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Names: Kyle Joshua Ramos Class Code: USELF_D

Roman Jaime Trajera Date Submitted: July 11, 2021

4.1 ELABORATE SELFIE: group activity

Ramos, Kyle Joshua

Trajera, Roman Jaime

1. When you take your selfie, how do you see yourself?

When I looked at my photo, the first thing that came to my mind is that I am a very jolly
and photogenic person. I like to pose every time I or somebody else takes a picture of
me. I see myself as a very likeable and congenial person to others. Other than that, I
am quite happy and optimistic.

I looked at myself as happy go lucky person. I see myself as a person that has both light
and strong characteristics. And as you can see, I am much approachable even though
we are not close.

2. When you exchange photos, imagine how:

• You appear to that person
• That person thinks about you based on how you appear to him/her
• How that person feels about us, based on the judgements made by us

From what I look like in my photo, I can imagine that my partner sees me as someone
who talks too much. I can also imagine that he thinks I like to take photos a lot and I am
very clingy to my friends. I also believe that he will notice my nose because many of my
friends always mention my nose whenever we talk with each other in chat and I send
them my photos which I really wonder what is so special about it. Other than that, I think
my partner would agree with what I think about him with the picture he sent me that he
looks like someone who does not take pictures or does not feel comfortable taking
selfies. He seems very kind and courteous to me which I think he would agree on. I
suppose that my partner will feel good about my judgements about him.

I think my partner sees me as a funny person and nice to get along with. Even though I
kinda got an awkward selfie, I gave my partner many impressions that we both could
relate to. I think my partner and I both have similarities based on our selfies, and with
that, I think we both have plenty of things to agree on and I feel that we both could
understand each other.
3. How do you see yourself after reflecting on what you think others see,
think and feel about you?

After doing this group activity with my partner Kyle, I was able to reflect and eventually
see myself as a person that cannot resist not talking with his friends. Before I always
thought of myself as an introvert but then I realized that I am actually an extrovert. I
want to be the life of the party. I want to talk a lot, especially with my friends. I am also
very photogenic whenever someone takes pictures despite acting that I don’t want to be
in the photo. Moreover, I think people feel very intimidated to talk to me because I have
this “suplado” vibe yet I assure them that I am a very approachable person. I really have
to work on that because I don’t want others to avoid me because I have that kind of
presentment for them.

For me, it made me feel conscious, but not anxious, as I was doing this activity with
Roman. It made me feel more mature because I was aware of myself which I was also
able to relate to my partner. I see myself as a person who wants to relate to others
because I don't want to be someone who is left out. Furthermore, as this activity
progressed I found myself someone who wants to compromise and avoid problems.

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