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BA1A ZGE-1106

Who are the perpetrators and who are the victims? Briefly state your answer on a piece of
paper. Take a photo and send jpg file in the canvas later.

On the other hand, the Muslims can be viewed as perpetrators since they possessed lethal
weaponry, were highly organized, and constructed fearsome swift vessels that raced
circles around the larger and heavier Western ships. For more than 300 years, these
warriors, either sanctioned by their separate Sultanates or their own tribal leaders, opposed
colonial occupation and control, unleashing a wave of terror across the archipelago.
However, there is evidence that they were not the savages that they were portrayed to be.
Some historians have argued that these were indigenous people merely defending their
way of life from the conquering colonial forces. Others have said that we need to put this
violence and slave raids into the proper perspective. Moros just want to be free of their
territories, and they fight against the Spaniards' plan to convert them to Christianity.The
tribes' response was required since the Spaniards attempted to impose their own beliefs on
them, which made them feel oppressed, resulting in a brutal battle that did not end well.

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