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Romo & Julienne

Romo Monstershoes was a clown from the wrong side of the tracks while
Julienne Captivate; a sublime beauty, came from a family with a
history of money and coulrophobia. In homage to Shakespeare and the
Silent Film era, this is one of the greatest love stories, rarely

Write Frame of Mind Productions Production Script

758 Beverley St. April 15, 2011
Winnipeg, MB R3E 2A6 Chadd Cawson All Rights Reserved 
Act One...

A black screen reads: “Two Different Families. One Dispute.

Decades Begrudged.”
A black screen reads: “A Young Captivate at the Circus.”

1. Int. Circus Day

A teenage Captivate is shown looking uneasy with his date in the

front row; the ring leader enters the main ring.

“Bring Out The Monstershoes!”

A band of clowns storm the main ring doing acrobatic and martial
art type movements.
The teenage Captivate is terrified.
A teenage Monstershoes brandishes a karate kick inches from the
young Captivate’s face.
The young Captivate wets himself, and crowd roars with laughter.
Drowning in his own shame, the young Captivate takes the laughter
to heart; he stands up, and punches Monstershoes in the nose.

“Good for Nothing Clown!”

Captivate hotfoots it out of the big top.

A black screen reads: “Two Teenagers Fathering Shame; Now
Fathering Teenagers of Their Own”.

2. Ext. Train Depot- Day

Romo the clown is seen on the platform busking as the hustle and
bustle of the arriving train scurry by while some stop to
watch, above him reads a sign.

“Wrong Side”

A train on the other side of the track blows its whistle and
slowly steals away from the station revealing the splendiferous
Julienne, above her reads a sign.

“Right Side”

Romo is blowing up a long balloon when he catches sight of

Julienne, she takes his breath away and the balloon deflates.

Motions “pardon me” and “one sec” to the

Romo breathes life into the long balloon; this time twisting it
into a heart.

(Towards Julienne)
With the heart balloon, gestures it leaping
from his chest repeatedly.

At this moment a man snatches Julienne’s handbag and jumps onto

the tracks.
Romo sees his fair damsel in distress.

Slips his heart over his sleeve and picks
up his cane which is at his feet.

Romo flings himself onto the track and with big strides and in no
time, he is neck and neck with the thief; he waves.

“Do you know what season it is?”

The thief looks confused.

“Fall, I think.”

Romo sticks his cane out and trips the thief.

“Me too.”

Thief now flat on his face, attempts to get up, Romo bonks him
over the head with his cane; knocking him out.
Romo spins his cane, so the hook is at the bottom, and picks up
Julienne’s handbag and totes it over to where she’s standing.
Romo kneels like a knight, Julienne’s handbag dangles at the end
of his hook.

“My lady.”

“My hero!”

Julienne is quite taken by Romo as she fans herself with her

handkerchief, she points to his arm.

“You wear your heart on your sleeve?”

“I do for you. Please take it”

Romo is seen giving away his heart to a blushing Julienne.

Julienne takes out a tube of lipstick and applies it to her lips;
she crouches down and motions for Romo to turn around. Using his
back she writes something on the handkerchief and than kisses it
before handing it to him.

“You are sweet, but I must go. Come to my
party at this address tonight so I may
thank you proper.”

Romo takes the handkerchief and kisses her hand bowing ever so
slightly. Julienne smiles and while ever so gently pulling her
hand away; leaves.

(Reading the address on the
“13 Verona Way.”
He kisses the handkerchief, puts it his pocket and makes his way
back to the “Wrong Side” of the tracks.

3. Int. Captivate Mansion - Night

Romo enters the party dressed to the nines and holding a bag.

“Happy Birthday”

Romo is taken back, his eyes grow wide and his jaw drops when he
notices a banner that reads “Happy Engagement”
Julienne and Daris approach Romo. Romo drops the birthday bag and
side kicks it behind him.
Julienne and Romo share a smile and wave while he and Daris share
a glare.

Kisses Julienne’s hand and shocks Daris
with a hand buzzer when he shakes his.

Julienne giggles. Daris glares at Romo and storms off dragging

Julienne behind him, she looks over her shoulder at Romo.
Waves and smiles at Julienne

Romo rubs his head and belly simultaneously and thinks to


“If only I could get her alone.”

Act Two...

1. Ext. Julienne’s Window- Night

Julienne is leaning out her window and gazing into the night.

“Star light, star bright, where art thou
Romo my kooky knight?”

Romo’s seen coming up the side of the house on stilts, he notices

some flowers in the garden and motions that he has an idea.
Romo cozies up to the Captivate house until he can lean on it
firmly. He begins to fashion a rose for Julienne from some
balloons he has in his pocket.

(Talking at the night)

Romo inches up the side of the house with the balloon rose
blossoming from his coat pocket.
When Romo is right outside her window, he takes a glass from his
inside pocket and puts it to his ear so he can listen in on her
chat with the moon.

“Monstershoes. What’s in a name? How would
we call a rose anything else and have it
smell as sweet?”
Romo takes the glass from his ear and plunges the balloon rose
into it. He extends his arm so that it is right in front of
Julienne. Julienne is startled, she peeks out her window and her
face fills up with joy when she see it is Romo, she accepts the
rose. Romo whirls himself around so that he is face to face with
Julienne; then begins to lose his balance.
Julienne briskly grabs at Romo’s handkerchief pulling out a
dozen; Romo lets his hand off the stilts in attempt to clutch the
last handkerchief but is too late and falls backwards into her
Julienne places her hands on her cheeks and is flabbergasted.
Romo looks up at Julienne.

“It appears I have fallen for you!”

Julienne blushes and smiles.

“And I for you!”


Julienne turns around and turns back in a panic; she blows Romo a
kiss and exits from her window. Romo reaches into his inside
pocket and pulls out a paper and a pen, after a few scribbles he
folds it into a plane and propels it through Julienne’s window.
The paper plane is seen landing on Julienne’s bed. Her hands are
seen unfolding it.

“Will you Marry Me?? __Yes __No __Maybe
Int. Clown College-Day

An instructor uses a meter stick to point to a chalk board that

reads: “Clown College is More Than Just Fun & Games!”
Romo and his best friend Mercury are seen engaged in lavish
The instructor gives them a glare while bringing her index finger
to her nose,


An envelope slides under the door, the instructor walks over and
picks it up. The envelope reads: “ROMO”
The instructor walks over to Romo and glares while handing him
the envelope, than traipses back to the chalkboard. Romo tears
open the envelope and in excitement quickly unfold the paper.
Romo jumps out of his seat.

“A Yes! I Got A Yes!”

Romo runs out the classroom door. Romo sticks his head back in
the room and tips his hat off to the instructor, than he exits.

Int. Church-Day

Romo runs up the church aisle to where the minister is standing

and begins excitedly talking with his hands.

“Julienne? But I thought Roxanne was the

“No Father it is Julienne and no other.
Please send for her, so I may call her my
wife by dusk!”

The minister nods.

“You may clean up in my chambers”
Romo & Julienne are seen holding hands at the altar, they
exchange rings and kiss.
Act Three...

Ext. Train Depot-Day

Mercury and Binvo are playing with yo-yo’s on the empty train
platform when Julienne’s cousin Tyson and his friend approach
dripping with angst.

“Mercury! Where’s your pal Romo?”

Mercury looks up and continues with his yo-yo ruse.

“I don’t know and I wouldn’t tell you if I

Tyson’s friend grabs Binvo and holds him back while Tyson grabs
Mercury and begins to tickle him incessantly.

“Until you tell me something. I don’t

Mercury is seen getting tickled and laughing hysterically.

Binvo’s face fills up with panic.

“Stop it! You’re killing him!”

Mercury still being tickled and killing himself laughing suddenly

drops to the ground. Romo sees this from the other end of the
platform and begins to run towards them.
Tyson’s face drips with dread as he backs away. Romo is nearing
and yelling.


- Romo kneels beside Mercury and checks his pulse; he turns to

Tyson livid and practically breathes fire as he speaks.
“How dare you. How dare you make a man
laugh loudest laugh last.”

Romo reaches inside Mercury’s coat and pulls out a gun, and
points it at Tyson who is in a frenzy. Romo’s hand is shaking as
he inches closer to Tyson; gun drawn at his head.
Romo has the gun at Tyson’s temple, he slightly squeezes the
trigger as his eyes give birth to tears. Tyson collapses to the
ground just before a flag that reads “bang!” springs from Romo’s
gun. A newsboy holds up a newspaper.

“Extra! Extra! Read All About It; Platform
Foul Play Leaves Romo Banished!”

Int. Julliene’s Bedroom-Night

Julienne is lying beneath a shirtless Romo while he speaks and

strokes her face softly.

“I scared myself half and Tyson to death.
I fear I don’t deserve you”

Julienne gazes into Romo’s eyes while stroking his cheek.

“Fear Not.”

Act Four...
Ext. Street-Day

Daris is seen about to turn a corner, the minister is seen about

to turn that same corner. Daris and the minister bump into each
other; they rub heads shake hands and exchange words.

“So sorry my son. How are you this day?”

“Divine, but will be more so on Thursday
when my Julienne and I are Wed.”

The minister quickly hides his dismay with a smile.

“What a day that will be. With much to do I
bid you a fond farewell”
Daris and the minister exchange a wave a smile and saunter off in
separate directions.

Int. Church-Day

Julienne storms into the church and straight to the minister up

in arms.

“Nothing is fair in love and war Father!”

“Save your breath my child, for at the
moment they are few and far between.”

The minister reaches into his robe and hands Julienne a bottle
that reads: “Snooze Booze”

“It will steal your breath for 48 hrs;
then you find the clown that steals your

Julienne wraps her arms around the minister kisses him on the
cheek and scampers out. The minister is seen writing “Romo
Monstershoes” on a “Send Word” telegram.

Ext. Romo’s House-Day

A messenger walks up to a mailbox on a post that reads “R

Monstershoes” he places the telegram inside and leaves.
- A teenager is seen knocking Romo’s mailbox clear off its post
with a baseball bat as he hangs out a car passenger window. The
license plate of the car is seen and reads: “CAPTIV8”

Int. Julienne’s Room-Night

Julienne’s mother is at her bedside and tucking her in; she

caresses her face and sighs.

“My last night to tuck you into bed, soon
Daris will tucker you out in his”
Julienne blushes and gulps while oozing awkwardness.

“Mother, please!”

Julienne’s mother smiles and kisses her forehead and makes her
way to the door, she stands in Julienne’s doorway for a moment.

“May you sleep well.”

Julienne smiles while looking upon her mother with admiration and
holding back tears.

“And may you live the same”
Julienne’s mother displays a confused look before smiling and
exiting the room, she reveals the bottle of “Snooze Booze” from
beneath her covers and drinks it. Julienne hides the empty
bottle in the drawer of her night table before resting her head
and closing her eyes.

Act Five...

Ext. Train Depot-Day

Romo is juggling balls on the platform of “The Wrong Side of the

Tracks” when a newsboy walks by holding up a paper.

“Extra Extra! Read All About It! Julienne
Captivate Found Dead!”
Romo’s face is slathered with despair and he drops all the balls
he was juggling.

Int.Funeral Home-Day

Julienne appears to be dead as she lies in an open casket; her

eyes open. Julienne sits up and the minister who is standing near
by helps her out of the casket. The Minister hands Julienne a
travel bag and points for her to go. Julienne takes the bag,
kisses the minister on the cheek and exits. The minister is seen
making a cross on his body from left to right, top to bottom.
Ext. Train Depot-Day

Romo grabs the paper from the newsboy’s hands and brings it up to
his face. Romo throws down the paper and his eyes begin to well

“I Can’t Go On!”

Romo grabs a piece of cardboard that lies near his feet; he

quickly makes a sign and throws himself on the tracks. Julienne
appears on the platform of “The Right Side of the Tracks” holding
her travel bag. Julienne sees Romo on the far tracks, she calls

Romo and Julienne’s eyes meet. A train stampedes by. Romo is seen
dead on tracks as holds a sign.

“The Tracks of My Tears”

Julienne is distraught on the platform of “The Right Side of the

Tracks” dropping her bag she calls out.


Julienne runs across the platform flinging her self onto the
tracks. A train storms by. Julienne is seen laying on Romo; her
hand is draped on the sign covering up “My”

“The Tracks of Tears”

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