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Running head: PPD 8 AND NPR 1

PPD 8 and NPR


Institutional Affiliation

PPD 8 and NPR

Question #1

The DHS structured the NPR to provide a national approach to acute trends of

preparedness for the entire community partners for utilization in informing priorities, resource

allocation, and stakeholder’s communication on areas of shared concern. The basis of the NPR

structure is locally assessing each state and territory participating in the State Preparedness

Report. For example, the state-level ratings of every core capability that is reviewed and

synthesized by FEMA to produce regional and eventually national preparedness assessments

featured in the NPR. Some of the tools used in developing the Key Findings include the

‘Presidential Policy Directive’ (PPD-8) that contains programs, policies, and procedures

affecting the DHS (Brown, 2011). As well, a ‘Strategic National-Level Risk Assessment’

(SNRA) is employed in formulating target priorities and core capabilities. Besides, a Threat and

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) Guide is vital in the identification of likely

threats and hazards for a diverse range of stakeholders (Brown, 2011). Also, the ‘Capability

Estimation Comprehensive Planning Guide’ (CPG) 201 was established in approximating the

needs and gaps in core capabilities.

Question #2

Cybersecurity is of the core capabilities aimed at enhancing protection of internet

devices, yet has challenged the DHS due to rapid technological advancements and complexity.

Threats from cyber-attacks have risen in the 21st century and remains a potential risk in the future

is counterproductive measures are not developed. The vulnerability of the cyberspace and its

infrastructure has provided a broad range of threats that require cybersecurity to improve the

delivery of fundamental services. For instance, the Stuxnet worm posed a security challenge that

took five days for repair (Friedman, 2011). Such a move shows the need for the DHS to restore

the Stuxnet worm infected computer systems from information theft, damage, exploitation or

unauthorized users. As a result, DHS has created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security

Agency (CISA) in protecting the population against cyber-attacks (DHS, 2019).

Question #3

The DHS will gauge the progress in fixing cybersecurity in various editions. For instance,

acknowledgment of the challenges of technological developments and measuring preparedness at

every level, especially national-level to manage the expectations is useful. As well, independent

assessments of the cyber threats should be conducted in the first draft. In eliminating the cyber

risks, NPR should emphasize on the relative progression in the PPD-8 towards attaining

cybersecurity. Besides, the Goal of Cybersecurity determines the success of the DHS as outlines

in PPD-8, where the whole community should experience the safety of the cyberspace.


Brown, Jared T. (2011). Presidential Policy Directive 8 and the National Preparedness System:

Background and Issues for Congress. Washington DC: Congressional Research Service,


DHS, (2019). Cybersecurity. Available at;

Friedman, B. H. (2011). Managing fear: The politics of homeland security. Political Science

Quarterly, 126(1), 77-106

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