Lesson Plan Theme: Holiday Primary Skill: Speaking

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Middle East Technical University

Department of Foreign Language Education

TEFL 277 ELT Methodology 1 (01)



Prepared by : Ezgi Kocager

Hazal Gürsel

Instructor : Dr. Perihan Savaş

Submission Date : 17.01.2011

Skill: Vocabulary, Speaking and Listening
Topic/Theme: HOLIDAY

o Developing students’ ability to speak in the target language in a fluent way.
o Making students feel self-confident while speaking publicly.
o Helping students develop the communicative competence with the help of teaching
new words and produce their own correct sentences after listening to an authentic

Student Profile:
Age: 14-15
Proficiency Level: Intermediate level
School: A private high school
Duration of the Lesson: 180 minutes

 Students will be able to

 notice the differences of the newly-taught words related to “holiday” and use these
words correctly in speaking sessions
 form sentences which include those new words
 improve their listening and speaking skills
 speak either in group works or in front of the classroom and contribute to their
communicative competence.

 They will be able to improve their listening abilities. While listening, fill-in-the-blanks
activity will improve their attentions by catching up with the pace of the speech.
 As language is basically for communication, speaking is the leading skill among
others regarding the demonstration of acquisition of a language.
 Studying on an interesting and actual topic attracts student’s attention to lesson.
 The similar words in terms of meaning are delibaretly choosen for the vocabulary
session in order for students to notice the differences and use the words properly.
 It’s important to create an environment where students can develop their speaking
skill through the group activity in which they use their imagination.

Handouts, worksheets, cue cards

Audio-Visual Equipments
Power point presentations, pictures and sound files

Lead In (Teacher to student- 5 minutes)
The teacher begins the lesson with a power point presentation that demonstrates different
types of holidays such as holidays in summer or winter, alone or with a group of people.
He/she ask them which type of a holiday they prefer and the reason behind this.

 Lead-In (Teacher to student-5 minutes)

The teacher reminds the oncoming summer holiday and asks about students’ summer plans.
She expands her question by asking whether they have a dream of going somewhere

 Convey the Meaning (Teacher to student-10 minutes)

Among the words mentioned, there may be some words that students met before, or know
something about or they might use wrongly. Therefore, before conveying the meaning, the
teacher asks the students to make a guess about the words’ meaning. In this way, he/she is
able to understand the students’ difficulties in these similar words and focus on these points
later on.
The teacher uses the power point presentation to teach the holiday-related words and make
the students notice the differences these close words. In the power point presentation, there
are the dictionary descriptions of the words, some example sentences and related pictures.

 Repetition ( Student - 3 minutes)

The teacher asks students to repeat the words one by one so that they get acquinted with
the pronunciation of these words. Students first listen to a sound file in which an English
pronunciation of the words are, then they repeat those for three times. The teacher checks
whether they pronounce them correctly by asking several students to repeat the words

 Verification (Teacher to student-2 minutes)

The teacher asks some questions about the words like “Is it cruise or voyage if you travel on
the sea for pleasure?” and try to find out whether the students understand and learn the
words. If there are some students that have not exactly understood them yet, then the
teacher goes on explanation by trying different ways.

 Use (Student to teacher- 4 minutes)

The teacher asks the students to form sentences that include the new words because it is
crucial for them to be able to use these in a context.

 Model Sentence (Teacher to student – 2 minutes)

The teacher forms a model sentence in order for students to be sure about the meaning and
usage of the words. They will be able to remember this model sentence later on.

 Activity (5 minutes)

The students will be asked to fill in the blanks after the power point presentation and the
repetition part. They will find out which one among the new words (travel, trip, voyage,
cruise, expedition and journey) is appropriate for the each blank.

 Feedback (2 minutes)

In case of a wrong answer that a student gives, the teacher doesn’t interrupt until the student
finishes the whole sentence. If it is a fatal mistake, the teacher asks other students to correct
the mistake while monitoring them.

 Activity (5 Minutes)

The students are handed out another activity about these words. We want them to totally
acquire the meanings of words by exposing them to the usages of them as much as
possible. This time they have a multiple choice test.

 Feedback (2 Minutes)
Feedback is given in a way the same as the first activity. Teacher shouldn’t forget to write the
answers on board in order not to create any obscurity.
-10 Minutes Break-

 Warm-up (Teacher to student- 2 minutes)

The teacher creates a context by talking about songs related to holidays and makes them
feel ready for this session.

 Pre-listening (Teacher to student- 3 minutes)

The teacher shows some pictures of Madonna and informs the students about her life.
He/she asks questions about what the students know about her and her songs.

 While-listening (Both teacher to student and student to student- 10 minutes)

Students are given worksheet and supposed to fill in the blanks according to the song.

 Feedback session (Teacher to student – 4 minutes)

The teacher gives the correct answers with the help of students. If there are some mistakes
in the answers, the teacher goes back on the point in the song where the students made
mistake and makes them listen to it again.

 Post-listening (Teacher to student- 5 minutes)

Students will write a four-lined song lyric using their creativity. Then, they will share it with
their friends.
 Warm-up (Teacher to students – 2 minutes)
Students are asked to what type of holidays they imagine which one they like most. The
teacher lead them to talk about holiday types included in this activity by asking appropriate
 Pre-Listening (5 Minutes)
The teacher distributes a handout including pictures that show different types of holidays and
wants them revise their viewpoints about holidays. She asks whether pictures have changed
their mind or not. And then, they are required to cut out the items.
 While Listening (7 Minutes)
The students are watched and listened to a video. The video is a hip hop song about
different types of holiday. They are required to put the items which they have just cut into
pieces into order. They work in pairs.

 Feedback Session (2 minutes)
After they finished ordering, teacher wants them to tell the items respectively one by one.

 Post Listening (4 Minutes)

After they listen, teacher wants students to order their cards regarding their own preferences.
And they choose which order is most preferred by voting. The teacher writes the most
preferred choices on boards.

 Follow up ( Teacher to Student - 1 Minutes)

Students are shown a 30-second video that advertises a holiday place and asked to also
write a paragraph to introduce a holiday place where they like much to their classmates. This
paragraph will be formed with 100 words and handed in next lesson.

-10 Minutes break-

Explanation/Modeling (Teacher to student- 6 minutes)

The teacher tells students that they have two travel-related activities one of which is a group
discussion about their dreams of a travel and the other is a role-play related to a family
members of which have different desires for the holiday. The teacher explains that they are
going to do 3 activities. One of them is “discussion”, and the second one is “role-play” and
the third one is “information gap”. The teacher gives the instructions and explains how the
activities are going to be practiced.

Grouping Students/Setting up the activity (Both teacher to student and student to

student- 4 minutes)
For the first activity the teacher separates the students into groups of two and delivers the
work-sheets. For the second activity the students are separated into groups of four and given
the cue cards. For the third activity one student is chosen and the rest tries to find out about
what he is talking about.

Activity 1 - Discussion

Discussion Part (Student to student-10 minutes)

The purpose of this activity is to encourage student to speak by giving them an attractive
theme to talk about. The students are to talk about a hypothetical situation, which will

contribute to their creativity. The question that they will ask to their friends will be which type
of a travel they would prefer if they had enough opportunity and what is the reason behind
this choice. While doing this they should listen to their friends carefully because they will be
asked to tell these reasons with their own words, which will contribute to their communication

Presentation Part (Student to teacher- 15 minutes)

In the presentation part, one of the students from each group is selected by a little game.
Teacher selects one group and the member whose name’s initial letter comes first in
alphabetic order becomes the spokesman. The spokesman is supposed to tell what his
friends have told during the discussion.

Activity 2 – Role Play

Group preparation (student to student- 10 minutes)

Students are separated into groups of four and are given cue cards. They choose their roles
on the cards. One is father, one is mother one is son, and one is the daughter of the family.
They try to come to a conclusion on “where to go on holiday” They have 5 minutes to get
prepared. If the time is sufficient one volunteer group acts their roles out, in front of the class.
At the end of this process, they will act it out how they put an end to the problem. The
primary aim of this activity is to encourage students speak publicly. This activity contributes
to the creativity and problem solving skills of students, too. They plan what kind of solutions
they present and be ready to act it out after the break.

-10 Minutes Break-

Role Play (Student to Student- 16 minutes)

Each group plays the given roles with their own scenario.

Activity 3 – Information Gap (Student to Student – 16 minutes)

The students are going to be supplied with work-sheets saying “To find out the information
missing below, fill in the questions, ask your partner and write down the answers. Then,
answer your partner’s questions.” They are going to interchange their ideas and try to fill the
blanks. Then they are going to tell their conclusions to the rest of the class.

Feedback (Teacher to student- 16 minutes)
The teacher gives feedback to whole class just after each activity. Rather than correcting
students “promptly”-just after the mistake occurs- teacher gives feedback after the students
finish their sentences or utterances. Otherwise students may feel discouraged, which may
lead a non-communicative lesson. Teacher monitors the class during each activity to make it
certain that the instructions are followed and every student is involved in the activities

Contingency Plan (Student to student- 10 minutes)

There is a game in contingency plan. There are cards in which each word learned the
previous lesson are written and these cards are all folded up. Teacher mixes these cards and
chose one student to pick up one. The student opens it up and doesn’t show it to the others.
He tries to tell this word by depicting an example situation and the others are supposed to
find which word it is. The purpose here is that students will eagerly want to speak in order to
express themselves and the anxiety while speaking will be lessened with the help of such an

As homework, students are supposed to prepare a two-minute speech that gives information
about somewhere they have seen or they would want to see. This speech should be like an
advertisement just as the activity in previous listening session. Feedback will be given
immediately after their presentation.

Appendix 1
PPT for vocabulary




Which one do you like?

Appendix 2
PPP for vocabulary


Some w Words

 One
single piece of travel. You make journeys
A general term to describe going from one when you travel.
place to another.
“The journey from London to Newcastle by
“You can get your travel tickets from the train takes less than 3 hours.”
travel agent.”
“I love to travel during the summer holiday”

 Tripusually involves more than one single
A long journey, not necessarily
journey. We go on day trips, business trips
etc. for pleasure, on a ship.

“I went on a day trip to “On his third voyage, Christopher Colombus

discovered the South American mainland.”

A holiday during which you travel on a ship or

a boat and visit a number of places en route.  An organised trip whose purpose is usually
scientific exploration of the environment. We
go on expeditions.
“They cruised all around
the Mediterranean last summer.” “Several expeditions to the
Antarctic have good results.”

Appendix 3

Fill in the blanks using these words;

voyage; trip; cruise; travel; expedition; journey

1. We made a long ______; it takes 10 hours to arrive our destination.

2. Someday I would like to _______ abroad. I can bring you some souvenir from

3. We prefer an evening spent _______ the River Seine. It was breathtaking

under the moon light.

4. The Titanic’s first ______ ended in a disaster. They couldn’t see the oversea

5. Children are going to go on a school ______ to Istanbul following weekend.

The teacher has made all arrangements.

6. They want to go on an another Everest ________. Their luggage must be


Answer Key

1) journey
2) travel
3) cruising
4) voyage
5) trip
6) expedition

Appendix 4

Choose the correct answer C. travel

1. Our parents wished us a safe … as D. journey
we drove away.
A. trip
B. voyage
C. travel
D. journey
2. My parents are planning their first 3. The whole family went on a (…) to
… abroad. Florida.
A. trip A. trip
B. voyage B. voyage

C. travel
D. journey 5. Before a holiday it’s convenient to
make all (…) arrangements.
4. The ship sank on its first (…). A. trip
A. trip B. voyage
B. voyage C. travel
C. travel D. journey
D. journey

Answer Key:
1. c
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. d

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

 internet will be used
The address of the song with its video to be used with appendix 3 ;


Appendix 7

Role cards for

'Where shall we go on holiday?'
Download the cards in Word for Windows .doc format; the zipped file includes the cards
needed for the next activity too.
The father The mother
Your idea of a holiday is something You want to go to some exotic place like
relaxing, short and cheap. Going abroad is China or Peru, for at least three weeks.
so tiring. You like your brother very much - Unfortunately, you can't stand your brother-in-
why not take him and his wife, too? law - he should stay at home.
The 18-year-old daughter The 16-year-old son
You want to go to the sea for at least two You don't want to go with your boring family
weeks, by plane, of course - and bring your anywhere - but if you have to, it should be as
boyfriend, too - this is the most important. short and as close as possible.

Appendix 8

How long does the ferry take?

Student A

You’re travelling in New Zealand and you would like to go by ferry from Wellington on the
North Island to Picton on the South Island. To find out the information missing below, fill in
the questions, then ask your partner and write down the answers. Then, answer your
partner’s questions.

Interislander Ferry from Wellington to Picton, New Zealand

The Interislander Ferry links New Zealand’s North and South Islands. The 92-kilometer
journey between Wellington and Picton takes __?__ hours. There is a snack bar on board
where you can buy food and drinks.

Timetable Fares
Departures Arrivals in Economy Business Economy online
from Wellington Picton booking
__?__a.m. __?__a.m.
8:25 a.m 11:25 a.m. $72 $__?__ $65
2.15 p.m 5.15 p.m. $__?__ $32
6.15 p.m. 9.15 p.m.

1. How long __________ the trip take?

2. When __________ the first ferry leave?
3. When __________ the first ferry arrive?
4. __________ much is a ticket in business class?
5. How __________ is an economy ticket for a child?
Now ask your partner and note the answers in the list. Then compare your notes. Would
you like to travel to New Zealand?

Now ask your partner and note the answers in the list. Then compare your notes. Would
you like to travel to New Zealand?

Appendix 9

How long does the ferry take?
Student B

You’re travelling in New Zealand and you would like to go by ferry from Wellington on the
North Island to Picton on the South Island. To find out the information missing below, fill in
the questions, then ask your partner and write down the answers. Then, answer your
partner’s questions.

Interislander Ferry from Wellington to Picton, New Zealand

The Interislander Ferry links New Zealand’s North and South Islands. The __?__-kilometer
journey between Wellington and Picton takes three hours. There is a __?__on board where
you can buy food and drinks.

Timetable Fares
Departures Arrivals Economy Business Economy online
From in Picton booking
4:55 a.m.
1:55 a.m. 11:25 a.m. $__?__ $108 $65
8:25 a.m. 5:15 p.m. $37 $32
2:15 p.m. __?__a.m.

1. __________ __________ kilometres is it from Wellington to Picton?

2. When __________ the last ferry leave?
3. When __________ the last ferry arrive?
4. __________ much is an economy ticket for an adult?
5. Where __________ I buy food and drinks on board?

Now ask your partner and note the answers in the list. Then compare your notes. Would
you like to travel to New Zealand?

Appendix 10

Key Student A

1. How long does the trip take? 3 hours
2. When does the first ferry leave? 1:55 a.m.
3. When does the first ferry arrive? 4:55 a.m.
4. How much is a ticket in business class? $108
5. How much is an economy ticket for a child? $37

Key Student B

1. How many kilometres is it from Wellington to Picton? 92 km

2. When does the last ferry leave? 6:15 p.m.
3. When does the last ferry arrive? 9:15 p.m.
4. How much is an economy ticket for an adult? $72
5. Where can I get food and drinks on board? at the snack bar

Easton Town Center Holiday- Video Transcript

This holiday come to an extraordinary place with the spirit of the season shines brightly. And
the days of old become new again. With the sound of joyful tidings feels the air. Spectacular
entertainers amuse in the light. And special guests travel from as far as the North Pole. This
holiday come to an extraordinary place where hearts of light and magical memories are
waiting to be made. This holiday come to Easton Town Center.

Pronunciation sound files (Internet will be used)


Appendix 11

Cards to be used in contingency plan;




Appendix 12
Fill in the Blanks

Madonna- Holiday

Holiday, Celebrate If we took a holiday

Holiday, Celebrate Took some time to 1……..(repeat)
Just one day out of life
Chorus: It would be, it would be so nice

If we took a holiday You can turn this world around

Took some time to 1……….. And bring back all of those happy days
Just one day out of life Put your 4……… down
It would be, it would be so nice It's time to celebrate
Let love shine
Everybody spread the word And we will find
We're gonna have a celebration A way to come together
All across the world And make things 5………
In every 2…….. We need a holiday
It's time for the good times
Forget about the bad times, oh yeah (chorus)
One day to come together If we took a holiday
To release the 3……. Took some time to 1……..(repeat)
We need a holiday Just one day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate

Answers of the Song Words :

1- Celebrate
2- Nation
3- Pressure
4- Troubles

5- Better


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