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for industrial feedlots and processing plants will make Figure 15. Factors Influencing or risk (high trialability).

or risk (high trialability). At first, the new service is an

shutting down an expensive option, and these costs are alternative to their main means of transport (whether
likely to be passed on to taxpayers if the businesses taxis, car ownership, or public transport), but, the more
that operate them fail. they try it, the more they appreciate its advantages.
This means that the disruption of the cow will Before long, it becomes their main form of transport.
be irreversible well before the new technologies We believe modern foods will follow a similar pattern,
National Competitiveness Policymakers but resistance will crumble even faster because they will
are capable of producing the perfect steak at a
competitive cost. be so easy and cheap to try87 – there is no long-term
Animal Welfare Price Volatility
commitment and consumers can use modern products
Environment Security of to meet some nutritional needs and continue to use
2.3.1 Key Stakeholders’ Role in Health Supply
conventional products to meet others.
Adoption Cost
Nutrition Perception, therefore, is a variable, not a constant. Over
There are four main agents that could accelerate or time, this change in perception will drive the ‘social
slow down the modern food disruption – consumers, Convenience Opportunity/Risk
license’ feedback loop. The industrial livestock industry
businesses, investors, and policymakers. These groups Aroma imposes many costs on society (externalities) that are
are interdependent – the actions and choices made Mouthfeel not borne directly by the industry.88 These include health
by any one group affect those made by all others. costs that come from eating meat (obesity, diabetes,
Businesses/ heart disease, and cancer), the impact of livestock on
Different stakeholders will be driven by different
Consumers Investors the climate, on antibiotic resistance and foodborne
combinations of factors. For individual consumers,
Source: RethinkX diseases, and on animal welfare.89 These are generally
cost, taste, and convenience are the most important.
tolerated because governments prioritize the need for
For businesses, cost, revenue, and risk mitigation are
According to the diffusion of innovation theory, whenever low-cost and secure food supplies. But, for the first time,
key. Meanwhile, governments and states can help or
new products enter a market they are met with different the emergence of a genuine alternative – a new food
hinder the incumbent and disruptive industries through
reactions depending on the individual consumer.86 All system that produces lower cost and superior food
regulation, tax, or subsidy, depending on how beneficial
technology innovations face an initial level of excitement and that imposes a fraction of the externalized costs on
they are to the economy, the environment, and society.
from some and skepticism from others. But history has society – means that these externalities are unlikely to
Lobby and interest groups will also play an important
taught us that this resistance is never as deep rooted or be tolerated by the public. The social license will move
role in influencing them.
intransigent as we may think. This has been the case for from animal-derived foods to modern foods. This will
Consumers: Embracing Change every major technological disruption of the past century create the political space for policy and regulation both
and more, whether it be the car, the television, or the to support the modern food industry and, potentially, to
Because modern foods are superior to animal-derived penalize animal-based food production.
internet – the speed of adoption of new technologies
products, we expect to see their adoption begin
always takes us by surprise.
as soon as they are available, and well in advance
of cost parity being reached. Indeed, this is borne More recently, ride-hailing has been embraced by
out by the enthusiastic early adoption of many consumers and is now a mainstream service less than
products that have recently entered the market, 10 years after launching. Part of its rapid rise is the fact
such as Impossible burgers. consumers can easily try it with minimal effort, cost,

Food&Agriculture 35

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