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Moral Minefield

Assignment Guidelines
For the following questions, be sure to connect to the reading material in your book. This is a writing
assignment, so answers should be written in complete and coherent sentences and paragraphs. Answers
in the A range will refer to the text and fully explain how the concepts learned in the text apply to the

You may type your answers directly into this document after the prompts, save it, and then upload it into
the submission box.

Play through the Moral Minefield level for this week and answer the following questions:

1. Copy and paste (or screenshot) your Level overview and scores. You can find this information
again in your Overview & Profile.

2. Reflect on the scenarios presented in the game. Was there anything you found particularly
difficult? Anything that surprised you?

Last week I worked my most solid in acknowledgment to recognizing with the game. As for this week, I
may have performed my most unfavorable. What is exciting and a thing I have not performed a
correspondence to until now is that I am inclined to clam up in the game when I don't do well! I become
concerned and bothered, and I drop the view of my determination. I need to keep an eye on this and, even
more importantly, identify where it is coming from! One of the things I found difficult and shocking was
the bonus structure, but pondering back on the level after examining the lessons, I can learn where some
of the purposes in the business advice are coming from.

3. Explain one of the decision-making scenarios you were given in this level and analyze it in terms
of one of this week’s theories.
(Note: for full credit, be sure you name the theory you are using, explain the theory fully, and then
explain how the scenario illustrates that theory)

Acknowledge the hypothesis on the feminine approach of ethics presented by the book in the "Ethics and
Theory in Business Practice." One theory was drawn from the text about "the notion that makes us desire
to act morally" (Chapter 8, pg. 297, Fryer). Suggesting there is something buried down in our core, if you
please, shoving us to function involuntarily or quickly in the "valid path" or noble path. Moreover, the
idea of routine care arises from the derivative of our activities and our values emanating from a natural
place of considering other people.

Within the initial questions of the week, there was a scenario called attendance where the following
happened: "in a gossip session about her previous failures, they have decided to disinvite a member of
the research and development team to any and all of the meetings they will conduct, effectively 'freezing
her out," (EI GAMES). I misperceived the problem because I considered this immoral.

Nevertheless, this is an excellent illustration of me expressing my opinions on feminine values. I was

worried about the more excellent collaborative group. I believe that if the worker played poorly on a
project, it is out due diligence to address the feedback and support the worker forward.

As a leader, it is also my duty to establish distinct limits on each team member's behavior and what is not
satisfactory. Holding her away from the project creates a negative effect where her growth possibilities
will be stewing under the outside and ultimately influencing a project along the way.

4. How could you use the concepts discussed in this simulation in your job today? Relate these
concepts to the other course materials and to your own experiences.
(Note: for full credit, be sure discuss a specific scenario, a specific example from your own experiences,
and a specific connection to something you learned from the text)

As much as I didn't desire to mark ethics in a gender expression because first, I believe it is outdated, and
second, I believe it can provide an excuse for values to be lost when it is characterized by being a male or
a female; there were a lot of positions in chapter 8 that stayed with me for a while. One of the take-
aways of the level and Perusal was that there requires a heterogeneity variety on the organization
(Chapter 8, pg. 295, Fryer). For instance, various levels of the organization attend excellent persistence;
it is not solely the high-level executives that have the capability.

Furthermore, having a team that is distinct boosts potency. If the hypotheses are all ethical, then only
one method would not be practical in business as each business encounters difficulties where diverse
styles are necessitated. At the moment, at my job, we are performing through a vital leadership
transformation ending in a lot of employee turnover beyond the district manager position.
This is driving us all to discover our powers and strength to achieve without a straight leader. The
interest, we are discovering fresh things and producing some exceptional work. The drawback, there is a
slight disappointment with team members not developing and performing work that was recently
performed because no person is observing the job. This is a considerable de-railer as it is unscrupulous to
stop sharing the truth about your commitments or just remain authentic to your responsibilities when a
person is observing!

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