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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI – Western Visayas

Pontevedra Campus
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz

Date: September 1, 2021

Time: 1:00 p.m.
Grade/Section: Grade 10


Student-teacher Cooperating Teacher


I. Objectives
After a thorough discussion of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. present the message of the song through a poster, audio clip, interpretative
dance and speech choir using sensory skills;
B. assess the effectiveness of the ideas presented in the material viewed, taking
into account its purpose; and
C. express appreciation of the song listened.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Imagine by John Lennon
Building Ties
B. Materials: Pictures, Charts, LCD, Computer and Chalkboard
C. Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material: Celebrating Multiculturalism Through World
Literature, pp. 144-147.

III. Methodology

Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity

A. Review

Class, where does conflict usually Conflicts happen everywhere. It happens in the
happen? family, among friends, in the classroom or
around corporate conference table.
Very good! Wherever it happens, we
should know how to resolve conflict
because it creates confidence and eases
pressure and stress.

Now, what are some of the best ways in Student 1: Finding Common Ground
resolving conflicts? Student 2: Building Ties

Exactly! Finding common ground means

searching for signals to recognize the
root of the clash and disagreement.
Building ties is also one of the best ways
in resolving conflicts. It means that there
must be a connection between and
among people even in this diverse
world. Remember that we do not find
the meaning of life by ourselves alone –
we find it with others.

B. Motivation

As Herman Melville said, “We cannot

live only for ourselves. A thousand
fibers connect us with our fellow men;
and among those fibers, as sympathetic
threads, our actions run as causes, and
they come back to us as effects.”
Today, I have here a picture. I want you
to pay attention to its details and answer
the following questions. You will do this
with a partner.

1. What is the person trying to do? 1. The person is trying to build a connection or
bridge the gap which may be an effect of
2. Do you think he’s doing the right 2. Yes.
3. Imagine! Imagine that you were the 3. If I were the person in the picture, I would
person in the drawing; would you do the do the same thing because I also wanted to
same thing? bridge the gaps between people, between
races, between cultures and I wanted to see the
world as one, united and in peace.

C. Presentation

Indeed, what we have done awhile ago

has something to do with our lesson for

This time, we will listen to a song entitled,

“Imagine” by John Lennon.

John Winston Ono Lennon (October 9,

1940 – December 8, 1980) was an English
singer, songwriter, and activist who co-
founded the Beatles, the most commercially
successful and musically influential band in
the history of popular music.

So, Imagine is a timeless song of John

Lennon who was a member of the famous
band group Beatles.

Well, with these valuable ideas in mind, we

will explore the song Imagine by John
Lennon that would definitely give us a lot of
lessons and inspiration as well. We will also
find out the connection of the song to the
theme: Building Ties.
D. Unlocking of Difficulties

At this moment, before listening to the

song, let us complete its lyrics by filling-out
the lines with the correct word using the
pictures below as clues.

Imagine there’s no Heaven 1. sky

It’s easy if you try 2. peace
No hell below us 3. dreamer
Above us only 1.)____________ 4. one
Imagine all the people 5. world
Living for today 6. one
7. hunger
Imagine there’s no countries 8. brotherhood
It isn’t hard to do 9. world
Nothing to kill or die for 10. dreamer
And no religion too 11. one
Imagine all the people 12. world
Living life in 2.)____________ 13. one

You may say I’m a 3.)____________

But I’m not the only 4.)____________
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the 5.)____________will be as

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or 7.)____________
A 8.)____________of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the 9.)____________

You may say I’m a 10.)____________

But I’m not the only 11.)____________
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the 12.)____________will live as

E. Presentation of the Guide Questions

Excellent! Now, let’s examine these

following questions for us to be guided
in our discussion as we go along.

1. What does the title mean?

2. What is Lennon’s vision of peace?
Give examples.
3. What is your vision of peace? Is it the
same with the author? Explain
4. What do you wish for?
5. What are you afraid of?
6. What kind of world will it be if we all
live in peace?
Alright! This time let’s listen to the song
then check the words you filled-out.

(The students are listening to the song.)

F. Interactive Reading Activity

Imagine by John Lennon

G. Discussion

Okay, very well! This time, we will

answer the following questions:

Possible Answers:

1. What does the title mean? 1. The meaning of the title is very simple. Just
imagine or think of what our world would be
like without governments, religion and
possessions. Lennon then lends his idea of
what would happen. No war, hate nor poverty
only peace.

2. What is Lennon’s vision of peace? Give The world that he sings about tells us how we
examples. should want the world to be. In the song there
is world peace and everyone is living together
as one; sharing the world. It was written to
show us that there is another way out there to
live our lives; that we don’t need to hate and
kill but to learn to live in peace and harmony
with each other. It’s so pleasant to imagine
that everyone is sharing the world, instead of
fighting for the imaginary boundaries.

3. What is your vision of peace? Is it the My vision of peace is the same with the
same with the author? Explain author. Just like Lennon, I am also a dreamer
who dreams of peace, love and equality. A
world without hate, cruelty, murder, war and

4. What do you wish for? I wish for a place where things that divide
people did not exist and all people living in

5. What are you afraid of? I am afraid of war. I’m also afraid that our
dreams for peace will all be fantasies that can
never come true.

6. What kind of world will it be if we all

live in peace?

Do you know now the meaning or message Yes/No, sir!

of the song?

H. Enrichment Activity

Very good! Just like John Lennon, we

are also dreamers and we all dreamed for
peace. Some of us keep our dreams only to
ourselves. But it is much better if we share
our dreams with others. It is because we
could easily achieve our dreams if we are
connected with our fellow men, if there are
people helping us and if we join forces. As
the saying goes, “Two is better than one,”
and they say, “The more the merrier.” So,
for your activity, I want you to group
yourselves into four.

When we imagine, we use our mind as

well as our senses. That skill would be
very useful in this activity. Group 1 will be
the Eye Group, Group 2 will be the Ear
Group, Group 3 will be the Hand Group
and Group 4 will be the Lip Group. You
will perform the task assigned in your

Topic: _____Imagine by John Lennon_____

Eye Ear Hand Lip

1. Eye Group – Make a poster of what the
world looks like if all the people will live
life in peace based on the song.

2. Ear Group – Record sounds of peace or

use your voice and other materials
available in producing the sounds.

3. Hand Group – Show an interpretative

dance to reflect the movements of a
dreamer, peace, hunger and brotherhood.

4. Lip Group – Present a speech choir

about unity and peace.

You will be graded using the following


Content – 40%
Creativity – 30%
Teamwork – 20 %
Relevance to the song – 10%

Excellent! All groups did a great job. So,

let’s give a “Pen Apple Pen” clap to all
groups. Do you know this clap?

(The teacher will show a demonstration.)

Okay, Group 1, how did you feel about the


What help would these textual aids


(The same questions will be asked to the

succeeding groups.)

I. Value Focus

Very good! Now, what values have We have learned to share our ideas and build
you learned or gained while doing your ties with every member of the group and those
activity? were the reasons why we came up and build our

Very well, indeed! I hope that with our

discussion you could be able to build
ties or strong connection with your
classmates and with your fellow men as
well as develop your good moral values
as a student.

J. Generalization

Considering the theme of the song, Our country is facing a lot of problems right
how would you relate this in the present now just like the issue with peace and order.
issues of our country? What our country needs is for its people to be a
full force for change doing actions and exerting
efforts to alleviate these problems. Simple acts
like participating in the programs and activities
of the government, understanding the root of
clash or disagreement, respecting each other’s
opinion, loving, caring, giving, sharing and
uniting are always a good start toward peace.

Very well said!

IV. Evaluation

Alright! I think you have understood our lesson for this day and have learned as
well in the song Imagine by John Lennon. So I guess you are now ready for our

Directions: Make an acrostic poem using the word P E A C E.


V. Assignment

I can see it in your eyes that you want to learn more about our discussion. So, for
your assignment, I want you to read the speech of Lourdes R. Quisumbing entitled
“Values Education for Human Solidarity” and accomplish the first two columns of
the chart on what you know and what you want to know about the topic.

(What I Know) (What I want to know) (What I Learned)

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