In Court. Let's Pray.: (Tatayo Lahat)

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Clerk of Court: All rise! Honorable Judge Aileen Delizo Casem is

in court. Let’s Pray.

Almighty god…--
(tatayo Lahat)
Judge: court is now in session. Call the cases.
(Upo lahat)
(tatayo clerk of Court, Public Prosecutor Atty. Gaco and Fred,
Court Interpreter, accused and Defense Counsel)
Clerk of Court: For arraignment: Criminal Case No.2010-1074
People of the Phils. v ROMY LIM y MIRANDA for violation of the
crime under RA 9165.
Clerk of Court: Appearances for prosecution and the defense.

Prosecutor Gaco: Your Honor, I’m Atty. Jenissa Gaco and I am

representing the People of the Philippines in this case. Ready
your honor.
Prosecutor Fred: ---
Defense Lawyer: --
Defense Lawyer 2:--
Proposed Stipulations:
Judge: Now, will the distinguished counsel of the accused admit
the following facts as appearing in the pre-trial brief of the
Defense: Yes/ No, your honor
Defense: Yes/ No, your honor
Q: Does the accused admit that they own the confiscated
Defense: Yes/ No, your honor
Q: Does the accused admit the jurisdiction of this court?
Defense: Yes, your honor
Judge: please take note of this stipulation, Clerk of Court. Does
the prosecution have any comments?
Prosecution: No, your Honor.
Judge: Now, we proceed to the evidences and witnesses to be
presented by both parties. Prosecution counsel may start.
Prosecutor Fred:
Presentation of evidences
I am here with me your Honor documentary and object
evidences which I move to be marked as Exhibit 1 to Exhibit #a.
Your honor, Exhibit 1 is the _____ to prove the buy bust
operation on --

Judge: Mark it.

Prosecutor Fred: Exhibit 2, your Honor, is the Judicial Joint
Affidavit of Complainant to prove that --
Judge: Mark it.
Prosecutor Fred: Exhibit 3, your Honor, is the Judicial Affidavit
of Poseur buyer--
Judge: Mark it.
Prosecutor Fred: Exhibit 4, your Honor, is the Laboratory result
conducted by –
Judge: Mark it.

<insert possible evidences>

Judge: any further comments counsel?
Presentation of witnesses
Prosecutor 2:
Just for the record your honor, we have __ witnesses.
Defense: your Honor, we would like to manifest our reservation
for the cross examinations of the public complainant and the __
Judge: Mr. Clerk of Court, please take note. Are there any
additional exhibits and witnesses to be presented prosecution

Prosecution: < Gaco and Fred> None, your Honor.

Judge: Counsel for the Defense, please proceed with your
evidences and witnesses to be presented.
Defense: <presentation of their evidences>
Judge: have it marked.
Judge: Have it marked. Are there any additional exhibits and
witnesses to be presented defense counsel?
Defense: That would be all your Honor, Thankyou.
Prosecution: Just the same your Honor, we would like to
manifest our reservation for the cross examinations of the public
complainant and the __ witnesses.
Judge: Any further comments counsels?

Defense & Prosecution: None your Honor.

Judge: there being no other evidences to mark and witnesses to
be presented, set the case for trial on <Date>< mm/dd/yy/ at
<time>. Session adjourned.

---end of Pre-trial---

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