Arts 8 First Summative 2021 - Google Forms

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10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

Arts 8
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Choose the letter of the correct answer

Multiple Choice

3. ___ 1. Thai silk is mainly produced in _____ which is the center of the silk 1 point
industry in Thailand.

Mark only one oval.

a. Takeo

b. Khorat

c. Kampot

d. Ha Dong 1/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

4. ___ 2. This is the center of weaving and sericulture of the many Vietnamese 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Takeo

b. Khorat

c. Kampot

d. Ha Dong

5. ___ 3. Today the richest and most elaborate and vivid wooden Sculpture in 1 point
Indonesia can be found in

Mark only one oval.

a. Bali and Batak

b. Bali and Jepara

c. Borobudur in Central Java

d. Bali and Borobudur

6. ___ 4. The most common fabric in Malaysia and Singapore. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Batik

b. Krama

c. Sihn

d. Ebony satin 2/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

7. ___ 5. Brunei’s traditional textile is also called batik, but it is uniquely different 1 point

because it designs have their ___

Mark only one oval.

a. National hero

b. geometric motifs

c. national tree

d. national flower

8. ___ 6. These are made up of rice paper with a bamboo frame which contains a 1 point
fuel cell or small candle.

Mark only one oval.

a. Flying carpet

b. Flying lantern

c. Wayang kulit

d. Wau kite

9. ___ 7. A type of puppet shadow play performed around the Indo – Malayan 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Flying carpet

b. flying lantern

c. Wayang kulit

d. Wau kite 3/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

10. ___ 8. This is a type of cap from Brunei which is made from velvet. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Sihn

b. dastar

c. tangkolok

d. songkok

11. ___ 9. A Malaysian kite wherein its wings are similar to Arabic letter. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Songkok

b. Flying lantern

c. Wayang kulit

d. Wau kite

12. ___10. A men’s head gear for Muslims which is a piece of cloth tied around 1 point

the head.

Mark only one oval.

a. Sihn

b. Dastar

c. Tangkolok

d. Songkok 4/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

13. ___11. This type of sculpture has been both passion and a livelihood for many 1 point


Mark only one oval.

a. Bronze carving

b. Wood carving

c. Stone carving

d. Ice carving

14. ___12. This culture in Vietnam is famous for its kettledrums, small carvings 1 point

and home utensils.

Mark only one oval.

a. Dong Son

b. Dong Noi

c. Lam Dong

d. Cengal

15. ___13. The Sri Mariamam Hindu temple is as old as ___________. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Singapore

b. Bangkok

c. Indonesia

d. Malaysia 5/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

16. ___14. This was conceived because the Singapore Tourism board felt the 1 point

country lacked a distinct image representing the nation.

Mark only one oval.

a. Ukiran Kasar

b. Buddha

c. Merlion

d. Dong Son

17. ___15. This is the preferred wood for building houses and boats in Malaysia. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Ukiran Kasar

b. Cengal

c. Merlion

d. Dong Son

18. ___16. Silk weaving : Cambodia ; Golden thread silk : _____________ 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Indonesia

b. Malaysia

c. Vietnam

d. Thailand 6/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

19. ___17. Batik : Indonesian- Malay ; _______________ : Vietnam 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Handicrafts

b. Sihn

c. Silk weaving

d. Ebony satin

20. ___18. Wayang kulit: Ramayana ; Tangkolok: _________ 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Songkok

b. Dalang

c. Flying lantern

d. Sa

21. ___19. Handicraft : Cambodia ; Silk painting : _______________. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a. Brunei

b. Vietnam

c. Indonesia

d. Thailand 7/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

22. ___20. The Lao women’s ankle long skirt whose form is undeniable but whose 1 point
patterns are unique is called_____.

Mark only one oval.

a. Silk worm

b. Krama

c. Sihn

d. Ebony satin

Complete the Activity Sheet on Paper Bead Making

Paper Bead Making

23. Materials: 5 points

What are the materials to be used in Paper Bead Making? 8/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

24. Procedure: 5 points

Give the step-by-step prcess of making paper beads:

Compare the Philippines' Bul'ul and Singapore's Merlion using Venn

The Bul'ul and the diagram.
Merlion 9/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

25. 1. What can you say about the Bul'ul? 2 points 10/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

26. 2. What can you say about the Merlion? 2 points 11/12
10/2/21, 9:04 AM Arts 8

27. What do they have in common? 2 points

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