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An Argument Essay

Is the increasing amount of student debts deterring people from further

education? Is a free college education program the best solution?

Education is an important part in one's life, and everyone wants to go to college or
University to get graduated in order to have a great job and resulting increase in the
standard of living. But according to recent research and surveys student debts are
deterring people from further education. Because many students are being reliant on
loans if they want to go to college or University. “By 2015, 93% of undergraduates took
out of the loan for tuition and 89% for maintenance”. “According to Adam Looney
students loan debts are almost at $1.4 trillion in outstanding federal loans. And the
evidence suggests that more borrowers with large balances won’t repay their debt
anytime soon”.

Thesis statement.
Although systematic researches and surveys are lacking still researchers have
suggested that several factors have led to this situation that student debts are
preventing people from further education because when asked to students in a survey
in 2015 about one third of students agreed that they would get worried if they got into a
debt. People have argued if free college education program is the best solution or is
their anything else that can be done to overcome this situation.

Essay plan:

 Topic sentence 1st para. Topic sentence 2nd para.

No such thing as free college education. Not an effective solution in long
Evidence. Supporting details run.
From Evidence. Supporting details From
education/#386bfd02417a up-front/2018/02/16/more-
Conclusion. students-are-taking-on-crippling-
 Topic sentence 3rd para Concluding paragraph.
Many other options to tackle this situation. Overall para phrasing, statistics
Evidence. Like to prove the point. few questions
to ask. Thesis statement
1. Forgive all student loans compliance.

2. Forgive up to a set dollar amount for all


3. Forgive debt held by former Pell recipients

4. Reform repayment options to tackle excessive

interest growth and provide quicker paths to

5. Change repayment options to provide more

regular forgiveness

6. Allow student loan refinancing

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