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1. Environmental Science

2. Environmental Science

3. Environment

4. Science

5. System

6. Open Systems

7. Sustainability

8. Environmental Ethic

9. The disturbance

10. Atom

Activity number 1

1. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field because it combines information

and ideas from a variety of disciplines. Physical, biological, and information sciences

are examples of natural science areas. Environmental science is such a wide and

complicated discipline, it also encompasses aspects of the social sciences and

humanities. It is the study of the environment and finding the solution to

environmental problems.

Some essential environmental concerns we face today are Pollution, Soil Degradation,

Global Warming, Overpopulation, Natural Resource Depletion, Generating

Unsustainable Waste, Waste Disposal, and Deforestation.

Environmental science includes dimensions. Knowing the environmental science

dimension would help us understand ecological and biophysical systems' vulnerability

and their diverse role under hazardous conditions to suffer damage and deterioration.

And environmental science should include dimensions, for it is essential for its

different functions under different conditions within the environment.

2.Science is the study that deals with the natural world based on the facts learned

through observations and experiments. It is both a set of information and a method of

working.Science has basic principles: empiricism, uniformitarianism, parsimony,

uncertainty, repeatability; the proof is elusive and testable question. Empiricism is

learning through observation. Uniformitarianism is the Earth’s geological process. It

is continuous and in a uniform way. Parsimony prefers simplicity, and it suggests not

to look for more complex explanations when a simple one will do. Repeatability is

like trial and error.Doing the experiment over and over again and come up with the

same answer. This is to verify that the result is actual and not just an artifact. The

proof is elusive is science rarely provides evidence that the theory is correct. Testable

questions can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment. This is to see

whether the said theory is correct or not.

3.Draw a diagram showing steps of scientific methods and explain why each is






Scientific method starts with questioning what you have observed. Next, it is

important to have background knowledge by doing topic research. After, Constructing

the hypothesis would help you study the purpose Test with an experiment will help

your hypothesis supported and fair test your experiment; it is to test whether your

prediction is accurate. Next is analyzing the data; it would make us understand the

outcomes of the experiment conducted. Lastly, conclusions help to know whether the

hypothesis was true or false.

4. Why is ethics being studied in environmental science. Cite examples.

Ethics is the philosophical subject that analyzes human beings' relationship to the

planet, it is studied in environmental science. It is a moral underpinning for

environmental security that may alter over time as the relationship between humans

and the environment evolves. It ensures that the environment is protected and kept

secure. When humans do not properly dispose of their waste, it might affect our

environment because plastic can injure animals, who may mistake it for food. It will

not be processed in their stomachs if they eat it, and they will die sooner.


Activity No. 1. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary science that ensures a

holistic study and understanding of the natural scope of environmental science and its

whole systems. The study of the environment and human dimensions is an integral

part requires deeper understanding on the role of human towards sustainability as well

as the sustainable use of resources and the growing issue and conflicts between the

social, economic, and environment. Based on the definitions and the essential

elements in the study of environmental and the learning exercises that you have done,

please feel free to indicate your arguments or lessons learned below.

3.The ecosystem is a complex system in which humans and nature coexist, and

worldwide overpopulation is causing environmental problems.

4. Understand general ecological concerns and techniques, such as cross-

neighborhood partnerships and global collaborations.

5. The natural food chain is affected when a species is removed from the ecosystem,

either by extinction or migration. This would affect the food web and the whole

ecosystem eventually. Hence every single component of the ecosystem has an

essential role in the environment.

6. Climate change is a global issue that has to be addressed. The objective of many

countries, ranging from developed to developing, is required to counteract the impacts

of climate change. Third-world countries like the Philippines are seeing the effects of

climate change directly.

7.Humans have certain impact on the environment by how they live. It is hard to

avoid harming the environment due to rapid population expansion and increased

human requirements.

8.Biodiversity has been severely harmed as a result of many organisms becoming

instinctive, and if this trend continues, the environment will lose its equilibrium

9. The ecosystem, like any other system, is considered the focus of environmental

research. The ecosystem is defined as "an environment in which both living and non-

living entities exist and interact with one another," and it, like other systems, suffers

from disruptions, flaws and is already beginning to collapse.

10.Overpopulation is at the root of most of the environmental challenges that we are

currently facing. The more people there are, the more natural resources must be

depleted, leading to environmental abuse by industries.

Jesyl Riz A. Camile

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