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Ahmed Abd-Almonaem Elrufaie - 202062


60% of lean body weight is water. Edema is fluid in interstitial tissue.

Hyperemia and Congestion

Hyperemia is an active process of arteriolar dilation leading to local increase in blood
Congestion is a passive process of increase in blood volume due to impaired outflow.

Extravasation of blood because of vessel rupture. Accumulation is a hematoma.

Normal Hemostasis
1. vasoconstriction - endothelin
2. platelet adherence and activation - primary hemostatic plug
3. coagulation cascade stimulated by the release of tissue factor - leads to activation of
thrombin - secondary hemostatic plug
4. permanent plug

Virchow's triad: endothelial injury, stasis, hypercoagulability
Hypercoagulable states: Factor V Leiden, Protein C/S deficiency, homocysteine,
prothrombin mutations
Hyperestrogenic states (pregnancy, OCP): increased hepatic synthesis of certain
coagulation factors and reduced synthesis of antithrombin III.
Disseminated cancers: procoagulant tumor products
Age: increasing platelet aggregation and reduced PGI2.


Is a detached intravascular solid, liquid, or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood to
a site distant from its point of origin.


An area of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusion of either arterial supply or venous

drainage. 99% from thrombotic or embolic events. Remainder: local vasospasm,
extrinsic compression, hemorrhage within a plaque, torsion, traumatic rupture. Infarcts
caused by venous thrombosis are more common in organs with single venous
outflows: e.g. testis, ovary.
Red Infarct (hemorrhagic): venous occlusions, loose tissues (lung), dual circulations,
congested, when flow reestablished
White Infarcts (anemic): arterial occlusions or solid organs (heart, spleen, kidney).

Cardiogenic - myocardial pump failure
Hypovolemic - loss of blood or plasma volume
Septic - caused by gram-negative bacilli. endotoxins.

Neurogenic - spinal cord injury, anesthesia

Anaphylactic - IgE mediated

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