Unit 4

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Grammar like / don't like. Adjective + noun word order

Vocabulary Food. Drink. Sports. Colors. Adjectives
Useful phrases Asking for cLarification

1 Complete the table below.

swimming wine

• tennis • tea JI. soccer

JI. meat • fish JI. Italian food

Food Drink Sports

[ruit cola eiolmming
meat ruine

• ChiILesefood
.... 1.49 Listen, check, and repeat.
2 Saya word. Yourpartner says which list,

iike 1 .- 1.50 Listen and repeat the conversation.
! like pasta. © Ann: Do you like pasta?
1 don't like pizza. ® Beth: No, 1 don't,
don't = do not) Ann: Do you like pizza?
Do you like pasta? Beth: No, 1don't.
Yes, 1 do. © Ann: Do you like Italian food?
'\0, 1 don't. ® Beth: No, 1like Chinese food.
Ann: But this is an Italian restaurant!
Beth: Oh!
Practice with a partner.

2 Complete the questions and answers,

a) Do you like Italian food? Yes,1 do. No, 1don'i.
b) __ you like Chinese food? Yes, I __ . No,I __ .
e) __ you __ fish? Yes,1__ . No, 1__ .
d) fruit? Yes,__ . No, __ .
e) __ coffee? Yes,__ . No, __ .
f) cola? Yes,__ . No, __ .
.-- 1.51 Listen, check, and repeat.

3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2.

Ask six more questions.

Do you like Johnny Oepp?

Reading & Writing

1 ~ 1.52 Read the web profile.

PROFILE l\Iina da Sirva

Job: Model Nationality: Braziüan
a) Favorite city:Sáo Paolo
b) Favorite actor: GeorgeClooney
e) Favoritesinger: Shakira
d) Favorite sport: Svvimming
e) Favorite food: Pizza
f) Favorite drink: Redwine

2 Write questions about Nina's favorite things with Wllat or Who.

a) What's her fauorite city? b) Who's her favorite actor?

~ 1.53 'Listen, check, and repeat.

3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2.

4 Change the questions in Exercise 2 from her to your, and ask your partner.

Write a web profile of your partner.

Favorites UNIT m 29
Vocabulary (1)
Colors 1 ~ 1.54 Listen and repeat the colors.
1 ~ 3
black What's your favorite color? 4 5
8 7 8
2 Saya number. Your partner says which color.
blue 9 10
c;3J ~

Qiange 3 Ask your partner "math" questions.

What'sblack, blue, and red?

Vocabulary (2)
1 Match the descriptions (a-d) with the pictures (1-4).
a) A red bus, black taxis, and expensivc stores in London.
b) A big square with old buiJdings in Moscow.
c) Blue sky and beautilul people in Rio de [aneiro,
d) Small houses. Red, orange, blue, and yellow walls in Buenos Aires.

M 1.55 Listen and check.

2 Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B.

beaUt:i.f\.ll~ expensive
big old
cheap !!gIy
new small

~ 1.56 Listen, check, and repeat.

3 Student A: page 95 Student B: page 99

30 Favorites
1 ~ 1.57 Listen and repeat.
a) Boston Munich Beijing
b) Rome Florence Moscow
e) Seville Berlin Dalias
d) Madrid London Paris
e) Mexico Vietnam Paraguay
f) Carro Tokyo Milan

2 Listen again and ynder,line the stressed

Circle the city or country with a different
stress in each group.

3 Ask your partner questions.

Adjective + noun 1 Put the words in the correct order,
word order a) coffee / black / like / 1 1like black coffee. d) expensive / Iike / 1/ stores
a red bus b) 1 / French / like / movies e) 1 / Chinese / like / don't / food
Ol a Illls feé e) old / 1 / builctings / like f) big / like / l/cines / don't
black taxis
~ 1.58 Listen, check, and repeat.
NOl lila elEstillEis

2 Make the sentences true for you.

1 don't like black coffee. OR 1like coffee with mi/k.

3 Combine adiectives and nouns. Write two lists.

American beautiful big black cheap expensive French new old red

builctings cars cines coffee food movies music restaurants stores wine

1 like ... 1 don't líke ...

expensioe restaurants American cars
old buildings French music

Ask your partner questions.

Do you like expensive Do you like old

No, 1 don/t.
restaurants? buildinqs? •

~... ,
-. ,. U N 1T
El 31
UsefuL phrases
1 ~ 1.59 Read, listen, and complete the conversation with help, speak, or understand.

Can 1 (1) __ you?
Ves, please. What is cod?
It's a kind of fish.

1'4a.in diSheS

Customer: I'rn sorry, 1 don't (2) __ . dandfTies

Waiter: TI/S A KINDOF FISH. -naxnburter
Customer: Can you (3) __ more slowly, please? pi~~a
Waiter: I1'S - A - KIND- OF- FISH.
Customer: Oh, OK. One hamburger, please. 1)eSser\iS
apple pie
Listen and check.
ice creaJll.
2 lycheeS

Waiter: (1) __ 1 (2) ~you?
Customer: Ves, please. What are lychees?
Waiter: They are a kind of fruit.
Customer: I'm sorry, (3) .
Customer: (4) __ you (5) __ more slowly, please?
Waiter: THEY'RE- A - KIND- OF - FRUIT.
Customer: Oh, OK. Ice eream, please.
~ 1.60 Listen, check, and repeat.

3 @ 1.61 Listen and repeat the useful phrases.

a) Can 1 help you?
b) What are lychees?
e) l'm sorry, 1don't understand.
d) Can you speak more slowly, please?

4 Work with a partner. Practice the conversations.

32 UHIT m Favorites
Vocabulary Extra
Food and drink
1 Match the pictures with the
1] coffee

D fish

n fruit 11
íl meat
e Rª§ta
D }2izza

D wine

2 Work with a partner, Cover the

words, Look at the pictures. Ask
and answer questíons.

Match the colors with the words,
]] black L orange
O bluc D pink
O brown O red

O gray [l white
O green U Wlow

Cornrnon adjectives a
Match the pictures with the words.
~ beautiful
~ big
O cheap
O expensive
O small
O ygly

Favorites 33

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