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MAI LAN HUGNG - NGUYEN THANH LOAN Bai tap TIENG ANH TAI BAN THANG 7 NAM 2012 TRUNG TAM BIEN SOAN DICH THUAT SACH SAI GON (SAIGONBOOK) gid quyén sé hitu tac pham * SACH CO 32 TRANG HOA VAN CHiM, DUGC IN vat CHAT LUGNG CAO. KHACH HANG VUI LONG KIEM TRA, PHAN BIET DE TRANH MUA NHAM SACH GIA. * CUOI SACH CO 4 TRANG TOM TAT NGU PHAP TIENG ANH 6. oni, < TRUNG TAM SACH SAI GOR (Ju) |) CHUYEN NGHIEP BAN SACH nxb Da Néng VA CHICO BAN SACH cow om ned shensireon MUC LUC HOC KYI PHAN I: CAC BAI TAP THEO TUNG DON VI BAI HOC.. 5 Unit 1.0... 5 Unit 7 Unit 3 “9 Unit 4 13 Unit 5 16 Unit 6 20 Unit 7 24 Unit 8 27 Unit 9 30 PHAN II: MOT SO DE KIEM TRA HOC KY I 33 A.9 48 gis. B. Mot s0 dé kiém tra I. 4 dé kiém tra 1 tit ding trong hoc ky I IL. 4 a8 kiém tra hoc ky I... HOC KY II PHAN I: CAC BAI TAP THEO TUNG DON VI BAI HOC. Unit 10. Unit 11. Unit 12. Unit 13. Unit 14.. Unit 15. Unit 16. PHAN II: MOT SO DE KIEM TRA HOC KY I A. 14 dé goi ¥ .. B. Mét s6 dé kiém’tra I. 5 dé kiém tra 1 tit ding trong hoc ky Il... IL 4 dé kiém tra hoc ky ID. DAP AN... SACH CO 32 TRANG HOA VAN CHiM, DUOC IN VI CHAT LUGNG CAO. ., KHACH HANG vul LONG KEM : TRA, PHAN BIET DE TRANH MUA NHAM SACH GIA. TL. UL. PHAN I: CAC BAI TAP THEO TUNG DON VI BAI HOC UNIT 1 Thay méi d&u gach ngang (-) bang mét chit cdi thich hgp dé tao thanh ti-diing. 1. h_lo 4, a_te_n_o_ T. nigt 10.t_e_ve 7 2. c_i_den 5. _oo_b_e 8. _h_nk_ 3. _or_i_g 7 oe 9. h_w Sap xép cdc chi cdi dé tao thanh ty ma em da hoc. 1. nefi 4, mena 7. leneve 10. tynwte 2. ssaclatem 5. r™M 8. lod 3. ssiM 6, bermun 9. rtehe Em hay ty giéi thiéu tén va tudéi cia minh. 1. Lan / 10 5. Ba/ 14 9. Thanh / 8 2. Hoa/ 11 6. Thu/9 10. Linh / 19 3. Nam / 12 _ 7. Long / 15 4, Nga / 13 8. Tam / 20 Em hay tu gidi thigu tén minh va gidi thigu tén nguéi khac. 1. Lan / Hoa 4. Lan Anh / Mr Tam 2. Thu / Mr Tan’ . 5. Chau/ Ba 7 3. Vy / Miss Nhi Sdp xép cdc cu déi thoai sau thanh doan héi thoai hgp ly. 1. - Hello, Thu. 4, - Bye Lan, this is Nam. - Fine, thanks: Goodbye. - Hello, Nam. How old are you? —- How are you? - Hello, Lan. = Good morning, children. - I'm eleven. - We're fine, thank you. How are you? 2. - I'm fine. Thank you. And you? - Good morning, Miss Thu. - Good morning, Hoa. 5. - How are you? - Good morning, Lan. How are you? - Good afternoon, Mai. - Fine, thanks. Hoa, this is Lan - Good afternoon, Lan. Anh. - Fine, thank you. And you? - 1am nine. - Goodbye, Mai. - Hello, Lan Anh. How old are - Fine, thanks. you? - Bye. 8. - Fine, thanks. - How are you, Lan? , - Hi; Lan. - I'm fine, thanks. How are you? - Hello, Nam. BAI TAP TIENG ANH6-PHANBALTAP = 5 VI. Hay hoan tat cdc mau déi thoai sau. ea , Miss Thu. ; Miss Thu , Ba. How 2 Bas tn you And ? Miss Thu: a ee Mai Mai : , Lan. This is Ba. Lan , Ba ? Se elves 2 Lan : eleven. VII. Hay dién vao ché tréng véi dang dting cia déng ty "TO BE", Cini eee ee Tat Ee 3. How you? 4, 5. We fine, thank you. My name Huong. VIII. Hay sp xép cdc tw dwéi day thanh c4u hoan chinh. 1. am / Hoa /1/ hello. 2. Nam / is / this / Son. : 3. old / are / how / you? 4. is / name /*my / Lan. 5. today / are / how / you? IX. Hay dat cau héi cho cdc cau tra léi sau. L 2 ~ I'm fine, thank you. 2. 2 = I'm ten. 3 2 — I'm twelve years old. 4, 2? ~ We are fine, thank you. 5. 2 Yes, this is Minh X. Hay tra léi cde cfu héi sau. 1. How are you? 3. I'm fine. And you? 2. How old are you? TEST 1 I. Hay hoan tat ede cau sau. 1. Hello, I Mai. 4.‘ This Lan. 2. How are you? 5. Fine, i 3. I'm ten old. Il. Thay méi dau gach ngang (-) bing mét chit cdi thich hgp dé tao thanh ti dung. 1. nm 3. eevn 5. a_te_n_on 2. cla_sm_t_ 4. _we_ty ILL. Hay viét lai cde cu dui sao cho nghia ctia n6 gidng véi cau trén. 1. Fine, thanks. > Fine, thank 2. I'm ten. -» I'm ten years 6 BAITAP TENG Ann PHAN RAITAP Iv. Ti. Iv. 3. I'm Vinh. > My 4. I'm fine. And you? -»_ I'm fine. How 5. Bye. > Good Hay viét lai cdc c4u sau, ding dang viét tit néu c6 thé. 1. Tam Hoa. : 4, We are fine, thank you. 2. This is Mr Tan. 5. How old are you? 3. My name is Lan. UNIT 2 Thay méi d&u gach ngang (-) bing mét chi cdi thich hgp dé tao thanh tw ding. lersr 4. wi_dw 1. _¢00_ 10. ue 2. _o_se 5. b_skt 8. taher 3. ¢_as_ro_m 6. s_re_t 9. s.uen_ . Sdp xép cdc chi edi sau dé tao thanh ti dung. 1. liepne 4. plels 7. kobo 10. meco 2. yas 5. tnads 8. gab 3. tis 6. doarb 9. kloce Hay dién cdc giéi t¥ thich hgp vao ché tréng. 1. Stand : : 6. I live Vietnam. 2. Sit 7. I live a city. 3. Come : 8. I live Le Loi street. 4. T live a street. 9. Llive Ho Chi Minh City. 5. I live a house. 10. What is this English? Dat cau héi vi "WHAT" va tra ldi theo ti goi ¥. 1. this / desk. 6. that / board 2. that / clock 7. this / door 3. this / ruler 8. that / waste basket 4. that / eraser 9. this / book’ 5. this / pencil 10. that / bag Sip xép cde cfu déi thoai sau thanh doan déi thoai hgp ly. 1. - Hello. My name's Lan. What's 3. - Good morning. How are you? your name? - Fine, thanks. - I'm ten years old. And you? - Fine, thank you. And you? - How old are you? - This is Ba. : - My name's Hoa. - Hello, Ba. How old are you? - I'm eleven. : - I live on Tran Phu street. And you? 2. - Hi, Nam. Where do you live? - T'm twelve. - What's your name? - Where do you live? - I'm ten years old. - I live on Quang Trung street. - I live on Hoan Kiem Lake. - My name's Nam - How old are you, Nam? BAI TAP TIENG ANH 6 -PHANBAITAP 7 VI. Hay hoan tat céc mau déi thoai sau. | VII. Hay dién vao ché tréng véi dang ding cia dong tx "TO BE". 1, --Hello. My name's Mai. ____- =). ? ? ~My name _____- Ss Tom Sow ae me Seren? : eleven years old: 2 twelve. - Where live? -I live ___________§=_ Tran Hung Dao street. 2. - Good evening. : . How are you? - Fine, thank . And - Fine, thanks. - Where you ‘1 Le Loi 1. What this? 2. We classmates. 3. That a book. street. 4, The children fine 5. What your name? VIII. Em hay dat cau héi cho cde cau tra léi sau. 8 i {9 9% SO orm oo po 10. . Hay tra 1di cde cau héi sau. 1. What is that? ce 2, What's your name? - 3. Where do you live? - 4, How old are you? = 5. Is this your bag? _—-- Yes Hay sit dung cdc tw cho sin duéi day dé 1, name /:Thu. 2. What / your name? 3. I/ live / Ly Thuong Kiet street. 4, Where / live? 5. How / old / you? BAI TAP TIENG ANH 6 - PHAN BAI TAP 2 - My name's Lan. ?- I'm eleven. 2 - That is a clock. ?- This is an eraser. 2 - I live on Le Lai street. ?-T'm fine, thank you. 2- Yes, that is my classroom. ?- No, this isn't my bag. 2 I live in Hue. 2 - It’s a waste basket. pencil. Loan. Hanoi. ten. thanh cau. 6. 1/ ten / old. 7. What / that? 8. this / eraser. 9. that / your ruler? 10. morning / Miss Huong. Tl. TL. TEST 2 Hay hoan tat cdc cAu sau. ; . Where you live? I live Hoan Kiem Lake. . This is eraser. What : name? that your pencil? hay méi d&u gach ngang (-) bing m6t chi cdi thich hgp dé tao dung. 2 s. 3. wise bse 4, rir dw 5. _ra_e. brgayoronr Hay sifa 1éi ede cau sau. 1. We are fine, thanks you. 6. What your name? 2. That is a eraser. 7. My name Long. 3. Where are you live? 8. No, this is my bag. 4, I live in Le Loi street. 9. I fine, thank. 5. I'm ten year old. 10. How are you? I'm twelve. Sap xép lai cdc t¥ duéi day thanh cau hoan chinh. live / do / where / you? not / is / this { book / my /. in / Hue / live / 1. is / classroom / this / your? book / your / close. rf Se ae ae a Viét lai cde cdu sau, chon ti diing trong ngoic. . Is this (you / your) pen? . No, this isn’t (I / my) pen. . How old are (you / your)? . (L/ My) name is Linh. . That is (my / I) book. aR wee UNIT 3 Viét dang s6 nhiéu ctia cdc danh ti sau va xép chting vao 3 nhém theo ding cach doc cia nhiing 4m cuéi. Is/ tal fil book, door, window, board, clock, bag, pencil, desk, school, classroom, ruler, eraser, house, pen, street, student, teacher, chair, bookshelf, doctor, couch, engineer, lamp, nurse, table, stool, telephone, stereo, television, bench. Dat cau héi véi "WHAT" va tré lai theo cde tt goi ¥- 1. this / clock 4. those / lamps 2. these / chairs 5. that / house 3. that / telephone BALTAP TIENG ANH G-PHANBAITAP 9 IIL Dat céu hdi cho ede cau tra li sau. 1. ~ They are stools. 2 —I'm a student. 3. ~ His name is Nam. ? ? 2 a 2? ~ She's a teacher on eS 2? There are five people in my family. ? I'm fine, thank you. 2? ~ That is a chair. ? -There is a desk in the room. 2 — My sister is fifteen years old. 5, 6. eo 8. 9, ————E—EEEEe IV. Hay tra 1di cde cAu hdi sau. What's your name? What do you do? How old are you? How many people are there in your family? What does your father do? What's your father's name? What does your mother do? How old is your father? How old is.your mother? 10: Where do you live? V. Hay déi cde cfu sau sang dang sé nhiéu. - This is an eraser. . That is a telephone. . It's my house. There is a table. What is this? __ VI. Dién vao ché tréng cdc ti thich hop dé tao thanh cau hoan ehinh. Mr Nam a teacher? Yes, is, What's _____?It's_____ eraser. . This is Hoa, ___is a student. Are nurses? Yes, we Are you doctors? Yes, are. Are you an engineer? No, not. . What are you? __ 2 student. is that? Linh. . No, it___. It's armchair. 0. How many _____are there in your house? There one desk. VII. ns 16i trong ede cau sau réi sta lai thanh cau ding. 1, They are a driver. 4. You and I am students. 2. Who's they? 5. Who are they? They're engineers. 3. Is Nam and Ba students? CoHONAnswwe ae a 10 BAL TAP TIENG ANH 6-PHAN BAITAP VUL. Hay dién vao ché tréng véi dang dung cia dng tv "TO BE". 1 Lan. I a student. My brother and sister teachers. My brother twenty-five years old. My sister twenty-four years old. There five people in my family. 2. This Thu. She my friend. 3. We _____ in the yard., 4, Who they? 5. What those? IX. Dung dai ta nhan xwng (Personal Pronouns) dé thay thé cho cdc ti duge gach duéi. 1. Thu and Lan are students. 2. My father“and I are teachers. 3. My book is here. 4, His pencils are there. 5. Are you and Nam students? X. Tra Idi cde cfu héi sau. 1. Is this your pen? - No, 2. Are these her books?, - Yes, 3. Are they doctors? - No, 4. Is that his. eraser? - Yes, 5. Is Nam a student? - No, XI. Déi ede edu sau ra thé phi dinh va nghi van. 1. Her name is Linh. 4. Those are his pens 2. They're nurses. 5, My father is a doctor. 3. I'm an engineer. XII. Hay hoan t&t doan déi thoai sau. - Hello. My name's Mai. _ 2 - My name's Thu. : 2 - I'm twelve. 2 - I'm eleven, years old - 2 - Tm a nurse. And you? - T'm a student. 2 - There are four people in my family. - Oh, there are four. people in my family, too. XIII. Sdp xép cde tv duéi day thanh edu hoan chinh. 1. her / is / ruler / that? 2. not / are / those / books / my. 3. your / éngineer / sister / is / an? 4. are / doctors / brothers / your? 5. his / is / what / name? BAr TAP TIGNG ANH 6- PHAN BALTAP LL TEST 3 I. Viét dang sé nhiéu cia ede danh tw sau va xép chting vio 3 edt theo ding cdch doc cia nhiing 4m. cudi: /s/, /2/, /iz/ clock, house, couch, nurse, lamp, stereo, bench, bookshelf, table, window I. Déi cde cau sau sang dang sé nhiéu: . What's this? It's a ruler. > Who's that? > | I'm a student. > = Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. > | ‘There is a lamp on the wall. —> : | IIL. Hay dién eée tinh ti sd hifu thich bgp vao chd trong. | aw dE 1. What's your name? name is Xuan. | 2. Is_____-_ name Mai? Yes, it's Mai. 3. He's a student. name is Binh. 4. They are engineers. names are Tom and John. 5. Are those your erasers? Yes, they are erasers. 6. Nam is here. That is, book. | 7. Is this pen? Yes, it's my pen. I 8. I'ma doctor. name is Tom Baker. | 9. Lan is here. Those are bags. : 10. What's name? Her name is Loan. | IV. Dat cau héi cho ede tt duge gach duéi. | 1. My name's Linh. 6. Her name is Vy, not Lan. | 2. She's a nurse 7. There are two lamps in my house. | 3. It’s an eraser. 8. Mr and Mrs Tam are engineers. | 4. They're tables. 9. It's my book, not her book. 5. It's Mr Vien. 10. I'm five years old. V. Hay tim 1éi trong cdc cau sau va viét lai cho dung. 1. What's your name? Your name's Lan. 2. What's he name? He name is Tam. 3. How many chair are there in your house? 4. What do your father do? 5. My sister is a engineer. VI. Hay viét bing cha cdc két qua sau. ee . 2.72 + 10 = 3.12 + 8 = 4 81 : 9 = Bo 2 0 VII. Hay hoan tét doan van sau day, sau dé tra di cdc cau héi. This (1) my family. There (2) five people (3) i my family: my father, my.mother, my brother, my sister and me. We live (4) 12 BAITAP TENG ANH 6-PHAN BAI TAP | Quang Trung street. My father is forty years (5). . He is (6) engineer. My ‘mother is thirty-six. (7) is a nurse. My brother is twelve. My sister is ten. I'm fourteen. We (8) students. * Questions: a. How many people are there in his family? b. Where do they live? c. How old is his father? d. What does his father do? e. How old is his mother? f. ‘Is his mother a doctor? g. How old is his brother? h. How old is his sister? i, What do they do? UNIT 4 I. Hay ghép cdc ty 8 edt 1 véi ti & c6t 2 dé tao thanh cau dung. 1 2 a. Stand A. in the country b. Sit B. afternoon ec. Good ~ C. ‘up d. My school is D. down e. Her name EB. is Mai Il. Hay dién a hode an vao cdc ciu sau néu can. 1. My father is engineer. 2. These are clocks. 3. It's eraser.” 4, There is desk and armchair in my room. 5. We live in house. TIL. Dat cau véi ede ti duge ggi ¥ sau. 1. this school / big. 4. Thu's school / city 2. those clocks / small. 5. Where / Lan's house? 3. your room / big. IV. Hoan tat cdc mau déi thoai sau. 1. Lan: Is your house big? Hoa: No, it's : Lan: How many floors it have? Hoa: It two floors. Lan: How many rooms there? Hoa: four rooms. Lan: How many people in your family? Hoa: _____ five. 2. Vy: Is your school ____? Thu: No, it's small. BAL TAP TENG aNH6-PHANBAITAP = 13 Vy: How many floors it have? | Thu: It 3 floors. Vy: Which class you in? j Thu: I'm class 6A. ' : Vy: Where your classroom? | Thu: It's the first floor. Vy: How many students are there your class? wer ee V. Hay dat cu hdi cho ede cau tra Idi sau. 1 ? —I get up at six o'clock. 2. ? - Yes, my school is big. I 3. ? - Mr Nam is-a teacher. _ ? - He goes to school at six thirty. 5. ? ~ She has breakfast at’ six fifteen. 6. ? - I'm eleven. 7. 2? ~ It's eight o'clock. 8. ? ~My father's name is Tom Pike. 9. 2? - We live on Le Duan street. 10, ss? = T'm in Grade 6. VI. Déi cdc cau sau sang dang sé nhiéu. 1. This house is big. > 2. Is it your pen? Yes, itis. > 3. Is this couch small? No, it isn't. — 4. That room isn't small. > 5. What's that? It's an eraser. > — VIL. Tra léi cde cau héi sau. 1. Is your school big or small? - big. 2. Are your sisters students? - Yes 3. How are you? - Fine 4. What's your brother's name? Nam. 5. Where is your school? city. 6. What time do you get up every morning? 6 o'clock. 7. What time does she brush her teeth? six ten 8. Where does your classmate, Tam, live? Nguyen Hue street 9. How old is Mai? - twelve 10. Which grade is Lan in? - Grade 6 VIII. Hay viét lai ede cu sau sao cho nghia eta ching khong déi. 1. This table is big. — It's i 2. Lan is eleven. > Lan is eleven years 5 dl 3. I'm Minh. > My__ i 4, It's small house. - That 5. Is your clock small? ~ Is it ? 14 BAITAP TIENG ANH 6 - PHAN BAI TAP IX. Hay dién dat cde méc thai gian sau bing chi. 6.00 Se 8.30 7. 12.50 9.45 8. 4.55 5.10 9. 11.00 7.15 10. 10.25 X. Sp xép cdc t¥ duéi day thanh cdu hoan chinh. is / my / this / not / pen. . dressed / gets / he / at / six o'clock. . does / school / how / floors / many / your / have? . face / wash / does / what / he / time / his? } . small / big / or / is / the / bag? TEST 4 L. Hay hoan t&t doan van sau day, sau dé tra léi cdc cau hdi bén. dudi. This is Mai. She is my classmate. She (1) twelve (2) old. (3) is a student. She lives (4) a big city. She is (5) Grade 6. She gets (6) (7) 6 every morning. She washes (8) face at 6.10. She has breakfast (9) 6.15. She goes (10) school at 6.30. * Questions: . How old is Mai? . What does she do? Where does she live? Is it a small city or a big city? Which grade is she in? What time does she wash her face? What time does she have breakfast? . What time does she go to school? Il. Dung hinh thiic dting cia déng t¥ trong ngoac. sae oR we Pameacop 1. Miss White's students (not be) big. 2. Lan's brothers (be) doctors. 3. Nam's father (be) Mai's teacher. 4, Mai and Hoa (not be) Mr Tam’s students. 5. You and I (be) good friends. 6. Every morning Lan (get) up at 6. 7. Igo) to school at 6.30 every day. 8. He (brush) his teeth every morning. 9. Mai (get) dressed at 6.50 every morning. 10. Hoa (go) to school by bus every: day. JIL. Tim nhiing Idi trong cdc cfu sau va stfa lai cho ding. 1. Is your father a engineer? Yes, she is. 2. My house small. 3. Who this? It's Lan. BAI TAP TIENG ANH 6- PHAN BAITAP. 15 It. 16 I get up in 6 every morning. Hoa go to school at 6.30 every morning. Mai brother is a engineer. Is this he ruler? That is my friend book. 9. What’s your sister name? 10. What do Lan father do? She is a teacher. ery aae Hay viét a hode an truée nhing danh ti sau. 1. nurse 5. doctor 9. house 2 eraser 6. armchair 10. pencil 3 teacher 7. school 4. engineer 8. ______ student . Chon tw ding dién vao ché tréng. 1. Those lamps (is / are / isn't) new. 2. (Ave / Is / Isn't) these your books? 3. Is this her (eraser / books / pencils) 2 4, Who (is he / are they / is she) ? They're Mai and Lan. 5. What's your name? (My / Your / Her) name is Linh. 6. Is (her / his / your) name Mai? Yes, it's Mai. 7. Are they (big / small) ?.No, they're small. 8. Is she a doctor or an (teacher / nurse / engineer) ? 9. Are Mr and Mrs Ba doctors or engineers? They're (teacher / doctor / engineers) 10. These (book / books) are small. UNIT 5 Thay méi dau gach ngang (-) bing m6t cha cdi dé tao thanh t¥ dung. L gogahy 4. wie 71d. 2. _is_o_y - L 8. mt 3. co_nt_y 6. oe or_ 9. _oc_er _t_re 10. _i_et_b_e . Dang hinh thife dting ctia dong ti trong ngode. 1, Every morning, Thu (get) up at 6. She (have) breakfast at 6.10. After breakfast she (brush), her teeth. She (go) to chool at 6.30. She (have) __lunch at 11.30 at school. . We (watch) television every. evening. . 1 (do) my homework every afternoon. . Mai and Lan (play) games after school . Vy (listen) to music every night. Déi cde céu sau sang thé phi dinh va nghi van. 1. They listen to music every day. 2. He plays volleyball after school. 3. They play soccer every afternoon. anRoN BAL TAP TIENG ANH 6 - PHAN BAI TAP He does the homework every evening. She has breakfast at’6.10. I-get up at 6.00 every morning. Nga and Lan go to school every day. We have lunch at 11.30. My father reads a newspaper every day. 10. Nga does the housework every day: COA aap Hay hoan. tat cdc mau déi thoai sau. es , Peter. B: , Tom. 2 A: Fine, thank you. B: Fine, . Oh, Tom. Is that Nam? A: No, it It's Ba. B: And A: They're Mr Tu and Miss Lan. B: 2 A: They're teachers. 2. A: Hi, My name Phong. I'm twelve : 2 B; I'm eleven. A: Which grade you in? B: I'm Grade 6. Which class you 2 I'm class 6A. What you? Grade 6, class 6B. Hay dién gidi ti vao ede cau sau. 1. I listen music every night. 2. Stand , please. 3. Sit_______, please. 4, Lan is Grade 6. 5. They go school every morning. 6. I get up 6.00 every day. 7. We live a big city. 8. I'm class 7A. 9. They have English Monday. 10. My house is____ Le Loi street. . Hay tra ai cde cau héi sau, ding ti gi ¥. 1. Who is this? : Miss Lan. 2, Is she a nurse? - Yes, : 3. Who are they? - Lan and Hoa. 4. What do they do? . students. 5. What's that? eraser. 6. Is he a doctor? -No, _. . 7. What's this? : couch. 8. Are they engineers? ~~ Yes, BAI TAP TING ANHG- PHAN BAITAP, 17 9. How many brothers and sisters do you have? two brothers and two sisters. 10. What time does Hoa get up every morning? 6.00. VII. Hay chon cau tra 1éi 6 cét B sao cho phi hgp véi cau héi 6 cét A. A B 1, Who's this? a. She. goes to school at 6.30. 2. What's her name? b. Fine, thank you. 3. Is your house big? ec. It's Lan. 4. Is Mr Tan an engineer or a doctor? | d. Her name's Thu. 5. How are you? e. We live on Tran Phu street. 6. Where do you live? f. She is a nurse. 7. How many students are there g. I'm in Grade 6. in your class? h. There are 30. 8. What does your mother do? i, He is an engineer. 9. Which grade are you in? j. Yes, it is. 10. What time does Lan go to school? VIII. Em hay viét két qua cia nhing phép tinh sau bang chi. 1. Thirty-seven + six 7 2. Twenty-eight + four = 3. Sixty-nine + seven 4. eight + three 5. Sixty-six + thirty-two a. IX. Em hay tim nhiing t¥ ma em da hoc dap ting dude nhiing yéu cdu duéi day. 1. There are two O in this word. 2. There are two E in this word. 3. There's a W and a K in this word. 4. There's an S and 4 T in this word. 5. There are two N and three E in this word. X. Dat cAu hoi cho cdc cau tra 1éi sau. a ie — Yes, there are 20 girls in my-class. 2. 2 — There are three lamps in the room. 3. ? ~ It's ten ten. 4. 2 — I'm a doctor. 5. 2 — He's ten years old. 6. ? ~ She has lunch at 11.30 every day. 18 BAITAP TIENG ANH 6 - PHAN BAITAP IL. il Iv. 1. 2 — Yes, my school is big. 8 2 — He does his homework every evening. 9 ? — No, I don't. I don't listen to music every day 10. 2 — Our School is in the village. TEST 5 Sdp xép cdc chi cdi dé tao thanh ti dung. 1. trefa 4. trosp 7. ngEshil 10. tham 2. dne 5. ttars 8. chwat 3. tae 6. hingt 9. ylap Sdp xép cdc cfu déi thoai sau thanh doan héi thoai hop ly. 1 Coe Se What time do you go to bed? What do you do after school? Ihave my lunch. Yes, I play volleyball. I do my homework and then watch T.V. Do you play sports in the afternoon? What: do you do in the evening? I go to bed at ten o'clock. . Dién ti thich hgp vao ché tréng. Nam soccer every day. She to school the morning. We English on Monday. There forty students in my class. Thu up at five o'clock. She her teeth after breakfast. My Mom up at five o'clock. 1 live a village. . My class is the second floor. 0. Which class is he 2 Tim va sifa lai cdc Idi sai trong cée cau sau. a 3. 4, 5. 6. ze 8. 9. 1 . What is your first class in Monday? I goes to bed on ten o'clock. . She have her breakfast at home. Does you play sports? When do we has history? Does she wash she face? . What time she get up? How many floors does your school has? . This is Nga school 0.Is Nam's school at the country? BAITAP TIENG ANH6- PHAN BAITAP | 19 v. IL. 1 (3) ___.__a brother, Nam. He's (4) We live (5) a house (6) Sdp xép cdc t¥ duéi day thanh cau hoan chinh. 1. is / my / this / school. 2. Thu's / is / small / house? 3. students / are / there / hundred / nine / school / in / the. 4. book / is / there / desk / in / the / a. 5. on/ the / is / classroom / my / second / floor. 6. housework / do / you / the / do / day / every? 7. from / I/ past / eleven / seven / to / quarter / classes / have / a. 8. o'clock / at / go/1/ to / bed / ten. 9. Tuesday / have / we / history / on. 10. Friday / on / does / Lan /-math / have? UNIT 6 Thay méi dau gach ngang (-) bing m6t chit cai dé tao thanh tif ding. 1. v_lage 4, lae 1. _ac_ory 10. _use_m 2. _ou_tan 5. h_s_ial 8. foer 3. eatfl 6. du_st_re 9. _et_een 5 Hay hoan tat doan van sau, sau dé tra 1di ede cau héi. Hello. My name (1) Lan. I'm twelve (2) old. I'm a student. engineer. He's twenty-seven. a lake. Our house (7) a yard. Our hcuse is (8) big. It's small. Til. 20 * Questions: . How old is Lan? What does she do? . What's her brother's name? How old is he? What does he do? Where do they live? What does their house have? . Is their house big? Déi cdc cau sau sang thé phi dinh va nghi van. 1. Our house has a yard. 2, There is a park near the hotel. 3. She lives in a house near a lake. 4, He works in a factory. 5. They have literature on Tuesday. 6. 1 8 9 1 Snore ey . Lan takes a shower every morning. . Those are her pencils. I watch television every night. His mother does the housework every day. 0.Her brother and sister play sports after lunch. BAI TAP TIENG ANH 6.- PHAN BAI TAP. | | : | | IV. Hay dat cau héi cho cde cau tra ldi sau. 1 2 — Mai lives in the city. 2) ? — Nam's father works in a factory. 3. ? — They work in a hospital. 4, . a — He goes to Le Loi school. 5. a — She works in a museum. 6. 2 — I have two brothers and one sister. th 2 — There are three bookstores near my house. 8. ? — We eat in a big restaurant. 9. 2 — The cat is in the box. 10. ? — I play soccer in the afternoon. V. Dat cau héi véi WHERE va tra idi véi cdc tY gdi ¥. . your pen / in the box the students / in the class . the children / in the room . her father / in the house his pencil / in the desk. your eraser / on the table your house / in the country . their classroom / on the second floor. her ruler / in the box. 10. the clock / on the wall Vi. Hay hoan thanh nhiing m4u déi thoai sau. is your house? OC Onaaawne It's Quang Trung street. 2. many floors it have? It three floors. 3. your school big? Yes, is. 4. is your name? name's Lan. 5. do you spell your name? THAN.H, Thanh BAL TAP TIENG ANH 6 - PHAN BAI TAP 6. school do you go to? I__ to Nguyen Du school. ib grade are you in? I'm Grade 6. 8. do you have literature? have literature Wednesday. 9 do you get I get up____ 6 o'clock. 10 she brush her teeth every morning? Yes, she___-_____ her teeth every morning. VII. Viét lai cdc cfu sau theo yéu cdu trong ngode. Mrs Long's daughter is eleven. (hdi "HOW OLD") . The house is big. (Viét lai cau véi "IT") ‘The man is old. (Viét lai cau véi HE") My mother's picture is on the wall (héi "WHERE") My brother's school is on Pasteur street. (hoi "WHERE") My school time is at half past twelve. (hoi “WHEN”) Mai gets up at six every morning. (héi " WHAT TIME") There are four people in my family. (hoi "HOW MANY") . Where's your house? (tra 123i) OnIATAYONY 10. He brushes his teeth after breakfast. (d6i ra thé phi dinh va nghi van.) VIII. Déi ra sé nhiéu cdc cau sau. My pencil is on the table. This school is big. That is an eraser. There is a lamp in the desk. It's a small house. Who's that? No, it isn't. It's small. Is your room big? . This is her dress. 10. Is that your stereo? CeranRoNe bbb bbtevsd IX. Sép xép cdc cfu sau thanh mét doan héi thoai hgp ly. — It's next to the bakery on Nguyen Hue street. — I'm Lan. How old are you? — Hello, I'm Mai. What's your name? — I'm twelve. And you? - I'm eleven. — Where's your house? — My house is on Le Loi street. Where's your house? X. Sdp xép cde tw duéi day thanh cdu dung. 1. opposite / bakery / the / house / is / my. 2. bookstore / a / her / school / next / theater / movie / is / to / and / a. 22 BAITAP TIENG ANH6- PHAN BAL TAP 3. house / front / in / of / what / is / your? 4. bakery / drugstore / the / between / the / and / Lan's house / is. 5. ‘restaurant / to / next / is / police / station / the / the. TEST 6 I. Sdp xép cdc chi cdi sau dé tgo thanh tw dung: 1. dinhbe 4, orestyot 7: earn 10. ortycaf 2 el 5. krow 8. oklo 3. tigrh 6. ceapl 9. vreir Il. Viét dang sé nhiéu cia cdc danh tw sau va xép chting vao 3 edt theo dung cdch doc cia nhiing 4m cudi: /s/, /z/, /iz/ house, factory, park, place, tree, yard, hotel, lake, thing, sport, street, city, stool, game, temple. Ill. Viét dang sé nhiéu ctia cdc ti sau. .iman 3 3. child > 5. person..—> 2. woman —> 4. tooth IV. Dung cde ti goi y dudi day dé viét thanh doan van. Nam/ twelye years old. He / Grade 6. He / live / with his mother / father / two sisters / city/. His house / next / store. On the street / there / restaurant / bookstore / and / temple. In the neighborhood / there / hospital / and / factory. Nam's father / work /factory. His mother / work / hospital. V. Doe lai doan van trén va tra 1éi cde cau héi sau. How old is Nam? . Which grade is he in? Where does he live? Does he live with his mother, his father and two sisters? Is his house next to a store? : . What is there on the street? . Is there a hospital in the neighborhood? Is there a school in the neighborhood? ; Where does Nam's father work? 10. Where does his mother work? VI. Hay dién gidi tw vao cdc cau sau. OSI AOAR SE 1. Look the house. 2. There is a big yard front the house. 3. There are many trees the house. 4. There is a well the left of the house. 5. To the right the house, there is a flower garden. 6. I live a house. 7. There are many people the street. 8. They live a restaurant. 9. Their house is next a bookstore. 10. His father works a factory. BAI TAP THENG ANH 6-PHANBALTAP 23, UNIT 7 I. Thay méi d&u gach ngang (-) bing m6t chi cai thich hgp dé tao thanh t® dung. L_parmon 4. vg tbl 7. mtrbk_ 10. mare. 2. fied 5. _00 8. _ike 3. plne 6. _os_ of.ce 9. gurdn Il. Hoan tét doan van sau, sau dé tra 1di cdc céu héi. Hi. My (1) _.. is Mai. I'm eleven (2) old. I'm (8), student. I live (4)_____ a small house (5)___ the city. My house is (6) to a park. I get (7) at half past five. I take a shower and (8) dressed. I have my breakfast, then I leave the house at half past six. The school is (9) my house. Classes start at-seven and end at half past eleven. I walk (10) _____ after school time. * Questions: . How old is Mai? What does she do? Where does she live? Is her house next to a park? What time does she get: up? What time does she leave the house? . Is her school near her house? What time do classes start? What time do classes end? 10. How does she go home? IIL. Dat cAu héi va tr lai, dang ede ti g¢i ¥ sau. 1. How / you / school? (bus) 2. How / he / school? (bike) 3. How / Lan / travel / work? (train) 4. 5. SEN Sasser . How / Mai / travel / Hanoi? (plane) . How / they / travel / Hue? (car) IV. Viét lai cdc cfu sau & dang viét tat. 1, Tama student. 6. They are not my books. 2. He is a doctor. 7. There is not a lake near my house. 3. We are engineers. 8. Chi does not live in a town. 4, It is an eraser. 9. We do not go to school by car. 5. No, it is not. 10. They are my friends. V. Tra 1éi cdc c4u héi sau. 1, Is there a flower garden in front of your house? - Yes, 2. Is your house big? —No, ' 3. Is Lan in the city? ~ Yes, 24 BAT TAP TWENG ANH6- PHAN BAITAP 4. Is there a well? - No, 5. Are there any trees behind your house? -Yes, 6. Are there any stores near your house? —No, 7. Do you go to school by bus? — No, 8. Does Nam go to school by bike? — Yes, 9. How does your father go to work? car. 10.Where does your mother work? hospital. VI. Viét dang ding ctia cdc dong ti trong ngoac. 1. Thu (go) to school by bike every day. 2. Their house (have) a big garden. 8. She (live) in a small village. 4. Ba's father (work) in a factory. 5. I (play) soccer in the stadium every day. 6. She (eat) her lunch at twelve o'clock. 7. They (go) to bed at 10 p.m. 8. His mother (work) in a hospital. 9. There (be) a park near my house. 10. There (be) many trees and flowers in the garden. VII. Hoan tat cdc doan déi thoai sau. 1. A: Is your house 2 B: No, it isn't. It's small. A: Is it uv B: Yes, it is old. ‘A: Does your house have a garden? B: Yes, it 2. L: Hello, Thu T: Hi, Lan. L: a T: Fine, : L: Do you live a house the country, Thu? T: Yes, VIII. Tim va stfa 16i cdc cau sau. 1. Thanh go to school by car. 2. Miss Lan walks to his office. 3. He wash his face every morning. BAr TAP TTENG ANH 6

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