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Republic of the Philippines


Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City

Name: Hamdi A. Mamoribid, RA Date: August 28, 2021

Subject: 601-Organizational and Management Day: August 25, 2021

Answer the following problems briefly and substantial. (100 pts)

1. Question: Discuss briefly the meaning and scope of management.
Answer: Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, motivation
and controlling the human resources, financial, physical, and information resources of an organization
to reach its goals efficiently and effectively. Public managers carry out the managerial operations of
public organizations. In practice, public management is meant to improve the quality and efficiency
of services delivered by public organizations. Managers interpret the public policy to implement
public services in ways that are expected to achieve the most desirable outcomes for the interests they

The Scope of management is the process whereby the outputs, outcomes and benefits are
identified, defined and controlled. 'Scope' is the term used in the management of projects to refer to
the totality of the outputs, outcomes and benefits and the work required to produce them.

Public managers can operate in two different areas: the internal and external management of public

 Internally, public managers must understand how to manage risk and change within their
respective organizations. This demands that they stay informed of societal conditions that may
impact their organizations’ ability to function optimally. By acknowledging those risks, managers
can act accordingly, taking preemptive measures to diminish identified risks and prepare their
staff to adapt to the instability those adverse conditions may have on the organization.

 Externally, public management entails leading efforts to collaborate with private groups to
support the adoption of public policy. In this capacity, public managers work with private citizens
and other public organizations to keep public programs running smoothly. To do this, managers
perform tasks such as coordinating public human resources to assist with specific projects or
helping certain communities secure the necessary financing to implement public programs.

2. Question: Explain the meaning and purpose of organization.

Answer: Organization is the structural framework of duties and responsibilities required of
personnel in performing various functions with a view to achieve business goals through
organization. Management tries to combine various business activities to accomplish predetermined
goals. An Organization is a group of people who work together, like a neighborhood association, a
charity, a union, or a corporation. Organization is also the act of forming or establishing something
(like an organization). It can also refer to a system of arrangement or order, or a structure for
classifying things.

The purpose of an organization structure is to establish a form so that they may better work together
to achieve the enterprises objectives. To establish a formal system of roles that people can perform
means that the purpose of organizing is.
Included with the common purpose would be the business and company strategy, mission statement,
company values, and the organization's short- and long-term objectives. The role of communicating
all of these components most likely falls to managers through the company.
3.) Question: Describe the relationship of management with science and art.

Answer: The relationship of Management with science and art is they are both an art and a science.
Management combines features of both science as well as art. It is considered as a science because it
has an organized body of knowledge which contains certain universal truth. It is called an art because
managing requires certain skills which are personal possessions of managers. Science provides the
knowledge & art deals with the application of knowledge and skills. A manager to be successful in
his profession must acquire the knowledge of science & the art of applying it. Therefore management
is a judicious blend of science as well as an art because it proves the principles and the way these
principles are applied is a matter of art. Science teaches to ‘know’ and art teaches to ‘do’. E.g. A
person cannot become a good singer unless he has knowledge about various ragas & he also applies
his personal skill in the art of singing. Same way it is not sufficient for manager to first know the
principles but he must also apply them in solving various managerial problems that is why, science
and art are not mutually exclusive but they are complementary to each other (like tea and biscuit,
bread and butter etc.). Management helps in achieving group goals. Nature of management:
Management is a combination of an organized body of knowledge (science) and its skillful
application (art). Thus, management is both an art and a science.

4.) Question: Discuss the definition and description of the management function of

Planning Facilitates Decision Making, Planning plays an integral role in making important decisions.
Whenever a manager has to make a decision he has to think about the bearing of such a decision on
the overall plan and the business' trajectory. Thus planning acts as a guide to making efficient and
accurate decisions. Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and
determining a course of action for achieving those objectives. Planning requires that managers be
aware of environmental conditions facing their organization and forecast future conditions.
Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and
effective planning & regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. ...
According to Henry Fayol, “To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, & to
Management planning is the process of assessing an organization's goals and creating a realistic,
detailed plan of action for meeting those goals. Much like writing a business plan, a management plan
takes into consideration short- and long-term corporate strategies. In the world of management,
planning is as fundamental as it gets. If you recall, the first of the managerial functions is planning.
Many believe planning is the most fundamental of the managerial functions because all other
functions, including organizing, leading, controlling, and staffing, stem from the planning function.
Planning prepares organizations for tomorrow today by assessing what an organization wants to
accomplish and how it will go about achieving that goal. Managers will spend much of their time
planning for all sorts of things that may or will occur in the organization. Typically a manager will
create a plan that is aimed at accomplishing some organizational goal such as increasing sales or
improving customer service. However, it is important to note that planning is an ongoing step that can
be highly specialized based on an organization's goals, division goals, departmental goals and team
goals. It is up to the manager to recognize what goals need to be planned within their individual area.
5.) Question: Explain the different kinds, types, and approaches of planning.

Answer: The different kinds and types of Planning is 1. Objectives are plans for the
future that will serve to provide direction for subsequent activity. We have a hierarchy of
objectives. Primary or basic objectives are determined by the top management. Each
department has its own objectives within the framework of basic goals. 2. Policies is a
standing plan or answer to recurring questions. It is a continuing decision which applies to
repetitive situations. It is a guide to action or decision of a manager. A policy helps keep
work in line with objective.
3. Rules: are the simplest type of plan chosen from alternatives. A rule requires that a specific
action be taken or not taken with respect to a situation. It is more rigid and more specific than
a policy. It guides action but provides no discretion in its strict application.
4. Procedure: It is a standing plan acting as a means of implementing a policy. For example
the sales department lays down a policy to execute all orders within 48 hours. The procedure
of execution of orders will prescribe a sequence of steps that must be followed after the
receipt of an order till the dispatch of goods to the customer. 5. Programme: It is a single use
plan. It is a sequence of activities designed to implement policies and accomplish objectives.
It gives step-by step approach to guide action necessary to reach predetermined targets. It
is an instrument of co-ordination, i. e., a timetable of action. A good programme ensures
smooth and efficient operation. A procedure tells how it is to be done, whereas a
programme tells what is to be done. 6. Schedules: Scheduling is the process of establishing
time sequence of the work to be done. It is an integral part of programming. A schedule
specifies the time when each of a series of actions should take place. Once the tasks to be
done and the persons who must do them are clear according to our standing plans,
scheduling may be the only element needing immediate management attention. 7. Budget:
is a projection (and a plan) defining anticipated costs of attaining an objective. It is an
appraisal of expected expense against anticipated income or a future period. It may be
stated in time, materials, money or other units required to perform work and secure
specified result. 8. Forecasting: Forecasting is based on statistical data and marketing
research. Economic forecasting is the basis of planning. Forecasting is a systematic attempt
to probe the future on the basis of known information. Planning decisions are based upon
intelligent and rational forecasting the future trend of specified events, e.g., price trend. The
different approaches to planning are:

1. Reactive-past-oriented
Reactive planning is an active attempt to turn back the clock to the past. The past, no
matter how bad, is preferable to the present. And definitely better than the future will
be. The past is romanticized and there is a desire to return to the "good old days." These
people seek to undo the change that has created the present, and they fear the future,
which they attempt to prevent.
2. Inactive-present-oriented
Inactive planning is an attempt to preserve the present, which is preferable to both the
past and the future. While the present may have problems it is better than the past. The
expectation is that things are as good as they are likely to get and the future will only be
worse. Any additional change is likely to be for the worse and should therefore be
3. Preactive- predict the-future
Preactive planning is an attempt to predict the future and then to plan for that
predicted future. Technological change is seen as the driving force bringing about the
future, which will be better than the present or the past. The planning process will seek
to position the organization to take advantage of the change that is happening around
4. Proactive- create the-future
Proactive planning involves designing a desired future and then inventing ways to create
that future state. Not only is the future a preferred state, but the organization can
actively control the outcome. Planners actively shape the future, rather than just trying
to get ahead of events outside of their control. The predicted changes of the preactive
planner are seen not as absolute constraints, but as obstacles that can be addressed and
6.) Question: Define and discuss the management functions of staffing.

Answer: Staffing, the management function involves appointing appropriate personnel,

developing them to meet organizational needs and ensuring that they are a satisfied and
happy workforce. Staffing is defined as a managerial function of filling and keeping filled the
positions in the organizational structure. The personnel appointed are a combination of
permanent employees, daily workers, consultants, contract employee’s etc. Once the
organizational goals are set, the plans are prepared and organization is appropriately
structured to pave the path for achievement of the set goals. The next step is to provide
appropriate personnel to fill in the various positions created by the organizational structure.
The process putting people to jobs is termed as staffing. Staffing includes:

1. Identifying the requirement of workforce and its planning.

2. Recruitment and selection of appropriate personnel for new jobs or for positions which
may arise as a result of existing employees leaving the organization.

3. Planning adequate training for development and growth of workforce.

4. Deciding on compensation, promotion and performance appraisals for the workforce.

The staffing process is the function of employee recruitment, screening, and selection
performed within an organization or business to fill job openings. Basically, the purpose of
staffing is to simultaneously help a job seeker find a job, and find a qualified candidate for an
open position for a company.

7.) Question: Define and discuss the management functions of organizing.

Answer: Organizing is the function of management that involves developing an

organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of
objectives. The structure of the organization is the framework within which effort is
coordinated. The structure is usually represented by an organization chart, which provides a
graphic representation of the chain of command within an organization. Decisions made
about the structure of an organization are generally referred to as organizational
design decisions.
Organizing is the function that managers undertake to design, structure, and arrange the
components of an organization's internal environment to facilitate attainment of
organizational goals. Organizing creates the framework needed to reach a company's
objectives and goals.

Organizing is the function of management which follows planning. It is a function in which

the synchronization and combination of human, physical and financial resources takes
place. All the three resources are important to get results. Therefore, organizational function
helps in achievement of results which in fact is important for the functioning of a concern.
According to Chester Barnard, “Organizing is a function by which the concern is able to
define the role positions, the jobs related and the co-ordination between authority and
responsibility. Hence, a manager always has to organize in order to get results.
8.) QUESTION: Discuss the nature and purpose of the management function of directing.

Answer: Directing is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee
the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is said to be the
heart of management process. Planning, organizing, staffing have got no importance if
direction-function-does-not-take-place. Directing initiates action and it is from here actual
work starts. Direction is said to be consisting of human factors. In simple words, it can be
described as providing guidance to workers is doing work. In field of management, direction
is said to be all those activities which are designed to encourage the subordinates to work
effectively and efficiently. According to Human, “Directing consists of process or technique
by which instruction can be issued and operations can be carried out as originally planned”
Therefore, Directing is the function of guiding, inspiring, overseeing and instructing people
towards accomplishment of organizational goals. Directing sets in motion the action of
people because planning, organizing, and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the
work. Direction is an aspect of management that deals directly with influencing, guiding,
supervising, and motivating staff for the achievement of organizational goals.
The purpose of directing is to get various activities coordinated for achieving common goals.
Co-ordination involves the integration of various parts of the organization. In order to
achieve goals of an enterprise, both physical as well as mental co-ordination should be

Directing Elements

 Supervision: To oversee the work of staff. Supervision is the act of coaching,

reflecting, and directing work and workers. 

 Motivation: To inspire, stimulate, and encourage staff.  

 Leadership: To guide and influence the work of staff in a purposeful direction.

9.) QUESTION: Discuss the nature and purpose of the management function of controlling.

Answer: Control is a primary goal-oriented function of management in an organization. It is

a process of comparing the actual performance with the set standards of the company to
ensure that activities are performed according to the plans and if not then taking corrective
action. Control is a primary task which is goal-oriented of management in an organization. It is a
process of comparing actual performance with the set standards of the company to ensure that
the activities are carried out according to the plans and if not, corrective action is taken.
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Control is a function of management
which helps to check errors in order to take corrective actions. This is done to minimize
deviation from standards and ensure that the stated goals of the organization are achieved in a
desired manner.

An effective control system has the following characteristics:

 It helps in achieving organizational goals.

 Facilitates optimal utilization of resources.
 It evaluates the accuracy of the standard.
 It also determines discipline and order.
 Motivates employees and boosts employee morale.
 Ensures future planning by revising standards.
 Improves overall performance of an organization.
 It also reduces errors.
10.) Question: Discuss the nature and purpose of the management function of reporting.

Management function of reporting, aim at informing managers of different aspects of the
business, to help them make better-informed decisions. They collect data from various
departments of the company tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and understandably
present them. Management reporting is a source of business intelligence that helps business
leaders make more accurate, data-driven decisions. But, these reports are only as useful as the
work that goes into preparing and presenting them. Reports will provide important detail that
can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing plans, guide budget planning and
improve decision-making. Managers also use business reports to track progress and growth,
identify trends or any irregularities that may need further investigation. Functions or
importance of a report
1. Provides Information: The very purpose of preparing a report is providing information to
various levels of management. The term management includes Foreman, Supervisor, Chairman,
Department Manager, General Manager and Special Officer.
2. Role in Control System: A target is fixed well in advance in an organization. The
management has to see whether the employees are working according to the targets and
standards. The reports are prepared in such a way as to measure the actual performance with
the budgeted targets. If there is any unfavorable variances, the reasons are find out and
remedial or corrective actions are taken by the management. In this way, a report is used as a
control tool.
3. Helpful in Profitable Operations: A report highlights the direction of moving the
business and the level of operation. On the basis of this type of report, a management can give
clear cut instructions as how to increase the profitability to its employees.
4. Follow the Principle of Management by Exception: A management has only a minimum time
to exercise control. Hence, the activities, which are not carried out according to planning and
budget, are highlighted before the management. This is the way of following the principle of
management by exception.
5. Helpful in Achieving Overall Objectives: Report motivates the executives and employees to
take necessary steps towards increasing the earnings of the organization significantly. In this
way, the management is achieving the maximum profit with the help of reporting system.

11.) Question: Discuss the importance of effective communication and motivation to

organization management:

Answer: Effective Communication is significant for managers in the organizations so as to

perform the basic functions of management, i.e., Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling.
Communication helps managers to perform their jobs and responsibilities. Communication
serves-as-a-foundation-for-planning. Effective communication between employees at all levels
strengthens relationships and ensures everyone is on the same page. This creates a positive
working environment, and improves both employee motivation and productivity, too.
If open communication within a workplace is encouraged, a more cohesive and effective team
will emerge. Good communication within a team also tends to boost employee morale. When
employees feel that they are well informed of the company's direction and vision, they will feel
more-secure-within-their-role. Through effective communication your employees feel more
empowered. It also gives them a sense of belonging, camaraderie and responsibility. Most
importantly, when the lines of communication are open, your employees feel comfortable with
the relationship they have with you. In return, their motivation improves.

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