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nit • .

Present perfect simple, present perfect cont·
О Present perfect simple
ha:ve,lhas + pa'St particiiэle
stateme'nt negative quest1on
Vyou/we,lthey have ('ve) ,leamt .. . Vyou/we/they have not (haven'tJ leamt .. . H~ve V.Y.ou,4ve1th; learnt .J

о Helpful hints
Use Example
Situations that started Mrs Jenkins has been The present perfect simple is often used with the foll ,
words and phrases: ow1ng
in the past and are still the head teacher
true for three years. • for She's taught German here for over five Year
Completed actions at а l've already read that • since Mr Gray has taught French here since 2ООЕ
time in the past which is book. • just We've just done this exercise.
not mentioned • already We've already done this exercise.
Completed actions where They've а/1 done their • yet We haven't checked the answers yet.
the important thing is the homework. • ever Have уои ever had guitar lessons?
result now • never l've never understood why they give us so
much homework!
• it's the lt's the first time we've watched а video in
first time class.
Г.Wedon't use the p.resent perfect simple-when we want to say when something happened~iri '
~ i ttie past. We use the past simple. ,
' '

,. ✓I did ту homework last night.

• We don't use the past simple when we want to show that something happened before now or is sti/1
important now. We use the present perfect simple.
~'\ ✓l've finished! Сап I go home now?
, · • ,Some _verbs have irregular past participle forms. See page 182.

D Present perfect continuous

... ; i ~ . -

flave/f'las + Ьееп + -ing

• statement negative question
Vyou/we,lthey have ('veJ Vyou/we/they have not (haven'tJ Have Vyoujwe,lthey been
been studying _.. : . .. _ been studying ... studying .. .? ,. .
He/shefit has('sJ been studying ... He/she/it has not(hasn't}been studying ... Has he/she/it ьееп 5tиdy,ng

Use Example а Helpful hints

d with th
Actions continuing We've been doing grammar The present perfect continuous is often use
up to now or just exercises for over ап hour. following words: three year
befьre now Сап we have а break now? • for /'ve Ьееп learning English for over
• since He's Ьееп learning Chmese · се2004aper.
They're having а break now because
they've been working so hard. • just l've just Ьееп reading the school newsP

~• The present perfect simple often emphasises the result of an action: ' ·~ . ,
\=9 ✓ She's written ап article for the school newspaper. ( = She's finished it.) . rather
• The present perfect continuous often emphasises the action, and the time spent оп the actюn,
than the result: , fi1 1shed
~:§fte's been writing ап article for the school newspaper. ( = She's started, but she hasn t n
]fy_etj - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- . .,,
Present р~• '""' ~"· · r · , •

ts .
fect sim ple form of the verbs in bra cke
/1] complete using the correct present per

1 1 ... .. ... . •.. . .. ... . .. . .. ........ •..• . .. .. .. ..... (see) this film alrea
) their car for about а year.
2 John and Julie ............... ........ ........ ................. (had
з She ........ ................ ........ ........ ........ (not /
take) her driving test yet.
e since she left university.
4 Sue ................ ........ ........................ (Ье) а tour guid
оп your new Ьike yet?
5 ...................................... .......... (you / ride) into town
б This new computer ........................ ................
........ (make) my life а lot easier.
what to get Mark for his Ьirthday yet.
7 We ........ ........................................ (not / decide)
t) а famous person?
8 ................................................ (Paul / ever / mee

@ Choose the correct answer.

5 lt's the first time .......................... our flat, isn't
1 .......................... never played this game before. А you've visited В you visited
А l've В 1

6 They ........ .................. the ЬаЬу а пате yet.

2 Adam ....................... ... his room last night. А haven't given В didn't give
А has tidied В tidied
7 .......................... to New York when you went
3 ....................... ... here since 2005?
В Did you live the States last summer?
А Have you lived В Did you go
А Have you been
4 Carol and 1 •.. .•..•..• •... ........ .. . to the cinema thre
8 ....... ..... .............. an e-mail before?
nights ago. r send
В went А Have you ever sent В Did you eve
А have been

s to wri te sen ten ces . Use the cor r_e
@] Look at the pict ure and use the prompt
form of the pre sen t per fec t sim ple.

1 lesson / not / start / yet

······················· ········ ······· ··············· ·············· ········ ········
················ ················ ······································ ········ ········
2 teacher / already / write / оп the board
·············································· ······· ·······························
........................ ...................... ...................... ................

3 Joe and Tim / just / соте / into the classroo


······························· ········ ······················································

······················· ··············· ····································· ··················
4 Топу/ not / finished / getting / books read
y 6 Dave / drop / реп / оп the floor
········ ··············· ······································· ······ ···············
··················································· ······· ···································
······················· ···························································
······· ·············································································· ········
5 Christine / already / open / book 7 he / not / pick it up / yet
Unit 4 Grammar

f t continuous form of the verbs in

t present per ее
~D J Complete using the correc here possiЫe.
~ brackets. Use short forms w . , . . .
__ )· ...... :...........................(you I do) recently?
мandy: Hi Matt. How are Y?u? What (l .... ;.......... · ....... (1 / .study) f.9r my exarns:
Matt: Oh, hi Mandy! We'II, {2) ............. :.....;..................... ( ou / wotk) hard? _-
Мandy: That 5oiJ~ds boriM! (З) . : : : :: : ;;;)~t / sit) at my desk in my ~edroo
мatt: V_ery! Ba-s~c-ally, ( ) ......,.........
4 !i··:~:,... . ,. . ,................ ,............... .
(1 / no.t ~ _
go)-out at all. rnfor
the_past three weeks ап .. ~.. ~I ./ work) with Michael, my best fr1end, some of the.tirne
- -- ~~~~: . h:::~6-:~1·i·~·~~t·•i;~~·i~d
some c·ompany. How abou~ you?_ . : -:·_· _-- - . ,
_ _ ._ __-~ . ____ : . : .............................. (1 / pa1nt) my bedroom for the ·lastf _
. __ •- Well , ·my .mum
-Man· dy· and (7-) .................. ( - / - ) - - ,_ _ewda
- - . _ .
" · - ·_ · That has been fun! And (8) ...... ;.. ~ ................. ,.,... .. ............. we 1- а 1so . р 1an our sun; _· .. .
_ · : : -.. rner hoi1day
. :м:att:· ·_· --G·r~at1 Where <it-~you going? . . ._ . ; -.: - _
,·. мa'n·dy~- Well, _we.haven't'd:~p,1ded.yet. (9) :...................-..........._.. ,.-...._.......... (We I lo~k) at d~~:rent~l~tes.
_:- - _,. · to ·see ·whicn:w~:like·be'St. _ _ ·• · _ . _ · __ _ -·
·нi~~: ~ l;m ·su-~ .;you;II }iav/a great ti'me,:·_wherever y_6u_~о. -Oh; Ьу the ~ау;. ·. _ _. . .- _
·_.-- _. • (i-:0) .:.. ~.. ,..-....,.-.. .-.. :..,....:......,.-.......... (1 / think) о~ hav1ng а party whe~ 1f1n1sh my__e~ams: Would
_- _- . - - _-::10~~1,~~tdcome?_::· '.·:· - -
Mandy,:_ -Sur-e!Jhэt·wo~ld· be:;gr~at! .• ,

(]] Circle the correct word or phrase.

1 1think l've heard / been hearing that song before.

2 They haven't arrived / been arriving yet, but they should Ье here soon.
З You've written / been writing that e-mail for over an hour. How long is it going to take
4 Have you talked / been talking оп the phone since eight o'clock?
5 Jo has already invited / been inviting Shirley to dinner.
6 l've read / been reading an interview with Brad Pitt, but I haven't finished it yet.
7 Have the boys played / been playing computer games since this morning?

II] Complete using the words in the Ьох.

already • ever • for • just • never • since • yet

1 1h~ven't listen~~ to their new CD ........................... ls it any good?

2 We ve Ьееп wa1t1ng for you
.......................... over an hour. Where have you been?
3 Have you .......................... been to the UK before?
4 1'm а fra,.d we 've ................ .
.......... made plans for th·
5 Pedro has Ьееп having English lessons 15
weekeщJ, s~ we won't Ье free.
6 lt's strange that you mention the film с,;~~
've h d f ,
. .,. . . . . . .
he was f1ve years old. . . the paper.
7 l ..................... ..... ear о а sudoku'. What ·is ve .......................... been reading about it in
Unit .
Past perfect simple, past perfect
Past perfect simple
had + past participle
stat eme nt
//you;11e/she/iVwe/they had 1'fll question
wntten ... 'Vyou,lhe/she/it/We/they had ~ot ·(hadn't
} Had 1/you,lhe/she/iVwe/they
written ...
written ... ?
Use Example
1---- - - - -- -- --
Actions and states -= -- -- -- -- -1 О He lpf ul hin ts
/'d finished ту homework The past perfect simple is often used with
before а moment in а few minutes before the the following
the past words and phrases:
/esson started. • Ьу
Mrs Cross had been а l'd finished ту homework Ьу eight
teacher for twenty years • Ьу the time Ву the time / got to clas
before she Ьесате а head s, the lesson
teacher. had started.
• before The teacher had checked the answers
Finished actions and We were happy because before the /esson.
states where the we'd а// done our • after / /eft after l'd finished the test.
important thing is the homework. • just Simon had just finished the test when
result at а moment in
the Ье/1 rang.
the past
• when / left when l'd finished the test.
~ • Whether we use the past sim_ple ,or the past perfect ·sim'ple c~n
cfi:a.nge the Г<Fi~a-rti'n g, ~f ~ sentence.
~ ✓ The lesson started when l,aпived . ( = 1 arrived,and
\hen the 'le. ssФ.n started-,),__ .
✓ Тhе lesson had started when I arriv
... ,. • ed. ( = The lesson started and then I ~ ',7 ~
1 ~-

• • Some verbs have irregular past participl .•t• .. .. • '

.. •
..) -
e forms. See page 182. ~

' ' ~, · ·

О Past perfect continuous

had + Ьееп + -ing
• statement negative
1/you,lhe/she/iVwe/they had ('d} Vyou,lhe/she/iVwe/they had not (hadn't}
been writing ... Ьееп writing ...
Had '//you,lhe/she/iVwe/they
ь een writi 7
ПJ ....
Use Example о He lpf ul hin ts
Actions continuing We'd Ьееп doing grammar The past perfect continuous is often used
up to, or stopping with the
exercises for over ап hour, so following words and phrases:
just before, а we were really bored!
moment in the past • for Топу had Ьееп studying for hou
They had а break because rs,
so he had а headache.
they'd Ьееп working so hard. • since She'd Ьееп hoping to win the
competition since the summer.
• before We'd Ьееп talking about the
lnternet before the lesson started.
• а// day/nighVetc l'd Ьееп studying all
Q . The past perfect simple often emphasises the result of an action:
\:!:9 ✓ She'd writt~n ап article for the school newsJ;>aper. ( =
She'd finished it.)
• The past perfect continuous often emp
hasises the action, a,nd the time spent оп
rather than the result: the action,
✓ She'd been writing ап article for
the news~ap: ~ ~= She'd started, but she
had t :finished it.)
in brackets,
Com plete using the correct past perfect simple form of the verbs

1 :~ the time I arrived, everyone ................................................ (leave)!
to th e с 11ed
2 . eve ....................................... ......... (already / see) the film so he didn't соте with us she са
. .
3 Т1па ................................................ (not / f1n1sh) '
. the housew ork Ьу seven o'clock, 50
А п drea to tel1 her she would Ье late.
4 ................................................ (you / just / speak) to Billy when I rang?
5 The саг broke down just after ................................................ (we; set off).
eat) at hO ·
6 1didn't eat anything at the party because ............................ .................... (I I already /
7 ................................................ (you / hear) about the accident before you saw it оп ТV?

Choose the sentence (А or В) which means the same as the first


h office Ьу the
1 We'd had dinner when Wendy arrived. 5 Мг Banks hadn't arrived at t е
А Wendy arrived and then we had dinner. time I got there.
В We had dinner and then Wendy arrived. А I arrived before Мг Banks.
В Мг Banks arrived before me.
2 1read the book after l'd seen the film. th
А I saw the film and then I read the book. 6 They'd bought the plane tickets before ey
heard about the cheaper flight.
В I read the book and then I saw the film.
А They bought the plane tickets a~d later
3 Ву the time Dad came home, l'd gone to bed. they heard about the cheaper flight.
А I went to bed before Dad came home. В They heard about the cheaper flight and
В I went to bed after Dad came home. then they bought the plane tickets.

4 She didn't go to bed until her mum had соте 7 The girls had tidied the house when the
home. visitors arrived.
А She went to bed and then her mum came А The visitors arrived and later the girls
home. tidied the house.
в Her mum came home and then she went to В The girls tidied the house and then the
bed. visitors arrived.

Write sentences using the prompts. One of the verbs must Ье in

the past
perfec t simpl e.

1 we / just / hear / the news / when / you / ring

2 i-;·~i~~~·d;-;·~·h;~k. ~t>"~h~~·;·ь·~t~;~-;·;~·~>·~~~~·~~~>. i~• ................................................................................

з ;h~~-;·i-;·~~·~·~. ~·~-;·~h·~·тv·>~h~. ~·~~·~~~~~~·;·~·,~~·~d~. ;-~~~·~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 ~h·~-;·ь~-; ·h~~·~;-;·ь·~~;~~·~-;· ~h~>·~~~-;·~~·~ ·;-~~·~h·i~~. ;-;jj·d ·~;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

5 ь;·~·h~ . ~;~~-;·i . i'~~~~>. ~~h·~~i-;·,-;-d~~id~/~~. ь·~~~~~·;-~ musici~~............. ..........................
................. .

.... .. ....... .... .. ............. ..... ......................................... ....................... .. ................................................ ........................ .

t-"ЭS t per,et t s 1mp 1н, f.Jd~I pt:r '""'' \.VIHI IIU uu..,

@] Look at the pictures and com р Iе t е t hе sentences . Use the correct form of the
past perfect continuous.

1 She was tired because .......... ................... .......... ..

.................... ............. (run).
2 They were hot because ......... .... , .......... ............... ..
.......... .......... .......... ... (dance).
3 The garden was flooded because .......... ........ .
.......... .......... .................. ................. (it / rain / а/1
4 Did they crash because .......... .................... ......... ..
.......... ....................... (drive / too fast)?
5 When I arrived, ......... ...................................... ........ ..
................. (they / wait / for over half ап
6 When I got there, .......... ............................ .......... ..
........................ (they / not / wait / long).

[1] Choose the correct answer.

1 l'd оп/у .................. ........ the washing-up for а few 4 Mum had ......... ................. her cup of tea for
minutes when Clare came home, so she offered several minutes before she realised it had salt
in it!
to finish it. В been drinking
В been doing А drunk
А done
5 We'd .......... ................ ready all day when they
2 Had you already .................. ........ James his called to say the party had been cancelled.
Ьirthday present when we gave him ours?
А got В been getting
А given В been giving
6 lt was а fantastic experience because l'd never
3 Gail hadn't .......................... те that she would .................. ........ in а plane before.
help те, so I wasn't
А flown В been flying
angry when she didn't.
В been telling
А told

extra word in а line, write the word .

11] /f а line is correct, put а tick (✓). lf there is an

Dear Diary,
This morning ту exam results finally RtIO came. l'd been
1 ......... Р:~4 ........ . I was
.. them for the last week. 1knew l'd been done quite well, but
2 .................. ...... а chance to
.. still nervous as I had opened the envelope. Before l'd had
look at them, ту sister ran up and pulled them out of ту
3 ......... ......... hand! She
.. gy А,
had read them out one Ьу one. 'English А, maths А, Ьiolo
4 .................. ......
5 .................. ...... .. As in
french А .. . 'This was the news l'd been waiting for. l'd got
6 .......... ......... ..... .. ng sure
every subject - even geography, which I hadn't been maki
7 .......... .............. .. about! When Mum and Dad heard the news , they immediate
ly started
8 ......................... . ьееп shouting with joy. Ву the time l'd had breakfast, Mum
9 ......... ................ . already called Grandma and Grandpa and had yet tol~- t~:
_neighbours!__ ,
10 ......................... . - - - --- --· ···- - -
- ················ . ···-- ······- ····· ····- ··-········-·- ····· 23
11 Unit 81 Vocabulary
Learning and doing

~.::•~•~i•~'·~'~ti~Ц~•i~*~-i~mi~bl~-i~l•~-----,-------------т--:-:---se~ePagt! 185 ford

achieve (v) guess (v, п) report (п) er~
brain (п) hesitate (v) revise (v)
clever (adj) instruction (п) search (v, п)
concёntrate (v) make progress (v phr) skill (п)
consider (v) make sure (v phr) smart (adj) ·
course (п) mark (v, п) subject (п)
degree (п) mental (adj) take ап exam (v Phr)
-- --~--
experience {v, n) pass (v) talented (adj) - -
expert {n, adj) qualification (п) term (n)
- -- -
fail (v) remind (v) wonder (v)

О Phrasal verbs <•1;J(:j,f,QЩ,J1Gii\111i%-,

cross out draw а line through sth written Ьу heart
--- ·- ---
look up try to find information in а book, etc for instance
point out tel1 sb important information in conclusion
- - - - - - -- - - - -- -
read out say sth out loud which you аге reading in fact
rip up tear into pieces in favour (of)
- --- -----
rub out remove with а rubber in general
- - --- -- --
turn over turn sth so the other side is towards you
- - -
write down write information оп а piece of paper

_be(il!_ began..!. beg_u_Q_, ~egin_!ler,j:>eginning instruct

- - - _i~struction, instructor - --- - 1
brav_~ _ _ bravery _mef'l!O_!)f _ Q!~mor~ e. ~emo_rj_al - - - _ ,
correct correction, incorrect ___ ____ _ r_ef_e~ _ _ reference ____ ,
divide division
--------- silent silenc~ sil~ !!Y ___ _ __
educate education
~ -- - - - - - ------:;-- - - - - - - -L_simple _____ simplify, simplicity
....:_____:_:__ ....:__~: __--- -

О Word patterns
adjectives ~9раЫе_оf {sЬ) with
talented at :-- - ------- -·-
'L-_ know about
_ ____
verbs 1 cheat-at/in - -
, _c onf.u.se__stlLwдlL __
- --- 1 ___
.... learn about -

1 succeed in

: _...coлtinue._witL___ _ nouns an qpinio!! aQ_qu_!/of

соре with -- - -
1 а question about

1 24
Jopic vocabulary

0 Comp lete usin g the corr ect form of the words and phrases in the boxes.

achieve • fail • pass 1

1 We had our English exam this morning. 1 hope l've

2 Pete couldn't answer any questions, so he thinks h~.. h-~~ . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .

.. ......... .: ... .. .. ............................
3 Our teacher said that we've 11 ............................ а lot th1s year.
а ....................

/ degree • experience • . instruction 1

• '
. you а list. of .................... ............................ оп the krtchen tаЫе. Make sure you follow them·
4 l've left
5 eet,ng Brad Prtt was an amazing .... .... .... ...... .... .. 1
6 Му sister left Warwick University after she got h~·~. .·.·.·.·.·.· .· ·. ·.·.·.·. :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/ course • qualification • skill 1
.................. .
7 Being аЫе to use а computer is а very useful ..............................
........ .
8 l'm thinking of going оп а computer .............................. ..........
.................. in website design.
9 You сап оп/у арр/у for this job if you've got а .................... ..........

/ make progress • make sure • take ап exam 1

........ this year. Well done!
1О You've all ...................................... .......... а lot of ........................................
11 always get nervous before 1 .... .......... ........ ........ .......... .... .... .
and then I handed in my test paper.
12 1.. .................... .................... .... .. that 1' d answered all the questions

[[] Circle the corr ect word.

1 1 search / wonder how difficult the maths test tomorrow will Ье.
lt's nearly the end of term / mark, so it will Ье the holidays
the library?
3 Could you revise / remind nie to take this book back to
to fix your computer?
4 Carl is а computer brain / expert. Why don't you ask him
n't practise enough.
5 Rosalind is а really sma rt / talented musician, but she does
6 Rebecca is really clever / mental. She always knows the
7 1 wasn't sure of the answer so I guessed
/ hesitated and I was right!
Have you ever concentrated / considered becoming. а
professional singer?
ect / report оп what happened.
9 After every experiment in chemistry, we have to write а subj
Unit 6 vocabu~ __ _ _
. --
d in ьold in exercise В .
s are wor s
AII the answer i

Complete the crossword .

kend ьecause
Across Unit 6 at the wee
2 1want you to ......................... (6)
you've got а test оп MondaY: ' ········-'· (5)
4 Another word for 'clever' is ··············~t school? (7)
6 What's your favourite ··············:········ ·· d laughing but
е talk1ng an
8 The other students w~r k (12)
. ......................... оп h1s wor •

Down in your head, then

1 lf you сап do maths proЫem:rithmetic. (6)
you're good at •············..... :•····· t f twenty in the test. (4)
3 1 got а··················· ······ of n,neteen ou о Ь se l've по idea where it is. (6)
4 1'11 have to ....................... .. for at book ecau before she answered. (9)
5 Kelly didn't know ~hat to say so sh~~·~·~h~·; ·~hi~k·. (5)
7 Е veryone uses the,r ....................... ·· w


~ Write опе word in each gap.

«оч аг а, - ..

2.'t{и Jине
We им оиr б,.jtisи ехМ~ {oda11. !{ tV~ а J;s~{er! We а(( su.{ {иеrе nervo(Jst11, wai/,"n# for /11rs
)eh,llilljS {о say tVe c.outd s{arf Axatty, sие lotd (JS {о {иrп (}()( ехМt pu.pers ( 1) ·························. Тиеп
sие rем (2) ························· {ие ins{ruc.l,·oн.s {о ,мJ.е S(J(e tVe а(( (JИ,Jers{ooJ. We ии.J {о tVri{e lиree
essa11s ;,,,, {,vo иоиrs! We ,vereн.'{ attotVed {о took (3) ····················· ···· и.п11 worJs ;11, {ие J;e,(i/)}iиy, дhd
,ve им {о ,vnie ;н. реи.. Тиа{ теан.{ ,ve c.outdн.'{ r(,/6 ап11{иiп# ('t} .................... ..... ,/ we тме а 111isf4.e.
We им {о c.ross ;{ (5) ......................... н.еа{t11 or;(Js{ rip (6) ......................... {ие wиote pieC.e о( рдреr
ан.J s{ar{ "jaih. <;о, ! read {иrо1и {ие lиree r(Jeslioн.s reflf и_и,J {ИО()jиf и.6()(,/{ wиal I NP.5
jOiН.j {о ,vn'/e. /'J;иs{ ,vri{{e11 /Jllf IIМle (т} ························· а{ {ие {ор о( lие firsl pieC.e о( paper, йhd
11/~ а6о:{ i~s{~{ ,v/"/;н.j }иое lirs{ essa11, f!/Иен. fr!rs JenxiН.JS poiн{eJ (8) ···················· ····· /иаl (иеrе
tVere 011,11 rrve тrн.щеs terr. И dear!
\ __________________ ___________________ ____ ____________________________ ... ----------------------- ----········--·····

Prвpositional phrases

Each of the words in bold is in th

е wrong sentence. Write the correct woYd·
1 We learnt that роет Ьу conclus·10 Ь
n ut l've fo tt .
2 Аге you in general of teenagers leav· rgo en ,t now. ..................... ... .
3 1 hought thе exam would Ье difficult but . . at th е age of sixteen? .........................
ing school
4 Мапу people, for heart my broth ' ,n instance, it was really easy
. · ·········
········· .. •···· r1, ..-
ewo ~·
er, Prefer to
5 ln fact, the teachers at this sch I do someth1ng active rather than do hоГТl ...
6 lt, d .d оо are really n· Ь ······ · ·
26 s а goo , еа to start the final Ра ice, ut some are nicer than others! ......... ' . . .
f vour.
ragraph of
Your composition with the phrase 'ln а
word formation
[ ] Complete Ьу changing the form of th e word in ca pitals.

1 Do you think you get а good ................................... ............. at your school? EDUCATE
2 l'm not ап expert. l'm only а ................................... ............. ! BEGIN
3 The police are going to give Tracy ап award for ................................................ . BRAVE
4 l'm writing in ................................................ to your advertisement for а guitar teacher. REFER
5 1 want ................................................ at all times during the exam. SILENT

6 Rupert is ап .................................. .............. at а local extreme sports centre. INSTRUCT

7 l'm afraid that answer is ........ ................................... ..... so you haven't won today's top prize.
What а shame! CORRECT
8 You don't understand ................................................ ? Look! Twelve divided Ьу four is three.
lt's easy! DIVIDE
9 This is really difficult to understand. Why don't we ................................................ it а little? SIMPLE
10 Actors have to .................................. .............. а lot of words when they are in а play. MEMORY

Word pattвrns
[Q) Write one word in each gap.

1 You didn't cheat .......................... the exam, did you?

2 We're learning .......................... dinosaurs at the moment at school.
3 What's your opinion .......................... children going to school at а very young age?
4 1think you've confused astronomy .......................... astrology - they're not the same!
5 1 hope Мг Aziz doesn't ask me а question .......................... the book because I haven't read it!

6 1can't соре .......................... all this homework l've got to do!

Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has а similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1 Sasha is а really good tango dancer. talented

Sasha is really .......................................................................... tango dancing.
2 Our teacher wasn't feeling well but she didn't stop the lesson. continued
Our teacher wasn't feeling well but she .................................................................... ...... the lesson.
3 l've got по experience at designing clothes. know
1 ...... ........ ....... ...... ... .... ............... .. .... .. ...... ..... .. .. .. designing clothes at all!

4 Dan couldn't do his homework оп his own so l've Ьееп helping him. helping
l've Ьееп ........................................................... ............... his homework because he couldn't do it оп his own.
5 No one сап learn all that in one day! сараЫе
No one .......................................................................... all that in one day!
6 1 really hope you find а solution to the proЫem . succeed
1 really hope you .......................................................................... а solution to the proЫem.
Units 4. 5 and 6 Review 2

1 ~ 1 Complete using the words in the Ьох.

exam • fact • favour • heart • instance • mark • progress • skill

·· German teacher says l've made а lot of ................................................ this term ·
1 Му
2 What time are you taking the French ................................................ tomorrow?
з l'm not in ................................................ of giving students lots of homework each night.
4 Being аЫе to drive а саг is а very useful ................................................ •
5 Have we got to learn all these irregular verbs Ьу ................................................ ?
6 Some languages, like Russian for ................................................ , don't have words for 'а', 'an' and 'the'
7 1got а very good ................................................ in my geography test.
8 Мапу people hate learning phrasal verbs, but in ........................................... ..... they're not that difficult.
(1 mark per answe1

[!] Write а phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold . The first
letter of the first word is given to help you.

9 Simon r.................................................... the wrong answer and wrote the right one. (removed with
а rubber)
10 Why did you r.................................................... that piece of paper? (tear into pieces)
11 lf you make а mistake, just с .......................... it ........................... (draw а line through)
12 You should 1.................................................... words you don't know in а dictionary. (find .
information about)
13 Carol, will you r.................................................... your poem to the class, please? (say out loud)
14 Our teacher р .................................................... that we only had five minutes left. (said)
15 Have you all w.................................................... what the homework is? (made а note of)
(2 marks per answe

@] Complete Ьу changing the form of the word in capitals.

16 What's the пате of Dave's driving ............................................ .... ? INSTRUCT

17 Dictionaries and encyclopaedias are examples of ................................................ books. REFER
18 l've only Ьееп learning AraЬic for а few months, so l'm still а ................................................. BEGIN
19 ln maths, you have to learn to do addition, suЬtraction, multiplication and ................................................ .
20 Three of your answers were ................................................ , so you got 17 out of 20. CORRECT
21 Аге you really going to take part in the singing competition? 1admire your ................................................ !
22 1think every child should get а good ................................................ . EDUCATE
23 There's а ................................................ to Albert Einstein in the town square. MEMORY
24 1want complete ................................................ , so по talking at all! SILENT
25 This maths proЫem is too difficult for you, so 1'11 ................................................ it а little. SIMPLE
(1 mark per answer)

@] Choose the correct answer.

26 lt's the first time .......................... all the answers 30 Clare hasn't finished her homework
right in а test!
А l've got С l've been getting А already Сjust
В l'd got D l'd been getting В yet D ever
27 The exam .......................... when Jimmy finally 31 Have you .......................... been оп а school trip?
found the right room. А yet С before
А has already started С had already started В for D ever
В already started D already starts
32 Lizzie has been having dance classes
28 .......................... that crossword fQ( over an hour .......................... she was four years old.
and you still haven't finished it! А for С since
А You've done С You've Ьееп doing В from D when
В You'd done D You'd been doing
33 Had you been learning French ..........................
29 When they let us go in, we .......................... outside several years before you took your first exam?
the exam room for over half an hour. А for С since
А have stood С have been standing В from D when
В had been standing D are standing

(1 mark per answer)

[Ю Write one word in each gap.

You're doing а history test. Your friend, who's sitting next to you, really wants to succeed
(34) ................................................ the test. There's а question (35) ................................................ the First
World War, which you've been learning (36) ................................................ recently. You know а lot
(37) ................................................ it, but your friend isn't really сараЫе (38) ............................................... .
answering the question properly. Your friend whispers •неlр me!' to you. What should you do?
Should you help your friend (39) ................................................ the question, or just continue
(40) ................................................ your own test?
Every student has to соре (41) ................................................ this difficult situation at some point.
What's your opinion (42) ................................................ cheating? Should you help your friend cheat
(43) ................................................ the test or not?

(1 mark per answer)

Total mark: ....... ./50

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