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Q1 Relationship marketing – June 1999 exam

Relationship marketing, the development of mutually beneficial long-term

relationships between suppliers and customers, is being widely cited as the
future of marketing.

1. Explain the concept of relationship marketing and why you think it is

growing in importance.

2. From your own experience, give examples of activities which could be

used to maintain and develop customer relationships.

Q2 Car dealership – December 2000 exam

You are working for a car dealership and are considering the current database
of people who have purchased new cars during the last two years.

1. Explain how this database could be used to help build relationships

with past customers.

2. Explain why it is important to consider relationship marketing

management for the retention of customers.

Q3 Stakeholders – June 2002 exam

For an organisation of your choice, identify six different stakeholder groups.

Identify and evaluate methods used by the organisation to communicate with
each group and explain how each method could be improved and why.

Q4 Internal communications (adapted from June 2002 exam)

You are to give a presentation to marketing department colleagues following

the merger of your company with another. The merger will result in some job
losses, closure of some offices, rebranding of some products and an overhaul
of marketing literature. Your presentation should cover:

What happens during the communications process?

Why is internal communication important and why is it necessary to plan

internal communications carefully, especially when informing staff about
reorganisation and changes in the firm’s marketing approach?

How can ICT be used to enhance internal communication?

Q5 Recruitment Advertisement (pilot paper)

You work as marketing manager for a large toy manufacturer and you are
about to launch a new range of toys for children under 5. Draft a full A4 page
recruitment advertisement for the post of product manager for this toy range,
to be placed in Marketing Recruitment.

Ensure the ad contains the following: company background; benefits of the

job; information about the role; brief description of the ideal candidate and
any other essential information. Provide guidance for the magazine’s
production department with regard to the typeface and type sizes to be used,
the positioning of logos and any other layout details you consider necessary.

Q6 Toy Fair (June 2000 exam)

You are the sales and marketing executive for a toy manufacturing company.
This year you have decided to take an exhibition stand at an international toy
1. Draft an agenda for your regular monthly sales meeting. In addition to
the usual agenda items, include two agenda items relating to the
organisation and staffing of the exhibition stand.

2. Write a memo to staff who will be manning the company’s exhibition

stand, outlining how they might use appropriate body language to
enhance their effectiveness at the trade fair.
3. Write a memo to staff explaining the importance of exhibitions in
achieving company sales objectives and suggest how the value of this
type of promotional activity could be measured.

Q7 Promotional activity (December 2000 paper)

For a product or service of your choice, explain and provide examples of how
the following promotional activities could play an important role in
communicating with target audiences.

sponsorship direct marketing press advertising public relations

Q8 Communications mix differences (June 1998 paper)

You are considering applying for a new position in a marketing

communications role in a financial services company. Your previous
experience is with a fast moving consumer goods manufacturer. What
differences would you expect in the communications mix between the two
types of organisation?

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