Gaslight Map Pack

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A Victorian Era Fantasy Campaign Setting

Map Pack

Marc Gacy
Stephen Miller
Jonathan M. Thompson

Page 1
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are designated Product Identity (PI) in
accordance with Chapter 1(e) of the Open Gaming License, version 1.0; Any and all logos,
identifying marks and trade dress, including all the Gaslight products and product names any
elements of Gaslight, including, but not limited to Gaslight Role Playing Game, races, geographic
locations, capitalized names, names of magic items, names of artifacts, names of spells, gods,
historical events, any and all stories, storylines, thematic elements, documents within the game
world, quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; all artwork, symbols, designs,
depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses poses, Clan or factional mons, logos,
symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the System Reference
Document and are already OGC by appearing there. The above product identity is not open
gaming content.

Authors: Marc Gacy, Stephen J. Miller and Jonathan M. Thompson

Additional Materials: Herbert George Wells, Jules Verne, Arthur C. Doyle, Stephen J. Miller,
Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, H. Rider, Christopher Helton, Lisa Harjtes, Clay Weeks, Carey Weeks,
Adam R. Thompson, Terrence David Thompson, Clay Weeks, Carey Weeks, Tracey Castanas,
Philip Baccus, Christopher Helton, Corey Lerbs, Jessica Lerbs, Michael Anderson, Arlen Wood,
Angelique Montag, Richard A. Shepardson, Jeff Neppl, Don Scurlock, Paul W. Regge, Jodi
Napiorkowski, Walter Napiorkowski, Katrina Radcliff, Tad Kelson
Editing Team: Lisa Clevenger, Tad Kelson, Mitch Williams
Cover Art: Charles Raymond Macauley - from "Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde", layout by Marc Gacy
Interior Art: WikiMedia Commons, Library of Congress Maps
Layout Design: Marc Gacy
Playtesters: Playtesters: The Local Group (Jonathan M. Thompson, Adam R. Thompson,
Terrence David Thompson, Clay Weeks, Carey Weeks, Tracey Castanas, Philip Baccus), The BPI-
Gaslight Group (Mitch Williams, Christopher Helton, Lisa Clevenger, Tad Kelson, Mitch
Williams), The Curmudgeons of London (Angelique Montag, Richard A. Shepardson, Jeff Neppl,
Don Scurlock, Walter Napiorkowski, Jodi Napiorkowski, Katrina Radcliff, Paul Regge), the
Baltimore Misfits (Jessica Lerbs, Corey Lerbs, Mark Duffy, Arlen Wood, Mike Anderson, Ken
Zimmerman, Grant Spencer), and all the others in Minnesota.

Page 2
Maps of Gaslight
This list of maps and adventure hooks is by no means intended to be exhaustive, but rather to
provide some options for the maps that were presented in the Gazetteer section of Gaslight.
Maplewhite Land is not included here as it will be detailed in an upcoming supplement.
The 1888 Calendar is included as a representative year for the world of Gaslight with moon
phases listed for those of the, shall we say, lycanthropic persuasion.
Several maps of London are provided, since it is expected that many adventures will at least
have some portion taking place in the greatest city of the Victorian era!

Docks of the Thames River

Adventure Hooks: The Docks are always busy, with a great deal of Working Class interactions
that potentially impact all of London, through the import and export of items.

1. A shipment is arriving/leaving that the players must prevent or intercept.

2. A prominent politician has shown up floating next to the dock of a business rival’s
shipping company.
3. A wildling informant has escaped the authorities and was last seen fleeing to the

Page 3
Bombay, India

Page 4
Bombay India Adventure Hooks: Bombay India is under the control of the British during this
time, so it is easy to have adventures which transition from England to India.

1. The East India Company believes that the daughter of the head shipping manager in India
has run off with a lesser Indian prince. You need to find them without creating a scandal.
2. Someone or something has been destroying temples to Ganesha, a Hindu god that many
Beastmen in India have started worshiping.
3. Uprisings in the poor sections of Bombay threaten the life of one of the Van Helsing
Institutes main hidden contacts. The contact needs to be protected at all costs.


Adventure Hooks: Australia is wide open at this time, allowing for adventures in uncharted

1. Vampires have attained most of the prominent positions in Sydney government. There are
those resent their position and takings steps to remove them from power.
2. A race of what are believed to be Kangaroo Beastmen have been spotted near Uluru/Ayer’s
Rock. More information about them and where they came from is needed.
3. There are those who want to re-open (or keep open, depending on the time period) the
prison at Port Arthur Tasmania as a Wilding detention and reintegration center.

Page 5
Tokyo, Japan

Adventure Hooks: Tokyo is one key economic centers of power in the Orient, and Japan is in the
process of trying to increase its world influence at this time.

1. The Shogun are not too happy about having relinquished power to the emperor, and there
is word of a coup which will upset the balance of power tremendously.
2. A massive earthquake has unearthed an ancient shrine indicating a civilization older than
but related to the Ainu.
3. Several important members of the Tokyo police force have disappeared. The only link in all
the cases is that each attended a Kabuki performance a few days earlier.

Page 6
South Africa
Bonus Map

Adventure Hooks: South Africa is a key source of economic power for Great Britain, providing
both diamonds and gold.

1. Zulu raids on British encampments are becoming bolder and more successful. Some believe
that Shaka has been raised from the dead to lead them.
2. Beastmen are welcomed into the Transvaal, to the point of harboring known criminals. A
mixed gang of human and Beastmen train robbers has taken refuge in the mountains of
the region.
3. Workers are disappearing at an alarming rate in the deeper stretches of an extensive
diamond mine. No bodies have been found and there never seems to be signs of a

Page 7
Page 8
1888 Calendar
January February March
S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa
1 1 2 3  5 1 2 3 4
2 3 4  7 85 6 7 8 9 10  12  6 7 8 9 10 11
9 10 11 12  14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19  13 14 15 16 17 18
16 17 18 19 20  22  21 22 23 24 25 26 19  21 22 23 24 25
23 24 25 26 27  29  28 29 26  28 29 30 31
30 31

April May June

S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa
1 1  3 4 5 6  2 3
2  4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10
 12 13 4 5 6 7
 10 8
9 10
 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17  19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 
16 17 18  20 21 22 21 22 23 24  26 27 18 19 20 21 22  24
23 24 25  27 28 29 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30

July August September

S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa
 1 1 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5
 8 6 3 4 5  7 8 9
 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13  15 10 11  13 14 15 16
 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20  22 17 18 19
 21 22 23
 24 25 26 27 28 29 23 24 25 26 27 28  24 25 26 27  29 30
30 31 30 31

October November December

S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa S M T W Th F Sa
1 2 3  4 6 7 1 2 3  1 2
8 9 10 11  13 14 5 6 7 8 9  11  4 5 6 7 8 9
15 16 17 18  20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17   11 12 13 14 15 16
22 23 24 25 26 27  19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17  19 20 21 22 23
29 30 31  27 28 29 30 24 25  27 28 29 30

Page 9
Gaslight London - Player's Map
Charles Smith's 1860 "New Map of London" overlaid with Booth's "Poverty Map"
Use this map to help determine the "Social Class" of various areas throughout London

Yellow: Upper Class Red: Middle Class Blue/Other: Lower Class

Gaslight Character Name

Class Character Level


Starting Occupation Species

Character Record Sheet
Age Gender Height Weight Eyes Hair Skin

Temp Temp

Abilities Score Modifier Score Mod.

 Hit Points
Total Current HP

    Defense  10       Total
= +
Misc Armor

    Initiative    Fortitude Bonus Bonus Modifier Modifier Bonus Penalty

= +

    Base Attack
= + +
Total Dex Mod Misc Mod (Constitution)

  Bonus
= + +

 Speed  Size Misc
Dex Mod
Misc Mod

Attacks Total BAB Str Mod Mod Mod

Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical

 = + + +
Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Ranged  = +

Dex Mod
+ +
Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical

 Action Points  Wealth Bonus 
= Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Skills Max Ranks /

Key Skill Ability Misc Key Skill Ability Misc
CC Skill Ability Mod Ranks Ranks Modifier CC Skill Ability Mod Ranks Ranks Modifier
 Acrobatics Dex _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Streetwise Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Athletics Str _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Technology Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Benchthumping Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Theology/philosophy Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Concentration Con _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  The planes Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Craft _______________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Navigate Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Craft _______________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Notice Wis _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Craft _______________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Operate Vehicle Dex _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Chemical Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Perform ________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Expression Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Perform ________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Mechanical Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Perform ________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Structural Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Act Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Writing Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Dance Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Deception Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Keyboards Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Decipher Script Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Percussion instruments Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Demolitions Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Stringed instruments Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Disable Device Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Vaudeville Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Escape Artist Dex _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Wind instruments Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Forgery Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Persuasion Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Gamble Wis _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Profession Wis _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Gather Information Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Language __________________ None _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Handle Animal Cha _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Language __________________ None _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Investigate Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Language __________________ None _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Knowledge __________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Repair Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Knowledge __________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Research Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Knowledge __________________ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Ride Dex _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Art Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Search Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Behavioral sciences Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Sense Motive Wis _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Business Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Sleight of Hand Dex _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Civics Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Speak Language None _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Current events Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Stealth 1 Dex _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Dungeoneering Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Survival Wis _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Earth and life sciences Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Treat Injury Wis _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 History Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  Use Device Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Military Science Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  ____________________________ ____ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Occult Science Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  ____________________________ ____ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Pharmaceutical Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  ____________________________ ____ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Physical sciences Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  ____________________________ ____ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
 Popular culture Int _____ = _____ + _____ + _______  ____________________________ ____ _____ = _____ + _____ + _______
Gear Feats
Item Description Cost Wgt Page Feat Description Page

Talent Description Page
Current Load Total Weight

Allegiance Description

Language R/W? Language R/W?

Name Type/Class Lvl HP Atk Def Init Spd

Weapon F R W Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Campaign Experience Points
Name Type/Class Lvl HP Atk Def Init Spd
Weapon F R W Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Name Type/Class Lvl HP Atk Def Init Spd

Weapon F R W Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Name Type/Class Lvl HP Atk Def Init Spd

Weapon F R W Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Name Type/Class Lvl HP Atk Def Init Spd

Weapon F R W Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha

Gaslight Character Sheet copyright 2009 – Battlefield Press

Spells Spell Save
Save DC Level
Per Day
DC Mod 
= 10 +  Ability
Psionic Power Points

   Special Items
Over Head Off Ground Push/Drag
0 0 Max load 2 x Max 5 x max

 1st
 
Lifting  
Walk Hustle Run

Base Speed 2 x Base 4 x Base

 2nd
  Movement  
 3rd
  Carrying Capacity
 4th
  Load
Move Run

 5th
  Medium
+3 -3 x¾ x4
x ½ X3

Arcane/Divine/Psionic Powers Additional Weapons

Lvl Name Description Page Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical

Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical

Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Weapon Total Attack Bonus Damage Critical

Range Weight Type Size Special Properties

Additional Gear
Item Description Cost Wgt Page
Character Details Campaign Details

Gaslight character sheet copyright 2009 – Battlefield Press

If you like historical fantasy, you might
also enjoy Sherwood: The Legend of Robin
Hood, also from Battlefield Press.
Welcome to Sherwood Forest, a place of
myth and legend.
In this campaign setting from master
designer Wil Upchurch you too can play
the knaves of Sherwood forest, harass the
tax collectors, play games with the Sheriff
and protect the people from the ruthless
King John.
This book is a campaign setting
designed to be used with the Third Edition
Players Handbook (v. 3.5) published by
Wizards of the Coast.
Pick it up at Battlefield Press:

…and from our friends over at 12 to Midnight,

Modern Floorplans: An Average Modern ‘Victorian
Style Mansion’ can easily be used (in the no
furniture configuration) as the site of a villainous
mastermind from the Red Headed League or the
home base of a Van Helsing Institute branch.
Sized for minis at 1 inch equals 5 feet with a
single page version as well.
Each floorplan comes in versions without room
labels and without furniture.
The floorplan for this 20,000 square foot mansion
is rendered in AutoCAD and includes exterior
details, including landscaping.
The building itself is two stories tall and includes
a swimming pool, a maid's room, mezazzine,
library, grand staircase, and even a secret chamber!
Pick it up at 12 to Midnight’s
Midnight Cellar:
If you like historical fantasy, you
might also enjoy Sherwood: The Legend
of Robin Hood, also from Battlefield
Welcome to Sherwood Forest, a place
of myth and legend.
In this campaign setting from master
designer Wil Upchurch you too can
play the knaves of Sherwood forest,
harass the tax collectors, play games
with the Sheriff and protect the people
from the ruthless King John.
This book is a campaign setting
designed to be used with the Third
Edition Players Handbook (v. 3.5)
published by Wizards of the Coast.

…and from our friends over at 12 to Midnight,

Modern Floorplans: An Average Modern ‘Victorian
Style Mansion’ can easily be used (in the no
furniture configuration) as the site of a
villainous mastermind from the Red Headed
League or the home base of a Van Helsing
Institute branch.
Sized for minis at 1 inch equals 5 feet with a
single page version as well.
Each floorplan comes in versions without
room labels and without furniture.
The floorplan for this 20,000 square foot
mansion is rendered in AutoCAD and includes
exterior details, including landscaping.
The building itself is two stories tall and
includes a swimming pool, a maid's room,
mezazzine, library, grand staircase, and even a
secret chamber!
Pick it up at 12 to Midnight’s

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