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The Image of Tourism Destination is Dynamic and Developed chain of influences This paper
attempts to convey the factors that influence the formation of destination image from literary
perspective. Research papers and magazines have been reviewed for this purpose and
insights were derived. Also, researches which have been executed in destination image
creation have been reviewed. Most of the researches based on Tourism image formation had
claimed that the image is based on various factors and are dynamic and usually developed
by chain of influences and they also claim the relationship between the preference of the
tourist and their intentions to travel in creating destination image. This study developed a
empirically tested conceptual model of all the determinates which act as valuable agents in
building tourist destination image. The main finding of this study is that a tourist destination
image is formed by both stimulus factors and traveller’s characteristics.
Destination Image has become an important factor in tourism industry which has greater
impact on individual’s behaviour. Despite the tourism industry’s growth, elative inputs
from various research activates contribute to the literature of destination image. This arena
of study not only concentrates on destination image but also focuses on human behaviour
in forming destination images (Selwyn 1996). Studying this is helpful for the economy too
to know the GDP from tourist in any Nation. Destination picture is a blend of optimistic
and undesirable believes representing a arrangement setting inside which people prepare
their psyches in regards to what goal to choose from the possible choices. In this manner,
destination image assumes a job in goal decision: potential sightseers will choose to select
the goal just when the picture segments that results in a good effect outnumbered those that
gives a unfavourable influence (Milman and Pizan, 1995; Chenand Kerstetter, 1999). Also,
research on destination image on various perspectives have been conducted. This paper
intends to conceptualize the factors that influence formation of destination image from
literary perspective. The study reveals that there are ample of determinates which effect the
tourist destination image, number of researchers in the travel industry look into regions
underline the zones of satisfaction of the travellers, while few worries about decision
making criteria for in deciding particular destination to travel and this decides how
vacationers pick their place (Scarpa and Thiene, 2005; Klenosky, Gengler, and Mulvey,

This research is based on the study of journals and few articles from the Internet. Firstly
A* and A grade Journals based on the study of Tourism destination images has been
shortlisted and then getting an idea about the literature review and its presentation, then,
few of the articles have been followed from some sites (mention in the references below).
ResearchGate is the main source for me to acquire knowledge about this topic from the
internet. As there are ample of literature reviews based on this study are available so this
literature review is the combination of those existing surveys based on tourism and
journals and hint of my own knowledge. I did not followed the exact format to be written
but I tried to portrayed the ideas based on search in little bit of different manner.

Background Research- Tourist Destination Image

“Image”, term which has been used interchagibly by many authors and writers in variant
context and deciplines they hold personally for this theory, due to this the definition of term
Image is not particular and it varies with every context. Psycologically, Image refers to what
we see , that means the visual representation of anything. On the other hand ,behavioural
geography, made the concept of Image more holistic and add on all the related impressions ,
such as , knowledge, emotions, values and beliefs. On the point of view of Marketing, Image
means to pint out the attributes of what consumer wants and to highlight those values and
attributes in front of the consumers ,which directly or indirectly related to consumer
behaviour. Tourist Destination is always a subjective topic based on the psychology of the
traveller. Every first time traveller has a different attribute and has a different image or
perception in his mind about the destination which is just based upon few of the reviews
from different sources or many more , but on contrary a second time visitor has its own
image which is based upon his past experience and that experience decide that weather that
tourist is having good image or bad image which in turns converted into Customer Loyalty.
In my opinion I think that every destination which is willing to opt this and want to create
customer loyalty must follow few prerequires. Initially, they must make access the economy
and should also conduct economic assessment of the customer to know how much they are
willing to pay and what best they can offer to the travellers to make their experience
memorable. Moreover they should measure the effect of expansions in the workings or
qualities of the image on tourists’ willingness to pay. From a literature review it has been
found that a model proposed by Stern and Krakover (1993) which indicates a set of factors
that influence destination image. The factors involve information obtained from variety of
sources and characteristics of individuals. According to this model, the characteristics of
information sources and individuals have a significant effect on producing a compound
image. The well-known contribution by Baloglu and McCleary (1999), through the research
―A Model of Destination Image Formation‖ it has been revealed that cognitive and affective
evaluation have significant influence in formation of destination image.

Figure 1. A general framework of destination image formation

 Personal Factors- Tourists individual characteristics and internal factors affect the
destination image formation Crompton (1990). Beliefs and intentions about the
attributes of destination created in consumers mind also impact destination image
formation. The way of individuals opinions differentiate according to the individual
interior factors. Consumers wants, preferences, knowle, and other characteristics are
predominant factors which impacts destination image formation. Tourist perceive
image about a destination on the basis of their individual characteristic and personal
factors such as gender, age, education, occupation, income, family life cycle, social
class, and dependents. The destination choice of a youngster would be different from
the elder nest couple and applies the same on the image created about a destination.
Individuals motivations to travel to destinations differ on various purpose and factors.
Spiritual tour, religious tour, official tour and tour for other purposes intend creative
motive to travel to destinations. Personal factors of individuals affect one’s cognitive
perceptions and so as destination image.
 Travel Motivation- From the studies of Baloglu and McCleary 1999; Stabler 1995;
Um and Crompton 1990, it has been found that motivations influence the destination
image formation process and choice of destination. Studies of Baloglu (1997), Dann
(1996) and Gartner (1993) found that motivations have greater influence on its
affective component. Affective image is the feeling aroused by a place and value
perceived by consumers according to their motivations. Recent research has
evidenced that spirituality in tourism has been increased. Stress in work life, increase
of tension due to internal and external forces and other motives pave the way for
touring spiritual destinations to acquire peace of mind and relaxation. Even families
are getting attracted to religious destinations to acquire religious experience and rest.
From the studies in destination image formation the following common motivations to
tour a destination has been listed below.

1. Exploring new culture and types of people

2. Improving intellectual thought process
3. Seeking adventure and new ambience
4. Acquire new experiences of cultural events, festivals and occasional programs
5. Rest and relax
6. Put out stress and escape from routine life
7. Seeking entertainment, excitement and recreation
8. Spirituality and religious motives
9. Be an opinion leader and could explain about traveling experience
10. Visiting places of greater importance and renounced on attributes and features.
 Cognitive and Affecting Evaluation- Any type of behaviour of consumers is based on
their cognitive and affective attitude. The belief about an object is always a greater
perspective in decision making process. The feeling being created by experiencing is
routed through the cognitive evaluations. Many researches are still being progressed
on these two factors which have greater significance and impact of consumer
behaviour. From the studies of Echtner and Ritchie (1993), it has been found that
destination which are more familiar are holistic, psychological and unique whereas
destinations which are less familiar have images more according to attributes,
functional aspects and common features. Empirical studies of Baloglu and
Mangaloglu (2001), Chon (1991), Fakeye and Crompton (1991), Hu and Ritchie
(1993), Milman and Pizan (1995), Phelps (1986) found that familiarity of destination,
number of visits and length of stay influence perceived image of destination.

In today’s cut throat era , creating and managing an relevant and true destination
Image in front of the tourist has become vital for effective tourism product positioning. Due
to which loyalty towards the destination of the tourist and their satisfaction both have become
backbone for destination market survive in the extreme compition
The motive of this writing is to develop and validate a model which clarifies the diverse
factors which form the post-visit image of a destination. Based on a literature review, this
will involve analysing the relationship between the different components of the perceived
image and the factors which influence its formation. These include both sources of
information (primary and secondary) and stimuli influencing the forming of perceptions and
evaluations of destinations pre- and post-visit, respectively, and motivation, accumulated
touristic experiences and sociodemographic characteristics. People may not be aware of
destinations due to the lack of information or perceived negative image that can lead to an
adverse chance of being selected as a potential site for visit. There are an abundance of
research findings that point to the fact that image has a major influence on the decision-
making process and post-decision behaviors, especially for destinations (e.g., Balouglu &
McCleary, 1999; Beerli & Martin 2004; Castro, Amario, & Ruiz, 2007; Chen & Kerstetter,
1999; Chen & Tsai, 2007;Kaplanidou & Gibson, 2012). Therefore, it is important for
destination marketing organizations (DMOs) to understand how people form an image in an
effort to sway them at the right time using the right communication channel. It is very
important to understand the proper process and the impacts of the tourist -destination
relationship because with the help of this so many persons(destination managers) associated
with this field can build up new ideas and can improve their marketing strategies to attract
the tourists from various parts of the world and this in results helps any destination to get
their loyal tourists and also in achieving very smooth and strong bond between the tourist and
the destination , both emotionally and physically. Gartner stated that people's perceptions of
various attributes within a destination will interact to form a composite or overall
image. Ahmed (1991) noted that an important issue in destination image is to delineate the
relationship between overall image and other components and the overall notion may be
favourable or unfavourable. Keown, Jacobs and Worthily (1984) studied American tourists'
perceptions of retail stores in twelve selected countries by examining the relationship among
six perceptual/cognitive attributes and overall image. The authors summarised that overall
impression is reliant upon individual attributes. The conceptual and empirical perspectives
from the literature led to following three hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Perceptual/cognitive evaluations significantly influence affective

evaluations of a tourism destination.

Hypothesis 2: Perceptual/cognitive evaluations significantly influence overall image

of a tourism destination.

Hypothesis 3: Affective evaluations significantly influence overall image of a tourism

As the worldwide traveller industry extends to turn into an increasingly critical part of
global exchange, nations, for example, Australia are contending in the universal
commercial centre to draw in sightseers. The formula for a nation's fascination (for
example Australia's dependence on the normal and beautiful attractions) should be
rethought considering changing examples of the travel industry, for example, the extension
of nations as bases for voyagers, and late development in innovative marketplace divisions,
for example, 'Backpackers'. There is a need to examine whether the pictures of nations
anticipated to the world and seen by universal vacationers and latent visitors are
significantly suitable for new markets. Many research studies have added both qualitative
and quantitative insights to the literature of destination image. Even then this arena is not
only in need for many models through research supporting destination image but also to
benefit the people with interest in destination image. Exploration and advent of many
tourist destinations in India requires a phase to project their destination with certain
identity. Some destinations are identified as spiritual destinations and religious destinations
whereas some are identified as entertainment, exploration, adventure, holiday location etc.
In this scenario, creating an image of destination requires and in depth understanding about
the influencing factors and evidence from research. Thus the factor saffecting destination
image creation have to be viewed in holistic view so as to menhance optimum tour
destination experience.

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