Middle WI News - April Issue

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Middle Wisconsin
Information Technology Solutions
www.MiddleWisconsin.com APRIL 15, 2011

WELCOME Tax Day Teach-In and Picket

Welcome to Middle Wisconsin
News. Much has happened since we Tax Day Informational Picket
published our first edition two weeks A CALL TO ACTION
ago. We are all anxiously awaiting the
outcome of investigations into the FOR ACTIVISTS: Monday, April 18  11 am–6 pm
irregularities in the Supreme Court
election numbers, the Senate recalls U.S. Post Office, 235 Forest St. , Wausau
are moving forward, and Middle Wis-
consin is planning a post office rally Please join us to picket for a more progres-
on tax day (Monday, April 18) to Tax-Day Teach-In sive tax code, as well as humane budgets
protest corporate tax avoidance. and spending priorities.
Sunday, April 17  7 pm
We are all aware that much lies We will be part of U.S. Uncut’s nationwide
ahead of us, but it is important to call to action exposing the largest U.S.
UW–Marathon County's
keep things in perspective. Although corporations who are reaping billions in
Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and
the Supreme Court election results profits, paying no taxes, and receiving
Service (WIPPS), located on the corner of
are still unknown, we must remember bailout money and/or tax refunds.
Stewart Ave. & S. 7th Ave., Wausau
that this is only the first of many bat-
tles. We will win some of these; we Middle Wisconsin’s Research Committee is
Professors Eric Giordano and Katrina Becker
will lose some. It is the ―war‖ that is developing a flier with talking points to pass
will be discussing progressive alternatives to
important, and history is on our side. out. Bring signs.
Americans have won this struggle
state and federal budget shortfalls, as well as
before. But let us all keep in mind that the economic, democratic, and moral justifica-
For good examples and general info, see
this is certain to be a long-term tions for a progressive tax code.
www.usuncut.org. Click on Actions to see
endeavor. We must not lose heart, the huge number of cities involved and the
and we must encourage one another ―targets‖ of the actions—the largest thieves:
to carry on. GE, M&I, Verizon, and so on.

We are still in the process of develop- Contact Information

ing Middle Wisconsin News. There Wix Covey: wixcovey@gmail.com or
is much to learn and much to do. We Tony Schultz: info@stoneyacresfarm.net
have added a section called
―Challenging the Myth,‖ which we
hope can be a regular feature in each
edition. This section will be used to
question popularly accepted beliefs TAX DAY RESOURCES
that have little basis in fact. We also
have an essay from a Middle Wiscon-  You heard it here first: Tax the rich and solve budget shortfall
sin member in this edition and hope By Marc V. Levine http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/116955013.html
that essays will be a standard part of
our newsletter. If you are interested in  United for a Fair Economy’s ―Take a Stand for Tax Fairness‖ webpage
writing an op-ed, essay, or article, http://faireconomy.org/enews/take_a_stand_for_tax_fairness
please see ―Call for Submissions,‖ on
page 3.  Demos' Taxes Matter week provides a fresh outlook on how we think about taxes. Check out
"Reclaiming Public Discourse about Taxes," which includes talking points and an informative
We hope you enjoy this second webinar: http://sites.google.com/site/demospublicworks/Reclaiming-Taxes
edition of Middle Wisconsin News.
 Who can resist a great infographic? Have a look at Tax Breaks vs. Budget Cuts by the Center for
Editorial Committee American Progress: http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/02/tax_breaks_infographic.html
or this comparison of budget cuts vs. tax cuts for the wealthy by the Economic Policy Institute:
Dave Svetlik, Jim Mattes,
Sarah Thurs, Paul Svetlik
and all of the Economic Policy Institute’s website: www.epi.org

 A few other organizations with excellent resources: Citizens for Tax Justice, the Center for Budget
and Policy Priorities, Tax Policy Center, and Dollars and Sense Magazine
© 2011Middle W is c ons in
APRIL 15, 2011
Middle Wisconsin News Page 2

Supreme Court Election Still Undecided

By Jim Mattes

Last Tuesday’s election for State Supreme Court went down

to the wire, and a week and a half later, there is still no result
between incumbent David Prosser and challenger JoAnne
After the first unofficial canvas, Kloppenburg appeared to
have won by 204 votes. However, after counties conducted
their canvasses to verify the vote numbers, the totals began
 Saturday, April 16 to swing back and forth.
Tea Party rally in Madison
from noon till 2, featuring the The most dramatic announcement came at about 6 pm on
one and only Sarah Palin. Thursday, two full days after the election took place. Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus
(It’d be great to get more publicly apologized for having ―forgotten to save‖ approximately 14,000 votes in the city of
people in Madison than the Brookfield, the second largest city in her county. This gave Prosser a lead of about 7,000 votes.
tea partiers do!) At this time, only Milwaukee County remains to have its totals verified. Prosser currently leads by
7,305 votes, which is a total within the scope of the half-percent margin allowing the loser of
 Sunday, April 17 an election to ask for a recount paid for by the state. If this total holds, Kloppenburg will have
Teach-In on Taxation, 7 pm, three days after the total count is made official to ask for a recount.
UW–Marathon County's
Wisconsin Institute for Public What do Middle Wisconsin members do at this point? We can look glumly at the prospect that
Policy and Service (WIPPS) defeat seems to have been snatched from the jaws of victory by either an incompetent or unethical
with Professors Eric Giordano county clerk, or, we can take action and have the results examined thoroughly at the state and
and Katrina Becker. federal levels. Several of these mechanisms are being put into action already:
 The Government Accountability Board (GAB) has impounded the votes of
 Monday, April 18
Waukesha County until the canvas becomes official.
Tax Day Protest, 11 am – 6 pm,
Wausau Post Office,  State citizens also have the opportunity to file complaint forms with the GAB against
235 Forest St. Ms. Nickolaus, citing the areas of her job which she failed to perform.
 Tammy Baldwin, U.S. House member from Madison, has encouraged the U.S.
Attorney General, Eric Holder, to launch a federal investigation into the election
processes that were followed in this election.
ONGOING Meanwhile, the Governor has weighed in on the impending results. Originally, he blamed Madison
INVITATION and its being in a ―different world‖ from the rest of the state for the apparent victory of Kloppenburg.
Now that it appears his ally is close to being declared the winner, he has gone on a national attack
against who else? ―Big government labor union bosses,‖ who he accuses of wanting to do every-
thing in their power to overturn the election of Prosser, even if they have to pay for the recount and
Mondays  5 pm ―discover‖ additional votes for Kloppenburg. He made these statements from Newsmax.com’s
Day’s Bowl-A-Dome company headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida, where he is kicking off a national tour to fight
 Wausau  what he calls a union effort to seek recall efforts against the Governor’s allies in the State Senate.
Bring a friend or Should we be discouraged? Perhaps for a few moments; but we all knew that this battle for the
values we cherish in our state and our country, would not be easy. We knew there would be
two and join setbacks. It is our obligation to fight through these temporary disappointments and work even
Middle Wisconsin harder to achieve our goals.
members each Below is the contact information for the various offices mentioned in this article, which you can
reach to make a difference. Think of why you joined Middle Wisconsin and take action!
Monday night to
 Federal Election Commission Phone: 202-694-1015
talk current events (The Commission is rumored to be monitoring the number of calls they receive to help
& be around determine their involvement in the Supreme Court election.)
like-minded folks.  Government Accountability Board Complaint Form http://gab.wi.gov/node/1282
 Recall the Republican 8 http://www.recalltherepublican8.com/
 Senator Herb Kohl http://kohl.senate.gov
(Ask him to get the federal government involved in the election official count/canvas)
 Attorney General Eric Holder Phone: 202-514-2001 http://www.justice.gov/ag/
 Waukesha County Clerk’s Office Phone: 262-548-7010
© 2011Middle W is c ons in http://www.waukeshacounty.gov/defaultwc.aspx?id=38066
APRIL 15, 2011
Middle Technology
Wisconsin News Solutions Page 3

By Jody Maier


―I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to

Middle Wisconsin News is
seeking submissions. We are take this anymore!‖
looking for letters to the edi- – Howard Beale, Network, 1976
tor, articles on relevant top-
ics, and reports from people
on the street (rallies, visits
with politicians, school board
Except we do. We do take it. We take it
and city council meetings,
etc.) We ask that letters be every day. We sleep. We wake. We take it
limited to 600 words and that all over again. Why? We fear loss. We fear
references be cited where the loss of the comforts we have accumu-
appropriate. lated, be they few or many. We fear the
loss of securities scrabbled together. We
Please provide author name,
look at the little we have and we fear to
municipality, and phone num-
ber for purposes of verification. lose it. We fear the loss of family, friends,
jobs or upward mobility and so we remain
Feel free to contact us with silent. We fear jail. We fear retribution at
your ideas for articles. We the hands of the powerful. We remain in the
are seeking people who wish shadows. We are bold with friends, and
to submit occasional work More news today. Corporations now
then cower among the enemy. We stay our
and those who would like to have the rights of an individual. They
be regular contributors. Top- tongue, minding our manners and speaking
with polite etiquette rather than offend can lobby our lawmakers to rescind
ics can include politics, social
issues, economics, educa- those who are offensive. We continue to pesky human-serving ―environmental‖
tion, local business, unions, debate, to attempt to see differing points of laws. Corporations don’t drink water,
events, and other appropriate view while ours are dismissed out of hand. so they don’t care if it is drinkable.
topics. We hope to represent We tolerate the lies spoken of us and of our Unless a corporation wants to bottle
the broad spectrum of people and sell it, well, then please keep the
opposition. We kowtow and go about our
who form Middle Wisconsin: water clean until a profit can be made.
blue collar and white collar lives while another election is raped, the
workers, public and private GOP radicals taking their measure of Corporations don’t breathe the air
employees, union and non- pleasure as they see fit. either, so let’s lower our air-quality
union members, business standards because corporations do
owners, farmers, and more. Mad as hell. Yet here I sit. make money and clean is so darn
expensive. Money is important to a
Submissions may be edited
The quickening of the agenda is here. We corporation; more important than
for length, clarity, accuracy, anything else. A man well camou-
and taste, but we will seek were warned. Throughout history we have
been cautioned to remain vigilant. We fid- flaged in a corporation begins to lose
the author’s approval before
publication. dled. Rome is burning. Women’s health his humanity and begins to think in
options degraded, the women themselves business terms. ―Well,‖ he says to
Emailed submissions should insulted. Senior citizens, our wizened tribal himself, ―I don’t like to do this to you,
be sent in plain text or as
elders, cast off with no value. Broken, so please don’t take it personally. It’s
Microsoft Word attachments. just business.‖ These are the men we
If you would like to contrib- cracked, flawed humans left wanting as
their meager provisions are throttled, fear.
ute, contact
dave@middlewisconsin.org. squeezed to fund tax cuts for the wealthy.
Wages battered down in depression roll- Tears welling. Seeing red.
backs and further hindered by escalating Beginning to stir.
prices of essential items. Jobs scarce to
find and once found, little more than third- The corporations want business back
world quality: long hours, hazardous condi- in America. Freight is expensive to
tions, low benefits. Not exactly your father’s haul back here from overseas and now
dream for you. that they don’t need to worry about

© 2011Middle W is c ons in Still mad. Still sitting. (Continued on next page)

APRIL 15, 2011
Middle Wisconsin News Page 4

policies rule our health care system;
Medicare has been pilfered and left for
dead. As a whole, there is little differ-
MISSION STATEMENT ence between the two major parties.
The money has been allowed to fester
air- and water-quality standards, high
for so long that the disease borne from
Middle Wisconsin is an wages and benefits, and unions fighting
it is immune to most elections. Only a
independent, citizens’ coalition them, the atmosphere is right to re-invest in
lethal dose of voter turnout holds the
working to evaluate and sup- America. The trouble is that Americans are
port political candidates and potential to cure it. If that fails, ampu-
still fairly well educated and acclimated to a
measures that promote just tation is imminent.
and transparent government, decent standard of living. That is going to
healthy communities, be corrected, too.
social responsibility, Steeled, I march forward.
thriving local economies,
environmental stewardship,
Educational systems,
educators, and the in- We need to eschew
and quality education.
frastructure that sup- fear. If we do not, we
ported this will now be We need to change the hold zero opportunity
grossly underfunded. to change. We need
world from our center to fight, but not like
We won’t fight for better
wages and working and let it radiate out. our enemy, for we
conditions if we cannot dare not become
Grassroots. them in our attempt to
articulate them. If the
only jobs are low skill, Buy local. overtake them.
low cognitive in nature, Participate in Community
it’s better we don’t un- We need to change
derstand our position Supported Agriculture. the world from our
center and let it radi-
rather than be aware of Forsake ate out. Grassroots.
our isolation and squalor.
Keep the best of us un- corporate products. Buy local. Participate
educated. Keep the rest Protest! in Community Sup-
of us in prison. Malnour- ported Agriculture.
ished, abused, and ne-
Make a sign, Forsake corporate
glected, those among join a march, products. Protest!
us desperate enough to Make a sign, join a
and hold it high! march, and hold it
resort to crime to make
our way are now herded high! Engage the op-
into cages in record position and DO NOT
numbers. Rounded into WITHER. Steel your-
camps, we keep them out of sight. And self for the dawn when civil disobedi-
there is money in this so the corporations ence is required for it may come to that.
take over our prison system. Profit in We are under attack; we are being
convictions, we need tough-on-crime plundered in the most nefarious and
justices on the bench to feed the beast. maniacal of ways. We are many and
Thus, elections are bought and sold. we are strong. We must be resolute.
We must harbor our anger, nurture our
Standing. Fists balled. Jaw clenched. passion, and douse our fear with it.
Quell your silence; engage your
strength and RISE. Look back in the
The system is not broke. Sadly, it remains
face of that which threatens you and
one of the best avenues for change at our
defy it. Like the winds across Superior,
disposal. No, it is not broke, but it is sold.
thunder in the Rockies, and waves
The money and the power have corrupted.
upon our shores, we are relentless.
War profiteering is up; educational spend-
© 2011Middle W is c ons in ing is down. Lobbying for pharmaceuticals
is up; aid to the infirm is down. Insurance Your hand in mine, we win. 
APRIL 15, 2011
Middle Wisconsin News Page 5

The Myth: “And if all others accepted the lie which the party
imposed—if all records told the same tale—
Taxes Kill Jobs then the lie passed into history and became the truth.”
—George Orwell, 1984 (published in 1949)
By Dave Svetlik

Tax day (April 18) is fast upon us, and Middle Wisconsin is planning a rally at the Wausau post office to expose wealthy U.S. corporations
that pay little or no taxes and, in several cases, actually receive government subsidies. We have all heard the conservative mantra that
―taxes are job killers‖ used to justify this state of affairs. Governor Scott Walker’s corporate tax giveaways at the beginning of his term were
based upon this oft used slogan. If we repeat something often enough, it must be true. But perhaps a look at the historical record might be
of value.

The following graph taken from The Crux at http:// thecentral cruxblogspot.com was developed using historical records from the IRS. As
indicated, the graph compares historical levels of unemployment with individual (top earner) and corporate (top earner) tax rates from 1920
to present.

One can see that beginning in the early 1920s, a sharp drop in the individual tax rate from over 70 to 25 percent was followed by a steep
rise in unemployment from 5 to 25 percent. This of course, was the era of the Great Depression. By the early 1930s, individual taxes were
climbing quickly, along with a more gradual rise in corporate tax rates. It is readily apparent that while taxes were rising, unemployment fell
steadily until the era of World War II.

Perhaps most telling is what occurred from 1950 through 1980. While both individual and corporate taxes remained high during this period,
unemployment remained low. It should be remembered that government debt was also low during this time.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected President and ushered in the era of ―trickle down‖ economics. At this point, we see a sharp drop in
individual tax rates, along with a more modest decline in corporate taxes. Notice that the unemployment rate was largely unaffected by the
reduction in tax rates. What the graph doesn’t include is the fact that 1980 is when we began to see the steady rise in government debt that
plagues us today.

It is easy to oversimplify, and this is certainly true when trying to compare tax rates with the level of unemployment. Indeed, most econo-
mists, including New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, indicate that there is almost no real correlation between
the two. Of importance for the purpose of this discussion is that there is virtually no evidence to support the conservative claim that raising
taxes kills jobs. However, when one considers the current fallout from the rising government debt resulting from keeping top earner taxes
low, there is certainly collateral damage. 

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