Plant-Based Oat Milk, Its Benefits, Nutritional Facts, and Potential Downsides

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Plant-based Oat Milk, its benefits, Nutritional

Facts, and Potential Downsides

Introduction and Hook:
The interest in plant-based milk is higher than ever, and oat milk has quickly come up as one of
the non-dairy favorites. Just thanks to its creamy-thick flavor and dietary appeal. If truth be told,
oat milk has become so popular that it has merged a rising star for an alternative vegan, plant

Oat milk is plant milk which is a dairy-free alternative to cow’s milk that is healthy and a great
option for those who do not like to consume dairy and for people with allergies or intolerances. It
tastes very delicious that is good for the heart’s health and may benefit bone. 

There are even many other things to learn about oat milk so just keep reading to know what the
dietitians have discovered about how drinking oat milk can influence your health. 

Nutrients fact of Oat Milk:

Many people think that oat milk is healthier than cow’s milk that is fortified with Vitamins A, D,
B2, and with many minerals like calcium. According to the study of USDA (U.S Department of
Agriculture) one cup of oat milk provides:

 120 Kcal Energy 

 120 Calories
 5 grams (total Lipid) fat 
 2 gram dietary fiber  
 3 gram protein
 50% off daily Value Vitamin B12
 18% Vitamin D & A
 2% Iron
 6% Potassium 
 20% Phosphorus 

Each Vitamins and present in Oat milk play an important role in bodily processes. Like;

 Protein:
Protein is responsible for the following processes:
 Immune system
 Improve vision
 Keeps fluid balance 

 Fiber:
Fiber helps in the following processes:
 Helps to prevent constipation
 Manages the level of LDL (low-level Lipoprotein) cholesterol level in blood

 Phosphorus:
Phosphorus helps to:
 Give energy to the body
 Carry out chemical processes

 Vitamin B12:
It is an important nutrient that helps the body to:
 Keep blood cells healthy
 Make DNA

 Calcium:
Calcium is used by the body to make:
 Muscles strong
 Bones and teeth strong
 The flow of blood through blood vessels

Each brand of Oat Milk may contain a different mix of Vitamins and minerals so when you buy
anything you should check the label of products to know accurate nutritional information. 

Cow milk VS Oat milk:

Oat milk and Cow’s milk have the same amount of vitamins and minerals. Oat milk has
riboflavin, Vitamin B12, and calcium that provide the same nutrients found naturally in cow’s
milk. One serving cup of milk either of cow or Oat, gives an equal amount of calories. 
It is always recommended to see the nutrient tags before buying to check all the necessary

Benefits of Oat Milk:

Oat is the best food to eat as it is filled with all essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, and
B12. It helps to reduce and prevent heart diseases. A fiber present in Oat milk, called beta-glucan
that helps to control cholesterol and sugar levels in the body. Food that contains beta-glucan is
linked to improving immunity and gut health. 

There are the following benefits of Oat Milk that includes:

Adjust the Blood sugar level:   

Beta-glucan that is present in Oat milk slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and slows
down the sugar supply into the bloodstream. Oat milk is an excellent source to control the sugar
level in the body for type 2 diabetes patients. 

Oat milk is a good option for people with dietary restrictions. As it is dairy-free and contains low
fat that’s why it’s an excellent choice for lactose intolerant that provides a sweet taste even
without sugar.

Full of Nutrients:
Oat milk is full of healthy nutrients that help to keep a balance of necessary Vitamins and
minerals in your body. It helps to keep your body energetic and also maintain body functions.
Oat milk is a nutrient-packed diet that contains dietary fiber, riboflavin, potassium, phosphorus,
Vitamins A, D, b12, iron, and zinc. 

Strengthen your Bones: 

Oat milk is filled with Vitamin D, potassium, zinc, and calcium which work together to keep
your bones healthy and strong. Vitamin D and magnesium present in the Oat milk helps in the
absorption of calcium and potassium helps to reduce the breakdown of bone and help with
calcium retention. 

Improves the Gut Health:

Oat milk contains a high amount of soluble fiber beta-glucan that is good for gut health. It helps
to create a gel-like substance inside the gut the eases the passage of stool through the intestine. 
Oat milk promotes heart health, increases the absorption of many nutrients, and also lowers the
level of cholesterol in the body. One should add oat milk into its regular diet to improve his gut

Helps to prevent skin damage:

Oat milk is highly beneficial for skin health as it encourages rapid cell repair. Oat milk is full of
vitamins b such as b12 and riboflavin that take good care of skin and hair. After menopause,
women lack Vitamin B12 in which may suffer from hair loss issues. 
Oat milk is a very beneficial option if you want to cure hair loss issues or skin damage. 

Prevent Anemia:
There is a higher risk of lacking red blood cells when you do weight loss diets because most
plant foods do not have important micronutrients that lead to anemia. Anemia is a serious disease
in which you lack healthy red blood cells and this disease makes you feel tired and week. Taking
iron pills is the fastest way to cure anemia. 
According to the study, a cup of Oat milk contains an adequate amount of iron that you need for
a day and is necessary to prevent anemia. 

2nd Hook: Though oat milk is nutrient-packed with plenty of benefits. But there are some
potential downsides of Oat milk. Just keep reading to know it’s all benefits and some of its
potential downsides.  

Helps in Weight Loss:

Oats are rich in fiber and protein that fills you up quickly and gives you a feeling of fullness for
longer. This helps to improve appetite control and thus prevents overeating that promotes weight

Helps to Boost Immune System:

Oat milk contains beta-glucan which helps to strengthen the immune system. According to the
study US national Library, vitamins A and D that are found in oat milk helps to prevent illness
and infection. Oat milk also helps to prevent serious health conditions including type 1 diabetes
and Crohn's disease. 

Potential Downsides of Oat Milk:

Along with advantages, there are always some negative effects associated with it. Oat milk is
healthy but there are some potential downsides as it includes the potential risk of allergy, and it
also upset the stomach. Some of its potential downsides include:

 Oat milk is more expensive than any other milk alternatives. For some people, it is not
affordable to buy and use the beverage.
 It can affect intestinal flora and the digestive system because they are packed with
artificial flavors. 
 Oat milk contains more calories as compared to cow’s milk. So you will take more
calories that may result in weight gain. 
 Oat milk contains different oils like Canola oil, to get a thick texture or resemblance of
cow’s milk. But canola oil may cause inflammation. 
 Oat milk is not a good option as a substitute for breast milk because it lacks essential
nutrients that are necessary for optimal growth.    
 USDA found three different kinds of pesticides in oats that can create problems in

Some other downsides include:

It upset the stomach:
As fiber and sugar present in oat milk that does not breakdown easily, it may upset your
stomach. Sometimes, the ingredients that are added into the Oat milk or any extra topping may
not mix well together that causes difficulty in indigestion and upset the stomach. 

It causes sugar spike:

Oat milk contains a special type of sugar that is called maltose, which is high in glycemic index.
This causes a rapid increase in blood sugar that may lead to a sugar spike. Usually, it’s natural
sugar from oats.
It's recommended to check the nutrition facts panel of the oat milk pack to make sure that there is
not any additional sugar added because oats are naturally sweetened.

Some additional substances:

Some brands of oat milk contain additional substances, specifically phosphate. The purpose of
adding phosphate in oat milk is to prevent it from splitting when to add in hot beverages like tea
or coffee. 
The presence of phosphate is safe until you are a kidney patient in which you are prohibited to
take minerals like phosphate.  


All in all, oat milk can be a good source of nutrients like protein, calcium, riboflavin, Vitamins,
and fibers. It is suitable for those who have allergic problems or they are following plant-based
diets. Oat milk gives creamy consistency that is suitable for coffee drinks. But it has some
potential downsides.
You should check to nutrient facts label before buying any brand Oat milk.

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