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Content Regulation Project: Production Code for the film, The Escort (2015)

Question 1

Various aspects of The Escort would have passed due to the reviews in the Production

Codes Guidelines despite the numerous limitations. By 1960s, some features of the movie would

have been ‘passed’ if the producers recommended The Escort for mature audiences. Such a move

helped in controlling the growing defiance on Production Code from film-producers. Besides,

through the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) establishment in 1968, obscene

scenes in The Escort would be ‘passed’ because the filmmakers were freed to the inclusion of

desired contents before submitting for an official rating. The ‘ratings’ were dependent on the

content as opposed to moral values and attitudes. Because of the relatively vague quotes of

sexual activities, nudity, profanity, and violence in The Escort, a letter would have been attached

to the film to create awareness on the viewers of the featured contents. For such reasons, parental

guidance (PG) would be advised for The Escort. Besides, The Escort will ‘pass’ due to its

purpose of entertaining the audience on their roles in contemporary society. For such a case, the

film portrays social transformations aided by theatrical motion pictures.

Question 2

Within the provisions of 1930 Production Codes, The Escort would have failed due to its

vague content. In the ‘pre-code’ effect, the authorities only approved films that were suitable for

all viewers regardless of the primary target audience. In The Escort, various scenes would not
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have ‘passed’ due to the restrictions enhanced by the previous codes. For instance, the roles

played by Natalie as an ‘escort’ suggest some level of immorality to the younger generation. The

filmmakers were not allowed to engage in immoral characters, sexual innuendoes, and risqué

costumes during the ‘pre-code.’ In such regards, The Escort would not have been approved on

submission since it shows episodes of sexual obsession from Natalie and Mitch. The Production

Code Administration would not provide an official seal to The Escort due to such motion

pictures in the 1930s. As well, under MPAA, some of the contents of The Escort would have

been problematic to family audiences due to mixed ages, poor ratings, and PG-related issues.

More so, the theatrical pictures in the Production Codes were primarily meant for entertainment

with an emphasis on humankind restoration of value enhancement. In such regards, the romantic

drama involved in The Escort does not seem to directly rebuild society instead displays the ill-

realities of life in the modern world. Overall, the film would be discredited due to the possibility

of lowering the moral standards of the current generation as opposed to improving living


Question 3

On the contemporary rating, The Escort has been rated but is highly regarded as an

American romantic drama exploring challenges of the 21st-century graduates and undergraduates.

Such a plot increases the relevance of the motion pictures to a selected group of audience. For

instance, Mitch, a journalist is desperate for a job yet is faced with sex addiction through a

mobile app. As well, Natalie, a Stanford student embarks on prostitution to earn a living in Los

Angeles after failing to graduate. The previous Production Codes could underrate such vivid

presentations in the movie due to psychological influence on the audience. However, the two

main characters show no interest in romance but eventually fall in love by developing a feeling
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for the other through partnership. Through the relationship between the sex-obsessed journalist

and high-end ‘escort,’ the dawn of self-awakening is realized. In such regards, the filmmakers

create a twist from the immoral to unmistakably moral significance of enhancing lives and

reactions of the audience. Therefore, the moral obligation of The Escort is achieved, especially

within the mature class of people

Question 4

The authorization of films, like The Escort, shows the significant evolution in the

Hollywood Production Codes, where producers have the freedom of developing content out of

their desires. Such indication suggests that authorities have not compelled the filmmakers to

utilize the Code services. As well, modern Hollywood producers have defied most of the

regulations from the Production Code Administration. However, the Code administrators should

enforce policies that maintain the integrity and responsibility of the film industry despite its

complexity and dynamism. Besides, film consumers have different habits and attitudes that

challenge the process of developing a high principle of morality in art-world. Through

globalization, industrial democracy in the film cannot be taken for granted and must be protected

amid the problems from freedom, morality and content development among producers.

Overall, the realization of the Production Code of motion pictures has been a real

challenge in the film industry due to the associated industrial and business issues that hinder

successful administration. However, The Escort provides an exemplification of the changes in

the Production Code Administration in addition to the filmmaker’s encounters in the

contemporary world. For instance, parental guidance and the targeted audience can be

appreciated from The Escort’s producers, yet the previous Codes could not authorize the content.
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Work Cited

Cohen, Brandon, and Doneger, Michael. “The Escort.” Cloverhill Pictures, 2015 .

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