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Republic of the Philippines


Nasugbu, Batangas

First Semester
Academic Year 2020-2021

Ed 109
Assessment in Learning 2
Submitted by:
Edriana Razel P. Bayungan
September 25, 2021

Submitted to:
Asst. Prof. Marilou A. Romarate
Process-Oriented Performance Based Assessment

from the English K-12 Curriculum Guide (Grade 10- 4 th Quarter)

 EN10OL-IVc-3.8: Demonstrate the appropriate stage stance and behavior when
persuading others in a campaign speech.
 EN10OL-IVf-5: Use the correct prosodic features of speech.
 EN10F-IVi-1.16: Deliver self-composed Campaign Speeches on Advocacies, Social
Issues and Concerns.
 EN10WC-Iva-14.1.1: Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and coherence.
 EN10WC-Ivf-14.1.2: Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative
writing techniques.

General Objective: This task generally aims to enhance the writing and speaking proficiency
of the students. At the same time, assessing their learnings on writing speeches and delivering
it with audiences. Also, this will also help them apply their learnings in a real-context since
they will have an actual speech delivery about their own advocacies. Furthermore, it
specifically aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
Specific Objectives:
 Cognitive Domain
- Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and coherence by using appropriate
transitional phrases.
- Observe language of campaigns and advocacies in writing and speaking.
- Use a variety of informative, persuasive and argumentative writing techniques.

 Affective Domain
- Discriminate different veiwpoints and information on various local or global
- Show leadership skills in influencing others to make a positive change.
- Address societal concerns and make a difference in our global society.

 Psychomotor Domain
- Compose a campaign speech on advocies, social issues and concerns.
- Deliver a self-composed campaign speech on advocies, social issues and
- Display courtesy and politeness when delivering campaigns and advocacies.
- Demonstrate the appropriate stage stance and behaivoir when persuading others
in a campaign speech.
Speak you Advocacy!
As global citizen, being aware of the current global issues and trends is not enough.
You need to advocate and engage yourself to in proactive actions in solving these issues. So
as your task, you need to raise your advocacy campaign by doing the following:
1. Write your self-compose campaign speeches advocating an innovative solution to a
societal issue that you are concern about. Make sure you use an appropriate writing
techniques and demonstrate principles of cohesion and coherence in writing your
2. After that, you also need to deliver it in front of the class to show your conviction on
persuading others about your advocacy campaign.

To have an excellent grade, consider the rubrics below.


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