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On your book "mathematics in the Modern World" Answer the following:

PP 3 and 4 (Activity (Collaboration)



Ragwort Lily 3

Buttercup 5
21 Aster



Aster 21
PP 5.

 What is the 9th term? Answer: 34

 How did you solve the 9th term?

F9= F9−1 + F9−2

 = F8 + F7

 = 21 + 13

 = 34

 What is the pattern of Fibonacci sequence?

The pattern of Fibonacci sequence starts with a one or a zero and followed by a one.
Each of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of two preceding numbers.

 Find the 11th to 15th term of the Fibonacci sequence.

F11= F11−1 + F11−2
= F10 + F9
= 55 + 34
= 89

F12= F12−1 + F12−2

= F11 + F10
= 89 + 55
= 144

F13= F13−1 + F13−2

= F12 + F11
= 144 + 89
= 233

F14= F14−1 + F14−2

= F13 + F12
= 233 + 144
= 377

F15= F15−1 + F15−2

= F14 + F13
= 377 + 233
= 610
Pp.6 Find the following terms of the Fibonacci sequence

F35= F35−1 + F35−2

= F34 + F33
= 5702887 + 3524578
= 9227465
F40= F40−1 + F40−2
= F39 + F38
= 63245986 + 39088169
= 102334155
F47= F47−1 + F47−2
= F46 + F45
= 1836311903 + 1134903170
= 2971215073

Pp. 7 Analysis (Communication)

          my data

Distance from your knees to the ground A=17

Distance from your belly button to the ground B=36
Distance from the top of your head to your belly button C=23
Distance from wrist to your elbow D=8
Length of your hand E=7

Refer to the figure below: F=2

Give the ratio of the following and round-off your answer to the nearest ten thousandths.
1. B/C=1.5652
2. B/A=2.1176
3. D/E=1.1428
4. G/F=0.75
5. H/G=2

What can you say about the ratios from numbers 1 to 5?

PP 8 All items

Members B/C B/A D/E G/F H/G

Hazel 1.5652 2.1176 1.1428 0.75 2


Ryan 1.1064 1.9143 1.1111 1.75 1.2857


Juvanni 1.375 2.0952 1.3333 1.36 1.0294

Abstraction (Critical Thinking)

Write your conclusion on how evident is the golden ratio on the human body.

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