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Name: Jonabhel C.

Gallardo Section: BSCE 2C-M


Ethics means Philosophy refers to

1. moral principles of a person 1. wisdom
2. people that need/right thing to do 2. understand what is in our surroundings
like existence or reality
3. right conduct that will lead to a good life 3. thought, knowledge, set of ideas from
different perspectives of a person
4. guides people decisions into better way 4. how people should live
5. also consider other people's interests and 5. rational thinking of certain things such as
beliefs beliefs and action of people

2.) What is your idea of rightness?

Rightness for me is about the goodness and having the correct decisions that a person do while
considering his/her surroundings. Everything is inclined into better way if rightness is always there.
3.) What is your idea of happiness?
In my idea of happiness, it is always the contentment we have in our life that can be our comfort, honor,
self-love, and friendship. If we keep on making things not enough for ourselves, we can’t attain happiness
and can’t also get away from what is negative.
4.) What would you like your life to be?
I want my life to be a free spirit because you have the freedom to do everything you want and you can
choose what is good for you. Sometimes, having more knowledge about certain things in this world will
make you overthink in your life that will led to keep on questioning yourself like existence, sanity, or
5.) What do I value?
I value faith and also myself because you will know what is the right thing to do when you have faith, and
valuing yourself will also makes you value simple things in your life. When you value these, you are
guided by your faith from doing or deciding choices and then it eventually affects yourself.
6.) How am I supposed to live this life?
I prefer living with what is right. When we choose to do things right, it will eventually lead to happiness,
having values, and doing good things with our surroundings.
7.) Why there are rules?
We have rules to regulate society since some of us might do things that can affect other people without
consciously knowing. It can also protect other people in our society that is not privileged enough to do
certain things.
8.) What rules do you find most constricting?
I find rules that are in favor to powerful people are the most constricting, like having money would give
you more opportunity to do certain things. It is because weaker people won’t strive or meet success in the
society while surviving in this cruel world.
9.) How do moral standards differ from other rules in our life?
In my opinion, moral standards are the things that are right/good and wrong/bad. Meanwhile, rules are
what we must follow in order to make things in control like the society.

Case Study
In this situation, I will choose to not buy the shoes yet if I don’t really need it as of the moment. First, I
will pay the money I owe and will offer my money to my mother so that she can use it for her medical
bills or enrolment of my siblings for the mean time before anything else. My mother can give me an extra
money whenever our family budget has it since the shoes I want can wait anytime, unlike the needs of the
people in my surroundings.

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