My Stand Matters

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Name: _Angela Nicole Cañ eso_ Yr.&Sec.: _10-Humility _ CP #__secret_


As a grade 10 student, have you decided on what SHS strand you will take after
this school year? I want you to ponder on this for a moment and answer this
question: How does one effectively convince others to take his/her stand?
Use the space below to express your answer.


How can I convince others to take my stand? Express your ideas in 75 words.

I don’t like convincing or pleasing other people, but if there will be a situation
that I need people to take my stand I’ll be confident and protect and fight for
whatever stand I’m in, I know people like people that are confident in that way
I’ll gain people to join me or take my stand , I will be patient but persistent in
terms of arguing/fighting for my stand, but I’ll listen to what the other side
says because I believe if you want to win an argument you need to be closer to
them so you’ll be able to think of a tactic that can destroy them,for me it’s all
about the confidence and how you handle the situation,and that’s how I’ll gain
people to take my side.


Ask your other family members or text a friend and ask them the same
question? Compare your answer with theirs. Which do you find very effective?
Reserve your answer as you continue to go through with this lesson.

In our featured selection, “The Iliad”, a young prince was challenged to choose
among power, glory in war, and the most beautiful woman as a partner. Given
the same situation/context, what would you choose? Feel free to express your
opinion because there will be no right or wrong responses but try to consider
the best strategies you find to convince us with your stand.

If I were the young prince, I would choose__achilles__

To give you some background on what the selection is all about, read the
excerpt of “Iliad” and “Odyssey.” Take note of the words used in the excerpt.

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