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Generic name: • (GURD)Heartburn or Aluminum - Should not be used in CNS: Encephalopathy

GI: Constipation, intestinal
Aluminum when your stomach has Hydroxide: Binds patients who are obstruction, Give drug 20 min- 1 hour after
Hydroxide and too much acid with phosphate ions hypersensitive to any of white-speckled stool meal to counteract the
Magnesium (indigestion) in intestine to form the active substances or MS: Osteomalacia, osteoporosis
Other: Aluminum accumulation
hydrochloric acid production by
Hydroxide • Inflammation of the insoluble aluminum excipients, are severely in serum, neutralizing the acidity.
Suspension stomach (gastritis), and phosphate debilitated or suffering bone, and CNS; aluminum
• Peptic Ulcer Disease compounds, which from kidney failure, or intoxication;
electrolyte imbalances
Brand name: lower blood hypophosphataemia.
Administer with at least 8
Maalox phosphate level,
Common side effects: ounces of water to enhance
increasing stomach
-chalky taste absorption
Chemical class: and duodenal
alkalinity. Protects -diarrhea
stomach and -constipation
Therapeutic class: duodenum lining by -loss of appetite Monitor stool consistency to
Antacids inhibiting pepsin’s -unusual tiredness muscle prevent diarrhea and
proteolytic activity. weakness constipation.
Uncommon side effects: Monitor patient’s serum levels
Hydroxide dissolves
-Hypophosphatemia of sodium, phosphate, and
in acidic gastric
- Hyperaluminemia other electrolytes, as
secretions, releasing
anions that partially appropriate.
gastric hydrochloric Instruct patient to avoid
acid. Also elevates caffeine, alcohol, harsh spices,
gastric pH, and black pepper because it
inhibiting the action may aggravate the underlying GI
of pepsin (an effect condition.
important in peptic
Teach patient to prevent constipation
ulcer disease). with a high-fiber diet and increased
fluid intake (2 to 3 L daily), if
Aluminum appropriate.
hydroxide on its
own is astringent Instruct patient to increase fiber
and may cause and fluid intake and regular
constipation. This physical activity to help ease
effect is balanced by constipation
the effect of
hydroxide, which, in Instruct patient to eat banana if
common with other diarrhea occurred.
magnesium salts,
may cause diarrhea.
Don’t give aluminum
hydroxide within 1 to 2 hours
Magnesium of other oral drugs.
The hydroxide ions
from the magnesium
suspension will
Assess for possible
combine with the contraindications and
acidic H+ ions of the cautions: any history of
hydrochloric acid allergy to antacids to
made by the
stomach’s parietal prevent hypersensitivity
cells. This reactions; renal
neutralization dysfunction, which might
reaction will result in
the formation of
interfere with the drug’s
magnesium chloride excretion; electrolyte
and water which disturbances,
increases gastric pH.
Maalox is a
balanced mixture Inspect the abdomen;
of 2 antacids: auscultate bowel sounds
hydroxide is a
antacid and
magnesium Assess mucous membrane
hydroxide is fast status
acting. The 2 are
combined in
antacid mixtures. Administer the drug apart
from any other oral
Many antacids medications
combine both Al approximately 1 hour
and Mg, ions
which counteract before or 2 hours after
each others
action to prevent Institute a bowel program.
Monitor the patient for diarrhea
constipation or
diarrhea or constipation to institute a
bowel program before severe
effects occur.

Ensure adequate nutritional

status. Monitor the patient’s
nutritional status if diarrhea is
severe or constipation leads to
decreased food intake to ensure
adequate fluid and nutritional
intake to promote healing and
GI stability.


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Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2020). Nurse's Drug Handbook. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Kizior, R. J., & Hodgson, K. J. (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier.

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RxList. (2021, August 24). Clopidogrel: Generic, uses, side effects, dosages, interactions, warnings. RxList. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from
1 Good morning vlog welcome to my guys, So I am going to discuss the drug Maalox
2 So for the brand name it is called Maalox and for the Generic name it is Aluminum Hydroxide and
Magnesium Hydroxide Suspension for its therapeutic class it is under antacid
3 This medication is used to treat the symptoms of too much stomach acid it is the combination of two
antacid drugs, the Aluminum Hydroxide and Magnesium Hydroxide these drugs work quickly to lower
the acid in the stomach. It is indicated for patients who have (GURD) Heartburn, Peptic Ulcer Disease,
Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) because for the patient who have these condition, they have too
much stomach acid
4 Binds with phosphate ions in intestine to form insoluble aluminum phosphate compounds, which lower
blood phosphate level which Neutralizes or reduces gastric acidity by inhibiting pepsin’s proteolytic
activity. Which increase stomach and duodenal alkalinity. Protects stomach and duodenum lining
Aluminum hydroxides on its own is astringent and may cause constipation. This effect is balanced by
the effect of magnesium hydroxide, so ano ba yung ginagawa nung magnesium hydroxide.
Magnesium hydroxide suspension will combine with the acidic H+ ions of the hydrochloric acid made
by the stomach’s parietal cells that can result in the formation of magnesium chloride and water which
neutralize stomach acid. Increasing the osmotic effect in the intestinal tract and drawing water in. This
creates distension of the colon which results in an increase in peristaltic movement and bowel
evacuation that can lead to diarrhea.
Maalox is a balanced mixture of 2 antacids: Aluminum hydroxide is a slow-acting antacid and
magnesium hydroxide is fast acting. The 2 are frequently combined in antacid mixtures because they
counteract each other action to prevent unwanted constipation or diarrhea.

5 When antacids are taken the medication react with gastric acid and results in the production of neutral or
low salts acidity salts that increases the gastric pH, additionally enzyme pepsin which normally healps
digest protein is also inactivated the outcomes of this reaction are decrease in gastric acidity, enhance
mucosal protection and the reduction of OF SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED W/ GI CONDITIONS such as
Peptic ulcer disease

6 Depending on the antacid compound side effects can vary among different types of antacids for
aluminum hydroxide it can cause constipation, hypophosnatemia, malaise, and muscle weakness.
For magnesium chloride it can cause diarrhea however when combined with aluminum hydroxide it is less
likely to occur
7 Since all antacids increase gastric pH and potentially bind with other drugs ABSORPTION AND
increase the oral absorption of weak bases such as quinidine. And decrease the oral absorption of
medication that are weak acids. Also, antacids can chelate or bond other medications in GI tract causing
new complexes that are not absorbable. Especially common with tetracyclines which a class of antibiotic.
That is why spacing antacids from other medication by 1-2hr is important. If they are taken for extended
period of time it can alter the levels of aluminum and phosphate levels in the body

1. Assess for possible contraindications and cautions: any history of allergy to antacids to prevent yung
hypersensitivity reactions
2. Assess mucous membrane status to evaluate potential problems with absorption and hydration
3. Monitor stool consistency to prevent diarrhea and constipation.
4. Monitor patient’s serum levels of sodium, phosphate, and other electrolytes
5. Give drug 20 min- 1 hour after meal to counteract the hydrochloric acid production by neutralizing the
6. Administer with at least 8 ounces of water to enhance absorption
7. Administer the drug apart from any other oral medications approximately 1 hour before or 2 hours after
to ensure adequate absorption of the other medications.
8. Encourage patient to shake oral solution, liquid, or liquid concentrate well and give with a large amount
of water.
9. Institute a bowel program. Monitor the patient for diarrhea or constipation

10. Monitor the patient’s nutritional status

11. Teach patient to prevent constipation with a high-fiber diet and increased fluid intake (2 to 3 L daily),
if appropriate.
12. Instruct patient to avoid caffeine, alcohol, harsh spices, and black pepper because it may aggravate the
underlying GI condition.

They conducted a study involving 342 patients with diabetes to see the effects of proton pump inhibitor
antacids on blood sugar control. “Overall, proton pump inhibitor antacids therapy as an add-on to standard
care was associated with an additional 0.36% decrease in glycosylated hemoglobin
The effects of proton pump inhibitor antacids on blood sugar control “should be considered when
prescribing antacids to patients with diabetes,”
“If you are somebody [with diabetes] who suffers from heartburn, the pump inhibitor antacids could be
considered as potentially beneficial therapy to treat both conditions with one medicine.
I was able to answer all the questions on time but I think I made some simple mistakes.

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