Lec 1 Communication

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Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create understanding in
the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and
understanding. Communication can be defined as the process through which two or more persons come
to exchange ideas and understanding among themselves.

The word Communication describes the process of conveying messages (facts, ideas, attitudes and
opinions) from one person to another, so that they are understood. Communication is the process
whereby speech, signs or actions transmit information from one person to another. This definition is
concise and definitive but doesn‘t include all the aspects of communication.

There are other definitions, which state that communication involves transmitting information from one
party to another. This broader definition doesn‘t require that the receiving party obtain a full
understanding of the message. Of course, communication is better when both parties understand... but
it can still exist even without that component Communication is a process of transmitting and receiving
verbal and non verbal messages that produce a response. The communication is considered effective
when it achieves the desired reaction or response from the receiver, simply stated, communication is a
two way process of exchanging ideas or information between human beings.

Communication can be defined as the process through which two or more persons come to exchange
ideas and understanding among them. Communication is the understanding, not of the visible but of the
invisible and hidden. These hidden and symbolic elements embedded in the culture give meaning to the
visible communication process. Equally, if not of more importance is the fact that communication is a
personal process that involves the exchange of behaviours.

Communication among people does not depend on technology but rather on forces in people and their
surroundings. It is a process that occurs within people. No matter the type or mechanism of
communication, every instance of communication must have a message that is being transferred from
sender to receiver. In order for communication to be successful, the sender and receiver must have
some signs, words or signals in common with each other so the sent message can be understood. The
ideal definition of communication is a 2-way interaction between two parties to transmit information
and mutual understanding between themselves. The interchange of information from one party to
another is best communicated when a discussion is available so the receiver can ask questions and
receive answers to clarify the message
There are at least three general types of communication goals:

1) Self Presentation Goals (who we are and how we want to be perceived)

2) Relational Goals (how we develop, maintain, and terminate relationships)

3) Instrumental Goals (how we manipulate others, gain compliance, manage interpersonal conflict, use
and recognize interpersonal influence strategies

Characteristics of communication:

 It is Unavoidable – It is impossible to not communicate, since we communicate unintentionally

all the time, even without the use of words. Our body language, the way we dress, the
importance we give to arriving on time, our behavior and the physical environment in which we
work, all convey certain messages to others.
 It is a Two-way Exchange of Information – Communication is sharing of information between
two or more persons, with continuous feedback.
 It is a Process – Each message is part of a process and does not occur in isolation. This means
that the meaning attached to a message depends on what has happened before and on the
present context. For example, your boss‘s response to your request for a promotion will depend
on your past relationship with him, as well as his mood at that particular moment.
 It involves a Sender and a Receiver of Information – Any communication starts with a sender of
a message and requires a receiver to attach some meaning to that message.
 It could be Verbal or Non-verbal – Communication could be through the use of words in spoken
or written form, or through the use of body language such as gestures and facial expressions.

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