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5 The Present Perfect Continuous

PART I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Human beings the Earth for a hundred 4. Where sending her patients for
thousand years. rehabilitation since the nearby facility closed?
a. inhabited a. has the doctor been
b. been inhabiting b. the doctor been
c. have been inhabiting c. the doctor has been
d. not been inhabiting d. has been the doctor
2. No one has been getting much e-mail due 5. How long have you been ?
to problems with the server. a. knowing the answer
a. never b. owning your car
b. just c. having this computer
c. yesterday d. feeling so sick
d. lately
6. What to glaciers as a result of global
3. I’ve been reading Harry Potter all week and I still warming?
haven’t it. a. has it been happening
a. been finishing b. it has been happening
b. been finished c. been happening
c. finished d. has been happening
d. finishing

PART II. Find the error in each sentence and correct it.
7. Why haven’t been the customers complaining to Internet providers about unsolicited
8. I been living in this house since 1994 and I still love it.
9. I’ve been rewriting this essay five times.
10. Have you been having your car for a long time?
11. He’s been having such a good time since he’s been arriving this morning.
12. What you have been doing since I called you after breakfast?
13. The economy has been improve the past several months.

1 Grammar Sense 3 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

PART III. Choose the best answer to complete each conversation.
14. A: I’ve just been painting my apartment. 18. A: My friend in Thailand has been e-mailing me.
B: B:
a. Have the walls dried yet? a. When did she stop e-mailing you?
b. That was a long time ago. b. How often do you hear from her?
c. Have you begun to paint? c. Did you hear from her more than once?
15. A: Your boss has been calling today. 19. A: My grandfather has been staying with us for a
few days.
a. I’m surprised he called only once. B:
b. How many times did he call? a. When did he leave?
c. I’m glad he hasn’t called. b. Did he have fun?
c. Is he enjoying himself?
16. A: I’ve been reading a wonderful Japanese novel.
20. A: I’ve been sleeping late this week.
a. When did you finish it? B:
b. Will you start it soon? a. Are you on vacation?
c. Are you almost finished with it? b. Are you going to take a vacation?
c. Why haven’t you been sleeping?
17. A: What have you been doing?
a. I’ve been sleepy.
b. Taking a nap.
c. Get some rest.

Total 20

Thinking Ahead to the TOEFL® Test

The present perfect continuous is often tested in the Structure section of the TOEFL® test. Here is
a typical example:
It is thought that certain species of modern insects have been lived on Earth for approximately
280 million years.

2 Grammar Sense 3 Test: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press


5 Answer Key

1. c
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. d

7. Why haven’t been the customers complaining to Internet providers about
unsolicited advertising?
8. I been living in this house since 1994 and I still love it.
9. I’ve been rewriting this essay five times.
10. Have you been having your car for a long time?
he arrived
11. He’s been having such a good time since he’s been arriving this morning.
12. What you have been doing since I called you after breakfast?
13. The economy has been improve the past several months.

14. a
15. b
16. c
17. b
18. b
19. c
20. a

3 Grammar Sense 3 Answer Key: Chapter 5 © Oxford University Press

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