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The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

The Fact of the Spirit’s Indwelling

Acts 2:38
Romans 8:9, 11
 Greek word is “oikei,” which means “to reside in a
place, live, dwell” (Bauer’s).
 If you are Christ’s, the Spirit dwells in you.
Otherwise you’re in the flesh and lost!
1Corinthians 3:16
 Reference to the church
 Same Greek word as Romans 8.
1Corinthians 6:19-20
 Reference to the individual Christian (c)
 Greek preposition “en,” which means “in.”
 “If there is any mystery involved shall we reject the fact of the indwelling? Is there no mystery as
to how our own spirit dwells in our body?” –J.D. Bales, The Holy Spirit and the Christian, p.38.
The Father and Son Dwell in Believers
John 14:23
1John 4:12, 15
Galatians 2:20
Ephesians 3:17-20
 “The Scriptures teach that the Father and the Son both dwell in the Christian… they will not dwell
in us against our will. For Jesus said, ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my
voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me’ (Rev 3:20).
Christ is formed in one when he becomes a Christian… if one drifts… from Christ he needs Christ to
be formed in him again (Gal 4:19). Not only does Christ dwell in us (Col 3:11), but his word also
dwells in us (Col 3:16)” –J.D. Bales, Ibid., p.38.
How Does the Spirit Live in the Christian?
Literally or Representatively?
 “Christ… dwells not in person, but representatively. He dwells in Christians by his Spirit… The Spirit
dwells in us literally, Christ by the Spirit. The mode of this indwelling we do not affect to
understand. It in inexplicable. The fact of it we accept, but venture on no explanations.” –Moses
Lard, Commentary on Romans, p.258.
 Comp. Ephesians 3:17 & Galatians 3:14
o Is faith the means by which the Spirit dwells in us, or is the condition of his dwelling in us?
 Some believe: representatively through the word (actually faith); literally, that is in addition to the
word, as a gift added to the faith of the believer. Among us, brothers in both “camps” have been
unified on the understanding the indwelling does not give us miraculous power.
 The Holy Spirit is God. He is omnipresent. He literally “occupies” all space. The condition
determining whether he calls our space home is faithful obedience to the gospel and continuing in
the Christian life. If so, he guides us through the word, seals our salvation, helps our prayers, and
works providentially for our good in the world (Eph 6:17; Jude 3; Eph 1:13; Rom 8:26, 28).
The Bottom Line
Not Miraculous Power, Not Mysticism
 “His presence is no more made known by special feeling, or direct inspiration, or the power to
work miracles, than is the presence of Christ or God in our hearts” –J.D. Bales, Ibid., p.40.
Next week: Dove, Water, Wind—Symbols and their Meanings

Holy Spirit Series – Lesson 5 – Joshua Pappas

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