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Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business

and in Life.

Jual atau di jual , world stop without sales people , real job real title doesnot
pay real money , boring trap set to the people ,
School doesnot teach to make people independent ,
Better commununicate , don’t drink softdrink withme swim baby swim ,
Selling vs closing deal , selling is vital for success , proseffional, master, killer ,
ninja . sell or be sold is about life. Selling rules and formulas ,Freaking
positive , changing attitude, even in very mundane thereis selling or being sold,


It’s been said
that even God and the Devil need good salespeople.

While the schools teach people very needed basics
to get along in life and in the working world, no school can make a great
person. You will learn absolutely necessary requirements in school, and you
might make some great connections, but schools are not capable of making a
person successful. Only by application will you or anyone else become
successful or great in a field.
That is not to
suggest that schools are bad or are a waste of time by any means; but higher
education is not “the thing” that causes people to do great things. Look
around and you will find the school systems we have today producing a
workforce of people who are able to remember what they read rather than
apply what they learned.

Ask any business owner what his greatest problem is,

and it will always be the same. He can’t find people who can think
independently, who can solve problems, and who can increase his business
and help him expand his company,
I don’t know why that
is, but I can tell you that I know salespeople who are making more money
than heart surgeons, with far less liability and much less stress.

Rather than being an hourly worker bee, you can

become a highly paid individual with no ceiling on your earning potential.

Selling never ends, and it includes everyone. Those who can sell, persuade,
and close are the ones who survive the best, regardless of the line of work.

I’ll tell you the fact of which I’m sure: No person will ever gain true power
and stature in the world without the ability to persuade others. The ability to
communicate and convince others is an asset for you; the inability to
communicate is a liability. No matter what your ambitions are, you are
required to communicate with others, and the better you can communicate,
the more people will agree with you. The more you can get others to agree
with you, the more you can have your way in life. The more you get your way
in life, the more you will enjoy life.

“If you want to get rich, learn how to sell.”
No dream can ever become a reality without successfully selling
it to others.
Professional: A person who is engaged in a specified activity as his or her
main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
What I’ve said is not meant to offend you in any way, but
to inform you. If it does somehow offend you, then keep reading. Sometimes
the truth is tough to hear
Amateur: A person who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a
pastime rather than as a profession, or one lacking in experience and
competence in an art or science.
(1) Selling is critical to your survival regardless of your career,
and (2) you must decide to become a professional and give up any idea that
it’s something for others and not for you
Decide now to learn
everything there is to know about the only secret to success—sales.
Despite the popular belief that there are limits in sales, I assure you that the only
you’ll face are those that exist in your imagination. The truth is, you can get
paid whatever you want to. There is no ceiling. You
can decide what products you’ll sell, who you’ll sell them to, and who you
want to work with. The truly great salespeople who stand out above the rest
aren’t even really in the same profession as the masses. They think differently,
act differently, and work differently. To them the job is effortless because they
understand how to reach their goals. They’re paid immense fees compared to
their peers. They make selling look easy, and others are certain that their
success is the result of some “gift” they were born with. Nothing could be
further from the truth. I’ve never met anyone that reached stellar levels of
success who got there because of luck or some sort of God-given talent.
They’re successful because they have mastered the trade.
When the economy crashes, “the greats” may experience small dips in
production, but they always survive, whereas the amateurs lose their jobs.

Only a handful of people ever take the time to really learn this game and
master it. When I was twenty-five, I made the commitment to know
everything there was to know about the game of selling. I was finished with
pumping myself up every morning with enthusiasm and hoping for great
results. Enthusiasm is great, but it’s not a replacement for knowing.
The person who knows what he’s doing and understands every nuance of his
career doesn’t have to get enthusiastic; he is enthusiastic. When you really,
truly know something, you can predict outcomes. He who can predict
outcomes has true confidence and freedom.

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