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J Clin Periodontol 2004; 31: 141–148 Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard 2004

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

D. A. Apatzidou1,2, M. P. Riggio2 and

Quadrant root planing versus D. F. Kinane3
Periodontal and Oral Immunology Research

same-day full-mouth root planing Group, 2Infection Research Group, Glasgow

Dental School, Glasgow, UK and
Periodontics, Endodontics and Dental
Hygiene, University of Louisville School of
II. Microbiological findings Dentistry, Louisville, KY, USA

Apatzidou DA, Riggio MP, Kinane DF: Quadrant root planing versus same-day
full-mouth root planing II. Microbiological findings. J Clin Periodontol 2004; 31:
141–148. r Blackwell Munksgaard, 2004.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that over a period of
6 months, same-day full-mouth scaling and root planing (FM-SRP) resulted in greater
reductions in the detection frequency of five putative periodontal pathogens compared
with quadrant scaling and root planing (Q-SRP) in chronic periodontitis patients.
Materials and Methods: Forty patients were recruited into this study. Subjects were
randomised into two groups. The FM-SRP group received full-mouth scaling and root
planing completed within the same day, while the Q-SRP group received quadrant root
planing at 2-weekly intervals over four consecutive sessions. Selected-site analyses
were performed on the deepest site in each quadrant before and after therapy, at
approximately 3 and 6 months from baseline (R1 and R2) and clinical indices were
recorded with an electronic pressure-sensitive probe. In addition, subgingival plaque
samples were collected from these sites at baseline (BAS), at reassessment 1 (R1),
approximately 6 weeks after the completion of therapy and at reassessment 2 (R2),
6 months from baseline. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the
presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola and Bacteroides forsythus in plaque.
Results: Both therapies resulted in significant improvements in all clinical indices
both at R1 and R2. A marked reduction in the presence of all candidate periodontal
pathogens was noted after both treatment modalities, reaching statistical significance
for the majority of the test organisms. These improvements were maintained over a
period of 6 months. When the two treatment groups were compared, a significantly
higher percentage of Q-SRP patients was positive for P. intermedia at R1 compared
with FM-SRP patients ( po0.05). In addition, a greater reduction in the patient
prevalence for T. denticola was found for the FM-SRP group than the Q-SRP group at
R1 and R2 from baseline ( po0.005), but the significance of this is questionable given
the skewed detection frequency of this organism at baseline between the two
Key words: chronic periodontitis; full-mouth
treatments ( po0.01). periodontal therapy; periodontal pathogens;
Conclusion: This study failed to confirm that same-day FM-SRP resulted in greater quadrant scaling and root planing
microbiological improvements compared with Q-SRP at 2-weekly intervals over a 6-
month period, as determined by PCR. Accepted for publication 15 April 2003

Periodontitis is a multifactorial inflam- the aetiology and pathogenesis of peri- Numerous investigations have sought
matory disease process, leading to odontitis. Haffajee & Socransky (1994) to determine the beneficial effects of
destruction in the periodontium of the suggested the following subgingival scaling and root planing on both the
tissues supporting the teeth. Period- species: Actinobacillus actinomycetem- clinical and microbiological parameters
ontitis lesions are caused by mixed comitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and have consistently reported marked
infections with the subgingival micro- Prevotella intermedia, Bacteroides for- changes in the subgingival microflora
biota in a state of continual flux. No sole sythus and Treponema denticola as and clinical indices following non-surgi-
pathogen can therefore be implicated in putative periodontal pathogens. cal instrumentation (Slots et al. 1979,
142 Apatzidou et al.

Pedrazzoli et al. 1991, Shiloah & In follow-up studies by the same in- details of the participants and the study
Patters 1994, 1996, Darby et al. 2001). vestigators using a similar study protocol, design and treatment protocol are de-
Simonson et al. (1992) demonstrated subgingival plaque samples were ana- scribed in our earlier published report
that T. denticola and, to a lesser extent, lysed by differential phase-contrast mi- (Apatzidou & Kinane 2004). Briefly, the
P. gingivalis levels decreased in suc- croscopy and consistently showed that present investigation is a randomised
cessfully treated sites. Several suspec- the spirochaetes and motile organisms controlled study of Q-SRP against FM-
ted periodontal pathogens, including were markedly reduced in the full-mouth SRP. No disinfection, i.e. antiseptics
P. gingivalis, T. denticola and B. treated patients as compared with the such as chlorhexidine, was used during
forsythus, were found at higher levels quadrant-treated patients; in addition the the 6-month period of observation. Q-
before than after treatment in the culture results were also markedly impro- SRP was performed at 2-weekly inter-
subjects or sites that responded well to ved (Bollen et al. 1996, 1998, Quirynen vals, while FM-SRP was completed
therapy (Haffajee et al. 1997b). Never- et al. 1999). A later study compared the within 12 h. Table 1 depicts the perio-
theless, it is unlikely that scaling and effects of the one-stage full-mouth disin- dontal status and disease severity for
root planing can eradicate and perma- fection and quadrant scalings on the each treatment group.
nently clear all the microorganisms from subgingival microflora by the checker-
a site. The microbes that re-colonise a board DNA–DNA hybridisation techni-
subgingival pocket post-therapy could que (De Soete et al. 2001). The results of
be either residual microorganisms follo- this study showed that the one-stage full- Sample Collection
wing incomplete instrumentation or the mouth disinfection resulted in a greater Selected-site clinical readings and site-
extension of a growing and maturing reduction in the detection frequency and specific subgingival plaque samples
supragingival plaque. It has been shown levels of the ‘‘red’’ and ‘‘orange’’ com- were performed at one site per quadrant
that in the presence of supragingival plex species (Socransky et al. 1998), and with the deepest PD, but not shallower
plaque, it takes 42 days for organisms to in the numbers of patients in whom these than 5 mm, with no endodontic or
re-colonise a previously scaled site complexes of species were undetectable. furcation involvement. These selected-
(Mousquès et al. 1980). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a site samples were obtained at three time
In a pilot study, Quirynen et al. rapid and highly sensitive technique that points: (1) baseline (BAS); (2) reassess-
(1995) introduced the one-stage full- has been used for the detection of bac- ment 1 (R1), 6 weeks after the last
mouth disinfection therapy as a means terial DNA sequences. PCR is highly session of scaling and root planing; and
of preventing re-infection of treated specific and relatively inexpensive. It is (3) reassessment 2 (R2), 6 months after
sites from the remaining untreated not as labour-intensive as other methods baseline. Twenty subjects comprised
pockets and/or other intra-oral niches. and it does not rely on viable cells. With each treatment group. Two subjects in
In their study, plaque samples were these characteristics in mind, PCR can the FM-SRP group failed to attend R2
collected from the upper right quadrant be more advantageous than other tech- and therefore the analysis at this time
of 10 patients at baseline and after 1 and niques such as culture methods immuno- point was based on 18 subjects.
2 months. At 1 month, differential diagnostic methods, and chromosomal The clinical assessments of the
phase-contrast microscopy revealed a and cloned DNA probes (Ashimoto selected sites were performed with the
significantly greater reduction in the et al. 1996, Riggio et al. 1998). Florida probe for PD and relative
proportion of potential periodontal patho- The aim of the current study was to attachment level (RAL) measurements.
gens (sum of spirochaetes and motiles) determine whether same-day full-mouth Florida probes were wiped with 70%
in the test group (periodontitis patients scaling and root planing (FM-SRP) isopropyl alcohol wipes between mea-
who received the one-stage full-mouth would show greater microbiological surements to reduce bacterial contam-
disinfection treatment) rather than the reductions in five putative periodontal ination of the sites for subsequent
control group (patients who received pathogens detected by PCR over a 6- collection of subgingival plaque sam-
quadrant root planing at 2-weekly inter- month period compared with typical ples. After ensuring that no supragingi-
vals), whereas at 2 months the differ- consecutive quadrant scaling and root val plaque deposits were present, the
ences were no longer significant. The planing (Q-SRP) in chronic periodonti- sites were isolated with cotton rolls and
culture data showed that there were no tis patients. gently air-dried in an apico-coronal
differences in the relative proportion of direction. Subgingival plaque samples
aerobic colony forming units (CFUs) for were taken with a single vertical stroke,
both treatments. Nevertheless, when the using a sterile curette for each sample to
relative proportions of potential patho- Materials and Methods prevent cross-contamination. Care was
genic and beneficial species were com- Forty untreated chronic periodontitis taken to access the most apical part of
pared, the test group showed signifi- patients, aged 31–70 years, were the pocket with the instrument and it
cantly less pathogenic organisms at 1 recruited from new referrals to Glasgow was a pooled sample including gingival,
month and more beneficial species at 2 Dental Hospital and School. Each mid-pocket and apical samples. Sam-
months. Post-treatment, P. gingivalis patient had at least two non-adjacent ples were stored on ice in coded sterile
was eliminated from the test group sites per quadrant with pocket depths microcentrifuge tubes containing 0.5 ml
although this was not the case for A. (PDs) of 5 mm or over and radiographic sterile MilliQ grade H2O (Millipore UK
actinomycetemcomitans, whose propor- evidence of bone loss, with no history of Limited, Watford, UK). Plaque samples
tion increased following treatment, which systemic disease or antibiotic therapy were vortex mixed for 30 s and stored at
is consistent with the poor treatment within the last 3 months or during the  701C until required. The PCR analy-
findings of others (Slots et al. 1986, course of the study. All patients gave sis was performed blindly. Once thawed
Renvert et al. 1990, Pedrazzoli et al. 1992). informed consent. The demographic the plaque sample was vortex mixed for
Quadrant root planing versus same-day full-mouth root planing II 143

Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of disease severity in the Q-SRP (N 5 20) and FM-SRP groups (N 5 20) (mean  SD)
Whole-mouth clinical indices Baseline Selected-site clinical indices Baseline

PD (mm) PD (mm)
Q-SRP 4.4  0.7 Q-SRP 6.2  0.7
FM-SRP 4.4  0.6 FM-SRP 5.9  0.8
CAL (mm) RAL (mm)
Q-SRP 5.0  0.9 Q-SRP 14.0  1.7
FM-SRP 5.1  1.0 FM-SRP 13.9  1.3
Q-SRP 71.0  19.0 Q-SRP 2.5  0.7
FM-SRP 68.0  17.0 FM-SRP 2.4  0.5
No. of sitesX5 mm PI
Q-SRP 69.0  20.0 Q-SRP 1.9  0.6
FM-SRP 68.0  26.0 FM-SRP 1.9  0.6
Mean number (min–max) of teeth present: 27 (22–31) for the Q-SRP group and 26 (19–32) for the FM-SRP group.
no. 5 number; PD 5 pocket depth; CAL 5 attachment level; BOP 5 clinical bleeding on probing; RAL 5 relative attachment level; MGI 5 modified
gingival index; PI 5 plaque index; Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root planing; FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing.

30 s and an aliquot was taken, for PCR amplification reactions were comprised an initial denaturation step at
subsequent use in the PCR analysis. carried out in a reaction mixture of 941C for 5 min, 40 amplification cycles
Lysates of plaque samples were pre- 100 ml consisting of 10 ml sample lysate of denaturation at 941C for 1 min,
pared by boiling for 10 min. and 90 ml of reaction mixture containing annealing of primers at 551C for 1 min
1  PCR buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl (pH and primer extension at 721C for
9.0 at 251C), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 50 mM 1.5 min, followed by a final extension
PCR KCl, 0.1%Tritons X-100; Invitrogen, step at 721C for 10 min. The cycling
Table 2 lists the PCR primers used in Carlsbad, CA, USA), 2 U of Taq DNA conditions for P. gingivalis, T. denticola
the current study. Species-specific pri- polymerase (Promega, Madison, WI, and B. forsythus were as follows: initial
mers that were previously tested for USA), 0.2 mM dNTPs (dATP, dCTP, denaturation at 941C for 5 min, 35
cross-reactivity with other closely re- dGTP, dTTP) and 50 pmol of each amplification cycles of denaturation at
lated species targeted the 16S rRNA of primer. The primers were separated 941C for 1 min, annealing of primers
the bacteria. The specificity of the ampli- from the other components of the at 601C for 1 min and primer exten-
fied products and therefore of the primers reaction mixture by a layer of wax sion at 721C for 1.5 min, followed by a
was confirmed in previous studies by (DyNAwax, Flowgen, Lichfield, UK). final extension step at 721C for 10 min
Ashimoto et al. (1996) for P. gingivalis, The wax layer prevented the PCR as previously described by Ashimoto
A. actinomycetemcomitans, T. denticola reaction from starting until the wax et al. (1996). The reaction products
and B. forsythus, and by Riggio et al. had melted upon commencement of were either stored at  20oC or ana-
(1998) for P. intermedia. All primers PCR cycling (‘‘hot start’’ PCR). PCR lysed immediately.
were obtained from MWG-Bistech (Mil- cycling was carried out in an OmniGene Strict procedures were employed
ton Keynes, UK). Primers were supplied thermal cycler (Hybaid, Teddington, when carrying out PCR. Separate rooms
in a lyophilised form and were re-sus- UK). were used for sample preparation, set-
pended in sterile, molecular biology grade The cycling conditions for P. inter- ting up of PCR reactions and analysis of
water at 1 mg/ml (MilliQ grade H2O). media and A. actinomycetemcomitans PCR products. Filter tips were used at

Table 2. Sequences, expected product size, target and references for PCR primers
Primer pairs (5 0 –3 0 ) Base position amplicon Target Reference
length (bp)

Porphyromonas gingivalis 729–1132 (404) 16S rRNA Slots et al. (1995)

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 478–1034 (557) 16S rRNA Ashimoto et al. (1996)
Prevotella intermedia 1028–1006 (855) 16S rRNA Riggio et al. (1998)
Treponema denticola 193–508 (316) 16S rRNA Slots et al. (1995)
Bacteroides forsythus 120–760 (641) 16S rRNA Slots et al. (1995)
144 Apatzidou et al.

all stages of the experiment, except organisms before and after treatment. treatment group positive for the five
when adding the sample to the reaction The patient was scored positive for an putative periodontal pathogens. Marked
mixture when a positive displacement organism if at least one out of the four reductions in all test bacteria were noted
pipette was used. Negative and positive sites harboured this organism. post-treatment, reaching statistical sig-
controls were included in each batch of nificance for P. gingivalis, T. denticola
samples being analysed by PCR. The and B. forsythus in the Q-SRP group
negative control was a 90 ml reaction ( po0.05) and for the majority of the
mixture with the sample replaced by Results pathogens in the FM-SRP group
10 ml of sterile water. The positive Figs. 1–5 depict the percentage of ( po0.05). These improvements were
control, with the exception of T. denti- patients and the frequency of sites (from maintained at the 6-month reassessment
cola, contained 10 ng of genomic DNA 1 to 4) positive for the five organisms and this appeared to be more pro-
from the relevant organism in 90 ml of tested. The prevalence of the five nounced in the Q-SRP group.
reaction mixture, with sterile water putative periodontal pathogens pre- When the two treatment groups were
added to bring the volume to 100 ml. sented here is relatively consistent with compared, a significantly higher percen-
For the T. denticola positive control, the range of values reported by other tage of Q-SRP patients was positive for
a synthetic T. denticola positive control studies (Ashimoto et al. 1996, Riggio et P. intermedia at R1 compared with FM-
was constructed. A small fragment of al. 1996, 1998, Meurman et al. 1997,, SRP patients ( po0.05). No significant
the T. denticola 16S rRNA gene (79 bp) Umeda et al. 1998). Table 3 summarises differences in the reduction of patients
was amplified using the following the percentage of patients in each positive for this pathogen were found
nucleotide primers (from 5 0 –3 0 ): TAA
GCT (base position from 193 to 244) and
TCT TA (base position from 508 to 482).

Analysis of PCR Products

Ten microlitres of each reaction product
was added to 1.5 ml of gel loading dye
(0.25% bromophenol blue, 50% glycer-
ol, 100 mM EDTA pH 8.0), electro-
phoresed on a 2% agarose gel
containing ethidium bromide (0.5 mg/
ml), and visualised and photographed
using an ImageMaster video documen-
tation system (Pharmacia Biotech, St
Albans, UK). A 100 bp DNA ladder
Fig. 1. Percentage of patients and the frequency of sites (from 1 to 4) that are positive for
(Pharmacia Biotech) was used as a Porphyromonas gingivalis in each treatment group. Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root
molecular weight marker. planing; FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; BAS 5 baseline; R1 5 reassessment
1; R2 5 reassessment 2.
Statistical analysis

SPSS (version 9.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago,

IL, USA) statistical package was used
for the analyses of data. Statistical
significance was set at the 95% con-
fidence level ( po0.05 for hypothesis
testing). The patient was used as the
experimental unit for analysis.
Differences in the prevalence of the
microorganisms between Q-SRP and
FM-SRP groups were analysed using
the w2-test, except when expected
counts were less than 5 where Fisher’s
exact test was used. The data were
analysed for differences at each visit
(BAS, R1, R2) and for comparison of
changes with treatment (BAS to R1 and Fig. 2. Percentage of patients and the frequency of sites (from 1 to 4) that are positive for
BAS to R2). For each group, the Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in each treatment group. Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling
McNemar test was used to compare and root planing; FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; BAS 5 baseline;
the detection frequency of specific R1 5 reassessment 1; R2 5 reassessment 2.
Quadrant root planing versus same-day full-mouth root planing II 145

between the two groups at R1 or R2

from baseline. On the contrary, a greater
reduction in the patient prevalence for
T. denticola was found for the FM-SRP
group than the Q-SRP group at these
time intervals ( po0.005), but this is not
a safe comparison given the significant
difference in the detection frequency of
this organism between the two treat-
ment groups at baseline ( po0.01).
Table 4 compares the prevalence of
the test organisms between smokers and,
non-smokers and, despite the differences
in the detection frequencies of the bac-
teria between the two subgroups before
and after treatment, these failed to reach
statistical significance (p40.05).
Fig. 3. Percentage of patients and the frequency of sites (from 1 to 4) that are positive for
Prevotella intermedia in each treatment group. Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root planing;
FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; BAS 5 baseline; R1 5 reassessment 1;
R2 5 reassessment 2. Discussion
Both treatment modalities resulted in
marked reductions in the percentage of
subjects positive for the five putative
periodontal pathogens, and this paral-
leled significant improvements in all
clinical indices as was shown in a
previously published study (Apatzidou
& Kinane 2004), confirming the find-
ings of previous reports (Simonson et al.
1992, Hafström et al. 1994, Shiloah &
Patters 1994, Haffajee et al. 1997b).
Despite the reductions in the percentage
of patients positive for most of the
bacteria tested following both treatment
strategies, the majority of the organisms
were still detected post-scaling but in
significantly lower frequencies than
Fig. 4. Percentage of patients and the frequency of sites (from 1 to 4) that are positive for baseline. This is in agreement with
Treponema denticola in each treatment group. Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root planing; other reports which showed that scaling
FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; BAS 5 baseline; R1 5 reassessment 1; and root planing lowers the numbers of
R2 5 reassessment 2. selected periodontal pathogens, but is
unlikely to eliminate these species from
any subject (Haffajee et al. 1997a,
Cugini et al. 2000).
Data presented here showed that the
microbial benefits of both treatment
strategies were maintained over a 6-
month period for the majority of the test
species in a group of highly motivated
patients with optimal plaque control. It
has been shown that the improvement of
the subgingival microflora after me-
chanical periodontal treatment is not
dramatic and requires supportive peri-
odontal therapy for its maintenance
(Haffajee et al. 1997a). In contrast, the
present study showed that conservative
periodontal therapy resulted in marked
Fig. 5. Percentage of patients and the frequency of sites (from 1 to 4) that are positive for microbiological and clinical improve-
Bacteroides forsythus in each treatment group. Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root planing; ments. Another study has demonstrated
FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; BAS 5 baseline; R1 5 reassessment 1; a decrease in the prevalence of P.
R2 5 reassessment 2. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans
146 Apatzidou et al.

Table 3 Percentage of patients positive for the five putative periodontal pathogens before and after Q-SRP and FM-SRP
NQ-SRP 5 20 Baseline R1 R2 Change (BAS–R1) p-value Change (BAS–R2) p-value
NFM-SRP 5 20

Prevotella gingivalis
§ §§
Q-SRP 40.0 5.0 0.0 35.0 40.0
§ §
FM-SRP 40.0 5.0 5.5 35.0 33.3
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
Q-SRP 35.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0
FM-SRP 35.0 15.0 5.5 20.0 33.3
Prevotella intermedia
Q-SRP 65.0 35.0n 35.0 30.0 30.0
FM-SRP 55.0 5.0n 27.8 50.0 27.8
Treponema denticola
§ §§§
Q-SRP 55.0nn 15.0 10.0 40.0nnn 45.0n
§§§ §§§
FM-SRP 95.0nn 0.0 11.0 95.0nnn 83.3n
Bacteroides forsythus
§§§ §§§
Q-SRP 90.0 35.0 35.0 55.0 55.0
§§§ §§§
FM-SRP 95.0 15.0 22.2 80.0 72.2
Note that at R2, two subjects in the FM-SRP group dropped out from the study.
po0.05; nnpo0.01; nnnpo0.005; p-values represent differences between the Q-SRP and FM-SRP groups. §po0.05; §§po0.01; §§§po0.005; p-values
represent longitudinal changes within each group.
Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root planing; FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; BAS 5 baseline; R1 5 reassessment 1; R2 5 reassessment 2.

Table 4. Percentage of smokers positive for the five putative periodontal pathogens before and Q-SRP group at R1 and R2 from
after treatment baseline. However, it is difficult to
Nnon-smokers 5 25 Baseline R1 R2 make conclusions from this finding,
Nsmokers 5 15 given the unbalanced distribution of T.
denticola between the two treatment
Prevotella gingivalis groups at baseline. FM-SRP resulted in
non-smokers 36.0 8.0 0 significantly lower percentages of pa-
smokers 46.7 0 6.7 tients positive for P. intermedia at R1
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
than Q-SRP. In addition, the selected-
non-smokers 40.0 20.0 13.0
smokers 26.7 6.7 6.7 site analysis of FM-SRP patients
Prevotella intermedia showed less PD reduction between
non-smokers 68.0 24.0 34.8 baseline and R1 than those of Q-SRP
smokers 46.7 13.3 26.7 patients (Apatzidou & Kinane 2004),
Treponema denticola indicating that at 6 weeks, post-scaling
non-smokers 76.0 8.0 8.7 healing is still occurring and that the
smokers 73.3 6.7 13.3 microbiological improvements may pre-
Bacteriodes forsythus
cede clinical changes.
non-smokers 96.0 20.0 30.4
smokers 86.7 33.3 26.7 In the present study, marked micro-
biological improvements for all test
No statistically significant differences were noted between non-smokers and smokers (p40.05). organisms were seen after both treat-
Q-SRP 5 quadrant scaling and root planing; FM-SRP 5 full-mouth scaling and root planing; ments. Nevertheless, except for the
R1 5 reassessment 1; R2 5 reassessment 2. short-term differences between the two
treatment groups at R1, there were no
and P. intermedia 12 months following as a result of higher sensitivity of the significant differences in the detection
scaling and root planing in the absence other subgingival species to debride- of any organism at the 6-month reas-
of supportive periodontal therapy (Shi- ment. The present study demonstrated sessment. Therefore, these data do not
loah & Patters 1996). that despite the reduction in the percen- confirm previous findings of Quirynen
Several studies have shown that tage of patients that possessed this et al. (2000), which showed that over
conventional periodontal therapy is in- pathogen after treatment, this was not a period of 8 months FM-SRP with
effective at reducing the levels of A. found to be statistically significant, but and without the use of chlorhexidine
actinomycetemcomitans (Kornman & the clinical significance of this finding is resulted in a less pathogenic micro-
Robertson 1985, Mombelli et al. difficult to assess. flora compared with the common ther-
1994), and there is evidence that its apy of consecutive sessions of Q-SRP.
present post-treatment is related to a That study also showed that at 8 months
compromised clinical outcome (Slots et the number of CFU/ml of specific
al. 1986, Renvert et al. 1990). In Comparison of Microbiological periodontal pathogens returned to pre-
addition, there are data demonstrating Responses Between Q-SRP and treatment values only for the Q-SRP
that the proportions of this organism FM-SRP Groups group. Although the present results
increase after treatment (Renvert et al. A greater reduction for T. denticola was are based on detection frequencies of
1990, Pedrazzoli et al. 1992), possibly seen in the FM-SRP group than the selected pathogens, no such deteriora-
Quadrant root planing versus same-day full-mouth root planing II 147

tion was noted for the Q-SRP group at 6 initiation and completion of treatment advanced periodontitis lesions. Oral Micro-
months. was lessened, and therefore the chances biology and Immunology 11, 266–273.
The findings of our previously pub- for bacterial re-colonisation were also Bollen, C. M. L., Mongardini, C., Papaioannou,
lished study demonstrated that smoking reduced, no microbiological or clinical W., van Steenberghe, D. & Quirynen, M.
and treatment approach (Q-SRP and differences were found between the two (1998) The effect of a one-stage full-mouth
disinfection on different intra-oral niches.
FM-SRP) over a period of 6 months treatment groups 6 months post-scaling
Clinical and microbiological observations.
had a significant effect on PD and RAL to support the hypothesis of Quirynen Journal of Clinical Periodontology 25,
of the selected sites (Apatzidou & et al. (1995). It must be stressed, 56–66.
Kinane 2004). Although this three-way however, that the participants in this Bollen, C. M. L., Vandekerckhove, B. N. A.,
interaction is complicated and difficult study were highly motivated patients Papaioannou, W., van Eldere, J. & Quirynen,
to interpret, it appears to be that Q-SRP and practised a high standard of plaque M. (1996) Full- versus partial-mouth disin-
non-smokers had the greatest PD reduc- control measures. Several studies fection in the treatment of periodontal
tion between baseline and R1 compared showed that meticulous plaque control infections. A pilot study: long-term micro-
with the other subgroups (Q-SRP smo- can affect the clinical and microbiolo- biological observations. Journal of Clinical
kers, FM-SRP smokers and non-smo- gical parameters in moderate (McNabb Periodontology 23, 960–970.
Boström, L., Bergström, J., Dahlén, G. &
kers). In order to clarify whether et al. 1992, Ximénez-Fyvie et al. 2000a)
Linder, L. E. (2001) Smoking and subgingi-
smoking had different effects on the and deep pockets (Smulow et al. 1983, val microflora in periodontal disease. Journal
subgingival microflora of subjects, the Dahlén et al. 1992, Hellström et al. of Clinical Periodontology 28, 212–219.
detection frequencies of specific organ- 1996). These data emphasise the mag- Cugini, M. A., Haffajee, A. D., Smith, C., Kent,
isms were compared between smokers nitude of oral hygiene measures on R. L. Jr. & Socransky, S. S. (2000) The effect
and non-smokers. This analysis found the subgingival environment. Haffajee of scaling and root planing on the clinical and
no significant differences between smo- et al. (2001) suggested that the bene- microbiological parameters of periodontal
kers and non-smokers who were posi- ficial effects of supragingival plaque diseases: 12-month results. Journal of Clin-
tive for the test species at baseline and control on the composition of the supra- ical Periodontology 27, 30–36.
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Acknowledgments Haffajee, A. D., Cugini, M. A., Dibart, S.,
suggested that these considerations
We thank Dr. D. Lappin for his tech- Smith, C., Kent, R. L. Jr. & Socransky, S. S.
should be taken into account when (1997a) The effect of SRP on the clinical and
split-mouth clinical trials are designed. nical support to complete this work and
microbiological parameters of periodontal
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diseases. Journal of Clinical Periodontology
demonstrated that the composition of lis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. inter- 24, 324–334.
the microflora around teeth significantly media and B. forsythus bacterial cells. Haffajee, A. D., Cugini, M. A., Dibart, S.,
influenced the formation of the subgin- Smith, C., Kent, R. L. Jr. & Socransky, S. S.
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