Stress Management and Coping Mechanism of Stem Students

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Stress management and coping

mechanism of stem students

Marlson Gray B. Cabatan

Kyla Mae S. Caticat

Jay-Anne D. Cayamdas

Clarice Kate G. Bilagot

Chervin B. Ceriaco





Stress is the body’s response to physical, mental or
emotional pressure that causes chemical changes in the body that
can raise blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar levels. It
may also lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, anger and
depression (National Cancer Institute, 2020). Stress is a normal
human reaction that happens to everyone and it can be positive,
keeping us alert, motivated and ready to avoid danger (Cleveland
Clinic,2021). Hans Selye (1956) first popularized the concept of
“stress” in the 1950s. He then theorized that all individuals
respond to all types of threatening situations in the same
manner, and he called this the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

Stress is inevitable and unfortunately, it produces headache,

neck crick and causes many health problems that include
depression, anxiety, heart disease and stroke (Clark, 2013). In
the year 2020, our country has 58% reported cases of stress
(Single care,2020). The common cause of stress are family
problems, money, work, responsibilities and education.
Previous research indicates that self-reported stress is
associated with the presentation of anxious states and lower
well-being (Carter, Garber, Ciesla, & Cole, 2006; Kessler, 1997;
Robotham & Julian, 2006). The way in reducing distress is by
providing students with a feeling of control over their
education, information about what to expect, and feedback
regarding what can be done to improve their performance and

Background of the Study

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can
come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated,
angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge
or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when
it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress
lasts for a long time, it may harm your health.
You put your overall well-being at risk if you live with
excessive levels of stress. Stress has a negative impact on both
your mental and physical wellbeing. It makes it difficult to
think clearly, perform efficiently, and enjoy life. It may appear
like there is nothing you can do to relieve tension. The bills
will never stop arriving, the days will never be longer, and your
job and family obligations will always be demanding. However, you
have far more control than you may believe. Effective stress
management helps you break the hold stress on your life, so you
can be happier, healthier, and more productive. The ultimate goal
is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships,
relaxation, fun and the resilience to hold up under pressure and
meet challenges head on. But stress management is not one-size-
fits-all. That’s why it’s important to experiment and find out
what works best for you.
Significance of the Study
Everyone experiences stress. Stress is the feeling of being
overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.
Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different
situations or life events can cause stress, it is often triggered
when we experience something new, unexpected or some things that
threatens our sense of self.

To the Parents: This study will benefit the parents, they will
realize and learn that their child or their children also
experience stress. This study will also show them how to manage
or how to cope up with the challenges and stress faced by their

To the Teachers: They will be gaining insights in regard to the

stressors that has been affecting the students. For them to gain
knowledge prior to this psychological issue and to be aware with
it that may result to give them ideas and to encourage them to
support and guide students through handling stress.

To the Senior High STEM Students: This study will help students
to determine their level of stress and develop personal
strategies to reduce or overcome their stress. The students will
be able to use this study as awareness in order to be
knowledgeable at the stress that they are facing and to help them
or let them know how to manage stress and cope up with it.
Students will be able to understand different perspectives from
different students and it will inspire, enlighten and benefit
them in a way that it will serve as their basis or standard of
their goal or motivations to try and avoid or prevent this kind
of stress. Knowing that these stresses are a strong external
factor to academic performances they will still give their best
to reach their goals despite its contribution to obstacles and
struggles in life.

To the Researchers: This study will allow the researchers to gain

knowledge on how the respondents managed and coped up with the
perceived stress in dealing with their academic performances to
further maximize the ideas and broaden the concept of overcoming
such difficulties in having academic stress with academic

To the Future Researchers: The results or findings of this study

will serve as a good source of accurate and useful information
for them. It can also be a basis for them if ever there are more
types of perceived stress that can relate or connect to their
future related studies in different locale. They may extend the
prior knowledge with the information given and if ever they
might’ve like to deepen the understanding and ideas in regards to
the current study.

Significance of the Study

Everyone experiences stress. Stress is the feeling of being
overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure.
Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different
situations or life events can cause stress, it is often triggered
when we experience something new, unexpected or some things that
threatens our sense of self.

To the Parents: This study will benefit the parents, they will
realize and learn that their child or their children also
experience stress. This study will also show them how to manage
or how to cope up with the challenges and stress faced by their

To the Teachers: They will be gaining insights in regard to the

stressors that has been affecting the students. For them to gain
knowledge prior to this psychological issue and to be aware with
it that may result to give them ideas and to encourage them to
support and guide students through handling stress.

To the Senior High STEM Students: This study will help students
to determine their level of stress and develop personal
strategies to reduce or overcome their stress. The students will
be able to use this study as awareness in order to be
knowledgeable at the stress that they are facing and to help them
or let them know how to manage stress and cope up with it.
Students will be able to understand different perspectives from
different students and it will inspire, enlighten and benefit
them in a way that it will serve as their basis or standard of
their goal or motivations to try and avoid or prevent this kind
of stress. Knowing that these stresses are a strong external
factor to academic performances they will still give their best
to reach their goals despite its contribution to obstacles and
struggles in life.

To the Researchers: This study will allow the researchers to gain

knowledge on how the respondents managed and coped up with the
perceived stress in dealing with their academic performances to
further maximize the ideas and broaden the concept of overcoming
such difficulties in having academic stress with academic

To the Future Researchers: The results or findings of this study

will serve as a good source of accurate and useful information
for them. It can also be a basis for them if ever there are more
types of perceived stress that can relate or connect to their
future related studies in different locale. They may extend the
prior knowledge with the information given and if ever they
might’ve like to deepen the understanding and ideas in regards to
the current study.

Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework Since stress is one of the most
interesting, broad and mysterious subjects, its study is not only
limited to what happens to the body during a stressful situation,
but also to what occurs in the psyche of an individual. The
personal impact of a stressor also depends on one’s coping
resources and strategies. Coping resources are the personal and
contextual attributes individuals draw upon when dealing with a
challenge. Previous research indicates that self-reported stress
is associated with the presentation of anxious states and lower
well-being. Ongoing stress also precipitates the development of
more serious mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
In 2002-2003, Hanson & Austin and Weare & Gray proposed that
education settings can work to improve student academic related
stress through the provision of programs to decrease stress and
increase stress management and coping. A meta-analysis of 19
randomized controlled trials or quasi-experimental studies found
that school programs targeting stress management or coping skills
reduced stress ad improved coping skills among students. The
population level implementation of stress management and coping
skills programs would help young people to develop healthy coping
strategies in order to deal with the inevitable stressors of
life. (Hanson & Austin; Perry et al; Weare & Gray) According to
Lauren Ragland stress is part of being human, and it can help
motivate people to get things done. You may feel down or anxious
and that’s normal too for a while. Talking to your doctor if you
feel down or anxious for more than several weeks or if it starts
to interfere with your home or work life. Therapy, medication,
and other strategies can help. In the meantime, there are things
you can learn to manage stress before it gets to be too much.
Exercise, to start with physical activity can help improve your
sleep and better sleep means better stress management. People who
exercise also tend to feel less anxious and more positive about
themselves. Diet, the benefits of eating health foods extend
beyond your waistline to your mental health. A healthy diet can
lessen the effects of stress, build up your immune system, level
your mood, and lower your blood pressure. Sleep, a common side
effect of stress is that you may struggle to fall asleep. Lack of
sleep can also add to your stress level and cause a cycle of
stress and sleeplessness, better sleep habits can help.
Relaxation techniques can also help such as yoga, meditation,
deep breathing, and bio feedback, connecting with people,
behavior, laugh therapy and talk therapy. (Medically reviewed by
Michael W. Smith, MD.)
Objectives of the Study
1. Level of stress of STEM students of CCDC.
1.1. significant difference in the level of stress of STEM
students when respondents are grouped according to
2. Significant difference in the level of the coping mechanisms
of stress when respondents are grouped according to
2.2. Level of effectiveness of coping mechanisms of STEM

Design and Methodology

Research design
The study utilizes the descriptive method using quantitative
approaches in gathering information that aims to accurately and
systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon.
Krathwohl D.R., (2009), defined descriptive research as a
purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, and
tabulating data about prevailing condition, practices, beliefs,
processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making
adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or
without the aid of statistics method.
Creswell, (2002) asserts that quantitative research
originated in the physical sciences, particularly in chemistry
and physics. Descriptive research involves identification of
attributes of a particular phenomenon based on an observational
basis, or the exploration of correlation between two or more
phenomena. Descriptive research involves collecting data in order
to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current
status of the subject of the study. The descriptive research
method primarily focuses on describing the nature of a
demographic segment, without focusing on “why” a particular
phenomenon occurs.

Population and Locale

The study will be conducted at Cordillera Career Development
College, which is located in Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet.
The respondents will be the grade STEM students of Cordillera Career
Development College Senior High School. The population depends on
the number of the students per class.

Table 1. Population of the Study

Section Number of Respondents Percentage

STEM 11-A 20 25%

STEM 11-B 20 25%

STEM 12-A 20 25%

STEM 12-B 20 25%

Total 80 100%

Data Gathering procedures

For this study, a letter of request to conduct the study was
prepared and sent to the senior high school coordinator and the
adviser. Upon approval, the researchers themselves administer the
questionnaires to the respondents. Before administering the
questionnaires, the respondents will be informed about the purpose of
the study and the importance of their responses. The researchers will
emphasize that their identity and privacy will be ensured and their
answers to the questionnaires will be confidential to others. After
the respondents answered the questionnaires, the researchers will
collect the questionnaires and the responses will be tallied,
tabulated, and analyzed. The data will be treated with

Data Gathering Tool

For the purposes of this research, questionnaire-checklist
is used. The researcher used questionnaire-checklist because it
is one of the more common survey question types, and they are
also used heavily in data collection forms. The questionnaire-
checklist consists of the following parts:
Part I deals on the level of stress to STEM students of
Cordillera Career Development College; Part II focused on the
level of different coping mechanisms of STEM students. As far as
data collection tools were concerned, the conduction of the
research involved the use of semi-structured questionnaire, which
was used as an interview guide for the researcher. Some certain
questions were prepared, so as for the researcher to guide the
interview towards the satisfaction of research objectives.

Treatment of the Data

The data that will be gathered from the respondents will be
treated statistically using frequency count, percentage
distribution, perceived stress scale (PSS), weighted mean and
Likert scale.
The following scales is used to determine the level of stress of
STEM students of Cordillera Career Development College.


p= x 10 0
P= percentage
f= number of respondent’s answer
N= Total number of respondents



(0) NEVER (2) OFTEN (4)
(1) (3)

To determine the level of effectiveness of coping
mechanisms to STEM students the following scales is
X =∑ X /N
∑X=sum of quantitative variables
N= total sample size


The respondents were given a chance to rate each statement
in the questionnaire given and their answers were given a
corresponding number as follows:



The responses were calculated same with its mean score.

After the computation, researchers come up with 5-point scale as
seen in the table.
“Stress and your health,” (2021). Retrieved from
Lawrence et al. (2020). Retrieved from

Cleveland Clinic (2021). Retrieved from

Selye, H. (1956). The Stress of Life. New York: McGraw-Hill.

National Cancer Institute (2020) Definition of stress. Retrieved

Pascoe, M. (2020). The impact of stress on students in secondary

school and higher education. Retrieved from

Ragland, L. (2020). Ways to manage stress. Retrieved from
Communication letter
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Career Development College
Senior High School Department
w. Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet
September 2021
The researchers are currently conducting a study entitled “Stress
management and coping mechanism of STEM students: A descriptive study”
for the completion of their subject ACAD 12 for the SY 2021-2022.
In this connection, may they be given permission from your office to
administer questionnaires to Grade 11 and 12 STEM students in your
department. Please see attached questionnaire for your perusal. It
will be assured that the respondents will voluntarily answer the
Thank you so much for your favorable action on this request. Rest
assured that their answers will be kept with strict confidentiality
and will solely be used in this study.
Respectfully yours,
Cabatan, Marlson Gray B.
Caticat, Kyla May S.
Ceriaco, Chervin B.
Cayamdas, Jay-ann D.
Bilagot, Clarice Kate G.

Fabiola A. Lucop, Ph.D Amor B. Segundo, MAEd

Adviser SHS Program Coordinator

Approved: ____________________
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Career Development College
Senior High School Department
W. Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet

September 2021

Dear Respondent:

The researchers are currently conducting a study entitled “Stress

management and coping mechanism of STEM students: A Descriptive Study”
for the completion of their subject ACAD 12 for the SY 2021-2022.

Permission to administer questionnaire has been granted to researchers

by your coordinator for the purpose of gathering the data needed in
the study.

In this connection, your full cooperation in answering the questions

is hereby requested and may we request you to please answer the
questionnaire honestly. Rest assured that all information that you
provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much.


Cabatan, Marlson Gray B.

Caticat, Kyla May S.
Ceriaco, Chervin B.
Cayamdas, Jay-ann D.
Bilagot, Clarice Kate G.
Direction: please check the column of your perception on the
level of Stress management and coping mechanism using the legend
1-Almost Never
3-Fairly Often
4-Very Often

Table 1.1 Symptoms as to Acute Stress

Symptoms Never Almost Sometimes Fairly Very
Never Often Often
Less awareness
of the world
around them
from reality
Amnesia about
the triggering
Flashbacks to
the trauma in
which they feel
as though it’s
happening again
in real life
specific people
or places
Trouble Sleeping
Startling easily
Others please
Symptoms Never Almost Sometimes Fairly Very
Never Often Often
Panic Attack
Heartburn and
Muscular pain
and tightness
Others please
Table 1.2 Symptoms as to Episodic Acute stress

Table 1.3 Symptoms as to Chronic Stress

Symptoms Never Almost Sometimes Fairly Very
Never Often Often
Extreme or
on daily
Low self-
Changes in
appetite and
Feeling out
of control
Others please

PART 2. Level of effectiveness of different coping mechanisms of

STEM students
5- Strongly Agree
3-Neither Agree nor Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

TABLE 1.1 Strategies as to Task-oriented coping

STRATEGIES 5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (NAnD) (D) (SD)
I concentrate myself on doing
I do some direct action about it,
one step at a time
I make a plan action
I take additional action to get
around my problem.
Others please specify.

TABLE 1.2 Strategies as to emotion-oriented coping

STRATEGIES 5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (NAnD) (D) (SD)
I discuss my feelings to someone I
I talk to my family/friends about
my situation.
I get sympathy, understanding and
care when sharing my thoughts.
I try to get some emotional support
from my loved ones.
Others please specify.

TABLE 1.3 Strategies as to avoidance-oriented coping

STRATEGIES 5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (NAnD) (D) (SD)
I do some activities to take my
mind of my thoughts.
I avoid reality-testing my
I avoid people who trigger my
I avoid people with toxic traits
and personality.
Others please specify.

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