateneo’s ways of forming us as men and
women for others by allowing us to immerse with
people whose lives are so different from ours.
Through JEEP we are able to experience what it’s
like to do the work that they do and in Immersion
we are able to immerse ourselves in their entire
lives, where they eat, sleep, work, etc.
metaphorical world


To truly understand someone else Although parents and children do
who is completely different from live under the same roof and are
you, different age, different life, able to talk to each other about their
different struggles, you must lives, there is still so much about
immerse yourself fully in their world. their lives that they are not able to
You never really know a person until share. We need to create an avenue
you are able to do this. to allow both to immerse themselves
in each other’s worlds to be able to
really understand each other.
I present to you…
Family Fun Festival is inspired by one of my
favorite movies, Freaky Friday, where a teenage
girl and her mom switched bodies for a week.
This helped them work out all their conflicts
because they were able to really see how
difficult life was for the other person. The
Family Fun Festival is a week-long event
aimed at allowing both parents and
kids to not just know but really
understand each other better.
My Promise
Despite my topic being about
parenting, the audience of this
Because misunderstandings
innovation solution are both
between parents and kids are
parents and children since
practically a part of the parenting
parenting can never just be about
journey because of inherent
the parent. Specifically, it targets
generational difference. Every
parents and children who not only
single parent has gotten angry at
have misunderstandings but those
their child and vice versa.
who really have an urge to make
their relationships better.
My Promise
Most parents and children think
Through an immersive experience.
that the problem is a lack of
This solution hinges on the fact
communication. But will
that all talk with no action will get
communication without
you nowhere. It allows my
understanding really fix anything?
audience to immerse themselves
What I hope to solve is really the
in the worlds of the other to be
root cause of misunderstandings:
able to fully understand where the
the inherent generational
other is coming from and why they
difference between parents and
act / react the way that they do.
My Promise


The solution taps into every humans need for fun and enjoyment
and uses this as a hook. Given that any problems in a family are
usually very sensitive issues, it will be harder to get people to want
to take part in this event because people do not and uses this as a
medium for parents and children to be able to better understand
each other.


It takes on the primary It puts a spin on just any This event is all about
archetype of a sage boring sage-type event breaking the norms of
because the main by making use of the parenting. It challenges
purpose is to be able to magician archetype to the participants to step
teach both parents and add fun and an our of their comfort
kids to understand each “entertainment value” to zones in order to really
other better the event learn and be better.
The Teaser
Tap on close family friends to become ambassadors.
They will have to participate in the “dry run” of the event.
The parents will be going to school in place of their kids
and the kids will be going to work. This is the best way to
build hype because of both the confusion and curiosity
that their classmates and workmates will feel.

Take it to social media. Not only the chosen ambassadors
will be posting but their friends will most likely do the
The Invite

The invite will be in the form of a short video and posters
patterned after Freaky Friday. The video will end with the
question “are you ready to take on the challenge?” with a
link to the online sign-up sheet.

The ambassadors tapped in The Teaser will be asked to
give testimonials and tell their friends about the event.
With an event this “weird” in nature, a push from a trusted
friend would definitely help.
The Countdown
Once a family signs up, they will automatically be added to
the “FamBAM” Facebook group together with all the other
participants of the event. Here we will be posting count
down posters as well as teasers of things to expect
throughout the week.

To brand the event as a “learning experience” may turn
people away from the event because nobody is really
willing to admit that they have family problems. Instead, all
promotional material will focus on the fun aspect and the
event will be branded as a once-in-a-lifetime unique family
bonding experience.
Mixer Mondays
When the week of the festival finally arrives it will begin
with aa fancy schmancy dinner on Monday. At the start
of the night all participants will be asked to write down
their expectations for the night, their favorite thing and
the most frustrating / annoying thing about their
parents / children, etc. on pieces of paper to be
collected by the hosts as a sort of ice breaker.

The focus of the rest of the night is really to be a night

of enjoyment. For parents and children to be able to let
their guard down around each other. There will be
photo booths set up. There will also be table games
such as beer / water / juice pong, bring me, etc.
Working Wednesdays
On Working Wednesdays parents will be able to attend
school for an entire day, take quizzes or tests for their
child and kids will have to go in place of their parents.
When work / school hours end, parents will have to
attend different extra-curricular activities of their child.
Children will have to make sure dinner is served on the
table at night and everything is in order at home.

The main point of Working Wednesdays is for children

to understand just how hard it is for parents to juggle
making money, raising a family, paying the bills, etc.
and for parents to be reminded of how tough it was
having to endure hell weeks and terror profs.
Fun day Fridays

Fun day Fridays will be focused on immersing in each

other’s interests and passions. On Friday, parents will
be able to join their kids in doing the things they love
and vice versa.

The entire Ateneo grounds will be reserved to hold

different activities like sports, music, arts, etc. There will
be a movie room where they can watch each other’s
favorite movies and a library for their favorite books.
There will be no set schedule for the day, the parents
and kids can choose to do whatever they wish and
spend the day however they would like.
Bonfire Bonanza (Sunday)
Sunday will be the culmination night of this week-long event through a
bonfire celebration. There will be good food, good beer, good music,
and of course god company. While the focus of Mixer Mondays is
more on enjoyment, the Bonfire will be less structured, no games or
photobooths, just an opportunity for parents and children to spend
quality time together.

More than just this, however, this Bonfire is crucial because it will be our
way of synthesizing their learnings from the entire week. At the end of
the day, the most crucial part is really for both the parents and children
to take away something crucial --that is, a better understanding of each
other and the things that each of them go through that aren’t
appreciated enough.

1. At the start of the week (Mixer Mondays) both parents and kids
write down on a paper the one thing that they found to be most
frustrating about the other. Yes, at the end of the week they may
still find that certain thing frustrating / annoying, but the hope is
that by now, they would’ve developed a deeper understanding of
the kind of struggles that each has to go through and a better
appreciation for each other.

On Sunday, all the participants will be asked to throw these pieces

paper to the bonfire at the same time with a personal commitment
to themselves and to the other that they will practice more
patience and love towards each other.

2. While the first activity is more of a personal commitment, the

second will be a family commitment. Given all the frustrations that
each member of the family was able to throw away or let go, they
can now move forward as a family. Each family will be given a
paper lantern (or maybe something that is more eco-friendly / not
a safety hazard) they will then make a commitment as a family,
may it be something as simple committing to having dinner
together at least once a week, to more openness and honesty in
the family. They will then let the candles float into the sky as a
culmination to the night as well as the entire week-long event.
The Recap
When the night is winding down, we will show a
culminating video to recap all that happened in the
week. Then the hosts will call some volunteers to
share their biggest takeaways from the week. This
allows all the participants to see the perspectives of
the other families who went through the experience.

Before they head home, (taking from theme parks

wherein you can buy your pictures taken on different
rides as souvenirs) the family can claim an entire
photo album of all the pictures of their time in the
Family Fun Festival so that they can always keep a
memory of their experiences.
The Aftermath
A month after the event when all the families have
gone back to their normal everyday boring lives, they
will receive a package at their doorsteps. Inside will
be a plaque with their family commitment engraved
on it. This ensures that, while they let the lanterns fly
into the air, they will be reminded daily to stick by this
commitment and of the different things they learned
in this event.

In addition to this, a link will be posted in the

“FamBAM” Facebook group for any of the participants
to input testimonials about their experiences in Family
Fun Festival. These testimonials will be used for future
promotion of the next runs of Family Fun Festival.

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