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Clase I – Actividad I – Inglés I

Alumno: Franco Perez Pereyra Docente: María Laura Panelli


After more than two months trapped underground in a collapsed mine, 33 Chilean
miners were pulled to safety on October 14. The men were buried alive in a copper-
and-gold mine. They spent 69 days mostly in a dark, small space , about the size of a
one-room apartment , with temperatures around 90°F. So how did they survive the
difficult conditions?
The first couple of weeks were reportedly the most challenging for the trapped miners.
During this time, the miners had to survive on very limited supplies. They had only
enough food to last two days. It was not until 17 days after the cave-in on August 5 that
the group made contact with rescuers on the outside.
On August 22, rescuers aboveground discovered the men. They broke through the
ceiling of the miners´ shelter with a long, narrow drill. The miners attached a message
to send back to the rescuers, letting them know they were all alive. Soon after, the
rescuers began sending the miners supplies through narrow plastic tubes.
Over time, the miners began to establish a routine. They broke up into three teams,
each doing eight-hour shifts. They alternated sleeping, working, and playing. For
entertainment, they watched movies and played games, cards, and dominoes. For
work, the men helped with the rescue efforts and checked up on the other miners'
health. The men also exercised regularly. Some miners did this by running back and
forth through the tunnels and chambers in the mine. It was important that the miners
stayed thin so they would be able to fit in the small capsule that was used to bring them
to the surface. Most miners reportedly lost 17 to 22 pounds.
Although the men had some comforts of home, the conditions were far from
comfortable. Many of them worried that they would never see their families again. But
with the support of each other, and the more than 300 people helping the group during
their months underground, the miners survived.


1) Los mineros estuvieron atrapados por 33 días.

Falso. Estuvieron atrapados 69 días.

2) La mina se derrumbó y los mineros quedaron atrapados.

3) Los mineros establecieron una rutina de trabajo, ejercicio y entrenamiento para

Falso. Alternaron entre dormir, trabajar y entretenimiento que incluía mirar películas,
jugar a las cartas y dominó. También entrenaban.

4) La gente les mandaba mensajes de esperanza mediante los rescatistas.

No lo dice.

5) El gobierno local empleó rescatistas extranjeros para la tarea.

No lo dice.

6) Las víctimas se alimentaban muy poco para no engordar, y de ese modo poder
entrar en la cápsula.


7) Murieron algunos rescatistas.

No lo dice.

8) Los mineros creyeron que nunca saldrían de allí con vida.

Verdadero. Ellos pensaron que no volverían a ver a sus familias.

9) Los mineros tenían comida suficiente como para permanecer con vida por 5 días.

Falso. Tenían comida para dos días.

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