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Past Simple x Past Perfect Simple/Continuous

Grammar Notes Complete the sentences with the Past

Simple, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect
I -The Past Perfect is used … Continuous.
1) when we need to make a time distinction I’ve got two workmates, Meg and Lucy. We’ve been
between two past events, we use the past friends for a long time. The week before the incident,
perfect for the earlier of the two events.’ I …………………………………………. (think)1 very often about
When I arrived at the restaurant,
Meg. I ………………………….(wonder)2 what …………… (be) 3
they had gone home.
wrong with her. She ………………. (seem) 4 so confused
and inattentive the whole week! The day before
2) when something had happened over a
yesterday she ………………. (say)5 she
period of time in the past before something
……………………………………..(not feel)6 very well since the
else happened and we wish to establish a
weekend because her fiancé ……………………… (not phone)7
causal connection between two clauses.
or ………………………………… (e-mail)8 her. I …………………………….
We could hardly recognize each other (suspect )9 ……………………………………. (there be)10 something
because we hadn’t met for more than twenty wrong because Tom, her fiancé, ……………………………………….
years, (give)11 her much attention after they
…………………………………….. (decide)12 to get married .
3) in the third conditional
I’d have made a cake if I had known you Yesterday morning my husband ……………………… (leave) 13
were coming. me at the office a little too early. When I …………………
(enter)14 the building, Meg ……………………. (be)15 at the
II - The Present Perfect Continuous is reception. The receptionist ……………………… (tell)16 me
used … my friend …………………………………………………………… (cry and
1) when you emphasise how long something sob )17 since 6:30 a.m.! I ………………………………………………
had been happening before another action (try)18 to comfort her, but she ……………………….(keep)19
took place.
saying her fiancé …………………………………………….. (just-
He had been running fast for about an hour
tell)20 her over the phone, they would have to cancel
when he fainted .
their wedding because he ………………………………….. (fall)21
in love with somebody else.
2) when we talk about longer actions or
situations which had continued up to that
moment in the past. To make a long story short, Lucy and I ended up inviting
The actors had been talking for about five Meg to have lunch with us. Up to that moment I
minutes on the stage when someone in the ………………………………………….. (not think)22 it ……………(be)23 a
audience began to cough. bad idea. As a matter of fact, it …………………… (be)! 24.
Meg …………………………………. (insist)25 on going to that
3) when you emphasise the continuity of restaurant! Who ………………………………………………………………
the past action. (she - plan)26 to meet the whole morning? ……………………
(she- intend) 27 she would see her ex-fiancé with his
I had been painting that room for more than new girlfriend somewhere?
three hours when you called me.
As soon as we entered the restaurant I ………………(see) 28
Tom with a tall brunette at one of the tables. So, Meg
…………… ……………………………(probably - know) 29 she would
meet them there. My friend ………………………………(decide) 30
to confront her ex-fiancé and his girlfriend…

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