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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXXXX NO. 3 Appleton, Wisconsin October 8, 2021

CAs negotiate for higher pay, better working conditions

stipend, long working hours Associate Dean of Students vided. As to the other concerns CAs. They will also be push- self included, felt satisfied with
Nathan Wall
Staff Writer (about half of the days were for Residential Education Amy raised, Sucherman said long ing for hourly wages during the current working conditions
10-12 hours long), and lack of Uecke and President Laurie days couldn’t be avoided due CA training and a 40 hour per and were uncomfortable with
Since Welcome Week, Com- adequate breaks according to Carter, with all other CAs CCed, to the necessary Suicide Pre- week cap. Sucherman said that the tone of the initial email. She
munity Advisors (CAs) at Law- junior Gideon Lucard, a CA demanding changes, such as a vention, Event Planning, and even though it’s true that RAs also said that the problem isn’t
rence have been negotiating from Sage Hall and a leading $650 stipend and a day off be- Title IX training, although she at other schools get room and the administration, but the low
with the administration about organizer of the CAs. Safety fore classes, and threatening to did try to minimize additional board fully covered, they usu- minimum wage of $7.25 per
working conditions and pay. conditions were also an issue, strike if these were not met. supplementary information. ally work 20-hour weeks, while hour in the state of Wisconsin.
A CA council is currently be- Lucard said, with trainings The administration set up Since Welcome Week, the Lawrence CAs work 10 during As negotiations continue,
ing formed, in which a repre- in the Wriston Amphitheater meetings the same day to ne- negotiations have shifted to the school year. Sucherman wants CAs and
sentative of the CAs from each where some students were gotiate with the students. Su- focus more on long term goals, Although many CAs have student workers to advocate
residence hall will meet with stung by wasps, as well as un- cherman and Card were able particularly full Room and been organizing, Sage Hall CA for themselves if they feel mis-
Vice President for Student Life necessary in-person trainings to raise the stipend to $500, Board coverage. In many other and second-year Lucian Bax- treated.
Christopher Card on a regular where students were called into which is short of the requested colleges, the RAs (the equiva- ter said that some CAs they’ve “Keep talking to us,” Sucher-
basis. classrooms to watch Zoom pre- $650, but that along with the lent to Lawrence’s CAs) have talked to still feel cynical about man said. “We need to get to
These negotiations began sentations, according to junior day off given before school their room and board fully the process and didn’t want to the root of where this frustra-
during CA training, conducted Gordon Nakayama, a CA from started was seen as a sign of covered, while at Lawrence, organize because they don’t tion is coming from. We can
during the two weeks before Hiett Hall. good faith and the strike was they get a single room at the feel like they have the power only drill into these things if
classes began, for which they To address these com- ultimately called off. price of a double. Lucard, Na- to change anything, and things CAs keep talking to us. My door
were initially supposed to re- plaints, Lucard sent an email Sucherman said that de- kayama, and the other CAs won’t improve. Other students is always open.”
ceive a stipend of $200 ($2.50/ to Card, Assistant Director mands such as raising the who led this effort feel that this went further, including senior
hour for 80 hours). Many CAs of Residential Education and stipend and a day off were is unfair, and Lawrence should Kylie Zajdel, a CA from Hiett
were frustrated by the low Housing Bonny Sucherman, reasonable and able to be pro- cover room and board fully for who said that many CAs, her-

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Marzuka Amal Day. The steel sculpture is said. Considering dancing
Staff Writer situated between Seeley G. was one of the first aspects
Mudd Library and Wriston of Native American culture

Celebration to be held Oct. 11

Lawrence University’s Art Center.  to come under criticism, it
annual Indigenous People’s Designed by Chris T. celebrates their hardship.
Day will be held on Mon- Cornelius, the sculpture The dance brings together
day, Oct. 11, from 5:30 to 7 plays a larger role in the re- Natives and allows them to
p.m. on Main Hall Green. minder of Lawrence Univer- celebrate their tribal tra-
This will be the sixth an- sity’s commitment to recog- ditions and cultures. Per-
nual celebration organized nizing the contributions of formed by the Oneida Na-
by the Lawrence University Indigenous people. Corne- tion Drum/Dance Group, it
Native American Organiza- lius, who is a citizen of the expands on the relationship
tion (LUNA). Indigenous Oneida Nation one shares with the land
The day supports Law- of Wisconsin, named the it occupies said, according
rence’s ongoing commit- sculpture for the Menomi- to Garcia. A master of cer-
ment to “Indigenize Educa- nee word for “Crane,” which emonies has been invited
tion” and “to hold space for is one of the traditional to come and explain the sig-
Indigenous knowledge to Menominee clan symbols. nificance of each dance. 
be valued and to hold space The sculpture and the new Menominee nation elder,
for Indigenous students to plaza will act as a memento Denis Kenote, will also be
practice their culture,” ac- for the people whose lands coming to speak on the sig-
cording to LUNA President were stolen and symbolize nificance of the land and the
and senior Taneya Garcia. their strength and heritage relationships Native Ameri-
“The day celebrates In- over time, Garcia said. cans have with the land. Ke-
digenous people and their The renaming of the pla- note will share his thoughts
heritage, something that is za between the two build- on how one can incorporate
very often forgotten by set- ings will also play a signifi- Indigenous practices into
tlers and occupiers of this cant role in the events of their life and what it means
The Otāēciah sculpture is situated between the Seeley G. Mudd Library and the Wriston Art Center. land,” Garcia said. “The day the day. Kaeyes Mamace- to indigenize one’s mind. 
Photo by Alana Melvin. is instrumental in the re- qtawuk  Plaza will be the “All our efforts are to rec-
minder of the fact that Law- name of the space that con- ognize how colonization has
Do you have questions about any new developments on campus? Should the rence University’s Appleton tains the sculpture. Kaeyes disrupted our practices and
and Door County campuses Mamaceqtawuk translates thinking,” Garcia said. “We
Lawrentian be covering any event? are on the ancestral home- to “Ancient People,” which must rebuild that in the best
lands of the Menominee is the name the Menominee way that we can. Indigenous
Let us know! and Ho-Chunk people.” 
LUNA’s celebration an-
people called themselves People’s Day is an opportu-
before the name “Menomi- nity to focus on that. Fur-
nually highlights different
Send any tips to nee” was given to them. The thermore, to indigenize the
aspects Indigenous cul- creators hope that more colonial spaces we occupy.” 
tures. This year, the event people will get into the habit Unlike previous years
will include the unveiling of of using these names. The where students would cook
the new Otāēciah sculpture, renaming of the space is in for the event, Bon Appetit
a pow wow demonstration, recognition of Lawrence’s will be providing the food
speeches from Menominee occupancy of ancestral this time, and they have tak-
elders and Native American Menominee land.  en authentic recipes from
food cooked by Bon Appetit. The Pow-wow dances an Indigenous cookbook.
The  Otāēciah unveil- hold myriads of cultural and This change is in the expec-
ing is the highlight of this historical significance to the tation of a greater audience
year’s Indigenous People’s Native Americans, Garcia this year. 

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Spektral Quartet The necessity of party-

UFC 264 in review Let’s Think About Things LU Clean Energy Rally
welcomes back... poopery
2 NEWS October 8, 2021

Guiding Coalitions work to address COVID-19

recruitment challenges coalitions is to collaborate to The five guiding coalitions maintain student reten-
Jack Skywalker
Staff Writer address future challenges with are meant to serve as a coor- tion, Carter said these
recruitment. For many years, dinated effort to address these efforts were never well-
At the matriculation convo- higher education institutions, impending challenges, accord- coordinated as a whole.
cation on Sept. 17, President including Lawrence, have been ing to Carter, and the first step With the guiding coali-
Laurie Carter announced the preparing for the impending is to bring the community to- tions, Carter calls for a
launch of five guiding coali-
tions meant to address im-
demographic cliff that is in-
bounded to happen in 2026,
gether with a sense of urgency.
“President Carter is giving
more coordinated effort
across different fractions
pending challenges faced by according to Carter. us an opportunity to dream... of the university. CASES CASES:
higher education. These coali- The demographic cliff re- to envision what Lawrence The guiding coalitions
tions are in the process of be-
ginning their work.
fers to the period beginning in should look like in the future... will also ensure a more LU: LU:
2026 where the number of tra- and seek input from the Law- coordinated effort in re-
The five coalitions are each 14 6
ditionally college-age students rence community, from stu- cruitment. While the co-
charged with a different mis- starts to steadily decline as the dents, faculty, staff to alumni,” alition works to enhance
sion: envisioning important children born during the Great said Jason Brozek, Stephen brand awareness, Law- Appleton: Appleton:
institutional priorities, con-
tinuing the effort to meet the
Recession come through the Edward Scarff Professor of In- rence also explore new 10,661 311
pipeline, according to higher ternational Affairs and Associ- ways to increase recruit-
full financial needs of students, education expert Jeff Selingo’s ate Professor of Government ments by seeking students
enhancing diversity, equity,
inclusion, and antiracism ini-
report in his newsletter NEXT. and the “Visioning our Five from previously unrepre- We are in:
According to Selingo, the Priorities” coalition co-chair. sented regions or students
tiatives, improving the athletic downturn will be especially se- “What this future vision looks from outside the U.S.
programs and preparing for vere in the Northeast and Mid- like is not up to me, but up to At the same time, one
the 175th anniversary of the
west. Home to the highest den- the community... We are here guiding coalition is spe- Moderate Enhanced
sity of colleges and universities, to listen.” cially dedicated to finish-
“The coalitions are really they will face increased compe- The five priorities include ing Lawrence’s Full Speed Risk Precautions
about bringing the community tition over a smaller pocket of expanding equitable student to Full Need campaign.
together around the pressing college-bound students. access to higher eduction and After ongoing fundraising Masking required indoors; inreased
issues of higher education,”
President Laurie Carter said.
In addition to the demo-
graphic cliff, recruitment also
academic success , elevating
brand awareness, bettering
since 2014, Carter said
Lawrence was on track
surveillance testing; keycard needed
“Each institution has to look faces challenges with rising diversity and inclusion efforts, to meet the full financial for building entry; high traffic areas
at its own strengths and weak-
nesses. How do you elevate the
student debts and media nar- creating a more integrated uni- needs of all incoming stu- deep-cleaned.
rative casting skepticism over versity experience, and practic- dents but impeded with
strengths; how to you better the value of higher education, ing strategic financial steward- the federal government
support the weaknesses?” especially the return of invest- ship, per Brozek. canceling the Perkin loans *data reported as of Oct. 6
While each coalition works ment of a four-year degree and With retention rate being last year.
independently within their liberal arts education accord- one of Lawrence’s weaknesses So far, only about 70
own area, the launch of the ing a full-need institution is critical to making college edu-
ing to Carter. according to Carter, a more co- schools across the country
guiding coalitions seeks to ini- more than fundraising. Since cation accessible for all.
Higher education also con- ordinated effort to expand and are full-need institutions. Be-
tiate a coordinated effort across different institutions use dif- As Lawrence’s current stra-
tinues to struggle with declin- enhance equitable student ac- coming a full-need institution
the university in addressing fu- ferent financial models in tegic plan is set to expire in
ing retention and graduation cess between different pockets will be a rare move by small
ture challenges. These efforts meeting full-need, it is critical 2022, the five guiding coali-
rates, as well as financial stress of efforts across the university institutions like Lawrence in
include holding regular discus- for Lawrence to determine its tions will lead a coordinated
elevated by the pandemic, will directly tackle the issue. a space highly occupied by Ivy
sions and town hall meetings definition of full-need by com- effort in seeking answers to fu-
which Lawrence is not immune While different pockets of League and other elite colleges
to solicit community opinions. paring peer and aspirational ture challenges and contribute
to either. the university, such as the Cen- with hefty endowments, ac-
The guiding coalitions plan to institutions like Carleton Col- to the next strategic plan.
“The urgency was really ter for Academic Success and cording to Inside Higher Ed.
complete a report by the end lege, M.N. and Grinnell Col- “We are preparing by really
more external than internal, the support for scholar athletes According to Cassie Curry,
of the term that will lead to an lege, I.A. As a first-generation strategically looking at where
but those external variables are from the athletic department, the co-chair of the Full Speed
action-oriented plan. college student herself, Curry we are now, and where we need
quite significant,” Carter said. have been making efforts to to Full Need coalition, becom-
A key purpose of the guiding considers meeting full-need to be in the future,” said Carter.


Climate Rally
Students gathered by the Warch Campus Center on Oct. 1 to
advocate for carbon neutrality and clean energy at Lawrence.

(ABOVE) Senior Lauren Kelly delivers a speech.

Photo by Adam Fleischer.
(RIGHT) Five students sit on the pavement outside of the Warch Campus Center as they listen to a speaker.
Photo by Adam Fleischer.
(TOP RIGHT) A “Carbon Neutrality Now” banner is displayed nearby during the event.
Photo by Adam Fleischer.
October 8, 2021 SPORTS 3

Takanakuy: A Peruvian tradition

Antonio Gonzalez colonial times and to this day the Pe- The fighters, masked, enter the conditions of the Andes are such that the ground. At times, you can’t tell if
Staff Writer ruvian tradition carries with it a fes- fighting area and call out their match they produce quite hardy people who the person is stumbling because they
tival of celebration, drunkenness, and by first and last name, and the two can dish it out as much as they can are drunk or because they just got a
There are many beliefs as to religiosity to go along with the hitting. are ready to duke it out. Hands are take it. And with that, the fights are healthy dose of CTE. I’d consider it on
how to settle a conflict between two During the prefight festivities, a pro- wrapped in cloth and the match begins usually less than a minute long but the level of a very organized Worldstar
people. You can always try and talk cession of people dressed in tradition- after a handshake or hug. No biting, filled with max intensity throughout fight, but much more entertaining.
it out and work towards a pleasant al cowboy legwear and brightly woven hair pulling, or hitting on the ground from the men, women, and the chil- Luckily, these fights are on YouTube if
compromise verbally, or.... you could ski masks proceed through the town is permitted. The match ends when a dren participating. The tradition is you need to do something else besides
just put the hands up and fight it out. dancing to Huaylia music. The music fighter is rendered out of commission one that brings you great honor and write that paper due at the end of the
Up 12,000 feet in Santo Tomás, Peru, revolves around ideas of freedom and or by the decision of the judge. Assis- prestige if you prove yourself a winner week. I’d personally rather see a ran-
they choose the latter. Once a year up invigorates the people on their way to tant judges are in place with whips to and courageous, hardy fighter as well dom Peruvian man I will never know
in the Andes, the Christmastime tra- punch their way through their griev- contain a possibly encroaching crowd as settling the beef you have with an- get knocked out in the mountains than
dition of Takanakuy takes place in the ances. Usually, being inebriated is a of people, as normally, crowds tend other person, so the option of quitting do my homework, but that’s just me.
Chumbivilcas province where men, common thing before, during, and to get closer the more intense a fight is not entirely available. These people The fighters, with grudges settled
women, and even kids can call out a after the festival, with people start- gets. The fight must end as well with are tough and have everything to gain and sore hands, heads, and bodies,
person they have had a grudge with ing to drink early on Christmas day a handshake or hug, and hopefully the by throwing their themselves into the will then proceed to drink more on
that year and settle their differences and being drunk while fighting. The person is conscious enough to do so fighting arena. Don’t expect amazing the very merry Christmas day. Having
with punches and kicks, the good old alcohol afterwards is a given because afterward. head kicks or flying knees, but you such a violent festival on Christmas
way, because sometimes (usually) vio- at least the concussion your neighbor The fights themselves are noth- can expect to see legs flail and hands day seems counter intuitive, but many
lence is the answer. gave you won’t hurt as bad if you’re ing spectacular in terms of technical- fly for about a minute before some- likely feel that airing out grievances
The festivities originated during plastered. ity, but it is very entertaining. The one eventually gets caught and hits See page 11

2021 World Deadlift Championships

Sean McLaughlin ing 400 kg and setting a personal best appointed with his placing for sure. T-2: Gabriel Peña, 453.5 kg run at the event win with the ever-
Staff Writer of 425 kg. A student of Andy Bolton, T-8: Mikhail Shivlyakov, 425 kg Gabriel Peña also managed green Brian Shaw not present, and I
he is possibly one to watch for the This lift was about par for the to break the 1,000 lb barrier at this expect big things from Evan moving
This August saw the return of future, but unfortunately didn’t have course for big Shiv, whose PR sits at year’s World Deadlift Champion- forward.
the World Deadlift Championships enough to be competitive on the day. a very respectable 436 kg. Shovlyakov ships. This was enough for a new T-2: Oleksii Novikov, 453.5 kg
for the first time in two years, and T-8: Gavin Bilton, 425 kg is known for his extreme dedication Mexican record, the country Peña The 2020 World’s Strongest
the event didn’t disappoint. A major The Welsh Bull was looking like and refusal to leave any effort on the represents when he competes. Peña Man, Oleksii is criminally underrated
factor influencing the outcome of the an outsider going into the show, with platform, as showcased by his 2020 was a bit of a wild card coming into for his static strength on account of
event was the fact it was a part of a his best gym lift a cool 380 kg without PR pull which lasted a staggering 15 the show, not reknowned for being his lack of size. He weighs in at un-
larger show. The Giants Live World a suit. However, as one of the heaviest seconds and left him a bloody mess a top-class static strength athlete. der 300 lbs, the lightest at the show,
Open was the official title of the show, strongmen on the circuit at this point (I high recommend looking this lift His best training lift leading up to meaning this 1,000 lb pull was well
with the World Deadlift Champion- in time, The Welsh Bull is known for up on youtube, it is one of the most the show was a solid pull at 431 kg at over three times his bodyweight, an
ships the main attraction. Attend- his static strength-and it showed. Bil- impressive pulls I have ever seen). what looked to be about RPE 9. But incredible feat of strength rarely (if
ing athletes essentially had to decide ton managed good lifts at 400 kg and Always just shy of entering into that the Texas Titan as he is known man- ever) seen with individuals over 200
if they wanted to win the deadlift 425 kg, not good enough to make the elite category of deadlifters, Shiv- aged to find another gear on competi- lbs bodyweight. This lift also set a
event, or save something to try to win podium for the event, but still enough lyakov is still putting up respectable tion day, and tied for second place in new Ukrainian record in the deadlift
the overall show. A new young crop for an impressive lift on the day. He numbers well into his forties, but it the event. (at least for a short time-more on that
of talented strongmen took on the could walk away feeling some pride, wasn’t enough to do much damage T-2: Evan Singleton, 453.5 kg in a moment). When one considers
remainder of the old guard, with a however, as he did still set a new on the day as he managed successful The only American in the com- that he also holds the world record in
number of men breaking the 1,000 lb Welsh record in the deadlift. pulls at 400 kg and 425 kg. petition, Evan “T-Rex” Singleton the 18” deadlift at a staggering 1185
barrier. The challenge of the day was T-8: Rauno Heinla, 425 kg T-2: Nedzmin Ambeskovic, sure did find his roar at the World lbs, it is clear he deserves more credit
to break Hafthor Julius Bjornsson’s I will admit I was disappointed 453kg Deadlift Championships this year. than he receives for being insanely
existing record of 501 kg, or 1104 lbs. by Heinla’s performance this year. The next group of tied athletes Singleton also broke the 1,000 lb bar- strong off the floor. Oleksii is defi-
So who came out on top, and did the He tied to win the previous edition begins with Nedzmin Ambeskovic, rier, a first in his career in the gym or nitely one to watch in the future, es-
record fall? The results are as follows: in 2019 with a lift of 455 kg. That be- Bosnia’s most famous strongman. competition. Evan too was a bit of an pecially considering he is yet to enter
T-8: Andy Black, 425 kg ing said, Rauno did have some health He managed to pull a maximum at- unknown entering the competition. his peak at only 25 years of age.
Andy Black was never expected issues this year, losing a significant tempt of 453.5 kg or 1,000 lbs on the He stayed away from posting train- T-2: Pavlo Nakonechnyy, 453.5
to truly challenge for the world record chunk of weight due to illness leading day, one of six athletes to do so. This ing footage, so we had no gym lifts to kg
or the win, but did put in a respectable up to the show. As a smaller strong- was in line with his training, where he use to predict his performance. Still, The Ukrainian Giant is the big-
showing. His best gym lift leading up man, weighing in at just a touch over managed 455 kg in the gym. Even if Evan is known among other things gest up-and-comer in the sport of
to competition was a cool 410 kg, and 300lbs, this had much more of an im- he fell short of his PR on competition for being a strong sub-elite strong- strongman today. Formerly a world
he barely missed 420kg during the pact of Heinla than it would have on day, this was still a competition per- man deadlifter, so this lift is not to- class powerlifter in his late teens and
weeks leading up to the show as well. someone like Bilton, who is 6’6” and sonal best for Nedzmin, who also set tally out of the blue. It was nice to
On the day he went one better, mak- over 440 lbs. Still, Rauno will be dis- a Bosnian record on the day. see another American make a strong See page 10

Antonio Gonzalez
UFC 264 in review
also really only writing about this had lost, he put everything on the line shots. Irene Aldana now sits at the #4 It was time for the co-main event
Staff Writer card due to the attention drawn to it in front of everyone in the audience spot in the women’s bantamweight which included two high ranked wel-
from it being a Conor Mcgregor card, and at home on his debut in less than division. terweights in Stephen “Wonderboy”
July 10th saw to one of the most regardless of how much I liked the 2-weeks notice. A commendable feat The big boys came to play as the Thompson and Gilbert “Durinho”
packed fight cards ever seen in the other fights on the card. no matter the result. next fight featured two heavyweight Burns in their efforts to earn poten-
UFC. Taking place in Las Vegas at the The card kicked off with an excit- The next fight passed by the card contenders outside of the top 10 rank- tial title shots against the champion
T-Mobile Arena where 20,000 people ing fan-favorite Sean O’Malley facing quickly as female bantamweights ings for the division. Australian Born Kumaru Usman. The Brazilian Bruns
were in attendance. The fight had off against a short notice opponent Irene Aldana and Yana Kunitskaya Fighter, Tai “Bam Bam” Tuivasa, and was looking to redeem himself after
a total gate of $15,759,800, which in Kris Moutinho who took the fight faced off for a very brief bout. Aldana American, Greg “Prince of War” Har- an underwhelming knockout loss to
is the amount of money from ticket after Ricky Simon missed the 135 lb had missed weight by 3.5lbs over the dy took to the ring for the shortest the champion while 38-year old Ste-
sales alone. The card featured many limit for the bantamweight division 135lb bantamweight limit and forfeit- fight of the night in true heavyweight phen Thompson was looking to fi-
fan-favorite fighters and of course the and was forced to pull out of the fight. ed 30% of her fight purse due to the fashion. Greg Hardy, renowned asth- nally earn himself another title shot
main event: the trilogy fight between Having missed his opportunity to ordeal. Mexican fighter, Irene Aldana matic cokehead and woman beater, this time against the new champion.
Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier. fight his first ranked opponent, the, put on an explosive performance as seemed to stun Tai Tuivasa within With Thompson being one of the best
Even the preliminary fights were a still unranked, O’Malley managed she let her hands fly at Russian fight- the first minute in an initial flurry of strikers in the UFC and Gilbert burns
half decent card all on their own. to still put on an impressive show. er Kunitskaya. Aldana caught her punches. The former NFL defensive- a very heavy-handed grappler, the
This pay per view takes its place as The flashy and calculated striker lit opponent with many sharp punches, end tried to close the fight, the Aus- match-up was set to be interesting
the 6th most bought PPV event ever up Moutinho through three rounds bloodying her face early in the fight. tralian managed to catch Hardy clean on paper. Yet to my disappointment
with 1.8 million buys, surpassing the landing a whopping 230 significant The Russian fighter eventually fell with a hammer of a counter left hook the fight ended up being a grappling
sequel fight from January earlier this strikes adding up to approximately 15 to Aldana’s sharp lead left hook in square in the face of Hardy, sending heavy waste of time. Burns sought
year. No doubt due to the star power strikes per minute until the eventual the third minute, which allowed the him to the ground and ending the only to take down Wonderboy and do
of Conor Mcgregor and the UFC’s ef- stoppage by Herb Dean. A decision Mexican fighter to take advantage fight within 67 seconds. Tuivasa then nothing with his 7 minutes of control
forts to take capitalize on the atten- questioned by many since Moutin- and land ground and pound from put on another show as he proceeded time except land little rabbit punches
tion that McGregor garners for all ho was still trotting forward, but it a dominant position. The fight was to perform several “shoeys” where he that wouldn’t even give a baby CTE.
his events by stacking it even further prevented his skull being used as called in the fourth minute after the chugged beer out of the shoes of mul- Thompson landed several strikes, but
with fan favorites and high-ranking O’Malley’s punching bag for another Russian gave up her back and left her tiple strangers in the crowd, living up
fighters across many divisions. I am 30 seconds. Although Kris Moutinho head open for multiple unanswerable to his second nickname “Shoeyvasa”. See page 11
4 VARIETY October 8, 2021

Goosepimples Shingldune III

By Madeleine Corum By Miri Villerius
Song of the Week: It’s a good day revolution, which she had dropped tions and journaling prompts, and To speak of the storied his- be sculpted, carved, to remain
(to fight the system) by Shungudzo as if it was nothing but an everyday how much to toe the line. There was tory of rock collection is to speak a rock, but a rock made in our
Last week, I got the chills in a assignment. something so small and yet so mov- of an art like any other,: akin to image. Sand in a garden strikes
9:50 a.m. anthropology class. “If you are not content with the ing about asking why we make these painting as much as architec- us like a bad game of golf. It’s a
“We are at the cusp of a great world today, in your journal I want choices. ture. The rock has been inte- bunker, somewhere you’d only
change of social systems,” Lavanya you to dream about the better world “To quote Mariame Kaba,” gral to the garden longer than go hiding in war. A zone for the
said, and the rest of us lifted our you want instead.” Ah, there’s the Lavanya said to the class earlier, we’ve known. It fills spiritual apocalypse, a rigid space hold-
heads. Class was no longer about the assignment. “‘Hope is a discipline.’” and aesthetic space while also ing you in your place. It tends to
intellectual scholarly discussion of “What kind of structures of soli- We can choose to go to class and demarcating the tomato from envelop rather than differenti-
anthropology and gender theory; we darity and social structures would be doze off to theoretical discussions of potato. But what to say of sand? ate. You’re stuck there and pun-
had turned to praxis. necessary to make it happen?” She astrophysics and spreadsheets and Barely arable and almost liquid, ished, you can only swing your-
As excited as I am by gender asked, and finally, after a pause: “On speed-read through plays and thirty it’s got nowhere to go but out of self out, until you’re out among
and sexuality theory, by page 35 of a local level, what can you do differ- page essays so we can check them off itself. Different varieties, colors, the rocks.
analyzing the micro and meso levels ently?” our lists. We can also choose to set finenesses, and finities. We look The rolling stone gathers no
of single determinant and additive Even as I griped about another aside the readings and the quizzes at the variety, the color; we feel moss, they say. At least the stone
models of identity, even this ethnic task added to my to-do list, this ques- and instead, to ask why. the fineness, but we don’t know can choose to roll. The swirling
and gender studies major was ready tion followed me out of anthropol- “Can you imagine a world in it as anything but itself. It can be sand has little chance, so easily
for a break. We all were. I’d started ogy, into lunch and gender studies which these things do not constrain textured with symbols or shaped pushed around by its fellow ele-
checking my watch fifteen minutes and Spanish. I was aware of myself as you?” She leaves us each day with into a vase, but it may not stand ments. Each individual grain in
prior, and that’s why this statement I made space for men passing by on these rice grains of revolution. “What alone as the rock. For now we’re itself will not stand for long even
five minutes before class ended made the sidewalk, wondering why I wasn’t would that look like?” stuck with taxonomies of sand though they all rest together.
us all pause in the middle of surrepti- choosing to take up space myself. I She reminded us that revolution and incidental desert, but the Some stones roll, others collect
tiously packing up our bags. was aware of the way my Spanish is about a dream. We become so frus- Stonehenges and God’s Fingers tolls, others are made into bowls,
“Capitalism is shaking its professor asked whether students trated by the impossibility of how to of the world are stuck in time. but they’re still stones. Is sand
death-rattle,” she went on, “And rev- identified as male or female, and how get to somewhere new, that we forget Even as Darwin’s Arch collapses, still sand when it’s melted into
olution does not have to be loud and she taught us the socially-created where we’re going in the first place. it remains. glass, when it’s put into sand-
in the streets. It can be quiet.” gender-neutral pronoun ‘elle’ even If I had gotten too bogged down by To see a stone in a garden is bags? It so willingly takes on
It was the suddenness. The thing though it isn’t approved by Spain as the tediousness of reading and theory magic. A spirit and personality these new rock-like identities, to
she had been inching towards since part of the Spanish language. I was and lectures, I would’ve missed this. all of its own, a name or pedestal have its sandness deferred.
the start of class that we didn’t notice aware of my dress, which I had cho- It is these small every day moments for its leisure. It stands guard The rolling stone can rock
until she pointed to it. I suddenly for- sen to counter the button-down and in our classes that carry the seeds of over the entire garden, watch- and roll, but sand just lays in a
got about the two other classes I had men’s pants I’d worn the day before. change. ing the grass grow. It’s ready to
that day, while simultaneously being As a non-binary person, I I have the discipline to hope, See page 11

Let’s Think About Things

hyper-aware of the insignificance of make daily decisions in my clothing and I am ready for the quiet revolu-
this meeting of twenty students in a to place myself outside the gender tion.
liberal arts college on a Wednesday binary. Our professors make daily
morning. We were witness to a quiet decisions about phrases and ques-
By Therese McCoy
This is a fun and easy game. All may no longer be descriptive of what
you have to do is think of what you it does. Just think about it: if you
would call a commonly used object if came here from another planet or
it didn’t already have a name. Here’s crawled out from under a rock, what
an example: would you call cell phones based on
Scissors = suspended knives how you see them used?
Does this change the way you I have another point. Socks.
think about scissors at all? This has What is a sock? It’s more of a foot-
nothing to do with etymology or real warmer, shoe-liner, foot-shirt. Socks
language. Just try to think about only make sense because that’s what
a thing you see or do every day as we’ve been calling them for decades.
if you’d never seen it or done it Does this lengthy lifetime of a word
before. What would you call it? Like have any value? If you say something

Dragons: A Comic Coming Soon!

a refrigerator. What does that mean? for a long enough time, that word or
We already abbreviate it to fridge or title will inevitably embed itself into
frigerator which makes a lot more our language. But does that give it

By Mara Logan
sense – we do re-frigerate things, meaning or does it corrupt our lan-
but they have to be frigerated first! guage by putting a meaningless word
So, it should be a frigerator. Better in it? This process could be very use-
yet, just a ‘cold case’ or ‘the chiller’ ful in helping us to break down what
so that we don’t have to worry about something really is and what it does
the verbs involved. You decide what for us and whether the name it has is
sounds best or come up with your really useful to us or if it should be
own name. called something else.
Some things already have good This game can be fun, ridicu-
or useful names, like a telephone for lous, introductory, awkward, or phil-
instance. ‘Tele’ – distant, ‘phone’- osophical. Talking to someone new,
sound. Distant sound. The inventor you might find out about their per-
of this machine knew what they were sonality or sense of humor. Talking
doing with it. But you can rename to a friend, enter into a deep con-
them if you want to, like ‘the com- versation about what names mean
munication of last resort’ (that’s kind and why you describe things the way
of long). This probably reveals more you do. How are names constructed;
about how some of us feel about tele- what is the process for creating an
phones and phone conversations. identity? Or simply, why are chips,
Cell phones, of course, are more chips? Why not crunches, crumblies,
than cell phones. They are cellular or nibbles? Names have meaning;
devices. But that’s so generic. Lots should we explore why they were
of devices use cellular technology. originally called what we call them
What about a pocket-watch, a secu- now, or ignore their origins and call
rity brick, a scheduling coordina- them what they mean to us pres-
tor, filing assistant, laughing stock, ently? To sum things up, just talk to
communication station, in short: a your friends about names and see
personal secretary? This isn’t what it what happens, or you can use this
was necessarily made for, but when as an icebreaker with someone you
a thing has been around for long don’t know to start a fun conversa-
enough and we develop new uses for tion.
it, the name it was originally given
October 8, 2021 VARIETY 5

Answers to last week’s

By Kelly Foy crossword

By Celeste Reyes
By Grace Reyes
6 FEATURES October 8, 2021

True Crime Profile: The Dyatlov Pass

Tapashwi Karki place during February, which was considered one of the most that he would send a telegram when the expedition reached the
challenging times to travel through the region. On Jan. 23, 1959, region of Vizhai once again, by Feb. 12 at the latest. However, Feb.
the group was given a route book that mapped out their trail and 12 rolled around and there was no communication from Dylatov
Hiking is a recreational activity hundreds of thousands of they set off. On Jan. 25 the group travelled by train to a town or the other hikers. The families of the hikers began to get increas-
people engage in. It’s usually a good time with friends or family in the province of Svedlovsk Oblast, and then took a vehicle to ingly worried when Feb. 20 came around and there was pressure
immersed in nature. What it usually is isn’t is a death sentence. Vizhai, which was one of the last spaces of civilization on their for military and police to begin searching for them. Days later, on
Our story today focuses on the northern Ural Mountains in route. The hikers then proceeded onward to Gora Otorten, where Feb. 26, the hikers’ tents and campsite were found on the moun-
Russia where the latter has, unfortunately, been the case. In 1959, one of the members of the group, Yuri Yudin, fell sick. Yudin tain of Kholat Syakhl. The search party’s findings baffled them,
Ural Polutechnical Institute student Igor Dyatlov led nine fel- dropped out of the trek and headed back, leaving the remaining and continue to baffle people to this day. The tent that was found
low students in a ski hiking expedition across the northern Ural nine to trek onward. After this point thereafter, the only record of was badly torn up and damaged with snow covering the area.
Mountains in what was, at the time, a part of the former Soviet the expedition is information found in the hikers’ notebooks, jour- However, it seemed that the tent was torn from the inside out.
Union. The group totaled eight men and two women, and each of nals and cameras. These detailed that on Jan. 31 the hikers made Around the area footprints were found -- nine sets of footprints,
these members had the highest certification available for hikers it to a highland region where they got ready to climb and gather to be exact, but these footprints were either covered by socks or
in ski touring experience. Their route was also pre-approved by needed materials for the hike back. It was after this day that the simply barefoot. This showcases a sense of urgency in the hikers’
a division of the Sverdlovsk Committee of Physical Culture and hikers decided to go through the Dyatlov Pass. Their goal was to sudden movement; this, coupled with the tent being torn inside
Sport. Let’s take a moment to recount this––a group of experi- cross the pass and camp on the other side but due to worsening out, was rather strange. Two of the hikers’ bodies were found near
enced hikers end up dead in the mountains on a pre-approved weather conditions that day and night, the hikers instead decided the forested edge of the mountain; both were without any foot-
trip. That sounds absurd, right? Not so fast -- it’s not the fact that to camp out on the same side of the mountain. wear and in their underwear. When the scene was later examined
they died, but the deaths themselves, that are truly baffling. This is where the case gets interesting. Originally, Dyatlov, it was found that some of the trees had branches broken near the
To put the difficulty of this trail in perspective, the trip took the guide, told the sports club with whom they planned the trip
See page 7

Photo Feature by Astra Medeiros

October 8, 2021 FEATURES 7

LU Clean Energy Rally calls for

commitment to carbon neutrality
Lucian Baxter
Copy Editor leaders have graduated. This will ensure that the movement is not such as composting, battery and electronics recycling, and the
_________________________________________________________________ abandoned by future leadership before the plan to decarbonize sustainable menstruation project; these projects have all been
can reach completion, but it means we need President Carter to student led, and none existed prior to the club’s start in 2018.
Last Friday, members of many Lawrence environmental sign the Second Nature agreement as soon as possible. Projects such as these have sought to make individual sus-
organizations came together for a Clean Energy Rally to bring Another facet of the urgency inherent to this movement is tainable actions equitable; a menstrual cup can cost anywhere
awareness to the many shortcomings of the school’s response to that the emissions goals being set in the U.S. are not ambitious from $20-$40, for example, so providing that resource to men-
climate change. enough. Hanhan pointed out that “if we at Lawrence want to struating students for free helped to remove a hurdle for students
Anders Hanhan, co-chair of the LUCC Sustainability set the example of setting a clean energy goal that the science who were interested in using that product but hadn’t had the
Committee and one of the rally’s organizers, shared that the main dictates is necessary, that means we need to make big cuts to our resources to try it before. In the case of compost, Kelly says “a lot
purpose of the rally was to inform students who may not be as emissions really fast, and when the process to get this started of people come from backgrounds where they’ve never done their
involved in environmental organizations about Lawrence’s perfor- is already several years long, that’s eating way into the time of own compost, so there’s always the hurdle of people trying some-
mative sustainability. He pointed out that the university website implementation.” thing different and there’s some miscommunication.” This some-
features a sustainability page advertising such initiatives as the Students are pushing for a commitment to go 100% carbon times results in items that can’t be composted ending up in bins,
installation of hand dryers in the Warch Campus Center bath- neutral by 2035, but Lawrence administration has given some such as paper, meat, and dairy products, but the trade-off is worth
rooms, intended to reduce paper towel usage, and water usage pushback against this ambitious date. Due to the age of many it because the compost program engages students who wouldn’t
meters in each building on campus that allow for water usage to Lawrence buildings, the necessary updates to these buildings necessarily give much thought to sustainability. Receiving funding
be monitored; unfortunately, measures such as these are mere will be much more expensive than if they had been built more from LUCC is the only way that these projects will be able to con-
accessories to the real sustainability concern, which is reducing recently; Briggs Hall, for example, will be much cheaper to update tinue, and Kelly says she “would really like to see administration
carbon emissions and moving to 100% renewable energy. than Main Hall or Ormsby Hall. For this reason, administration caring and putting money toward these things.”
The rally’s call to action asked students to email President prefers 2050 as a target to completely switch over to renewable All the behind the scenes work that makes these sustainabil-
Laurie Carter and LUCC President Kelsi Bryant and ask them to energy, which doesn’t make much sense considering that the city ity projects happen takes a toll on student leaders. Kelly reports
make institutional sustainability a priority. Specifically, students of Appleton, from which Lawrence gets its power, has set 2040 easily putting in about 20 hours a week on environmental work,
called on President Carter to sign the Second Nature agreement, as its goal to switch completely to renewable energy. Hopefully, adding, “I care a lot about this. This is the most meaningful thing
thereby committing Lawrence to creating and carrying out a having the support of LUCC will help pressure Lawrence admin- I do here, and so I’m putting a lot of sacrifices into my schoolwork
plan to completely decarbonize, and joining us with a network istration to commit to a more ambitious date by which to go to make this possible. These changes can only happen so fast
of other universities and academic institutions committed to the carbon neutral. Hanhan reflected that “LUCC has, in perspective, because of what I’m giving up from my other academic respon-
same goal. The most important part, according to Hanhan, is that been a lot more dedicated to issues of sustainability and equity sibilities.”
“within one year of signing this agreement, you have to actively than the school has, and they’ve frankly been the ones telling the Though this burden should not fall to them, student orga-
support a joint task force to create a plan to decarbonize, and that school when it’s time to do things, so that’s why we think it’s really nizations do phenomenal work improving sustainability at
plan must be completed and submitted to your board or financial important to have their buy-in.” Lawrence, from the individual level to the institutional level.
supervisory group -- here at Lawrence it’s a board of trustees Unfortunately, it’s frequently the case at Lawrence that However, Lawrence is still lagging far behind other institutions,
-- and within three years of signing the agreement, you have to student leadership is forced to drive institutional change because and is likely one of the last colleges in Wisconsin to commit to a
submit a plan on how to completely decarbonize to the board.” administration, for whatever reason, chooses to put that burden carbon neutrality agreement; even St. Norbert College in De Pere,
If this sounds like a large time-frame, that’s because it is, upon students instead of being leading the way in changing the which is a far less outwardly progressive institution, is committed
which is a major concern for students leading this movement. institution for the better. LU Environmental Organization presi- to becoming emission free by 2050. The Lawrence website speaks
Four-year universities have short institutional memories, so dent Lauren Kelly shared that her organization “prides ourselves of championing sustainability at Lawrence and beyond, but so
Hanhan’s urgency is driven by the understanding that students on being the ones who actually make change happen; we don’t just far, there’s little evidence that administration wants to live up to
are typically only here for four or five years, so this plan needs to talk about change.” The LU Environmental Organization focuses this claim.
be introduced and carried out before all of our current student on the power of individual action on a large scale through projects

True Crime Profile... had a facture in their skull, it was not fatal; however, the remain-
ing four bodies shifted the narrative dramatically. Three of the
that in 1997, it came out that one of the hikers’ cameras was kept
with an investigator. This case was strange from start to finish and
continued from page 6 hikers died due to major bodily damage. One of them suffered there was major speculation on what really happened, but there
major skull damage and the other two had intense chest fractures is no conclusive evidence for anything. Authorities have come up
bottom, suggesting that the hikers found there were attempting leading to their deaths. These injuries were concluded to have an with three possible explanations of natural disasters, two of which
to climb up the trees. Further down along the side of the forest, intense amount of force, a kind of force that would have to have are avalanche-related and one a hurricane. Even with these expla-
three more of the hikers’ bodies were found. Their bodies lay in a been done with high pressure––more pressure than getting hit nations, there are still major gaps. Why were the hikers scattered
position of motion; later on, it was suggested that they may have by a car. To make matters even more disturbing, one of the hik- around and why was the tent torn inside out? What compelled the
been trying to return to the campsite. ers was missing her eyes, tongue, lips, and a lot of facial tissue hikers to leave almost fully naked and in a rush? Why were their
The last four hikers were not found during this time. They while another had his eyeballs missing and the last one had his faces deformed post-mortem in such gruesome matters? Lastly,
were instead located a whole two months after the incident on eyebrows gone. These missing features and body parts were deter- how did nine experienced hikers ended up dead due to a natural
May 4. They were found covered under snow in a ravine. These mined to be post-mortem injuries. disaster they are trained to prepare for and notice? This case is a
four hikers were found moderately clothed, unlike the others, but Originally the local indigenous people of the region were weird one and is still very open-ended. Speculation ranges from
a few of them seemed like their clothes had been taken off by other blamed for the hiking group’s injuries and deaths, but considering murder conspiracies to monster conspiracies but the true story of
members suggesting they may have died at different times. the force of the injuries and the lack of secondary footprints, this what happened that day is still unknown.
The investigation that took off after finding these bodies accusation was quickly put to rest. The case was concluded shortly
gets strange very quickly. The first five bodies’ cause of death was after, attributing the cause of the accident to compelling natural
determined to be hypothermia and while one of these members force, and was sent into a secret archive. It is important to note

@TheLawrentian /Lawrentian @the_lawrentian

8 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT October 8, 2021

The Book College Ave Rewind(s):

Club New Season, New Music?
Olivia Zimberoff when I was nine years old. His song ented. The band’s breakthrough song,
Columnist “Holocene” was playing and it was “You’re Somebody Else” came out in
the eeriest sound I had ever heard 2017. This was the first song I heard
I am not sure if I am alone on next to little me walking down the and I fell in love with it. Heartfelt
this, but since I have been on campus steps to the basement, imagining that songs such as “Missing Home” and
Mikayla Henry capture the family’s breakdown in
it is becoming more apparent that
Columnist high definition as each member tries something could pop out any second. “Soulmate” showcase the duo’s wide
_____________________________ there has been a significant shift in Wisconsin-born, singer-songwriter range of pop to electronic to synth
to grapple with the events tearing
It is officially autumn at my go-to music selections. I spent the Justin Vernon is the genius behind to acoustic sound and it is fantastic.
them apart. As the pages turn and
Lawrence, and the beginning of summer listening to the upbeat Doja the indie-folk band Bon Iver. You may Coming October 22 is Flora Cash’s
the plot twists develop, Tremblay and
October, which makes it the perfect Cat and screaming my lungs out to the know him from his ballad “Skinny third studio album Our Generation.
his unreliable narrator will have you
time for frights, horror flicks and heart wrenching album that was Sour Love,” but he has many more works My Fav Song: You’re Somebody
grasping for the truth as you try to
some warm apple cider from The by Olivia Rodrigo. I secretly went of art. Songs such as “Creature Fear” Else
figure out if the daughter is truly pos-
Café. Throughout this month I will to Lollapalooza last July and sang and “Lump Sum” showcase the band’s ***
sessed or fighting internal demons
be recommending a hodgepodge “Don’t Stop Believin’” with 400,000 melancholy and driving-through-the The Lumineers
instead. The ending will leave you in
of both new and classic horror and unmasked people and had the time woods-on-a-foggy-day feel. Fun fact You may know American folk-
awe as you try to put the last pieces of
thriller novels to get you through the of my life before heading back home time! Vernon made an appearance on rock band The Lumineers from their
the puzzle together, not quite content
entirety of “Spooky Season.” There and immediately getting a refund for Taylor Swift’s 2020 album Folklore. 2011 single “Ho Hey.” That may be
with how they fit.
will be a few fan favorites, probably my Riot Fest tickets. No way was I The two sing a duet called “exile” and the only Lumineers song you know.
I found this to be a great novel
a few of Stephen King’s classic works going to risk my health again and it’s splendidly wonderful. Well, it was for me, until one day,
to start off my “Spooky Season” read-
and a handful of new titles from the besides, the headlining Nine Inch My Fav Song: “Holocene” - Bon way back when I was at Soldier Field
ing list for the month. I personally
“Horrortok” niche on TikTok, which Nails dropped out a week later. Iver, Bon Iver for a U2 concert and The Lumineers
wasn’t frightened, though this may
focuses on scarily good horror novels Back to the present. Fall on cam- *** were opening for the Irish band that
be because Stephen King helped me
that may not have been previously on pus. What is it about life’s timing Flora Cash blessed us all with that free album on
build up my horror-tolerance over
your radar. But, without further ado, that has us modifying our musical Shpresa Lleshaj and Cole Randall Apple Music a few years ago (not). It
the years. If you ever had a fascina-
let’s get to this week’s recommenda- interest? Is it the change in scen- are the Swedish-American pop duo was about six o’clock at the time and
tion with those paranormal reality-
tion! ery, or dirty dorm drapes and slam- that makes up Flora Cash. The first The Lumineers had just finished “Ho
TV shows like I did, or want a tame
One of the titles I often noticed ming dorm room doors? The new time I saw Flora Cash was a couple of Hey.” The next six songs that they
horror novel that keeps you guessing,
mentioned on “Horrortok” and on noise around us? The ever-present summers ago at a free concert at Jay played just blew me away. I had never
this book is for you. If you end up
Barnes and Noble’s horror displays sounds of traffic that includes locals Pritzker Pavillion in Chicago. Right heard anything like the guitars, the
enjoying this week’s recommenda-
was Paul Tremblay’s A Head Full of yelling, cars backfiring and the non- before I saw them, a massive summer vocals, the cello and the tambourine. I
tion, The Exorcist by William Peter
Ghosts. The story follows a young stop Harley Davidsons that roll down storm had rattled through the city immediately started listening to them
Blatty, The Amityville Horror by Jay
woman as she recounts her youth, College Avenue at all hours? Or, could and everyone was taking shelter in the the next day, and I can tell you that
Anson or Stephen King’s The Shining
telling the tale of a classic American it be attributed to the change of sea- ginormous bathrooms in the tunnels now, many years later, I have not
might also pique your interest, as they
family in Massachusetts plagued with sons? We can see, smell and sense it near the beach. Anyway, the storm stopped. The band at the time was
all include either similar possession
horrors as the oldest daughter seem- coming all around us. Any day now finally cleared and we were allowed touring for their second studio album
elements or highlight the eventual
ingly becomes possessed. We witness you won’t be too hot in your room, but to walk back out into the light. The Cleopatra, which has songs such as
collapse of the classic American fam-
the classic traits of an old-fashioned instead pleasantly surprised when you show was about to start! We took our “Ophelia,” “Gun Song” and “Where
ily. Plus, they’re all movies if you’re
Exorcist-style plot, straight down to open your window. Well, whatever it now very wet seats, and as we looked the Skies are Blue.” Don’t get me
in the mood for a spooky horror flick
the catholic symbolism and children is, it’s good to shake it up sometimes. around only about 50 other people wrong, their other stuff is great but
scaling walls like they’re training This is what I’m currently listening remained. People had left due to the “Cleopatra” is certifiably a no-skip
That’s all for this week’s edition
to be Spider-Man. The family soon to on repeat. We’ll have to see what storm and there we were beaming album. The Lumineer’s fourth studio
of The Book Club! We’ll be back next
becomes the subject of a new reality Winter brings. now in the second row while watch- album “BRIGHTSIDE” is arriving on
week with another horror title or two,
television show reminiscent of Ghost *** ing these artists perform as the rain our phones on January 14, 2022.
most likely pulled from “Horrortok,”
Adventures that is interested in docu- Bon Iver continued to come down behind us. My Fav Song: “Sleep on the
since their first recommendation
menting the seemingly supernatural I heard Bon Iver for the first time It was incredible. The duo is very tal- Floor”
turned out so well. If you ever want to
phenomena occurring in the home. share your recommendations with us,
However, the film crew gets more feel free to reach out! Until then, have
than they bargained for, as they also a wonderful weekend, Lawrentians!

Spektral Quartet welcomes back

the Live Artist Series to Lawrence
Ryan Saladin Thorvaldsdottir, the program cen- through in-person. From the gorgeous moments (such as the movement and cinematic melodies, often recall-
Staff Writer tered upon reflections on what we feel ensemble sound of the intricately Litanies or the opening of Nocturne), ing new-age sound art, famous sci-fi
when watching the night sky. romantic first movement and grand Spektral’s intensity and attention to film soundtracks and even electronic
There is no denying that live From their first note, Spektral dance-like finale to stirringly expres- detail conjured a powerfully eerie and music. Ultimately, the passion and
music is a central part of Lawrence’s conveyed a remarkable passion and sive solos from Lyon and Rolen in the reflective mood. care with which the group performed
social landscape. This certainly depth in their playing, proving that pastoral second movement and from Following an intermission, the Thorvaldsdottir’s ground-break-
explains the truly exceptional ener- the audience was in for a magical Feinberg and Armbrust in the delicate group performed perhaps their dar- ing work moved the audience to an
gy in the Memorial Chapel this past experience. The group opened with a third movement, the group wowed ing selection of the night which was extended standing ovation long miss-
weekend when, on Friday, October 1, masterful rendition of famous French the audience with a warmth only felt 21st century Icelandic composer Anna ing from inside the Chapel’s walls.
Lawrence welcomed back the Artist composer Claude Debussy’s String through live music. Thorvaldsdottir’s Enigma, a work The Spektral Quartet’s stunning
Series with its first live guest artist in Quartet in G Minor. Perhaps best The momentum of the program commissioned by Spektral, Carnegie performance was a definitively tri-
over a year: the Spektral Quartet. known for Claire de lune from his continued with Henri Dutilleux’s Hall and Washington Performing umphant return to live music for the
The ensemble features Clara Suite Bergamasque for solo piano, Ainsi la Nuit, a quartet work in eight Arts. This piece, premiered by the Lawrence community. Beyond the
Lyon and Maeve Feinberg on violin, Debussy’s adventurous and nuanced short movements specifically based quartet in 2019 and written using indescribable emotions that witness-
Doyle Armbrust on viola and Russel take on the string quartet idiom was on the feelings that come from view- unconventional sounds from each ing such an outstanding performance
Rolen on cello. An internationally expertly realized under Spektral’s ing the night sky when we are alone. player’s bow and hands on the strings generates, the evening was made spe-
recognized and Grammy-nominated hands. Encouraging the audience to Another French composer following in addition to traditional harmony cial simply due to the gathering of old
string quartet based in Chicago, think of the piece as though it were in Debussy’s neoclassical musical tra- and melody, was an avant-garde and new friends in a beautiful familiar
Spektral is known for its boundary- meant to be performed outdoors, the dition, Dutilleux’s quartet work repre- showstopper. With the lights of the space. With more performances fast-
pushing performance and recording group evoked a variety of natural sented a much darker and more disso- Chapel dimmed and the room tuned approaching, one can only hope this
projects, its mastery of the standard scenes and images of the night sky nant style than Debussy’s often serene with special amplification (courtesy of triumphant return is for good.
string quartet repertoire and its inno- across the composition’s four move- and lush sonic textures. Evoking Conservatory audio engineers Brent The next performances of the
vative contributions to the landscape ments. The ensemble soared through images of nighttime city streets, for- Hauer and Alvina Tan), the reverbera- 2021-2022 concert season will be the
of modern chamber music. Each of delicate and intense moments, play- ests under the stars and nocturnal tion of every string-pluck and bow- Lawrence University Concert Choir at
these aspects of the group were on full ing with beautiful balance between wildlife emerging from hiding for the scratch placed the listener directly 8 P.M. on Friday, October 8 and the
display during their Friday night pro- the four voices, impressive musical evening, the piece’s busy and percus- in the vastness of space. Sounds of Lawrence University Orchestras at 8
gram. Through the works of Claude and visual coordination and a depth sive qualities were a welcome con- whirring, humming and scratching P.M. on Saturday October 9, both in
Debussy, Henri Dutilleux and Anna of dynamics that could only fully shine trast to the Debussy. Even in softer were juxtaposed with gorgeous chords the Lawrence Memorial Chapel.
October 8, 2021 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 9

Bringing the House Down:

Beta Theta Pi’s Karaoke Night Taylor Yakey-Hughes those from the College of Arts and
Staff Writer Sciences, were encouraged to step on
the stage not only to sing for their
The odds were against Beta peers, but with them. In response to
Theta Pi in pulling off Saturday Night a student’s take on “Let’s Fall in Love
Karaoke on October 2, 2021, with for the Night by FINNEAS, Michael
technical difficulties and a small turn- Murphy stated, “Scientists around the
out to start off the night. However, the world made a study on how flawless
crowds quickly drew in as Lawrence’s that flip to head voice was.” Indeed,
powerful rockstars took hold of the there is undeniable talent in all walks
stage, their energy contagious from of life at Lawrence.
the front stands all the way to the back Beta Theta Pi did something
walls. A night that started off with special in this event that closed the
“The Scientist” by Coldplay and ended third week at Lawrence, bringing
with Michael Murphy’s take on “Don’t together a diverse student body to
Stop Me Now” by Queen proved that represent themselves through song.
Lawrence University knows how to During these numbers, it was not only
come together as a community and those on stage, but those clapping and
support its students. cheering below it, who showed the
Some highlights of the wide support and love that the Lawrence
variety of songs represented included Community prides itself in. Every
“You are the Reason” by Calum Scott Lawrentian in the house that night
and Leana Lewis, “Stay” by Rihanna could be seen either singing along
and “Before He Cheats” by Carrie to a favorite song, clapping along to
Senior David Womack and junior Michael Murphy perfom a song at Beta Theta Pi’s Karaoke Night last Saturday. Underwood. Initiated and closed by the steady beats or dancing as if no
Photo by Adam Fleisher. the charismatic and energy-filled one else was watching. Music truly

Movies, Movies,
Michael Murphy, many singers, both is found in the heart and soul of
those from the Conservatory and Lawrence.

UPCOMING: 10/11 3 p.m. Weekly

Fiber Arts & Chat, Plaza

in front of the Mudd
10/8 5 p.m. Four Man Library or Library First
Gladiator, Quadrangle Floor
10/8 8 p.m. Lawrence 10/11 5 p.m. Indigenous
University Choir Concert, Peoples’ Day, Main Hall
Lawrence Memorial Green Area
10/11 7 p.m. Open
10/9 12 p.m. Pumpkin Zoom Call with the
Festival (ft. 7000 Apart), Editor-in-Chief, Zoom
Levi Homman opening shot orients the audience in Wallis. Wallis, as well as the rest
Library Plaza
10/11 7 p.m. National
1993, at Simion Research Hospital, of the cast, is only adequate in the 10/9 8 p.m. Lawrence Coming Out Day Event,
a gothic, excessively spooky building leading role, but that’s all the script University Orchestras Memorial Hall 113 -
Malignant, 2021, directed by James
perched on a cliff and shrouded in fog. requires of her. The story is relatively Concert, Lawrence Diversity Center
Wan — 4/5 stars
There, Dr. Florence Weaver, played straightforward, until a shockingly Memorial Chapel
James Wan’s filmmaking, like it 10/11 8:30 p.m. Jazz
or not, has been hugely impactful on
by Jacqueline McKenzie, explains exciting twist, and Lake acts as a ter- 10/10 1 p.m. Cello Jam, Warch Campus
to a video camera that one of their rified vehicle for the audience for the Ensemble Recital, Harper Center 226 - Mead
the horror genre as it stands today.
patients, Gabriel, has become increas- large part of the runtime. After her Hall Witter Room
Setting into motion three of the most
ingly violent and dangerous. This husband is murdered by Gabriel, Lake
profitable horror franchises of all time
video recording is interrupted by a fel- begins being tormented by visions
in Saw, Insidious and The Conjuring
low doctor entering the room to alert of his other victims as they’re killed.
respectively, Wan has created a veri-
Weaver that Gabriel has escaped. The The story smoothly segues into these
table empire of contemporary horror
audience is quickly pulled out of the visions with excellently polished visu-
films, each with their own distinct
‘90s video tape aesthetic and into a al effects, the world melting and mor-
style and target audience. Following
faster-paced, tension-filled sequence. phing around Wallis as the camera
these successes, Wan was given
A crane-mounted camera follows the circles her. These sequences certainly
what was essentially a blank check
characters down a narrow hallway, in have their scary moments, too, with
from film distributor Warner Bros.
what has now become part of Wan’s Wan relying less on jump scares and
Pictures, and with that check sought
high-budget, claustrophobic style. more on subtle lighting that allows the
to create something “bold, new and
Within these first moments, audi- audience to notice startling imagery
different.” While Malignant certainly
ences know what they’re in for. The on their own. The intensity of these
isn’t for everyone, prompting widely
plot, writing and performances from scenes is also accentuated by Joseph
varied opinions even from fans of the
the cast are stilted and trope-filled, Bishara’s booming, electronic score,
genre, it certainly succeeds at being a
but it feels intentional due to a few something that stands out against the
fresh, unexpected idea. Wan wears his
dialogue moments that poke casual usual symphonic soundtracking of
influences on his sleeve, combining
fun at the genre. The film’s lighting today’s horror movies.
elements from Italian filmmakers like
often draws attention to itself with It can’t be overstated just how
Dario Argento, more modern horror-
bright reds and blues that immediate- fun and truly crazy the film becomes
comedy directors like Sam Raimi and
ly conjure comparisons to movies like in the third act, when all of elements
the deeply disturbing body horror of
Suspiria, and the excessive gore will in the mixing pot that is Malignant
David Cronenberg. Using these ideas,
likely remind viewers of Evil Dead 2, are turned up to full throttle. If view-
and combining them with a distinctly
or the so-called “schlocky” B-horror ers allow themselves to buy into the
outlandish premise, he constructs a
of the 1980s. out-of-the-box concept, Wan’s new
silly, gross and endlessly entertaining
After the first five minutes, project will be a fantastic roller coast-
the narrative flashes forward to the er ride, and is well-worth a return to
Malignant makes it clear what
present day, centering the story on the movie theater.
kind of movie it wants to be. The
Madison Lake, played by Annabelle
10 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS October 8, 2021

Sarah Matthews
A&E Editor
Let's talk about acne
sional pimple, and my face is covered
in scars.
often caused by stress and lack of
sleep, everyone is different. So, while
ances that they really don’t notice or
care about yours. If they do, I have
than what you are giving it right now.
Who cares about a pimple? Just think
_________________________ I think a lot of people might I still struggle with acne, I’ve found a a strong feeling you’re around the about all that you can do instead of
My first year of college I would
think acne isn’t that big of a deal. And way to make myself feel better about wrong people. what you look like. You owe that to
wake up extra early every morning
while it’s not the worst problem in the having it. My secret? Realize that this I think social media and adver- yourself because you are more than
and cover my face in makeup. Every
world, it really does have the power is something everyone has experi- tising has skewed our perspective on just the skin you live in.
pore I had would be coated in founda-
to change my self confidence in an enced. what the ideal person should look Now, it’s safe to say I put makeup
tion and patted dry with powder. I
instant. One night I’ll be feeling good Everyone has had a gross, abso- like. Most of the models and influenc- on when I want to, because I enjoy
didn’t do this because I wanted to, but
about my looks, and the next morn- lutely disgusting pimple on their face. ers you scroll through touch-up more doing it, not because I feel like I need
because I felt like I had to.
ing I wake up with a new pimple on It happens. Some people may get than just their acne. I can guarantee to save people from looking at my
I’ve always had acne. I remember
my face and that positive attitude is more acne than others, but this is an you no one actually looks like that. face. Most days there isn’t even a drop
I started getting pimples on my face
completely washed away. almost universal experience. So while And, the longer I think about acne of foundation on my skin, and that’s
as young as elementary school, and
And maybe someone might say it may feel like everyone is staring scars and marks, the more I find com- the power of being comfortable with
it only got worse throughout middle
acne doesn’t even matter during a at all the blemishes on your faces, fort in these blemishes that decorate your blemishes, no matter how small
and high school. Bluntly put, I was
pandemic since our faces are covered chances are they didn’t even notice. my face. They make me who I am. If or big they may be.
embarrassed of my face. High school
most of the time, anyway. While we We are our biggest critics, after all. we all had smooth and spotless skin So, as much as I know every-
is already hard as is, and having acne
do have masks to cover-up with, I So stop looking in the mirror so I honestly think we’d look pretty bor- one hates acne, don’t let a bump on
made me feel like the universe was
think the few moments our skin is often. Stop picking at the marks on ing, and definitely creepy, as well. your face define your attitude about
never on my side. All I wanted was to
exposed actually makes the issue with your face, praying that you didn’t have Also, you are made up of billions yourself. I think you’re really beau-
feel pretty.
acne even worse. And now, alongside them. Luckily, pimples go away with of cells. If you have pimples covering a tiful, and you deserve to give your
And, if I’m being honest, I still
regular acne, we now have “maskne,” time. Our appearances are constantly little bit of your surface area, take time body peace, so tell yourself that you’re
struggle with feeling good about my
or acne caused by face masks, as a changing anyway, so be patient with to focus on all that you are outside of beautiful, and really mean it. Besides,
skin and overall appearance. Although
competitor. yourself. My biggest takeaway from your appearance. You have function- what you look like is boring compared
my journey with acne has improved
I haven’t solved the problem of my struggle with acne is that people ing organs. You are breathing. Your to who you are.
throughout college, I still get the occa-
acne. While I know my acne is most are too caught up in their own appear- body deserves so much more credit

Humble Tea: First world frustrations

Miri Villerius
appointment. my particular prescription. It also the right thing to do was bury my For many people, asking time off of
I emailed my practitioner to see didn't help that the minute after I got first world frustrations within myself work or having an entire weekend to
Op-Ed Editor
_________________________ if there is any way around this whatso- off the phone, Facebook decided to and deny their existence, but just as give up is impossible. My problems
I have had what can only be ever or if the person I spoke to on the die so I couldn't moan and complain I wouldn't do that towards my gender are super frustrating, but repressing
called an unfortunate transgression phone scheduling my appointment as, I'm wont to do, with anyone on identity, it's really not healthy to do them because of their relative unim-
occur. I am only a few months into was simply mistaken. They said that Messenger. the same with my trivial frustrations. portance would be like not allowing
my prescription of feminizing hor- I technically only have to be "physi- Now the options I have before This is not to say I should go yourself to scream copious expletives
mones and I got around to scheduling cally" within Minnesota to access me are to take two separate 10-hour around like a martyr talking about after stubbing your toe because some-
my first follow-up appointment as Telehealth. I wondered if this was a Greyhound trips to get from Appleton how woe is me (though I will admit one else broke their leg. It’s not that
my prescription is almost empty. At 'wink wink, nudge nudge' telling me to to Minneapolis and back on Friday that I have moaned to a number of you “feel their pain” in the slightest,
my initial appointment, I had made just pretend I would be in Minnesota, and Sunday, go without my prescrip- my friends, but that is the burden but you are reminded to have a bit
a point of asking whether follow but on further review I doubt it. There tion (there's no way in hell this is they carry for deciding to be friends more respect for what they must be
up appointments could be done via are standards in place with Telehealth happening, trust me), or to see if I with me), but I think embracing your going through. This problem is related
Telehealth services to which I was told to have healthcare providers code and know anyone who is interested and frustration in a responsible way, no to my own, it's just that my problem is
that this would indeed be possible. track for the 'place of service' (where I not busy for an entire day to take matter how simultaneously base and much more derivative and insignifi-
Little did I realize, this was false and a am when I receive service) and while a real coo-coo-for-cocoa-puffs trans- circumstantial, is an opportunity for cant. It’s important to empathize and
complete miscommunication. I might trust my healthcare provider gender adventure day trip to the Twin empathy; and empathy, my friends, is be understanding in any case, so this
The very same day that I'm to look the other way, my insurance Cities with me (an introverted woman certainly a form of humility. is as good a way as any to do it.
writing this, I called to schedule my provider explicitly states they would with particularly boring interests and The truth is that your first world You can still own your frustra-
follow up appointment before being not foot the bill if they found out I no drivers license) solely so I can go to problems are downstream of issues tion, while having no illusions about
informed that although my insurance, was in Wisconsin (which they would). my appointment. that are similarly shaped, but of a where your problems lie in the grand
legal address, and practitioner are I also could not find any VPN servers If you've read this far, thank you much larger and more grotesque scheme of humanity. In fact, you
Minnesota-based, because I reside in in Minnesota that weren't suspect, for indulging me. Complaining is a shape. I may have a frustrating expe- can actually see how your problems
Wisconsin for college, I would not so that's a no-go as well. It’s truly a favorite sport of mine. The thing is, rience accessing my transgender are endemic to larger ones and how
able to schedule a Telehealth appoint- surveillance capitalist hellscape we’re even though healthcare bureaucracy is healthcare, but many people in coun- understanding that, as opposed to
ment and would have to come back to living in. annoying for everybody, my problems tries around the world simply don't repressing your frustration, can be
the Twin Cities for an appointment. It's an unfortunate position I'm are first world problems - especially have access to it. Many trans people an immensely humbling experience.
The funny thing is that I am able to get in because of the availability of my so for a transgender person. I have no in our own country can hardly, if at "Complaining to the manager" is okay
the necessary bloodwork done any- prescription and the fact that my financial issues paying for my health- all, afford health insurance for any sometimes if and only if, in the spirit
where, but simply because I currently insurance is good for many practi- care, I'll still be able to get to the variety of medical or health-related of a labor union, you take everyone's
reside in Wisconsin as opposed to tioners within Minnesota, but few in appointment as painstaking as I may needs. For many people, spending problems to them and not just your
Minnesota, I cannot have a Telehealth Wisconsin (let alone the Fox Valley) find it, and I'm lucky to have the right 80-something dollars on Greyhound own.
are both convenient and can provide at all to these drugs. I used to think tickets would be financially crippling.

2021 World Deadlift... this miss he only ended up in second;

however I don’t think this accurately
ing stance from Bishop, but who am I
to critique the man pulling over three
Always amongst the favorites
in deadlift events, Makarov has been
was unable to lock the weight out. It
may be a planning issue that prevents
continued from page 3 reflects his strength and potential. times his bodyweight and quadruple chasing the world record for years Ivan from breaking this plateau, as he
early 20s, Pavlo is perhaps the most Pavlo will break the 500 kg barrier figures in the deadlift? I do however now. He has attempted (and failed) was pulling 500 kg for reps off blocks
likely to break Bjornsson’s record in very soon, mark my words. think this is nearing the ceiling of 500+ kg pulls in competition three less than two weeks before the show,
the coming years. He was the talk of T-2: Adam Bishop, 453.5 kg Bishop’s potential, however, and sure times now, including the 2021 World and didn’t help his energy levels or
the town entering this show, as he Bish, as he is affectionately enough he didn’t make another at- Deadlift Championships. That being central nervous system by pulling
managed a massive lift of 475 kg in known in the strongman community, tempt on the day after hitting 453.5 said, 475 kg is nothing to sniff at. 475 the same day. He did manage to
training. Having made the 1,000 lb is the final one of our 6 1,000 lb pull- kg. This was also quite the jump from Unlike Nakonechnyy, he chose set a Russian record though, and of
pull at around RPE 9 on competi- ers to discuss. Also a smaller strong- his training cycle prior to the show, not to pass on this weight after the course won the event. I do think he’ll
tion day (also tied for the Ukrainian man, weighing in at 320 lbs, he is where he pulled 427.5 kg at around 453.5 kg lift, thus securing himself manage 500 kg in competition one
record), he decided to forego the 475 known for his deadlift. This was his RPE 8.5. I don’t expect any records the win. He also came the closest of day; the question is if the record will
kg option and attempt to break the first 1,000 lb pull in competition, and out of him, but expect Bish to be in the pair (no one else attempted 505 have moved even further beyond him
record with a 505 kg pull. It wasn’t the most by an Englishman since Ed- and around the best pullers in the kg outside of himself and Pavlo) to before that. It will be an interesting
there on the day, and as a result of die Hall’s famous 500 kg pull in 2016. world for years to come. breaking the world record, getting the narrative to follow.
This is despite an oddly narrow pull- Winner: Ivan Makarov, 475 kg bar to his knees, but in a familiar story

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
Lawrentian does not endorse any opinions piece except for the staff editorial, which represents a majority of the editorial
board. The Lawrentian welcomes everyone to submit their own opinions. For the full editorial policy and parameters for sub-
mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
October 8, 2021 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS 11

The necessity of party-poopery

Luther Abel bill is the most recent example of a few well-placed tomatoes being never get elected in West Virginia. have members representing diverse
Staff Writer this necessary fissuring. Four years necessary to knock civility into these Manchin is the best-case scenario, peoples and locations to whom they
_________________________ ago, it was John McCain pointing his squawking shrikes. with any successor almost guaranteed must answer. To quote Generic
It’s easy to find things to cri- thumb downwards as he derailed the Musings about medieval punish- to have an ‘R’ by their name. Sociology Student #4, “Everything
tique about the two-party system in GOP’s half-baked effort to unmake ments aside, what folks like Sinema Republicans gripe and moan belongs on a spectrum.” Texas
these United States. From “being Obamacare. I don’t know what’s in and McCain provide to their respective about RINOs — “Republicans in Republicans and California Democrats
out of touch with the electorate” to Arizona’s water, but it seems to devel- parties should be celebrated. While Name Only” — like Susan Collins. should realize that other states have
“enriching themselves with a false op prodigious backbones among its we may think about parties as largely Their begrudging of her squishiness is vastly varied political landscapes, and
dichotomy,” there are all sorts of ways senators. ideologically cohesive, the nature of foolish, as she’s the most conservative show an ability to accept intraparty
one can credibly squint angrily at the Because of her stand, Sinema the Senate often has office-holders option coming out of Maine. Ted Cruz compromise. Sinema is doing her job
political establishment. However, one is now experiencing all sorts of pres- who survive elections because they are and Marco Rubio-esque conservatives under intense pressure and I com-
aspect of the two-party system that is sure and harassment from the Left. moderate enough that a Republican would not win there; only a very mod- mend her for it.
most despised yet proves one of the Perhaps the grossest manifestation of majority will continue to vote for a erate Republican could hope to hold Maybe Dems will end up only
best parts of its structure is that of the her persecution was when she was fol- Democrat despite a rout of any other that seat. By my lights, better to have spending $2.5 trillion... our grand-
party-pooping moderates on either lowed into the bathroom by activists Dem in the state — Joe Manchin an R who votes with the party 75 per- children’s tax burden will be so grate-
side unraveling the written delusions harping about how they campaigned in West Virginia, for instance. Dems cent of the time than a D who defies ful for the generous reprieve. Agree?
of their peers. for her. I’m not one for putting people might bemoan Manchin’s occasional any conservative legislation outside of Disagree? Let me know at abell@
Kyrsten Sinema’s rejection of in the stocks, but bathroom-stalking equivocation, but progressives like union bailouts. or flame me on Twitter
the Democrats’ asinine $3.5 trillion makes a stronger case than most for Elizabeth Warren and AOC would The two-party system will often @lutherabel1.

The reason for my capstone tears

Molly Ruffing sources only consider a student to these students if we aren’t identifying anxiety symptoms than their non- “Why do first-generation students
Editor-in-Chief be first-generation if neither of their who they are? first-generation peers and also signifi- fail?” (Mehta et al., 2011) manage
parents have obtained any post-sec- Most of the information that is cantly lower overall life satisfaction. to gut me simply with their title. No
If you’ve read essentially any- ondary education, including certifi- out there about first-generation stu- Surprisingly to me, there was not a sentence is needed beyond the one in
thing I’ve written for The Lawrentian cate programs and associate degrees; dents is about retention rates, and significant difference between groups bold at the top of the page.
in the past year or so, you probably others limit the definition to students the statistics are admittedly startling. for depressive symptoms. A joke I’ve While crying in the library,
know that I’m a proud first-generation who are the first to attend college According to the Center for First- told too often to my capstone class: though, I am reminded why it’s
college student. You might even be out of their immediate family, includ- Generation Student Success (2019), we’re sad, just not clinically. important for me to keep digging and
sick of hearing about it— if so, good. ing siblings. According to the Center only 20 percent of first-generation There are a multitude of poten- keep reading. Resources and support
We don’t talk about the experiences for First-Generation Students Success college students successfully attain a tial rationales for the anxiety and life are vital contributors to life satisfac-
of first-generation college students and the Pell Institute for the Study bachelor’s degree within six years of satisfaction findings: imposter syn- tion, so universities need to reinforce
enough; pretending we don’t exist of Opportunity in Higher Education, entering their postsecondary educa- drome, decreased sense of support, our resources and our supports — and
does not minimize the experiences a first-generation college student is tion. On the other hand, 49 percent acculturation, absent sense of belong- that means supporting first-genera-
we have. Unsurprisingly, I decided to an undergraduate whose parents did of their non-first-generation counter- ing, etc. tion faculty and staff as well. After
focus my psychology capstone on how not obtain a bachelor’s degree. This is parts attained a bachelor’s degree in Diving into the research has not all, imposter syndrome is not cured at
universities can better support first- the most common definition, and it’s that time. caused any sort of decrease in these graduation.
generation students. the one I use whenever I write about Minimal research has been con- feelings for me; rather, I am sim- To my fellow first-generation
Unfortunately, though, this is a being a first-generation student. ducted about the social-emotional ply reminded again and again how students: statistics can be cruel, but
decision that has caused me quite a Further contributing to my angst well-being or overall life satisfaction unlikely it is for me to succeed, how they can also instill action. These
few tears in my beloved Mudd library. is the seemingly non-existent data. for this demographic. Thankfully for unprepared I was for the path I chose, numbers are not meant for us to iden-
Diving into the research surround- Considering people — even those my psychology-major self, there is how miserable I must be, how low the tify with, for we will always be so
ing first-generation college students, I with more letters behind their name some research about the prevalence of expectations are for students like me. much more than a statistic. We are
was startled by what I found in terms than I will ever have — can’t decide psychopathological symptoms and life This information can cut deep, espe- whole human beings with unique sets
of statistics and language. what actually constitutes being first- satisfaction. But unfortunately for my cially if you already feel like you’re of skills and challenges. I’ll continue
One of the first frustrating things generation, they surely aren’t able to first-generation self, what I found was drowning and you’re working in the reading (and probably crying), and I’ll
I discovered was that people seem to effectively collect data about these not particularly uplifting. library later than you’d ever like to keep you posted.
really struggle with defining what it students. University surveys rarely According to Noel and colleagues admit.
means to be “first-generation.” Some ask the generational status of stu- (2020), first-generation college stu- Some information admittedly
dents— how can we learn more about dents reported significantly more cuts deeper than others. Articles like

Takanakuy... community like a violent group ther-

apy session. For people in a province
who needs to be correct when you can
just punch the other person harder
having to deal with lawyers (if it’s a
legal dispute).
manner that I fully appreciate. The
shared festivities from ritual dance,
continued from page 3 of 300 people, with more coming to than they punch you. Seemingly bar- Whether considered barbaric or dress, and drunkenness would bring
through violence is a way to alleviate witness the fighting, there is no im- baric to some, the ability to settle dis- not, the festival of Takanakuy serves people together by themselves, but
the tension of grudges and general mediate and easy access to lawyers putes with violence gets you an almost an important purpose and brings to- having the fighting as the cherry on
animosities towards others in your and courts, so settling disputes with immediate result, a splash of dopa- gether a community of people high up top to a wonderful Christmas celebra-
violence ends up working out because mine if you win, and the benefit of not in the Andes in a peacefully violent tion is chaotically beautiful.

UFC 264 in review second fight was an odd combina-

tion of uncommon compliments and
first round, but McGregor quickly
pulled guard and nearly submitted
fight was being stopped, McGregor
was on the ground still talking back
the break in the fight. Not wanting to
postpone the biggest PPV of the year,
continued from page 3 niceties by Mcgregor towards Poirier. Poirier via guillotine choke until Po- to Poirier, but the decision was a TKO McGregor went on with his fight, and
not enough across 3 rounds to sway There were no compliments of any irier crawled up the cage to roll out in favor of Poirier who walked around unfortunately the camp’s worst fears
the judges’ decision for a unanimous sort shared between the two during of it. Poirier landed some strong high and mighty like he actually did were actualized. Poirier is now set to
decision for Gilbert Burns. The Bra- the lead-up to the night. As the fight strikes from the top, but McGregor anything. What else would you expect fight Charles Oliveira for the light-
zilian bullfrog is likely to fight an- kicked off, McGregor opened with returned fire with a series of up-kicks from the silly Louisiana hillbilly? weight title later this year. McGregor
other high ranked opponent while spinning body kicks, reminiscent of and hard elbows from the bottom po- The initial assumption as to has not stated a fight he truly wants
Wonderboy aims to find another top his earlier quick blitzing style. Mc- sition. The two returned to their feet the cause of the leg break was that yet, but he remains stirring up drama
5 ranked opponent soon as he sus- Gregor also threw some of his own and McGregor blitzed back in looking Poirier had skillfully checked one of around the MMA community like a
tained no damage versus Burns. leg kicks which were the same kicks for his signature left hand to land on McGregor’s kicks, but Poirier only smug one-legged leprechaun. Either
The highly anticipated trilogy that Poirier shut him down with in Poirier. On his way out of the engage- checked one kick and it was on Mc- way, McGregor is rich beyond what
matchup between Conor Mcgregor their second fight. Poirier was backed ment, McGregor seemed to collapse Gregor’s foot far from where the most of us can comprehend so he
and Dustin Poirier was all that was up initially by the strikes but retained instantly without contact. Poirier break occurred. Statements from can do whatever he wants, and I will
left on this night. The intensity be- equal ring control with Mcgregor jumped on the opportunity to land the McGregor camp came out saying probably still end up watching it.
tween the two fighters was escalated with the two landing both good and more strikes, before Herb Dean in- that he had had many issues with the
to the level of their first fight. The glancing strikes. Poirier managed tervened, seeing that McGregor had shin during the training camp and
to take McGregor down early in the snapped his lower shin in two. As the the overuse is what eventually led to

Shingldune III ship; the rocking and rolling of a groove rocking the musician. The Sandpaper grates down to make is in control so there may be more
continued from page 4 musician. It’s the ship that rocks, ship and musician are in con- everything more like itself, bear- sand out of control. It shaves back
the musician who rolls. It’s not trol, unlike the self-cannibalism ing the burden of rockiness to rather than pressing on.
lull. The rocking and rolling of a the tide rolling the ship or the and implosion of sandpaper. claim more sand. The sandpaper
12 COMMUNITY October 8, 2021

Photo Poll
Jamie Dong — Editorial policy is Editor-in-Chief:
Staff Photographer determined by the editors. Molly Ruffing
Any opinions that appear
Copy Chief:
What are your thoughts on pumpkin-spice flavoring?
unsigned are those of the
majority of The Lawrentian’s Shania Johnson
Editorial Board.
Managing Editor:
— Letters to the editor are Ethan Wachendorf
encouraged. The editors
reserve the right to edit for News Editor:
Alex Freeman
style and space. Letters must
be emailed to:
Variety Editor:
Celeste Reyes
edu. Submissions by email
should be text attachments. Sports Editor:
Gannon Flynn
— All submissions to edito-
rial pages must be turned in Features Editor:
to The Lawrentian no later Dani Massey
than 5 p.m. on the Monday
before publication. Arts & Entertainment Editor:
Sarah Matthews
“Should be sweet, but it only “It’s a nice smell, but I don’t drink it “One of America’s few redeeming — All submissions to the
reminds me of the cinnamon spice.” very often.” innovations.” editorial pages must be Opinions & Editorials Editor:
— Amber Gu — Audrey Rasmussen — Barrah Kunaan accompanied by a phone Miri Villerius
number at which the author
can be contacted. Articles Photo Editor:
submitted without a contact Alana Melvin
number will not be pub-
lished. Web Manager:
Nora Murphy
— The Lawrentian reserves
the right to refuse to print Copy Editor:
Lucian Baxter
any submissions received
Hannah Frank
after the above deadline
Rose Williams
— Letters to the editor will Layout Editor:
be edited for clarity, decen- Paola Saldana Galvan
cy, accuracy and grammar.

— Letters to the editor

should not be more than 500
“Not gonna lie, I haven’t heard of it. “I personally know this guy, who “It reminds me of my mom’s sticky words.
I’ve never really been a pumpkin fan, invented the pumpkin pie flavor!” pumpkin noodle.”
so I’ve never tried it.” — John Shimon — Lulu Wang
— Diallo Richardson Members of
the Associated

Make your message
“Pumpkin spice? I think I’m not “I love all autumn flavors!” “I personally don’t find pumpkins to stand out and be heard.
ready for Halloween yet. ” — Rita Murphy be all that spicy.”
— Michael Zhang — Shae Erlandson To advertise for free in

Unedited Board Photos by Alana Melvin & Sarah Matthews contact



Alana Melvin, Photo Editor Lucian Baxter, Copy Editor

“I would say that it is an acceptable “‘Pumpkin spice’ does not do justice to

flavor, not great but acceptable.” the majestic pumpkin.”

Dani Massey, Features Editor

“I don’t like pumpkin spice flavoring

all that much, but I love pumpkin
baked goods and fall treats.”

Sarah Matthews, A&E Editor

“I like a nice pumpkin spice latte (with

oat milk).”

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