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This is the story of a 17 years old girl named

Veronica, whose life is turned upside down since her

parents got divorced. Three years after her parent
divorce, Veronica is still mad at them for choosing to be
separated. Even more mad when her dad moved to North
Carolina from New York. Her mother tells her that she
should spend her whole summer with her father. When she
agrees to go to North Carolina with her brother, she still
hasn’t spoken to her father. When they arrived to their
father’s house, you can see it in his father’s eyes that he
is happy to see his daughter and son again though she still
ignoring his father.

One day she decided to have a walk around the

neighborhood where she met Will. They spend too much
time together until they grew feelings toward each other.
In that time Will has a girlfriend but he still can’t stop
thinking about Veronica.

In the other side, her father and brother is spending

a lot of time together. He taught him how to surf and
have a lot of bonding to remember. Every night he is
waiting for Veronica to come home, Veronica always wants
to come home late every day to avoid her father. He
always sit on his piano and plays a song. He feels sad
because of the tarnished relationship he had with his
daughter at that time Veronica realized what she did and
that she is here to spend and make time for her father.
Then she decided to make an effort, she started eating
breakfast with him, watched their favorite movie
together, keeping him company and spend a father and
daughter bonding. This is where she realized how she is
kind a stupid for ignoring her father for such a long time.
Days past Will broke up with his girlfriend and started to
court Veronica. It doesn’t took long and they become an
official couple.

Then one day Veronica noticed something strange to

his father. He keeps on getting weaker and weaker each
day. But she just shake that thought, think positive and
pray, until one night her father was coughing fit until his
face was covered up of blood. At that moment she was
afraid because she knows that there is something terribly
wrong about her father.

They learned that he has a stomach cancer that is

spreading across his organs and he is going to die in less
than a year. They spent their last days taking good care
of their father. Veronica and Will broke up as Will is going
to continue his college in Europe. She decided to stay
while his brother returns to New York as she continue to
take care of her father she discovered that she is working
on an unfinished song, she decided to work it out and
finish the song for her father. After the song has been
finished, she plays it to him on the piano which become
their last song. After a while she discovered that her
father wasn’t breathing anymore. Veronica plays their last
song during the burial of her father. Then one day she
received a phone call from Will saying he has decided to
request a transfer to Columbia University to be with her.

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