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Prim 5 2 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Big Question (1)

Why do we protect animals?
Dreaming of
Active words p 8 -9
word Meaning
dodo (n) a large bird that could not fly and that no longer exists
elephant bird (n) a very large bird that was not able to fly. They are extinct.
quagga (n) a type of zebra with stripes on the front of its body. It is extinct.
sea wolf (n) a type of large black and white seal. It is extinct.
woolly mammoth (n) an animal like a large elephant covered with hair. It is extinct.
extinct (adj.) used about a type of animals, plants, etc.) no longer existing
survive (v) to continue to live or exist despite a dangerous event or time
exploit (v) to use something or to treat someone unfairly for your own
endangered (adj) (used about animals, plants, etc.) in danger of disappearing from
the world.
habitat (n)the natural home of a plant or an animal.
species (n) a group of animals or plants that are very similar to each other and
that can breed together.
sanctuary (n) a place where birds or animals cannot be hunted and are protected
from danger
existed (v) was real; was found in the real world; was alive
eventually (adv.) In the end: after a long time.
mammals (n) animals of the type that give birth to live babies, not eggs, and
feed their young on milk from their own bodies
suffered (v) experiences something bad, for example pain, sadness, difficulty
atmosphere (n) the mixture of gases that surround the Earth or any other star,
planet, etc.
rare (adj) not done, seen, happening,etc. very often
Passive words:
P8: stripes – flippers – related to – unfairly – in danger – reserves

Prim 5 3 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
-Before you read Author’s Purpose
Passive words: SB-p9
project – take action – worried about – asleep – snore – sloth
When you read, think about why the author wrote the story.
 How does the author want you to feel?
 What does the author want you to learn?
 How does the author feel about the subject?
Passive words: SB-p 10-11
whoosh – yard – terrible – sailors - cut down – forest – died – sniffing – hooves – galloped –
missing – tear – hunters – swishing – gushing – flip-flap – flippers – emerged – seal – flopped –
puddle – spread – explorers – fat – crashing – stumbled – replied – flapping – splashing – ton –
proudly – omelet – miserable – roaring – peering – fiery – flashing –stared – blew – except
Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic
(Why some animals became extinct or endangered)
You might use these words:
(exploit – skin – rare – atmosphere - sanctuaries)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2

Choose the correct answer:
1- The (endangered – exploit – sanctuary – habitat) is a safe place where animals are
protected and can’t be hunted.
2- There are many endangered (atmosphere – mammals – species - survive) of animals that
need our interest.
3- There are no more quaggas because they are (exploiting – rare – extinct – gallop).
4- The panda’s natural (sanctuary – habitat – forest – existed) is the bamboo forest.
5- The sea turtle is an (extinct – endangered – atmosphere – explore) species of animals.
We need to protect it.
6- We need to take care of animals so that they can (survive – exist – suffer – respect).
7- The (seal – sea wolf – woolly mammoth – elephant bird) was a very large bird that couldn’t
8- Last night’s storm had cleared the (rare – atmosphere – exploit – species).
9- Many people (suffered – enjoyed – surrounded – supported) from yesterday’s hot

Prim 5 4 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
10-Don’t believe that ghosts (extinct – exist – suffer – exploit) in the real world.

Grammar in use: Review the

 Present
Use the present perfect to tell perfectin the past but did not happen at a
what happened
specific time. Use the past participle of the main verb with has or have

I have = I’ve He has = he’s

We have = we’ve She has= she’s
They have = they’ve It has= it’s
 Use the present perfect with ever and never to ask and answer questions about life

Question Answer

 You can use the present perfect with the adverbs already, just, and yet. These
adverbs tell when something happened or didn’t happen.

Statements Question
She has already bought extra paper. Has she already bought extra paper?
We’ve just swept the floor. Have you just swept the floor?
I haven’t spoken to the neighbors yet. Have you spoken to the neighbors yet?
 Use the present perfect with for and since to show that something began in the past
and is still happening now. Use for to talk about an amount of time.

Prim 5 5 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Period of Time Point of Time

three hours two o’clock

two days Sunday
a month October
For four years Since 2011
a long time I was five
ages he arrived
the last week last week

People have used sailboats for a long time. I haven’t met my cousins since I arrived.
She hasn’t seen her father for twenty years. People in many countries haven’t hunted
whales since 1982.

Present Perfect
 Use the presentand Present
perfect to say what you’ve done in your life up to now.
 Use the present perfect continuous to say that you start doing something in the past and
you’re still doing it now.

Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous

have have
Past participle +
has has been + +

:Examples :Examples

 I have traveled to London.  He has been studying English for two hours.
 She has written three letters.  You have been watching TV for three hours.
 We have never gone to the zoo.  She has been playing tennis since five o’clock.
 They’ve eaten their lunch.  We have been going to the sanctuary every
 She hasn’t cleaned the room. Saturday.
 I haven’t read this book. Note: (We use “How long” to ask about a period
 Have you done your homework yet? of time.)
 Has she been to Australia?  How long have you been learning English?
Choose the correct answer:
1- I have been (work – worked – working - works) for this company for seven years.
2- They have (wrote – write – written - writing) two essays about animals.
3- She (haven’t – hasn’t - doesn’t – isn’t) drunk the hot chocolate.
4- Have you (never – ever - every – since) seen an elephant bird?
5- They (have been – to be – are being – has been) suffering for a long time.
6- She has been waiting for the bus since (three hours – three o’clock – three minutes –
three times).
7- I’ve (just – yet – ever – since) seen lightning.
8- She’s been playing the piano (since – for – in – at) seven o’clock.

Prim 5 6 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
9- Omar is very tired. He’s been (working – worked – works – work) very hard.
10- Andy (has been practiced – has been practicing – practice - practices) the guitar for
two weeks.
11-They haven’t (been building – build – built – building) the tower yet.
12-We haven’t seen him (since – yet – for – never) he left our neighborhood.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1- He has been painting the house since Monday. Now, it’s Friday. (for)

2- I have been living in this city for five years. (since)

3- She arrived a short time ago. (just)

4- I have taught English in this school. (been)

5- Have you ever ridden a camel? (never)

Complete using (since) or (for):

1- What have you done ………………I left you this morning?
2- We have known each other………………nine years.
3- The police have arrested the thief ………………two hours.
4- Grandpa has been wearing glasses ………………1994.
5- I have been playing tennis ………………I was six.
6- Nobody has come to the party………………six o’clock.
7- Linda has been absent ………………Tuesday.
8- I haven’t met Alex………………two weeks.
9- She hasn’t eaten fish ………………a long time.
10-She has been writing a story ……………… last winter.
Speaking SB p 14 Talking About an Opinion

 When you give an opinion. It’s a good idea to give reasons. Use because, I say that because
or in my experience. To ask someone reasons, use Why do you say that? Or why do you
think that?

A. What is the most interesting animal?

B. In my opinion, the most interesting animal is the Goliath frog.
A. Why do you say that?
B. I say that because it has been here for such a long time
A. I disagree. In my opinion, the tiger is the most interesting animal.
B. Why do you say that?
A. I say that because they are endangered, and they have survived.

Prim 5 7 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Word Study: P15 Suffix -able

 Remember: A suffix is added to the end of a word. The suffix –able is sometimes
added to a noun or a verb to make it an adjective.

noun / verb Adjective Examples

depend (v) Dependable ♦The Egyptian depend on the Nile for drinking and irrigation.
♦She is honest, loyal, and dependable.
adjust (v) Adjustable ♦Adjust your alarm clock to wake you up at six.
♦The camera lens is adjustable.
excite (v) Excitable ♦Her playing on the piano excited the audience.
♦Young puppies are always excitable.
prevent (v) preventable ♦She prevented her kids from going outdoors.
♦Many road accidents are preventable if we just pay attention
to the traffic lights.
comfort (n) comfortable ♦I feel tired, and I need some comfort.
♦You will feel relaxed if you sit on this comfortable armchair.
adore (v) Adorable ♦They adore watching the young giraffes eating.
♦The two pandas look adorable.
solve (v) Solvable ♦The government tries hard to solve the housing problem.
♦If you follow my advice, you will find many of your problems
avoid (v) Avoidable ♦Avoid drinking coffee before you go to bed.
♦Getting in troubles is still avoidable if you keep away from
bad guys.
Writing Study SB P15: Sentence Fragments
 A sentence fragment is missing a subject or a verb.
 Fix a sentence fragment by adding a subject or a verb.

☺ Elephant still in some parts of Africa. (fragment)

☻ Elephants still live in some parts of Africa. (sentence)
☺ Reading a useful book. (fragment)
☻ I’m reading a useful book. (sentence)

Prim 5 8 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Supply the missing parts of the following dialogues:

Presenter: Hello, Professor! I’d like to ask you some questions.
Scientist: Of course.
Presenter: …………………………………………………………………………?
Scientist: Because humans exploited those animals and killed them in large numbers.
Presenter: …………………………………………………………………………?
Scientist: Yes, there are endangered animals such as tigers and turtles.
Presenter: How can we protect these endangered animals?
Scientist: …………………………………………………………………………
Presenter: Thank you for this valuable information.
Scientist: …………………………………………………………………………
Choose the correct answer:
1- A lot of scientists find the problem of endangered animals (excitable – adorable –
comfortable – solvable) if people stop exploiting them.
2- Many lazy kids (avoid – depend – adore – solve) on their parents. They can’t do things on
their own.
3- We should (avoid – excite – comfort – adjust) polluting the rivers and other water bodies.
4- The baby panda is (adjustable – preventable – adorable – avoidable). Children enjoy
watching it play.
5- My little kittens are very (adorable – preventable – comfortable – excitable). Any little
sound can excite them.
6- These tennis sneakers are designed for (comfort – prevent – adore – solve) and
7- The height of the bicycle seat is (dependable – adjustable – avoidable – preventable).

Prim 5 9 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Read the following paragraph and underline the fragments. Then fix them.
I been in Brazil for two months now. I have been busy since I arrived. So, I haven’t written
my blog since last week. I seen many amazing plants and animals. My favorite plant the Kapok
Tree. Hundreds of animals, insects, and birds in its branches. I have met many interesting
people. My guide living in the rainforest. He knows a lot about animals and plants in the

1- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
2- ………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….
3- ……………………………………………………………………………………………….....……….
4- ………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….
5- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic

(My favorite sport)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 10 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

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Prim 5 11 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Big Question (1)

Why do we protect animals?

Active words p16 -17: Saving our

Words Meanings
diverse (adj.) very different from each other
identify (v.) to recognize or be able to say who or what someone or something is
tracker (n) a person who can find people or wild animals by following the marks
that they leave on the ground
protect (v) to keep someone or something safe; to defend someone or something.
naturalist (n) a person who studies plants and animals
poaching (v) catching or killing birds, animals, or fish illegally, especially on someone
else’s land
damaged (adj) spoiled, harmed, or broken
conservation (n) the protection of the natural world
preservation (n) keeping something in the same or in a good condition
inspire (v) to give someone a feeling of wanting and being able to do something
good, create a work of art, etc.
population (n) a number of people or animals who live in a particular place
reserve (n) an area of land where the plants, animals, etc. are protected by law
jungles (n) thick forests in a hot tropical country
wildlife (n) wild birds, plants, animals etc.
hunter (n) a person or animal that hunts
injuries (n) harm or hurt done to person’s or an animal’s body, especially in an
mission (n) an important task or purpose that a person or a group of people are
sent somewhere to do
national park (n) a large area of beautiful land that is protected by the federal
government that the public can enjoy it
Passive words:
P16: trained – survival – beauty – recently

Before you read Monitor and

Passive words SB-p17 Clarify

sloth – rainforest – hang – upside down – rarely – several – toes

Prim 5 12 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Make sure you understand what you’re reading.

 Monitor your understanding. Good readers re-read sentences they don’t understand.
 Read ahead. You can find new clues to help you understand what you’re reading.
 Look at the pictures, charts, and diagrams. They may clarify what you’re reading.

Reading Pgs. 18 - 19
Passive words:
foothills – range of mountains – provided – rhinoceroses – disappeared – terrified – antelopes
– fascinated by – track – accompanied by – risks – hero – gunshot – wounds – illegally –
decoration –infections – porcupine – quills – stuck – lectures – respect - total

♦ Choose the correct answer:
1- A (population – naturalist – poacher – protect) is a person who studies living things.
2- Her brilliant paintings have (inspired – protected – hunted – trained) a lot of artists.
3- (Preservation – Poaching – Conservation – Injuries) endangered animals is illegal in many
4- Trees and plants grow very thickly in a (wildlife – jungle – survival – sloth).
5- Japan has a (mission – population – conservation – diverse) of nearly 130 million.
6- There are many (diverse –similar – same – exact) species of birds all over the world.
7- By the end of the lesson, students could (inspire – identify – reserve – preserve)
different types of animals by looking at their pictures.
8- The lion’s teeth were (protected – tracked – damaged – hunted) so it couldn’t attack
buffalos and antelopes.
9- Her (mission – session – inspiration – preservation) in life is to teach the poor children.
10-He is trained to be a (tracker – naturalist – trainer – speaker) to find animals.
Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:
(How can we protect wildlife to save animals and plants?)
You might use these words.
(Plants – water – damaged – habitat – government)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Grammar in use SB p21: Review of Tenses

Prim 5 13 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
 Use the simple present for things that happen regularly.
 Time expressions: always – usually – often – sometimes – hardly ever – never – every
(day, week, year…) on (Fridays, Mondays, holidays…)

Affirmative Negation
I eat dinner at 6 p.m. every day. We don’t usually go to school on foot.
She plays basketball on Fridays. My father doesn’t work in a hospital.
Yes or No Questions Wh Questions
Do you watch TV in the evening? Where do you buy your shopping?
Yes, I do. Or No, I don’t. How often does she have a music lesson?
Does she make her bed in the morning?
Yes, she does. Or No, she doesn’t.
 Use the present continuous to talk about actions are happening now (progressive
 Time expressions: now - at the moment – Look! – Listen! – still - Watch out!

Affirmative Negation
Look! He is playing the violin. I’m not reading a story now.
They are going to Paris next week. Look! she isn’t visiting her uncle .
Yes or No Questions Wh Questions
Are you listening to music now? What are they doing at the moment?
Yes, I am. Or No, I’m not. Where is she going?
Is she still watching TV?
Yes, she is. Or No, she isn’t.
 Use the present perfect for past experiences, past actions that continue to the
present, or actions that happened at an unspecific time.
 Time expressions: just – already – ever – never – yet - since - for

Affirmative Negation
I have thrown a baseball. They haven’t eaten the cake yet.
She has lived here for a long time. He hasn’t studied for two hours.
I have never eaten avocado.
Yes or No Questions Wh Questions
Have you ever been to Australia? How long have you been in Cairo?
Yes, I have. Or No, I haven’t. Where has she put the notebook?
Has she finished her work yet?
Yes, she has. Or No, she hasn’t.
 Use the simple past for completed actions that happened at a specific time.
 Time expressions: yesterday – last (week, month, summer…) – ago – in 2004 – in the
past – once …

Affirmative Negation
He played tennis yesterday. They didn’t win the game last week.
They went to a concert two weeks ago. I didn’t see him last night.
Yes or No Questions Wh Questions

Prim 5 14 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Did she show you her photos? When did you go last weekend?
Yes, she did. Or No, she didn’t. What did you do yesterday?
Choose the correct answer:
1. Jana (hasn’t – doesn’t – isn’t – wasn’t) drink tea in the morning.
2. I (am looking – have looked – looked – look) at the board at the moment.
3. Mechanics (have mended-mend-mending – are mending) cars. It’s their job
4. In winter, it rarely (snow – snows – snowing - snowed) in Egypt, but it always rains a lot.
5. (Are you doing – Do you do – Have you done – Did you do) your homework yet?
6. Faddy (brushed – brushes – has brushed – is brushing) his teeth every day.
7. We (went – have been – go – are going) to the National Park last week.
8. Adam (has traveled – is traveling - travels – has traveled) to London now.
9. My uncle has just (come – came – coming – comes) from the USA.
10. Dad (doesn’t watch – isn’t watching – hasn’t watched – didn’t watch) TV. He is reading the
11. I haven’t seen a statue since I (have left – left – leave – am leaving) Rome.
12. Did you (spend – spent – spending – spends) the summer holiday in Paris?
13. She (cleaned - has been cleaning – is cleaning – cleans) her room and ironed her clothes.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He cleans his mother’s room every day. (yesterday)

2- The tiger eats meat. (now)

3- She has studied for two hours. (been)

4- Sara writes a letter to her cousin every week. (Last week)

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Robert: Hi, I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?
Anna: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Robert: The national park! ……………………………………………………………………?
Anna: I saw many endangered African animals.
Robert: Did you go alone?
Anna: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Robert: …………………………………………………………………………………….………?
Anna: Yeah. It was a very interesting trip!

Prim 5 15 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Listening SB P22: What do you know about panda?
Passive words:
giant – bamboo
Speaking SB p 22 Giving reasons

 Think of possible answer to these questions. Give reasons using words like I think it is or
was because and it might be because. Ask questions using Who, When, Why, What,
Where, and How.

Answer the questions

 Will tigers survive?

 How did Jim Corbett help tigers?
a- I think tigers will survive.
b- Why do you say that?
a- People will help tigers because they don’t want them to become extinct.
b- I think Jim Corbett did some important things for tigers.
a- How did he do that?
b- I think it’s because he told people to respect wildlife.

Word Study: P23

 Adjectives help you write in a more interesting way, but synonyms add variety to your
vocabulary. Synonyms are words that mean almost the same thing.

words synonyms Examples

bright brilliant The sun is brighter/more brilliant than the moon.

error mistake There are too many errors/mistakes in your writing.

injure hurt He injured/hurt his knees while playing hockey.

preserve save Reserves are set up to preserve/save endangered animals.

provide supply Rivers supply us with fresh water and fish.

Rivers provide fresh water and fish for us.

starving hungry What will you do if you are starving /hungry?

tale story My grandmother is good at telling tales/stories.

timid shy He is too timid /shy to speak loudly before the class.

Prim 5 16 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Writing Study SB P23
Irregular past verbs
Active words
* For (the past participle) move to p54

 Some verbs in the past are irregular. They don’t follow the usual pattern.

Present Past Present Past

feel felt stand stood
leave left give gave
catch caught see saw
hear heard write wrote
sell sold do did


Choose the correct answer:

1. I (felt – caught – left – heard) tired as I ran all the way home.
2. She (wrote – writes – has written – is writing) a letter to her friend a moment ago.
3. They (stand – stood –are standing – stands) under the tree last night.
4. He is reading a book of old Japanese folk (tales – errors – timid – supplies).
5. She’s left the kids without food for long. I think they’re (starving – saving – hurting –
injuring) by now.
6. The synonym of bright is (light – brilliant – brownie – lightning).
7. To save animals means to (hurt – preserve – supply – leave) their habitat.
8. You have to correct your writing (errors – arrows – areas – eras).
9. She seems to be very (timid – hurt – starving – supply) as she refuses to talk to
10. Soil (hurts – saves – supplies – preserves) plants with water and minerals to make their
11. People will help turtles (because – so – or – but) they don’t want them to become extinct.

Prim 5 17 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Prim 5 18 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:
You might use these words.

(jungle –meat - rare– poachers– sanctuaries)

Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 19 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Test on Units
1- Listen and answer the following questions:

2- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Maria: Have you ever been to a sanctuary?

Sami: …………………………………………………………………………….
Maria: …………………………………………………………………………….?
Sami: I saw many endangered animals.
Maria: Why do they keep these animals in sanctuaries?
Sami: …………………………………………………………………………….
Maria: …………………………………………………………………………….?
Sami: We can collect money to help these animals survive.
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. These plants can’t (exploit – survive – suffer – endanger) in very cold conditions.
2. I (didn’t write – don’t write – haven’t written – am not writing) the report yet.
3. She has been learning French (for – since – in – on) 2005.
4. Following the rules makes lots of accidents (comfortable – preventable – adjustable –
5. (Preservation – Prevention – Population – Mission) is keeping something in the same or in a
good condition.
6. Wildlife in the mountain is (inspire – diverse – poaching – reserve). There are many kinds
of animals there.
7. Have you ever (saw – see – seen – seeing) a woolly mammoth?
8. She (just has finished – has finished just – has just finished – just finishes) her lunch.
Now she’s ready to go out.

Prim 5 20 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. I have been playing tennis for two years. (since)

2. She hasn’t met Uncle Sam before. (never)

3. They work in a hospital in the city center. (He)

4. Alex spoke to the manager a short time ago. (already)

5- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Many years after the time of the legend, the Viking came to England. They were tall and
strong people who lived in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Many Vikings had blond hair and
blue eyes. The word “Viking” means “pirate” but the first Vikings were farmers. They grew
vegetables and had farm animals. But they wanted more land. They went to many places, and
they attacked England in 783. The Vikings built big ships to make their journeys. They were
called long ships and were very fast and strong.
Answer the following questions:
1. Where did the Vikings come from?

2. What did many Vikings look like?

Choose the correct answer:

1. The first Vikings were (pirates – farmers – travelers).
2. The Vikings used big (long ships – animals – buses) to make their journeys.

6- Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:

(The importance of friendship)

You might use these words.
(share – honest – time of need – avoid –respect)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 21 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

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Prim 5 22 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Big Question (2)

What are teeth for?
The Cavity and
Active words: SB pHave
30-31you any

words Meaning
Incisor (n) one of the eight sharp teeth at the front of the mouth that are used for
Canine (n) one of the four pointed teeth in the front of a person’s or animal’s mouth
Molar (n) one of the large teeth in the back of your mouth
Carnivore (n) any animal that eats meat
Herbivor (n) an animal that only eats grass and plants
Omnivore (n) an animal that is naturally able to eat both plants and meat
Slice (v) to cut something into thin pieces
Grip (v) to take and keep hold of someone or something firmly
Crush (v) to press someone or something hard so that he/she/it is broken, damaged,
or injured
Cavity (n) a hole in a tooth
Gums (n) the hard pink parts of the mouth that hold the teeth
Jaw (n) either of the two bones in your face contains the teeth
Detective (n) someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who
is responsible for them
Dental (adj.) relating to the teeth
Gravity (n) extreme importance and a cause of worry
Filling (n) the material that a dentist uses to fill a hole in tooth
Treat (n) something that is very special or enjoyable; or something that tastes good
and that is not eaten often
Munch (v) to eat something in a noisy way, especially something crisp
Passive words: SB p 28
P28: ripping – apart – grinding – sharp – roar
Before you read:(passive words)
SB p-29 senses – step into – barely – wind brush – wonder – faint – movement – sudden –
cracking – tight – sight
Looking for
- When you read, look for details that tellDetails
Sensory about the senses. Ask yourself what the
character is seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling, or testing.

Reading Passive words SB P 30-31

Prim 5 23 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
nasty – ache – bite – chew – scrub – hole – tiny – defective – explain – detective – cure –
dental – pain – gravity – truth – wiser – buzz – thrilled - scurrying – snack – prey – attack –
stray – tear up – treat – nibble down – munch – in the mood - bits
Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue:
Amanda: You look pale! What’s wrong with you?
Rosy: ……………………………………………………………………………
Amanda: Have you seen the dentist?
Rosy: ……………………………………………………………………………
Amanda: …………………………………………………………………………?
Rosy: He asked me to brush my teeth and stop eating sweets.
Amanda: You’d better listen to his advice. Did he give you any medicine?
Rosy: ……………………………………………………………………………
♦ Choose the correct answer:
1- People have eight (molars – tusks – canines – incisors) in their mouths.
2- Leopards are carnivores. They have (molar – incisor – canine – crush) teeth to rip their
food apart.
3- He’s had toothache since yesterday. He might have a (grip – cavity – gravity – gums).
4- We need to (crush – slice – jaw – grip) the cucumber thinly.
5- The dentist asked me to keep my (teeth – jaw – gums – tongue) wide open.
6- The (dentist – naturalist – defective – detective) could solve the crime and discovered
the real criminal.
7- When I showed my dad my monthly report, he looked with (filling – gravity – treats –
munching) and told me to work harder.
8- A dentist works in a/an (nasal – oral – dental – optical) surgery.
9- When I was a kid, chocolate was a (powder – treat – greet –fleet).

♦Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:

(How to keep our teeth healthy)
You might use these words.
(brush – dentist – sweets – milk and eggs – balanced diet)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2

Grammar in use: SB p 33 Modals of Ability

Prim 5 24 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Past Present future
could can will be able to
+inf +inf +inf
couldn’t can’t won’t be able to

♦I could talk when I was ♦This box is so heavy; I ♦I will be able to travel when I
three years old. can’t lift it. get my passport tomorrow.
♦I couldn’t speak French ♦The questions are easy. I ♦Next week, I won’t be able to
two years ago. can answer them all. play with my friends.
♦Could you drive a car a ♦Can you climb a tree? ♦Will you be able to fly a kite?
year ago?
Choose the correct answer:
1- I feel so strong that I (have – can – can’t – couldn’t) carry two boxes.
2- (Can – Could – Will – Would) you swim when you were five?
3- She was so tired that she (can’t – couldn’t – could – can) stay awake for long.
4- Will you (be – being – been – bone) able to write a letter in English?
5- She (can’t – won’t be able to – couldn’t – could) come to tomorrow’s party.
6- I don’t feel well today. I (can’t – couldn’t – could – can) go shopping.
7- When I get older, I (will be able to – can – could – will be) drive a car.
8- (Will - Can – Could – Would) she be able to take the science exam next week?
9- She couldn’t ride a bike when she (will be – was – were – is) three.
10-I went to Paris last year. I (can – could – can’t – will be able to) do a lot of sightseeing.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1- He is able to swim fast. (can)

2- Yes, I could talk when I was three. (Could)

3- I can’t meet you today. (tomorrow)

4- I will be able to travel at seven tomorrow. (When)

5- She was able to speak when she was three. (could)

Listening for Instructions
Listening SB p 34
Why are the following instructions important?

Prim 5 25 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Speaking SB p 34
Think about these questions. Then discuss them with a partner:
 Is it important to take care of your teeth?
 Why is it important to go to the dentist?
 What could happen if you don’t take care of your teeth?
A- I think it is important to take care of your teeth.
B- I agree. We should brush our teeth every day.
A- Going to the dentist is also important.
B- It’s important to go at least once a year.
A- If we don’t take care of our teeth, we could lose them.
B- Yes. Without teeth, we couldn’t eat very well.
Word Study: SB p 35
-Prefix in
Remember: a prefix added to the beginning of a word. It changes the meaning of the word.
The prefix in- means “not” and makes an opposite.

words opposite Examples

Complete incomplete There are some parts missing in the text. It is incomplete.
Correct incorrect The answer of this question is not right. It is incorrect.
Accurate inaccurate You missed the bottle. Your shooting was inaccurate.
Credible incredible The fascinating view of sailboats in the river is incredible.
Visible invisible Seeing the black chair in the dark room was impossible. It
was invisible.
Adequate inadequate There was little food. The food supplies were inadequate.
Writing Study: SB p 35
Adjective + preposition
 Some adjectives always have a preposition after them.

interested in – afraid of – good at – bad at – careful with - excited about

Listen and answer the following questions:

Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue:

Prim 5 26 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Sarah: Is it important to go to the dentist?
Mark: …………………………………………………………………………
Sarah: …………………………………………………………………………?
Mark: He takes care of our teeth.
Sarah: How often should we see the dentist?
Mark: …………………………………………………………………………
Sarah: …………………………………………………………………………?
Mark: Because if we don’t take care of our teeth, we could lose them.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Some gases are (incorrect – invisible – credible – inaccurate). We can’t see them.
2- Your answer is (adequate – incomplete – visible – incredible). You have to write more
3- I can’t believe this story. It is (inadequate – incredible – incomplete – invisible).
4- All the tasks are finished. Your job is (correct – complete – accurate – adequate).
5- Five minutes wasn’t enough. I didn't have (adequate - accurate – correct – credible) time
to prepare.
6- All the answers are right, but the last one is (incorrect – incredible – inadequate –
incomplete). It’s not related.
7- He is interested (in - at – of – with) the history of America.
8- The children were excited (of – on - about – above) opening their presents.
9- Ricky is careful (without – at – on – with) scissors and glue.
10-Are you afraid (on - at – from – of) spiders?

Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:

(The importance of internet)
You might use these words.
(entertainment – education – videos – information)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 27 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

QR Codes





Prim 5 28 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Big Question (2)

What are teeth for?
Teeth: Not Just For Eating
Active words SB p 36-37

Words Meaning
fang (n) a long, sharp tooth of a dog, poisonous snake, etc.
tusk (n) one of the two very long pointed teeth of elephants and some other
venom (n) the poisonous liquid that snakes, etc. put into your body when they bite
shelter (n) a building or a structure that gives protection or cover, for example from
danger, bad weather, or attack.
dam (n) a wall built across a river to hold back the water and form a lake
prey (n) an animal or bird that is killed and eaten by another animal or bird
gnaw (v) (gnaw at or on something) to bite a bone, etc. many times
pierce (v) to make a hole in something with a sharp point
fend off (Phrasal verb) to defend yourself from something or someone
wear (Phrasal verb) to become, or make something become, gradually smaller or
down smoother by continuously using or rubbing it
lap up (Phrasal verb) (usually used about an animal) to drink something using the
create (v) to cause something new to happen or exist
powerful (adj) very strong in a physical way
intruders (n) people who enter a place without permission and often secretly
supply (v) to provide someone or something with something that they need or want,
especially in large quantities
seal (v) to fill a hole or cover something so that air or liquid does not get in or out
toppling (v) becoming unsteady and falling down, or causing someone to do this
lodge (n) the main building at a hotel in the country, where people stay, especially
to do sports or outdoor activities
Passive words: SB P36
cobra – walruses – hiker – flow – antelope – wire – predator – sneakers – poem – nibble –
exhaust – tire – lap up – scare away

Prim 5 29 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Before you read: Using Visuals
Passive words SB-P37: graphics – diagrams – relate - a set of – permanent

Visuals can help you understand the meaning of what you’re reading, especially in
nonfiction texts. When you read remember to look at any pictures, graphics, diagrams, or
other visuals. Think about how each visual relates to what you’re reading. Be sure to read
any caption, too.

Reading :Teeth
Passive words SB P 38-39 Not Just for Eating
partially – purpose – occasionally – ripping - package – automatically – reptiles – constant –
ivory – mates – seize – swallow – backup – sharp – poisonous – victim – vampire – hyenas –
express – respect – porcupines – click – warn – hippo – yawn – threaten – baboons – scream –
pointed – frighten – intruders – bison – naked mole rats – razor-sharp– tunnel – serve – scrape
– beaver – continually – drag – groom – prosimians – creatures – lemurs – aye-aye – lorises
♦ Choose the correct answer:
1- Snakes have two sharp (tusks – fangs – tongues – lips) which they can push venom
2- People build (shelters – houses – dams – villages) to stop the river water from flowing.
3- Lions and tigers use their sharp teeth to hunt their (pray – prey – pierce – powerful)
4- Lodge is a kind of (animals – teeth – buildings – reptiles) where people stay, especially to
do sports or outdoor activities.
5- At this party, (invited – intruders – visitors – guests) are not welcomed.
6- He (gnawed – wore up – created – pierced) another hole in his belt with a knife.
7- Elephants sometimes use their tusks to (fond of – find out – fend off – feed up) lions.
8- The government (supplies – topples – shelters –seals) people with water and electricity.
9- Rats have (lapped – gnawed – fended off – grinded) through the cable.
10-The huge pile of books (toppled – tapped - supplied – suffered) over.
11- Before going to bed, don’t forget to (seal – gnaw – fend off – pierce) the window.
Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic
(What do animals use their teeth for?)
You might use these words.
)gnaw – prey – pierce – clean – intruders (
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 30 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Grammar in use SB p 41 Modals of Certainty

 Use (must or has to) to say you’re sure that something is true.

♦That animal eats grass and leaves. It must be herbivore.

♦He looks very sad. He has to have a problem.
 Use can’t to say you’re sure that something isn’t true.

♦I see the Eiffel Tower in the picture. It can’t be London.

 Use might if you’re not sure that something is true.

♦ Apes might eat meat. I’m not sure.

Choose the correct answer:
1- He is smiling. He (can’t – must – mustn’t – can) be sad.
2- Hyenas’ teeth (must – can’t – mustn’t – has to) be very powerful. They can crush the bones
of much a larger animal.
3- She (has to – can – have to – mustn’t) be very hungry. She orders five sandwiches.
4- He is a successful businessman. He (can’t – must – may – might) have a lot of money.
5- She is absent today. She (must – can’t – might – has to) be sick. I’m not sure.
6- My father’s keys are on the table. He (can’t – must – has to – mustn’t) be outside. He
never leaves without them.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I’m sure that John is at home now. (must)

2- It’s possible that he has a serious problem. (might)

3- I’m sure that she is not so tall. (can’t)

4- A diamond ring is surely expensive. (has to)

Listening SB p 42: What do you think this whale eats?
Passive words: warm-blood – cold-blood

Speaking SB p 42: Comparing Things

Compare things using comparative adjectives + than

A- I think beavers are more interesting than walruses because they build homes.
B- I believe snakes are more dangerous than lions because have venom in their fangs

Prim 5 31 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
A- I believe alligators are faster eaters than walruses because they eat their prey whole.
B- I think baboons are louder than horses because they scream to scare others away.

Word Study SB p 43: Suffix

The suffix –ment is sometimes added to a verb to make it a noun.
Verbs Nouns Examples
assess assessment •There’s a contest to assess the better of the two singers.
•There’s a reading assessment test next week.
entertain entertainment •She entertained the kids with stories, songs and drama.
They like this kind of entertainment.
improve improvement •Your writing skill needs improvement. Try to read more
to improve the way you think.
agree agreement •They never agree on anything. They need to listen to
each other to come to an agreement.
encourage encouragemen •Her parents encouraged her to study medicine.
t •With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the
other children.
govern government •The government is a group of people who govern a
country or state.
measure measurement •A thermometer is used to measure temperature.
•Take the measurements of the room before buying new
punish punishment •It’s unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one
or two students.
•He deserved punishment as he stole things.
treat treatment •The hospital treated forty patients of malaria last year.
•She is receiving treatment for a heart condition.
achieve achievement •She achieved her life dream of being a cook.
•Reaching the top of Mount Everest is a big achievement.
announce announcement •The air hostess announced that the plane is about to land
in five minutes.
•The school principal’s announcement about the break
time was obeyed by everyone.0

Writing Study SB p 43:

Use the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas are equally important.
-I sometimes go camping, fishing, and hiking - I don’t like running or jogging.

Prim 5 32 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Choose the correct answer:

1- Starting your own business is a great (treatment – agreement – measurement –

2- A good teacher always (assesses – measures – punishes – announces) his students to
know their weakness points.
3- A mother should (improve – encourage – agree – treat) her kids to do better at school.
4- The principal finally (entertained – announced – achieved – punished) the troublemaker
after warning him several times.
5- Every Friday night, we go to the movies for (entertainment - treatment – government –
6- She likes swimming, scuba (dive – diving – dives – dived), and fishing.
7- The four skills of English you need to improve are reading, writing, listening, and
(speaker – speak – spoken – speaking).
8- I love (play – playing –plays – player) the guitar, singing, and acting in plays.

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Adam: Which animals do you think are more dangerous snakes or bats?
Nada: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Adam: Why do you think so?
Nada: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Adam: Venom! They must be very dangerous. ………………………………………….…?
Nada: They use it to kill their victim.
Adam: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Prim 5 33 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:
(how to keep your body healthy)
You might use these words.
(healthy food -clean – sports-sleep)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 34 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Test on Units
1- Listen and answer the following questions:

2- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Jack: …………………………………………………………………………………?
Luke: I have a toothache.
Jack: Have you seen the dentist?
Luke: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Jack: What did he advise you?
Luke: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Jack: You should follow his advice.
Luke: …………………………………………………………………………………….
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- A/An (canine – incisor – molar – tusk) is one of the eight sharp teeth at the front of the
mouth that are used for biting.
2- I don’t think you realize the extreme (cavity – gravity – crush – munch) of the situation.
3- When she was six, she (can – could – will be able to – is able to) write a sentence in
4- She (would – will – could – can) be able to buy a new car next month.
5- They preferred to stay in a hunting (dam – hotel – lodge – hole) in the forest.
6- I see the Eiffel Tower in this picture. It (can – could – can’t – couldn’t) be London.
7- (Hunters – Explorers – Intruders – fishermen) are people who enter a place without
permission and often secretly.
8- That animal eats grass and leaves. It (has to – might – can – could) be herbivore.

Prim 5 35 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. He doesn’t know how to switch on this device. (can’t)

2. It’s possible that he has a lot of money. (might)

3. They could discover more gold last year. (next)

4. I could race when I was seven. (What)

5- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

My name’s Selma. I’m a student at an international school in Turkey. I’ve been a

member of the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) for years- since 2011. I joined because I
liked the logo. Have you seen it? It’s a picture of panda, and I was crazy about pandas. But
now I understand how important the WWF is, and I’m proud that I’m a member. The WWF
started in 1961, and it has become one of the most important organizations in the world for
conservation. Its members have raised money to protect animals’ habitats, and they’ve held
campaigns to protect the tigers. Right now, they are working in Brazil to help protect the
Amazon rainforest. Their work is continuing all over the world. The other reason I like the
WWF is because I know so many children around the world like me are members, too. It isn’t
just for grown-ups. We are doing something really important for our planet.
a- Answer the following questions:
1. When did the WWF start?

2. How long has Selma been a member?

b- Choose the correct answer:

1. Right now, the WWF has worked in Brazil to protect (the rainforest – poor people –
endangered animals – the planet).
2. The WWF started about (60 – 61 – 59 – 58) years ago.

6- Write a paragraph of FIVE sentences about the following topic

(What would you like to be in the future? Why?)
You might use these words.
(travel – money – take care – job – my country)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2


Prim 5 36 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

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Prim 5 37 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Big Question (3)
Why are wheels important?
A Revolution in History
Active words SB p 48 – 49

Words Meaning
transportation (n) [1] moving someone or something from one place to another by
vehicle [2] vehicles that you travel in
transfer (v)to move, or to make someone or something, move from one place to
haul (v)to pull or drag something with great effort
axle (n) a bar that connects a pair of wheels on a vehicle
rotate (v) to turn in a circle around a central point; to make something do this
spoke (n) one of the thin pieces of metal that connect the center of a wheel
to the outside edge
rim (n) an edge at the top or outside of something that is round
traction (n) the force that stops something, for example the wheels of a vehicle,
from sliding on the ground
gear (n) [1] the machinery in a vehicle that turns engine power into a
movement forward or backward [2]a particular position of the gears on
a bicycle, in a car, etc. that gives a particular range of speed and power
grind (v) to crush something into very small pieces or into a powder, using a
technology (n) the scientific knowledge and/or equipment that is needed for
particular industry etc.
rod (n) a thin, straight piece of wood or metal
platform (n)a flat, raised surface on which equipment stands
vehicle (n)something which transport people or things from place to place,
especially on land, for example cars, bicycle, trucks, and buses
durable (adj.) that is able to last a long time
mill (n)[1]a building that contains a large machine that is used for crushing
grain into flour [2] a factory that is used for making certain kinds of
mechanical (adj.) connected with, worked by, or produced by machines
inspiring (adj.) exciting and encouraging you to do or feel something

Passive words SB p 48
P48: broke down – goods – connected – chain
Before you read:(passive words) SB p 49:

Prim 5 38 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
design – monument – celebrate –the turn of – century – company - view competition – skyline
– gigantic
As you read, stop and think about what you just read. Did you understand it? If you
did, keep reading. If you didn’t, take your time. Go back and read it again.

Reading A Revolution in
Passive word: SB P 50 - 51 History
exactly – decide – completely – invent – invention – rely on – transport – wooden – roller – logs
– region – at least – figure out – attach to –flat – sheet – importantly – realize – disk – instead
of – support – center – ancient – power – meant – devices – blender – printing press – rotation
– developed – empty – stores – take off – land – skateboard – in-line skates – robots -
Choose the correct answer:
1. People need to get out of their cars and use public (translation – transportation –
transfer – rotation).
2. Thanks to modern (traction – telecommunication – trade – technology) we can do a lot
of work on the internet.
3. (Axles – Spokes – Rods – Gears) work with the chain on my bike to make it go.
4. Farmers (grind – bake – grade – haul) wheat into flour to make bread.
5. Passengers are (rotated – transferred – grinned – ridden) from the airport to the
hotel by bus.
6. Buses and trucks are types of huge (vehicles – ships – machines – devices) that go on
7. A (mall – mill – mechanical – platform) is a building that contains a large machine that is
used for crushing grain into flour.
8. He was an (exhausting – inspiring – endangered – exciting) teacher. He used to
encourage his students.
9. A/An (rod -axle – gear – rim) is a bar that connects a pair of wheels on a vehicle.
10. The earth (recharges – rotates – removes – recovers) on its axis.
11. They had to use ropes to (push – haul – drown – sink) him out of the water.
12. I use fishing (rim – rod – mill – spoke) to fish in the river.
13. The (rim – grind – wall – rod) is the outer part of a wheel.
14. The (transport – traction – transfer – track) is the force that stops something, for
example the wheels of a vehicle, from sliding on the ground.

Prim 5 39 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Write a paragraph of FIVE sentences about the following topic:
(Ways to reduce traffic jam in our streets)
You might use these words.
(public transportation – new roads – bikes – carpool – overpasses)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
2 2 2 2

Grammar in use SB p 51: Future with Will and Going to

 Use will to talk about facts in the future or to make predictions about things you believe
will be true.
 Use going to talk about future plans or to make predictions about things you see.

will am
inf + going to + inf +
won’t is
Future Fact: Future Plan:
 I will be fifteen years old next year.  She is going to travel to London next
Predictions about things you believe: Predictions about things you can see:
 I think that scientists will invent more  It’s very cloudy. It’s going to rain
modern vehicles in the future. heavily.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Lara (will – is going to – is – can) turn sixteen next month.
2- I think our national team (is going to – will – would – go to) win the match tonight.
3- There are lots of clouds in the sky. It (is going to– will – is – can) rain soon.
4- She is not looking at the road while driving. She (will – be – is going to – would) to have an
5- I have revised a lot for the test. I think I (will – am going to – am – have) get high

Prim 5 40 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
6- More tourists (are going to visit – visit – will visit – have to visit) Dubai this summer.
7- There (will be – are going to be – are – have been) a lot of smart cars in the future.
8- She has plans after finishing studying medicine. She (will – is going to – is – has been) be
a doctor.
9- The moon (is going to – will – is – has) rise at 6 p.m.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. I plan to visit my grandfather’s farm. (going to)

2. She is going to travel to Spain this summer. (What)

3. The chair is broken. Alice (fall). (correct the verb)

4. The plane (leave) at 2:45 a.m. tomorrow. (correct the verb)

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Anna: What are your plans for tomorrow?
Rachel: ……………………………………………………………………………
Anna: When are you going to leave?
Rachel: ……………………………………………………………………………
Anna: ………………………………………………………………………………?
Rachel: With my friends.
Anna: What are you going to take with you?
Rachel: ……………………………………………………………………………

Listening SB P54: Listen for the main idea
Passive words:
copied – spread – ink – paper – education – machine -
Speaking SB p 54:
 We’re going to France. First, we’ll take the bus to the airport.
 Then we’ll take the plane to France.
 Our class is taking a school trip. First, we’ll take a train to the city.
 Then we’ll take a bus to the museum.
 To go to the beach, we should first dive in a car to the ocean.
 Then we can ride skateboards in the sun.

Word Study SB P55: Compound Nouns

- Make compound nouns by putting two nouns together.

Active words:

Prim 5 41 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
spaceship – wheelchair - handwriting - daytime – earrings – doorbell – suitcase –
Writing Study SB P55: Verb+ infinitive

Some verbs have an infinitive after them. An infinitive is a verb with to in front of it.

Active words:
agree to – hope to – want to – decide to – promise to – plan to – forget to

Choose the correct answer:

1- People travel to space in a (wheelchair – suitcase – spaceship – footprints).
2- There are (footprints – handwritings– doorbells– printing presses) of a cat on the
white sheet of my bed.
3- The park is open at (nighttime – bedtime – daytime – free time). You can visit from
9a.m. to 5p.m.
4- We need a bigger (spaceship – wheelchair – earrings – suitcase) for our clothes.
5- My grandfather can’t walk anymore ,so he moves around on a/an ( arm chair –
wheelchair – couch – stool)
6- I hope (to pass – pass – passing – to passing) the final exams.
7- She wants to (inviting – invite – invites – invited) more friends to the party.
8- Don’t forget to (drop - dropping – drops – dropped) the litter in the basket.
Complete the following dialogue:
Alice: ……………………………………………………………………………………?
Sandy: I want to visit the museum.
Alice: ……………………………………………………………………………………?
Sandy: I can go by bus.
Alice: ……………………………………………………………………………………?
Sandy: Of course, you can come with me.
Alice: When should we meet?
Sandy: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Prim 5 42 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:
(Describe plans you have with your friends or family)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 43 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

QR Codes





Prim 5 44 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Big Question 3
Why are wheels important?
Planet SinRota
Active words SB p56-57

Meaning words
doing what you are told to do ).adj( Obedient
lucky ).adj( Fortunate
boring and lasting for a long time ).adj( Tedious
causing strong feelings of pleasure or interest ).adj( Exciting
easily damaged or broken ).adj( Fragile
having firmly decided to do something or to succeed even if it is ).adj( Determined
involving or taking risks; brave ).adj( Daring
silly; not sensible ).adj( Foolish
very exciting ).adj( Thrilling
having or showing courage ).adj( Courageous
dangerous involving a chance that something bad could happen ).adj( Risky
attracted or very interested in something ).adj( Fascinated
a place that a group of people have built and live in, where few or no ).n( Settlement
.people lived before
wanted something very much ).v( longed for
not clear ).adj( Blurry
the shapes of bodies ).n( Figures
moving, driving, or pushing someone or something forward ).v( Propelling
changed something slightly especially because it was not in the right ).v( Adjusted
Passive words SB p56 - 57:
P56: bridge – roller coaster – flooded – skydiving – helmet – fighting fire - graduate
Before you read :(passive words SB p57:
conclusion - so far – base – hill – steep – set up – swimming gear
Drawing Conclusions
Drawing conclusions helps you understand a story. To draw conclusions, think about
these questions.
- What has happened so far?
- What do you know from your own life?
- What do you think will happen next?
Reading: Planet SinRota
Passive word: SB P 58 - 59

Prim 5 45 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Yell – fever – spots – pogo stick – fetch – bounce off – assistant – illness – rarely – brand-new
– receive – serious – search – magical – gaze – patches – occasionally – glimpse – circular –
objects – drag – sled – stack up – darkness – spoil – attempt – journey – limit – explore –
activity – focus - zoom up – runway – in-line skates – leap – incredibly – machines –
wheelbarrows – Ferris wheel – strollers – downstairs
:Choose the correct answer
1. He is (courageous – obedient – tedious – determined). He always does what he’s been told
to do.
2. Glass is (thrilling – fragile – foolish – daring). It can be easily broken.
3. Raking leaves is a (thrilling – exciting – risky – tedious) activity. Let’s try something else
that is less boring.
4. The old fisherman was (foolish – obedient – fascinated – determined) to catch the big
tuna. He tried hard.
5. Many young people are (daring – fortunate – fascinated – exciting) by loud music.
6. The bridge seems to be fragile. It is too (thrilling – obedient – interesting – risky) to go
over it.
7. He is very (foolish – fragile – fortunate – fascinated) to find two pieces of gold coins in
the sand.
8. Though she fell of the tree, she is so (weak – daring – tedious – obedient) to try to climb
it again.
9. The Romans established a (blurry – settlement – figures – hotel) on the south shore.
10. The photos looked (propelling – adjusted – blurry – sharp). They aren’t clear enough.
11. There is a small motor (carrying – longing – propelling – fetching) the boat.
12. You need to (adjust - adapt – add – addict) your camera lens before taking photos.

:Write a paragraph of FIVE sentences about the following topic

)The importance of wheels in our life(
.You might use these words
)Transportation – fast – computers – paper – difficult (
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


:Grammar in use SB pwith

61 Present Continuous

Prim 5 46 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
 You can use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements, especially when
you mention a specific time or place.
 Remember: Use will to talk about facts in the future or to make predictions about things
you believe will be true. Use going to talk about future plans or to make predictions
about things you see.

.Future fact: The sun will rise at 5:00 tomorrow

.Prediction about belief: Someday, people will travel to other planets in the solar system
.Future plan: I’m going to camp with my friends next week
.Prediction about what you see: There’s a traffic jam. We’re going to be late for school
.Arrangement: We are meeting for dinner next Monday

:Choose the correct answer
1- Look at the sky. I think it (is going to be – will be – is being – has been) another sunny
2- I predict that our government (is going to find– will find – is finding – find) new solution
for the pollution problem.
3- The moon (is rising – will rise – is going to rise – rose) at 7 p.m.
4- He (is flying – going to fly – will fly – flies) to London tomorrow. He’s already bought the
5- She is (visiting - going to visit – visited – being visited) her uncle. It’s her plan for
6- I (am going - am going to go – will go – go) hiking with my friend. I have made my
7- I think people (will use – are going to use– are using – use) more solar power in the future.
8- She (will go - is going – is going to go – goes) to the cinema with a friend tonight. She has
booked two seats.
:Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets
1- I have arranged to have a party tomorrow. (am)

2- She is traveling to Spain this summer. (Where)

3- What have you planned for tomorrow? (going)

Listening SB P62: Listening to a conversation
Passive words:

Prim 5 47 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
object – plastic – metal – wood – wide
:Speaking SB p 62
Giving Advice

 When you give advice, use should and why don’t you?
 You should ride a bike. It’s good for your health.
 Why don’t you borrow my skateboard? I’m not using it.

 I missed the bus. What should I do?

 You should ask your dad to give you a ride.
 Oh, no! My bike has a flat tire.
 Why don’t you borrow your brother’s bicycle?
 I really want those rollerblades.
 You should save your money.

Word Study SB P63:

Prefix mis
 Remember: A prefix is added to the beginning of a word. It changes the meaning of
the word. The prefix mis- means “bad” or “wrong.”
:Active words

mis + the word Word mis + the word word

Misdirect Direct misbehave Behave

Misread Read mistreat Treat

Misremember Remember mistrust Trust

Miscalculate Calculate miscommunicate Communicate

Misjudge Judge

:Writing Study SB P55 More Irregular Verbs

- Remember: Some verbs are irregular when they are in the past tense.
:Active words
Base past past participle Base form past past participle

Prim 5 48 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
form simple simple
Dig dug Dug Say said Said
Draw drew drown make made Made
Feel felt Felt write wrote Written

Light lit Lit meet met Met

Become became become sleep slept Slept

Think thought thought Get got Gotten


:Rewrite the following using the words between brackets

1- I advise you to stop eating sweets. (should)

2- You should take the metro. (Why don’t)

3- She should make her bed. (What)

4- She writes a letter to her friend every day. (Yesterday)

5- She lit a candle to see in the dark. (Why)

:Complete the following dialogue

?…………………………………………………… .Nada: I have an English test next week
.Mandy: You should study and revise your lessons
.Nada: There are many words that I don’t know their meanings
………………………………………………………………………… :Mandy
.Nada: Thanks for advice, but I’m afraid I’ve lost my dictionary
?.………………………………………………………………………… :Mandy
.Nada: Thanks a lot. You’ll get it back next Monday
………………………………………………………………………… :Mandy
:Choose the correct answer
1- He is cruel. He (mistreats – mistakes – misreads – mistrust) his younger brother.

Prim 5 49 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
2- She has (miscommunicated – miscalculated – misjudged – misunderstood) the math
problem. Her teacher helps her to correct it.
3- The information was simple enough for everyone to (understand – misunderstand –
misbehave – behave).
4- After lying to his parents once. They (trust – mistrust – treat – misremember) him.
5- He walks with worn-out clothes .That’s why other people (misread – misjudge – misbehave
– miscalculate) him and treat him like a beggar.
6- Ancient people (make – made – makes – making) tools of wood for hunting.
7- They (dig – dug – digs – digging) a well in the desert and found a lot of fresh water.
8- When she heard a voice outside her room she (thinks – thought – thanked – thank) it was
her husband talking to someone.

Write a paragraph of SEVEN sentences about the following topic:

You might use these words.
(weather- museums-pyramids-countryside)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 50 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Test on Units 5 & 6
Listen and answer the following questions:

1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Emily: Excuse me! When does the train arrive?
Clerk: ………………………….……………….………………………….
Emily: Wow! There’s only five minutes left. Will it stop in Boston?
Clerk: ………………………….……………….………………………….
Emily: ………………………….……………….………………………….?
Clerk: It will take twenty minutes to get there.
Emily: How much is the ticket?
Clerk: ………………………….……………….…………………………
2- Choose the correct answer:
1. Jessica is fifteen. She (is going to – will – has – can) be sixteen next year.
2. This bicycle is made of very strong, (mechanical – durable – gear – inspiring) metal.
3. A (rod – vehicle – platform – rim) is a flat, raised surface on which equipment stands.
4. They decided (leaving – leave – to leave – left) the airport at eight.
5. He gave her a pair of (wheelchairs – suitcases – earrings – doorbells). It looked nice on
her ears.
6. It’s too (obedient – blurry – risky – tedious) to take photos near this cliff.
7. We (are going to have – are having – will have – have) a picnic tomorrow. Everything is
8. Someday, people (will travel – are traveling – travel – are going to travel) to other
planets in the solar system.
3- Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. What do you plan to do next week? (going)

2. We have arranged for tomorrow’s trip (taking)

Prim 5 51 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
3. They like drinking fresh juice. (want)

4. Now, it is 11:30 in the morning. (In five hours)

4- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

In our next program, we are going to look at a new invention, the “Copter bike”, which we
believe will be a bestseller. Why? It will work as a motorbike and will travel at 200 miles an
hour! It will change to a helicopter in one minute and will fly at 400 miles an hour! You won’t
need to be a pilot to fly it, and you won’t need to wear a helmet because there will be an
airbag to protect your head. We predict the following with the “Copter bike”:
 There will be fewer accidents.
 People will get to work quicker.
 Drivers will enjoy flying.
Good night, everybody. Next week, I am going to drive and fly the “Copter bike” myself, so I
will be able to give you my opinion of the invention. Just have one last look at this beautiful
machine. I think you can see that I’m going to have lots of fun! See you next week! Bye.
a- Answer the following questions:
1. Why is the new invention called “Copter bike”?

2. Mention two predictions about the “Copter bike”.

b- Choose the correct answer:

1. To protect your head, there will be a/an (helmet – seatbelt – airbag – pillow).
2. As a motorbike,” Copter bike” will travel at (200 – 300 – 400 - 500) miles an hour.
2- Write a paragraph of five sentences about the following topic:
)An invention that made life easier (

- What is this invention?

- What is it used for?
- What advantages and disadvantages does it have?

Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 52 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Sample Test 1

1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Sara: Do you have a computer?

Mona: ………………………………………………………
Sara: Do you have a website?
Mona: Yes, and I run it every day. …………………………………………?
Sara: I don’t have computer, but my dad has one.
Mona: ………………………………………………………
Sara: Sometimes, but I don’t have a website. Can you help me create a website?
Mona: ………………………………………………………
2- Choose the correct answer:
1. When she grows up , she ( will be able to – can – could – couldn’t)drive a car
2. Soon it will be (exploit – suffering – rare – endangered) to see any elephants as they may
become extinct.
3. She (has been talking – is talking – talked – talks) to her friend for an hour.
4. I (have been reading – read – am reading – have read) this magazine at the moment.
5. We need to find out or (diverse – protect – inspire – identify) what the problem is.
6. Wafaa has (since – still – yet – just) entered the room.
7. (Jaws – Molars – Incisors – Canines) are the four pointed teeth in the front of a person’s
or animal’s mouth
8. A leopard can use its teeth like a knife to (slice – gums – crush – grip) meat into small
3- Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. You can avoid this problem. (avoidable)

2. They haven’t eaten pizza before. (never)

3. He likes to tell stories and write essays. (tales)

Prim 5 53 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
4. They don’t play tennis every day. (now)

4- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Last week I was at the airport and I had to make a phone call. I looked around but all the
phones were busy, so I waited in line in front of a telephone where a man was making a call. I
began to listen to his conversation. It was funny as he was an old man talking to his wife.
While he was talking, he was eating and drinking coffee. This went on and on. I really got
impatient since the phone call I had to make was important. I waited for twenty minutes and
finally the old man hung up the phone call and said” I’m sorry that I took so long but I was
having dinner with my wife.”
Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the writer getting impatient?

2. What did the old man tell the writer?

Choose the correct answer:

3. When the writer wanted to make a phone call, all the phones were (being repaired-
being used – too expensive – too far).
4. The writer (broke in – laughed at – listened to – wrote down) the old man’s telephone
5- Write a paragraph of FIVE sentences (at least) about the following topic

(The importance of collaboration)

You might use these words.
(help – take turns – roles – faster – results)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 54 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Sample Test 2
1- Listen and answer the following questions:

2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini dialogue:

Emma: I haven’t met you for a long time. …………………….………………………?
Sandra: I have been to Alexandria.
Emma: ………………………………………………………………?
Sandra: Yes, it was very exciting.
Emma: Did you go alone?
Sandra: ………………………………………………………..……
Emma: What do you suggest visiting there?
Sandra: ………………………………………………………..……
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- When an animal is (extinct – exploited – surviving – endangered), it is in the danger of
being extinct.
2- Have you (ever seen – seen ever – never seen – just saw) a tiger?
3- The synonym of “shy” is (brilliant – starving – timid – error).
4- (Can – Could – Will – May) you drive a car when you were sixteen?
5- I can’t believe this story. It’s (inadequate – incomplete – inaccurate – incredible).
6- She is always careful (of – with – about – in) sharp knives.
7- She (has been studying – studied – studies – is studying) since nine thirty.
8- He always fights with his classmate so he was sent to the principal for (entertainment
– punishment – government – measurement).
Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. She has traveled to Aswan. (yet)

2. I always read novels. (since 2001 )

Prim 5 55 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
3. I’m sure he is a doctor. (must)

4. It’s possible that they have a cavity. (might)

4- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Sports are good for both the mind and body. In a recent year there has been an
increasing interest in physical fitness. For example, running can be done almost anywhere and
you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do it.
It can be part of a daily routine, and help the individual to live a more orderly life. Most of
us today usually work sitting down, using our brain instead of our bodies. Daily, we find
ourselves under increasing mental and psychological pressure, from our jobs. So, running can
be described as a medicine.
I think more and more people are becoming runners because they have realized that if they
want a full and fluent life, they must be healthy, too. ”Running is the quickest and easiest way
to achieve this balance.”
Answer the following questions:
1. Why are most of us under increasing mental and psychological pressure?

2. Why are more people becoming runners?

Choose the correct answer:

3. Sports can help us to (use our minds only – find a job – learn a language – have healthy
mind and body).
4. Running can be described as a (job – way – balance – medicine).
5- Write a paragraph of FIVE sentences (at least) about the following topic.
You might use these words:
(Your plans for next summer)
You might use these words.
(travel – courses – visit relatives – sports – friends)
Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 56 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Sample Test 3
1- Listen and answer the following questions:

2- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Clare: What are your favorite subjects?
Janet: …………………………………………………………
Clare: …………………………………………………………?
Janet: I have been learning English for nine years.
Clare: Do you read English books in your leisure time?
Janet: …………………………………………………………
Clare: Why do you like to improve your English?
Janet: …………………………………………………………
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. Some bats (lap up – create – fend off – wear down) their prey’s blood with their tongues.
2. Will you (able to be - be able to – able to – to be able) climb this mountain someday?
3. He is wearing a school uniform. He (can’t – can – must - might) be a student.
4. Some pieces are missing. This puzzle is (invisible – inaccurate – incomplete – incorrect).
5. The truck is (hauling – rotating – inspiring – grinding) goods and animals.
6. He has made some plans for tomorrow. He (is going to – will – going to – is going) go
7. When someone tries to do something and does not stop trying. They are (courageous –
obedient – determined – daring).
8. The sun (is going to set – will set – is setting – set) at 6:00 p.m. today.
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. She has arranged to give a party. (is)

2. They are going to travel to India next Friday. (When)

3. Ali has planned to visit his uncle next week. (going)

Prim 5 57 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
4. I’m sure that the man in the white coat is a doctor. (must)

5- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

One day my older brother and his friends came home very angry. The said the
streets around their school were not clean enough. There was rubbish everywhere, so
they decided with the help of pupils of their school to clean these streets and put their
baskets everywhere.

Most teachers and parents encourage them very much. Now you can see beautiful
flowers and trees on both sides of the streets. Everyone is happy and proud. Visitors say,
“What a lovely place! What a lovely school!”

a- Answer the following questions:

1. What did they do to make the place lovely?

2. The underlined pronoun, “them” refers to……………………….?

b- Choose the correct answer:
3. The streets around school were (hot – clean – dirty – lovely).

4. They are lovely now because you can see (rubbish – flowers – visitors – dirt)


6- Write a paragraph of 4 sentences about the following topic.

(Different means of transportation)

You might use these words.

(Buses – taxis – trains – fast – air)

Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 58 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Sample Test 4
1- Listen and answer the following questions:

2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini dialogue:

Interviewer: How long have you been playing basketball?

Player: ……………………………………………………………………………
Interviewer: Did you win all the matches last year?
Player: ……………………………………………………………………………
Interviewer: ……………………………………………………………………?
Player: It will be next week.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time.
Player: ……………………………………………………………………………
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. He said that he (has changed – changed – changes – is changing) his passport.
2. Wheels and gears were used to make many (mechanical – durable – platform – vehicles)
3. We learned many exciting things today. I was (tedious – foolish – fascinated – daring).
4. Tomas (is watching - is going to watch – will watch – watches) a movie at the cinema. He
has bought the tickets.
5. I was tired but I (drifted – waded – plodded – splashed) ahead down the road.
6. Tamer (is going – will – is – has to) turn sixteen next September.
7. This animal has two fangs. It (must – can’t – might – may) be an herbivore.
8. Bees are social animals. They work together or (attract – collaborate – defend – express).
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:

Prim 5 59 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
1. Linda arrived in london a moment ago. (just)

2. I’m sure he isn’t a doctor. (can’t)

3. Adam has been studying science for two hours. (How long)

4. Was she able to walk the whole way home? (Could)

5- Read the following passage and answer the questions:

One day my older brother and his friends came home very angry. They said the
streets around their school were not clean enough. There was rubbish everywhere, so
they decided with the help of pupils of their school to clean these streets and put their
baskets everywhere.

Most teachers and parents encourage them very much. Now you can see beautiful
flowers and trees on both sides of the streets. Everyone is happy and proud. Visitors say,
“What a lovely place! What a lovely school!”

a- Answer the following questions:

5. What did they do to make the place lovely?

6. The underlined pronoun, “them” refers to?

b- Choose the correct answer:

7. The streets around school were (hot – clean – dirty – lovely).
8. They are lovely now because you can see (rubbish – flowers – visitors – dirt)
6- Write a paragraph of 4 sentences about the following topic.

(Animal’s communication)

You might use these words.

(sounds – movements – intruders – protect – teeth)

Layout Topic sentence Vocab & spelling Grammar Punctuation Unit No. of sentences Total
1¿ 1¿ 1 1 1\2 1\2 1 5


Prim 5 60 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Prim 5 61 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Prim 5 62 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

At the Campsite
1) Listen and circle:

chair three green

fish tree drum

2) Listen and complete:

Hoda: Wake up, Mona!
Mona: What … it ,Hoda?
Hoda: It's seven …..............................
Mona: What's for….............................?
Hoda: We are having …............................. and eggs.

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- cook – listen – cards – laugh (….................................)
2- father – teacher – mother – sister (….................................)
3- seven – thirteen – nine – play (….................................)
4- yellow – black – joke – red (….................................)
5- Monday – March – Tuesday – Sunday (….................................)

4-Choose the correct answers from a, b, c or d:-

1- Did you ….............................breakfast?
a- cooking b- cooked c- cooks d- cook
2- They …............................. the pots and pans.
a- played b- climbed c- laughed d- washed
3- The pen is next …............................. the book.
a- for b- at c- to d- on
4- He ….............................the sunrise.
a- cleaned b- climbed c- watched d- laughed

Prim 5 63 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
5-Read the passage and answer the questions:
My name is Heba. I'm in primary five. I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at home.
I have cheese and eggs. I go to school at seven o'clock.
I go by bus. I like my school very much.
A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False) : True False

1- Heba goes to school by bus .

2- She is in primary four.
3- She goes to school at six o'clock.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- What does Heba have for breakfast?
5- When does Heba get up?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-

1- they – the – Did – tent – clean?
2- sunscreen – can't – I – my – find.
3- play – He – games – video – doesn't.
4- she – the – at – theater – Was ?
7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..…………………. ………………………………..…………….
8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-
(Yesterday – laugh at jokes – clean the tent – happy)
9-Punctuate the following:
1- soha went to the zoo last Friday

2- did you cook your breakfast

Prim 5 64 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

At the Amusement Park

1) Listen and circle:
baked choppe kissed
played d
2) Listen and complete: called
Shop assistant: What kind of juice do you want?
Kareem: …............................. juice, please.
Noha: Do you have enough ….............................?
Kareem: No, I …............................. .
Noha: That's okay. It's my …............................. .

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- drink – win – prize – go (….................................)
2- went – eat – saw – took (….................................)
3- shop – bus – train – taxi (….................................)
4- lion – tiger – monkey – candy (….................................)
5- watched – brush – kissed – laughed (….................................)

4) Choose the correct answers from a, b, c or d:-

1- We have breakfast …............................. seven o'clock.
a- on b- in c- at d- for
2- Red is my favourite …............................. .
a- food b- drink c- animal d- colour
3- I didn't … yesterday.
a- play b- played c- playing d- plays
4- We …............................. pictures last Monday.
a- went b- ate c- played d- took
5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-
This is my friend Eman. She is ten years old. She walks to school every day. She
comes to school on time. She works hard at school. Her teachers love her. She is
always tidy. She likes to play volleyball with her friends at school. She likes to watch
TV every night.

Prim 5 65 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False

1- Eman is three years old.

2- She likes playing volleyball with her brother.
3- Eman goes to school on foot.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- When does Eman watch TV?
5- Do Eman's teachers love her?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-

1- some – spaghetti – are – having – We.
2- didn't – a – They – show – see.
3- Did – pie – a – she – bake?
4- did – What – you – for – cook – lunch?

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….
8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:
(Last Friday – picnic – ate – drank – went on ride)

9-Punctuate the following:

1-we don t go to school on Saturday

2- do you like apples

Prim 5 66 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Around the house

1) Listen and circle:

invited weeded called

walked baked planted

2) Listen and complete:

Boy: Let me help you, Mum.
Mum: Thanks. Be careful. It`s …………………… .
Boy: No problem .I`m …………… .
Mum: Watch out! Are you …........................................?
Boy: I think so. But look at my….................................. .

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- shop – school – hospital – paint (….................................)
2- dust – greeted – planted – waited (….................................)
3- hang – bed – sweep – make (….................................)
4- monkey – cat – plant – dog (….................................)
5- kitchen – bathroom – dining room – zoo (….................................)

4-Fill in the gaps using the words in the box :

happy – did – bed – set – helped
Kareem and Mona were busy last Friday. They ........................their mother
at home. Mona made the ........................and........................ the laundry. Kareem .........................
the table. They had lunch at four o'clock. Their mother was ........................... .

5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-

Magdy and his cousin Nader went to the club last week. They went by bus. They
like sports. They played football. Nader scored two goals. They met their friend Hani.
He played tennis. They were tired. They had a rest and bought ice cream.
A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False
1- Magdy scored two goals.

Prim 5 67 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
2- Hani played tennis.
3- Magdy and his cousin played football.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- Where did Magdy and his cousin go?
5- What did the boys buy?
6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-
1- the – She – out – rubbish – took.
2- friends – his – for – invited – lunch – He.
3- Ahmed – the – put – groceries – away.
4- he – the – hang – clothes – up – Did?
7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….
8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-
( family – mum – help - make the bed )
9-Punctuate the following:
1- what did you do

2-hany played tennis

Prim 5 68 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

In town
1) Listen and circle:
beetle bicycle turtle
puddle uncle bottle

2) Listen and complete:

Noha: Excuse me.
Ali: …............................... I help you?
Noha: Yes, please. I'm looking for the …................................ Is it far?
Ali: Not really! Walk two …................................Turn right. It's on the left.
Noha: Did you …............................... turn right or turn left?
Ali: Turn right. It's on the left.

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- email – download – visit – take (….................................)
2- uncle – father – aunt – house (….................................)
3- turtle – monkey – cinema – zebra (….................................)
4- rice – juice – fish – pasta (….................................)
5- bicycle – car – beetle – plane (….................................)
4-Fill in the gaps using the words in the box :

taxi – ice cream – her – his – download

My name is Rehab. I have a friend. Her name is Maha. I visit............................... on

Fridays. We ............................... a video. We like to have ................................ I take a
............................... to go home in the evening.

5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-

I went to Alexandria with my family last holiday. After breakfast, my father
took me to the sea. I went fishing. My sister went sailing. Then we played ping-pong
on the beach. We ate sandwiches. We had a nice time there.
A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False

1- We went to the sea after breakfast.

2- My sister went sailing.

Prim 5 69 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
3- We played volleyball on the beach.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- What did you eat on the beach?
5- When did you go to Alexandria?
6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-
1- going to – bus – Is – the – ride – he?
2- has – turtle – He – a – little.
3- see – they – a film – going – to – Are?
4- isn't – friend – She – a – visit – going to.

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….
8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-
(Next Friday – zoo – animals – have lunch - happy)

9-Punctuate the following:

1- Hisham s brother is at home

2- is she visiting her friend

Prim 5 70 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

At the food festival

1) Listen and circle:
bread tiger street

dinner tree lobster


L isten and complete:

Mona: ............................... are you Kareem?
Kareem: I'm fine, thanks.
Mona: What are you ...............................?
Kareem: Fried ...............................
Mona: Can I ............................... some?
Kareem: Yes. It's delicious.
3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:
1- kebab – french fries – spaghetti - milk (….................................)
2- they – play – he – we (….................................)
3- monkey – tiger – box – lion (….................................)
4- brown – green – grey – grapes (….................................)
5- school – sing – play – read (….................................)
4-Choose the correct answers from a, b, c or d:-
1- What are you ............... have?
a- go b-going to c- going d- goes
2- I want ............................... spaghetti.
a- a b- an c- some d- any
3- What are you going to ...............................?
a- had b- has c- have d- did
4- We are ............................... . We want to eat.
a- thirsty b- hot c- hungry d- angry

5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-

I live in El Mahalla El Kubra with my family. My father Mohamed has a new

Prim 5 71 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
restaurant. Many people go there to have their favourite foods. Last Sunday, Mona
and her friend Dina had lunch at my father's restaurant. They had pasta and
kebab.They were happy.
A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False) True False
1- Mohamed has a new restaurant.
2- Mohamed lives in Tanta .
3- Dina is Mona's friend.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- When did Mona and Dina go to the restaurant?
5- Were they happy?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-

1- What – yesterday – buy – you – did?
2- some – have – spaghetti – going to – He's.
3- want – apples – Do – some – you?
4- going to – she – Is – beefburger – have ?

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….
8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-
(family – father – mother – sister - help)
9-Punctuate the following:
1- we have a car

Prim 5 72 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

2- do you want some spaghet

During the year

1) Listen and circle:
2)tall crawl walk
law wall draw

2) Listen and complete:

Ahmed: What's your favourite subject?
Mona: I like maths. It's ...............................
Hoda: Excuse me. ............................... is the library?
Mona: Go straight. It's across from the ............................... room.
Ahmed: Is it ............................... for art class?
Mona: Yes, it is.
3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:
1- spring – fall – winter – flower (….................................)
2- play – beach – pick – build (….................................)
3- club – music – Arabic – maths (….................................)
4- What – white – Who – Where (….................................)
5- Soha – Mona – Ali – Nada (….................................)
4-Choose the correct answers from a, b, c or d:-
1- I'll .............................. flowers in the spring.
a- plant b- planted c- plants d- planting
2- We'll .............................. some apples.
a- go b- play c- pick d- build
3- They'll play in the leaves .............................. the fall.
a- on b- at c- in d- into
4- He .............................. go skiing .
a- isn't b- aren't c- wasn't d- won't

Prim 5 73 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-
Tamer is ten years old. His father is a teacher. He has two brothers Ali and
Ahmed. They like drawing, but they don't like singing. Tamer wants to be a doctor. His
brother Ali wants to be a teacher.
A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False
1- Ali and Ahmed like drawing .
2- Tamer wants to be a teacher.
3- Tamer has three brothers.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- How old is Tamer?
5- What does Ali want to be?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-

1- the – plant – I'll – spring – flowers – in.
2- hall – Adel – in – the – Is?

3- I – books – put – the – away.

4- he – laundry – do – Can – the?

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….

8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-

(Next summer – beach –swim – play - happy)
9-Punctuate the following:

Prim 5 74 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
1. it s one o'clock

2. can you help me

1) Listen and circle:

sneeze climbed mother

smile washed three

2) Listen and complete:

Samy: Good afternoon, Ali.
Ali: Good afternoon, Samy. Did you ……………………………lunch?
Samy: ……………………………, I didn't.
Ali: ……………………having for lunch?
Samy: We are having ……………………………

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- rice – juice – tea – milk (….................................)
2- green – blue – glue – grey (….................................)
3- brushed – cooked – chopped – wash (….................................)
4- girl – boy – woman – candle (….................................)
5- play – watch – tent – wash (….................................)
4-Choose the correct answers from a, b, c or d:-
1- Mona put …………. the groceries.
a- in b- away c- out d- on
2- He …………… play cards at home yesterday.
a- didn't b- doesn't c-don't d- isn't
3- I ……………. the table.
a- hang up b- set c-feed d- water
4- Did you ……………… to stories?
a- clean b- climb c- listen d- play
5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-

Prim 5 75 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
Yesterday was holiday. Soha went to the amusement park with her family. She
went on a ride. She drank apple juice. Her brother ate cotton candy. Her father took
pictures. They went back home at seven o'clock.

A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False

1- Soha went on a ride.
2- Soha drank pineapple juice.
3- Soha's brother took pictures.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- When did Soha and her family go back home?
5- Where did Soha go yesterday?
6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:
1- you – money – Do – enough – have?
2- bus – for – the – waited – Mona.
3- on – The – table – is – book – the.
4- she – jokes – at – Did – laugh?

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….

8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-

(On Fridays – visit – my friend - play - happy)
9-Punctuate the following:

Prim 5 76 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
1.I m from egypt .

2.did heba play in the garden ?

1) Listen and circle:

called slide bottle

played smile puddle
2) Listen and complete:
Teacher: Did you …............................. your mother at home ?
Ahmed: Yes , I did .
Teacher: …............................. did you do ?
Ahmed: I made my bed and ….............................the floor .
Teacher: Did you do the laundry ?
Ahmed: No , I …............................. My mother did it .

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- rice - cheese - fish - mother (….................................)
2- lunch - snack - buy - dinner (….................................)
3- take - mouth - go - write (….................................)
4- next to - on - camera - under (….................................)
5- made - swept - did - feed (….................................)

4-Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:

have – had – treat – juice - thirsty

It was so hot . Sokkar was really …................................ He wanted to drink pineapple

…................................ He went to get juice for himself and for Sokkara , too . He didn't
…................................ enough money . Sokkara said " That's okay . It's my

5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-

Prim 5 77 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
We are a small family . We live in Tanta . I have got one sister . We help our
mother at home . I make the bed , sweep the floor and feed the birds . My sister
does the laundry , hangs up the clothes and sets the table . My father takes out the
rubbish .

A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False) True False

1- We live in Giza .
2- I have got two sisters .
3- We help our mum at home .
B- Answer the following questions:
4- What does your father do at home ?
5- Who sets the table ?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:

1- money – have – I – enough – don't .
2- the tent – Did - clean – you - ?
3- She – yesterday– lunch – cooked .
4- What – want – kind – juice – of – you – do ?

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….

8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-

(campsite – hungry – breakfast – beans and eggs)

Prim 5 78 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

9-Punctuate the following:

1- what time is it

2- he didn t have enough money

1) Listen and circle:

small battle painted
jaw beetle brushed
2) Listen and complete:
Sokkar: I'm going to see a show.
Sokkara: That's good .
Sokkar: What going to do ?
Sokkara: I'm going to buy an ..............................
Sokkar: Do you .............................. it ?
Sokkara: .............................., I do.

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- pots – spoons – forks – dogs (….................................)
2- beefburger – kebab – lemonade – salad (….................................)
3- library – museum – cinema – chair (….................................)
4- study – washed – play – clean (….................................)
5- dress – shirts – cook – trousers (….................................)

4-Fill in the gaps using the words in the box :

haircut – computer – e mail – watch – video

Yesterday, I was at home with my family. I sent an .............................. My sister

downloaded a ..............................Then, we played .............................. games. My brother went
out to get a ..............................
5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-

Prim 5 79 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /
My name's Ali. My favourite subject is English. Every Sunday, I go to the library
with my friends. They like English ,too. We read English stories. I help my friends in
the library. We put away the books, sweep the floor and water the library flowers.
We like our library.

A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False

1- Ali likes English.

2- Ali goes to the library with his brother.
3- Ali and his friends keep the library clean.
B- Answer the following questions:
4- When does Ali go to the library?
5- Do Ali and his friends like English stories?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:-

1- shouldn't – in – We – the class – eat.
2- please – library, – is – Where – the?
3- candy – He – eat – didn't.
4- set – the table – you – for – Did – the lunch?

7-Look and writ a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….

8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-

( Last Friday– cinema – film – happy)

Prim 5 80 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

9-Punctuate the following:

I saw mona yesterday

where is the library

1) Listen and circle:

waited butter chop
weeded mother shop

2) Listen and complete:

Samy: How do you go to school ?
Ali: I go to school on .............................. .
Samy: your favourite subject ?
Ali: It's .............................. .
Samy: Why do you .............................. It ?
Ali : Because it's fun .

3) Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1- set – table – sweep - take (….................................)
2- year – bicycle – mouth - day (….................................)
3- happy – strong – heavy - snack (….................................)
4- juice – watch – water - lemonade (….................................)
5- bus – Arabic – maths - English (….................................)

4-Choose the correct answers from a, b, c or d:-

1- I .............................. my mother in the kitchen .
a- helped b- cooked c- talked d- washed
2- She .............................. the pets last night .
a- feeds b- fed c- feeding d- feed

Prim 5 81 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

3- They have .............................. in the morning .

a- lunch b- dinner c- supper d- breakfast
4- What .............................. you going to do ?
a- is b- am c- are d- was
5-Read the passage and answer the questions:-
Ahmed and Kareem are brothers . Ahmed is in primary five . He likes kebab and
spaghetti . He likes drinking lemonade . Kareem is in primary three . He likes green
salad and burger . They go to school on foot . They do homework at nine o'clock .
A- Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False

1- Ahmed is in primary three .

2- Ahmed likes drinking lemonade .
3- Kareem likes kebab and rice .
B- Answer the following questions:
4- How do Ahmed and Kareem go to school ?
5- When do Ahmed and Kareem do homework ?

6-Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:

1- are – What – they – going – to – do ?
2- about – How – juice – some – orange ?
3- much – Thank – very – you .
4- will – He – a haircut – get .

7-Look and write a question and its answer:-

…………………………….…………..……..? ..…………………………….………………?
……………………………..………………… ………………………………..…………….

8-Look and write a paragraph of FOUR sentences:-

( favourite – maths – library – fun )

Prim 5 82 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

9-Punctuate the following:

how about some ice cream

they go to school on foot

Prim 5 83 1st Term

Modern Age Language School Date: / /

Quiz ( 1 )

Quiz ( 2 )

Prim 5 84 1st Term

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Quiz ( 3 )

Quiz ( 4 )

Prim 5 85 1st Term

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