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Raju Kurniawan1, Rachmawati Rachmawati 2, Delita Sartika3
1, 2, 3
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, English Education Study Program, University of Jambi
Jln. Jambi-Ma. Bulian Km. 15, Mendalo Darat, Jambi, Indonesia

The purposes of the study are to discover the forms of Indonesian proverbs equated into English and to find out
the cultural similarities and differences between Indonesian proverbs and English equivalences. The researcher
collected the data which were documents. The sources of data were Himpunan Lengkap Peribahasa Nusantara,
Kamus Peribahasa, A Compleat Collection of English Proverb, Proverb from around the World, and Oxford
Dictionary of Proverb. After doing the data collection, the data were analysed by comparing and contrasting
Indonesian proverbs and English equivalences. The result of this study showed that many of the Indonesian
proverbs and English equivalences had the equal meaning. However, there were differences in the forms of the
proverbs; types of sentences and proverbs, the structure of Proverbs, and proverbs features. They were influ-
enced by cultures. They are five culture aspects; history, religion, values, social organization, and language. As
suggestion, the researcher recommends that the next researcher examines the EFL students perceptive about
Indonesian proverbs and their English equivalences.

Keywords: Translating, Indonesian Proverbs, English Equivalences

INTRODUCTION Different cultural perspective influences the

view of interpretation human values lived in socie-
ty. Cultural reflected how the language used. The
Setyowati (2013) said that “Language has
language used and Communication form referred to
many functions apart from becoming a means of
culture where Content and Knowledge are core
communication” (p. 159). One of the functions is in
values. In Asian culture especially South-east Asian
to give insight into the culture of its users. One of
Communities, the core value are harmony, charity,
the functions is in to give insight into the culture of
or tolerance of ambiguity even though in European
its users. The communication is shown by interac-
culture, they are orderliness and directness (Clyne,
tion in society. One of the functions is in to give
1994 as cited in Bowe & Martin, 2007).
insight into the culture of its users. The communi-
cation is shown by interaction in society.
“Translation is useful in promoting the multi-
lingual interaction in a society with a number of
Communication among people of different
official languages” (Mabunda, 2013). Interactions
cultural backgrounds is thus complex and can
of two languages influence the uniqueness of cross-
sometimes be confusing. Intercultural communica-
cultural issue as study material. “The processes of
tion requires not only knowledge of the linguistic
translation are facilitating both linguistic and cul-
system itself, but also the development of intercul-
tural transfer” (Panou, 2013).
tural competence (Witte and Solidify, 2011). Inter-
cultural competence is the ability to interact with
“Culture is the ways of thinking, the ways of
people from another culture in a foreign language
acting, and the material objects that together form a
(Holliday, Hyde, and Kullman, 2004; Spencer-
people’s way of life” (Macionis, 2012). Culture
Oatey, and Franklin, 2004; Byram, 2008; Samovar,
refers to attitudes, norms, and belief (Rong, 2013).
Porter, McDaniel, and Sexton Roy, 2015). Bennett
To transfer culture from one to next generation, the
(2015) seemed that interaction of cultural and inter-
ancestor have created masterpieces; folklore, leg-
cultural context formed acculturation. Acculturation
end, proverb, and so forth.
refers to the procedure of social and mental change
that happens therefore of contact between social
Mieder (2004) stated that proverb is a folklore
gatherings and their individuals. Intercultural com-
which contains wisdom, moral and traditional val-
petence and acculturation affect toward cross-
ues. Rong (2013) indicated that the proverb is a
cultural translation.

symbol of culture. The proverb principles could be ed toward Indonesian cultural terms from the
adapted, or adopted from other culture. The mes- source books. First, “Himpunan Lengkap Peribaha-
sages of proverbs are interesting to be discussed sa Nusantara” was compiled by Sudaryanto (2015).
because proverbs contain many values. Sometimes Second, “Kamus Peribahasa” was accumulated by
the values of the different nationalities are the same S.R.S Abbas (2010). Then, the researcher found the
and they are similar. They affect how the proverbs English equivalences. There were several books as
are translated from one to other languages. data to find English equivalences. First,“A Com-
pleat Collection of English Proverb” was composed
Proverb is frequently obtained from compara- by Ray (1767). “Second, Proverb from around the
ble dialects and societies, and in some cases come World” was compiled by Gleason (1992). The last,
down to the present through more than one dialect. “Oxford Dictionary of Proverb” was accumulated
Proverb could be shared culture ideas from one by Simpson and Speake (2008).
nation to another.
Indonesian (SL): Alah bisa karena biasa.
English (TL): Practice makes perfect. The sources of data were proverb collection
book and proverb dictionary as mentioned earlier.
“Alah bisa karena biasa” means this proverb The data were categorised based upon the Matti
reflects to clausal relationship rather than English is Kuusi’s international type system of proverbs
simple sentence. Alah bisa is interpretation of (Kuusi (1972 as cited in Lauhakangas, 2015); A:
makes perfect. It means the output of high frequent- practical knowledge of nature, B: faith and basic
ly of activity rather than biasa is representation of attitudes, C: basic observations and sociologic, D:
Practice. It means the factor how the output came. the world and human life, E: sense of proportion, F:
concepts of morality, G: social life, H: social inter-
Indonesian (SL): Tak ada rotan, action, J: communication, K: social position, L:
akarpun jadi agreements and norms, M: coping and learning, and
English (TL): Half a loaf is better T: time and sense of time. Here, 57 Indonesian
than none. proverbs and their English equivalences were in
table 1:
“Tak ada rotan, akarpun jadi” has closer
meaning to half a loaf is better than none.“Tak ada Table 1: The Indonesian proverbs equated into English
rotan, akarpun jadi” means meskipun kurangbaik
mutunya, kalau terdesak terpakai juga. It has same
meaning toward half a loaf is better than none, Group Indonesian Meaning English
which means it is better to accept less than one Proverbs Equivalences
A Cewang di if you can The farther
wants, or expects than to have nothing at all.
langit per- see far off the sight, the
tanda panas, over the sea nearer the rain
Based the background, the researcher pro- gabak di hulu its going to
posed two research questions. First, what are the tanda akan rain
Indonesian proverbs equated into English? Second, hujan
what are the cultural similarities and differences Badai pasti There is After a storm
between Indonesian proverbs and English equiva- berlalu always hap- comes a calm.
lences? piness after
every sor-
row, also
In relation to the problem of the study, the ob-
show total.
jectives of the study are to discover the Indonesian Harapkan Be grateful A bird in the
proverbs equated into English and to find out the guruh with some- hand is worth
cultural similarities and differences between Indo- dilangit, air di thing you two in the
nesian proverbs and English equivalences. tempayan have bush
Emping The unfor- A rainbow in
METHODS terserak hari tunate per- the morn, put
hujan son manag- your hook in
To gain the result of study, the researcher con- es his busi- the corn; a
ducted the descriptive qualitative study through ness rainbow at
document analysis. The researcher took the data eve, put your
from the secondary source. The researcher took 57 hook in the
Indonesian proverbs which lexical units were relat-

B Biar lambat Do some- Slow and Susah senang Life is a Life is no bed
asal selamat, thing care- steady wins permainan challenging of roses
takkan lari fully even it the race hidup and/or un-
gunung is slow pleasant
dikejar situation.
Jauh di mata When some- Far from eye,
Usai men- Things often Man proposes dekat di hati thing is not far from
jalani, takdir don't turn but god dis- nearby, it is hearth
menyudahi out as you poses unforgotten
have about
planned. Kalau kail We need to Don’t off
Tangan di Giving is It is better to panjang se- have more than you
atas lebih more better give than to jengkal, jan- knowledge can chew
mulia da- than receive receive gan lautan or experi-
ripada tangan hendak ence before
di bawah diduga we do
Lepas dari After you Out of the something
mulut harim- are escape frying-pan Laksana Person who If cold at St.
au jatuh ke from dan- into the fire jentayu me- miss his/her Peter’s day, it
mulut buaya ger, don’t nantikan hu- darling. will last long-
try to get jan er
into another E Tiada rotan Be grateful Half a loaf is
danger akarpun jadi with some- better than
Seiring bertu- All the All roads lead thing you none
kar jalan, seia methods of to Rome have
bertukar sebut doing some- Tiada gading Nobody There is no
thing will yang tak retak perfect garden with-
achieve the out its weeds
same result Kalau tak ada Among In the country
in the end elang, bela- people with of the blind,
C Dimana Bumi Wherever When in lang menjadi a disad- the one-eyed
dipijak disitu we live, we Rome do as raja vantage or man is king
Langit must ob- the Romans disability,
dijunjung serve the do the person
local custom with the
Seekor kerbau When one A bad apple mildest
berkubang, person af- spoils the disad-
sekandang fect another barrel vantage or
kena lumpur- person disability is
na dominant;
Nasi sudah People re- Don't cry over even some-
jadi bubur gret some- spilt milk one with
thing which limited tal-
happens is ent or abil-
of no use ity is con-
and does not sidered
change any- special by
thing those having
ibarat mem- Don't give a pearl has no talent or
beri bunga something been cast ability
kepada kera to someone before swine Bagai makan In a no-win Between the
who can not buah sima- situation devil and the
appreciate it lakama where all deep blue sea
Tangan men- You must As you make the possible
cencang, bahu accept the your bed, you solutions
memikul conse- must lie on it have a terri-
quences of ble or unde-
your actions sirable out-
D Kasih itu roh Love do not Love is blind come
yang buta choose F Belum People Don’t count
beauty only. beranak su- should not your chickens
dah berbesan be too opti- before they
mistic about are hatched.

before it matahari with what is shining
comes real. bersinar you are
In other doing
words, be- Harimau Even some- Barking dogs
ing too op- mengaum tak one is really seldom bite
timistic is akan me- angry, they
not good nangkap will not
Biar berputih Dead is Better dead attack you
tulang, asal- more better than dishon- Ringan sama Collabora- Many hands
kan jangan than give up our dijinjing berat tion, sharing make light
berputih mata sama dipikul of burden work, too
Bangsa an- People often Stolen fruit is irrespective many cooks
jing, kalau enjoy illicit sweetest of the spoil the broth
makan ko- things just weight
toran membau because (through
pun boleh they are thick and
juga illicit. thin).
Memancing di Take ad- It is good Hujan emas di Our place East, west,
air keruh vantage of fishing in negeri orang, are the best home's the
chaotic muddy water hujan batu di compared to best
situations negeri sendiri, the others
and circum- elok juga
stances to negeri awak
seek per- J Diam seribu be quiet if Speech is
sonal gain bahasa lebih you don't silver, silence
G Buah takkan A son might The apple baik daripada want to hurt is gold
jatuh dari follow his never falls far berkata sia- someone
pohonnya father man- from the tree sia feeling
ner Tong kosong A person Empty vessels
Bunga gugur Every peo- Nothing is nyaring bun- who talks a make the most
putik pun ple will be certain but yinya lot usually sound
gugur die death and is usually
taxes empty in-
Mencegah It is best to Prevention is side(of
penyakit lebih take precau- better than knowledge)
baik daripada tions before cure (but not
mengobati a problem always)
arises Sedikit bicara What you Actions speak
Sedekat- Relation- Blood is banyak kerja do is more louder than
dekatnya tepi ships and thicker than significant words
kain, dekat loyalties water than what
juga tepi be- within a you say
bat family are K Jika kucing people will when the cat’s
the strongest pergi, tikus naturally away, the
and most menari take ad- mice will play
important vantage of
ones. the absence
Mengajarkan presume to Teach one’s of someone
orang tua advise a grandmother in authority
makan dadih more expe- to suck eggs to do as they
rienced like.
person. Diberi betis Not grateful Give him an
H Teman yang A person Laugh and the hendak paha, with what inch and he
tertawa ban- who is everyone diberi kuku they have will take a
yak sekali, cheerful will laughs with hendak meng- yard
teman me- have com- you; cry and garuk
nangis jarang pany, but you are on Dahulu bajak reverse the To put the cart
adanya. someone your own. daripada sapi proper order before the
who is or procedure horse
gloomy will of some-
often be thing
alone Ibarat pasir New own- New lords,
keringkan Take an Make hay sekali air ers, new new law
jerami saat advantage while the sun dalam sekali orders.

berubah pay another,
L Besar pasak Expense is Cut your coat leaving the
daripada bigger than according to former at a
tiang income your cloth disad-
Adat dunia Compensa- An eye for an vantage;
balas mem- tion or retri- eye, a tooth discharge
balas, syariat bution that for a tooth one debt
palu-memalu is (or should only to in-
be) of an cur another.
equal Orang tua tak Someone One bitten
amount or kan ke- who experi- twice shy
degree to hilangan enced is
the injury or tongkatnya more be-
offense that dua kali ware
was origi- T Waktu itu Time is a Time is mon-
nally dealt uang dan valuable ey
Tak ada busuk Crime still Murder will berharga resource,
yang tak ber- detected. out therefore it
bau is better to
Sepandai- We make The pitcher do things as
pandai tupai plans but goes so often quickly as
meloncat, the outcome to the well possible.
akhirnya jatuh is often that it is bro- Berbilang If we want Charity begins
juga different ken at last dari esa, to do some- at home
from the mengaji dari thing, start it
expected alif from below
one. Uncon- Siapa cepat Be first First come,
sidered dia dapat before first served
factors or someone get
changed it
conditions Ikan terkilat make use of Strike while
often pro- jalan tiba an oppor- the iron is hot
duce an tunity im-
unexpected mediately.
M Alah bisa You contin- Practice
karena biasa ue to do makes perfect Most of Indonesian proverbs and their equiva-
something lences were classified as affirmative and negative
many times, declarative and affirmative and negative imperative
so that you sentence. Indonesian proverbs and their English
will learn to equivalences give information to the reader simply
do it very statements. All of clauses in Indonesian proverbs
well. ordered based CBA whereas clauses in English
Berakit-rakit There are No pain no translation organized in ABC. CBA was noun, ad-
kehulu bere- not success- gain
jective, and article than ABC was article, adjective,
nang ketepian, es without
bersakit-sakit difficulties and noun. Some of Indonesian proverbs and Eng-
dahulu berse- lish equivalences were figurative proverbs and few
nang-senang of them were literal proverbs. The last, they were
kemudian categorised as complex and simple sentences. Most
Membeli Kuc- Someone To buy a pig feature of Indonesian proverbs and their English
ing dalam avoid buy- in a poke equivalences were metaphor. Some of Indonesian
Karung ing (making proverbs and English equivalences were synecdo-
decision on) che, metonymy and paradox. The last, most of In-
donesian proverb did not use aspect (time signal)
knowing the
whereas English use aspect (tense).
detail since
it can cause Indonesia and English proverb reflected how
regret. the society transferred the message. Sometimes,
Gali lubang Take some- Rob Peter to Indonesian and English were similar however they
tutup lubang thing away pay Paul were different in some aspects. They were several
from one aspects of culture involve to form the proverb; his-
person to

tory, religion, values, social organization and lan- Emping, the element, portrayed that Indonesia
guage. was an agriculture country. In Indonesia, emping
was kind of snack. Emping was produced from
Next, the researcher presented the similarities melinjo (Lubis, 2013). It is a native plant of South-
and differences Indonesia and English cultures east Asia countries including Indonesia. Melinjo
based on Indonesian and English proverbs. The grows in the lowland rainforest under 1,700 meters
description was made based on the following cul- height. It is mostly cultivated in the gardens.
ture aspects; history, religion, values, social organi-
zation and language. Pasir-air was representative of a beach near a
sea. Then, some people in Indonesia were the fish-
The first aspect is history. The highlight of the erman. Indonesia's marine region is a world fishery
past events happens in country or society (Macio- paradise. About 37 per cent of fish species world-
nis, 2012). Several proverbs classified based on wide live in Indonesian waters. So, Indonesia had
history aspect below: been also known as the maritime country.
Burhanuddin, (2003) stated that “Indonesia
Table 2: History
maritime activities are as old as Indonesians them-
No Indonesian Proverbs English Equivalences
selves” (p.116). The reason is Indonesian ancestors
came from Yunan (Herimanto, 2009).

1 Emping terserak hari A rainbow in the morn, The second aspect is religion. Culture involves
hujan put your hook in the how the human belief organizes with religion. The
corn; a rainbow at eve, religion orders human activities. All cultures pos-
put your hook in the
sess a dominant, organized religion within which
2 Dimana Bumi dipijak When in Rome do as the
salient beliefs and activities can be given meaning
disitu Langit dijunjung Romans do and legitimacy. In the past, Indonesians were ani-
mism and dynamism then they would introduce to
certain region likes Hindu, Buddha, Islam, and
3 Hujan emas di negeri East, west, home's the Christianity (Lubis, 2013). Several proverbs were
orang, hujan batu di best presented in the table which portrayed religion in
negeri sendiri, elok the past. The use of words jentayu, takdir, esa-alif,
juga negeri awak
and syariat were related to Hindu-Buddha and Is-
4 Ibarat pasir sekali air New lords, new law
dalam sekali berubah
lam (see on table 3).

Table 3: Religion

Based on the table 2, it was concluded that In- No Indonesian Proverb English Equivalences
donesian and England in the past were famous for
their maritime and agricultural aspects. In the past,
Indonesian was influenced by Malay. They were 1 Laksana jentayu menan- If cold at St. Peter’s
emping terserak hari hujan, dimana bumi dipijak tikan hujan day, it will last longer
disitu langit dijunjung, hujan emas di negeri orang, 2 Usai menjalani, takdir Man proposes but god
hujan batu di negeri sendiri, elok juga negeri awak, menyudahi disposes
and ibarat pasir sekali air dalam sekali berubah. 3 Berbilang dari esa, Charity begins at home
Those proverbs applied the words of emping, bumi, mengaji dari alif
negeri, pasir, and air whether the things related to
maritime, agriculture and Malay’s culture. 4 Adat dunia balas mem- An eye for an eye, a
balas, syariat palu- tooth for a tooth
Negeri and Bumi were elements presented that memalu
Indonesia was influenced by Malay’s culture. Then,
Negeri and Bumi were officially Malay term to
state area or province. In the past, the indigenous First, Jetayu, an element was displayed reli-
group of Indonesia was a combination of indige- gion in Indonesia. Jetayu was derived from a San-
nous people of Indonesian, the Negritos, the Senois, skrit word Jatayu. In the Hindu epic Ramayana
the proto-Malays, the deutro-Malays (Hays, 2015a; wrote in Sanskrit, Jatayu was a demi-god in the
Wolters,, 2017). Most of Proto and deutro- form of a vulture and a friend of the epic’s hero,
melayu have developed became various ethnics in Rama. Despite his old age, Jatayu flew to rescue
Indonesia; Batak, Dayak and Toraja (Brown, 2003). Rama’s wife, Sita while she was being kidnapped
by a fearsome demon king, Ravana. Ravana cut

Jatayu’s wings leaving him mortally wounded to Next, God was the element which portrayed in
inform Rama of his wife’s abduction (Lubis, 2013). Britain. God was derived from Proto-Germanic or
Old English. Then, the word god related to Christi-
Second, takdir, the element was displayed re- anity because the Christianity entered in Britain in
ligion in Indonesia. Takdir was derived from Ara- the Anglo-Saxon period or Old English. In Christi-
bic word qadar (‫قدر‬‎ ). In the Islam, takdir refers to anity, the creator and ruler of the universe and
Allah’s granting of the agency, one of the aspects source of all moral authority; the supreme being
of Aqidah (Asmani, 2010). It meant that human (Alchin, 2017). Sometimes, the word God referred
tried to do the things but human beings were grant- to God Father.
ed agency by Allah, not through their own selves.
In addition, charity, the element was presented
Furthermore, esa-alif was the element which religion in Britain. The charity was derived from
portrayed religion in Indonesia. Esa was derived the Latin word cāritās. Then, Latin was Roman’s
from a Sanskrit word (Hopkins, 2002). It meant language (Payton and Moody, 2008). Then, The
only one. The word esa refer to first Indonesian Roman influenced Christianity in England. Then,
Principle or ideology; Pancasila. Then, alif was the charity referred to Christian love; representing
first alphabet in Arabic (Akkach, 2005). These were God's love of man, man's love of God, or man's
collaboration of Islam and Hindu terms. love of his fellow-men. So, charity related to the
God’s Love in Christianity.
The last, syariat, the element was presented re-
ligion in Indonesia from Adat dunia balas mem- The last, tooth, the element was shown reli-
balas, syariat palu-memalu. Syariat was derived gion in Britain. The tooth was derived from Old
from Arabic word syarî’ah ( ‫)شريعة‬. Syariat is the English word tōth. Tooth related to the folk story in
rule or the way to get the straight way or the right Britain; Tooth fairy. The tooth fairy was Christian
way (Latupono, 2017). So, Moeslem in Indonesia short story that when children lose one of their baby
must obey the syariat. If they broke the syariat, teeth, they should place it underneath their pillow
they get the sins. and the Tooth Fairy will visit while they sleep, re-
placing the lost tooth with a small payment (Joyse,
Many beliefs like Hindu, Buddha, Islam and 2008). Then, it would be the tradition for the child
Christianity were introduced that were accultura- to leave the tooth under a pillow for the Tooth Fairy
tions into Indonesian tradition and belief. Based on to collect.
the description above, Hindu, Buddha, and Islam
had more influenced toward Indonesian’s tradition. In Europe especially Britain during the medie-
val times, the only recognized religion was Christi-
However, in Europe, especially England dur- anity, in the form of the Catholic religion. The lives
ing the medieval times the only recognized religion of the medieval people of the Middle Ages were
was Christianity, in the form of the Catholic reli- dominated by the church (Alchin, 2017). Lang
gion. The lives of the medieval people of the Mid- (2006) said that “the Catholic Crunch always
dle Ages were dominated by the church (Alchin, claimed that it had been founded by Jesus Christ
2017). The equivalence of those proverbs was if himself and that St Peter was its first head" (p.
cold at St. Peter’s day, it will last longer, man pro- 185).
poses but god disposes, charity begins at home, and
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. The use of The next aspect is values. Though in general
words St. Peter’s day, god, charity, and tooth relat- both Indonesian proverbs and English equivalences
ed to Christianity. contained moral values. They contained caution,
optimistic, analytical, hypocrite, and pessimism.
Saint Peter, the element was displayed religion Indonesian proverbs and English equivalences val-
in Britain. Saint Peter was an important figure in ues were the same but they were a different style
Christianity generally and Roman Catholicism spe- and cultural value. The cultural value meant that the
cifically. For all Christians, he was regarded as one primary value in the society. The dominant Indone-
of Jesus’s leading disciples. For Roman Catholics, sian proverbs and English equivalence described
tradition said that Peter was the first bishop of the analytical of Indonesians and English in every-
Rome and therefore also the first pope (Lubis, day life.
2013). He established an unbroken line between the
current Catholic leadership and the disciples per- Indonesian and English ancestors were analyt-
sonally chosen by Jesus. ical. It showed from some proverbs such as Seekor
kerbau berkubang, sekandang kena lumpurna - A
bad apple spoils the barrel, Sedekat-dekatnya tepi

kain, dekat juga tepi bebat - Blood is thicker than rakit-rakit kehulu berenang ketepian, bersakit-sakit
water, Diam seribu bahasa lebih baik daripada dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian-No pain no
berkata sia-sia - Speech is silver, silence is gold gain. Although, people were failed, they could
and so on. They were the same but they were a dif- smile and try again. Then, they found the positive
ferent style and cultural values. sides. In Indonesian proverbs, it used couplet, direct
harmony, and tolerance to portray the value. Fig-
Indonesian proverbs described analytical val- urative language used in this proverb presented that
ues using indirectness because harmony and toler- Indonesian is indirectness, harmony, and tolerance.
ance values influenced the indirectness. However, Indonesian tries to keep the harmony in communi-
English equivalence proverbs described values cation (Do Thi Minh Ngoc, 2010). English proverb
straightforward because the freedom value influ- was straightforward and freedom to display the
enced the straightforward. People expressed freely value. English are freedom to make rational deci-
to make a rational opinion then they avoided the sions as autonomous moral agents about their own
harmony and tolerance (Bowe and Martin, 2007; best interests. So the freedom is important values in
Moffaat, 2012). For example; Sedekat-dekatnya English (Marshland, 1995; Lubis, 2013).
tepi kain, dekat juga tepi bebat - Blood is thicker
than water. Relationships and loyalties within a Indonesian and English ancestors were pessi-
family are the strongest and most important ones. mism. It showed from some proverbs such as nasi
To tell the value in the proverb, Sedekat-dekatnya sudah jadi bubur - don't cry over spilt milk, tiada
tepi kain, dekat juga tepi bebat told the value with rotan akarpun jadi - Half a loaf is better than none,
indirectness, harmony and tolerance. These prov- Bagai makan buah simalakama - Between the devil
erbs used figurative language that shown indirect- and the deep blue sea and so on. They were the
ness, harmony, and tolerance. Indonesian avoids same but they were a difference style and cultural
offensiveness and tries to keep the harmony. To values.
keep the harmony, Indonesian used indirectness to
communicate to each other (Do Thi Minh Ngoc, Indonesian proverbs described pessimism val-
2010). In other hands, Blood is thicker than water ues using indirectness because harmony and toler-
told the value with directness and freedom. English ance values influenced the indirectness style. How-
focussed to the topic of conversation. They free to ever, English equivalence proverbs described val-
communicate if the content is clear and they free to ues simple and straightforward because the freedom
make rational decisions as autonomous moral value influenced the straightforward style. People
agents about their own best interests. So the free- expressed freely to make a rational opinion then
dom is important values in English (Marshland, they avoided the harmony and tolerance (Bowe and
1995; Lubis, 2013). Then, English equivalence Martin, 2007; Moffaat, 2012). For example; nasi
cleared to explain the family value rather than In- sudah jadi bubur - don't cry over spilt milk. These
donesian. meant that regret did not change anything. nasi
sudah jadi bubur used indirect, harmony and toler-
Indonesian and English ancestors were opti- ance to portray the value. Indonesian keeps the
mism. It showed from some proverbs such as Badai harmony in communication. It was presented by
pasti berlalu- After a storm comes a calm, Usai this proverb. These proverbs used figurative lan-
menjalani, takdir menyudahi- Man proposes but guage that shown indirectness, harmony, and toler-
God disposes, Kalau tak ada elang, belalang men- ance. So, to keep the harmony, Indonesian used
jadi raja-In the country of the blind, the one-eyed indirectness to communicate to each other (Do Thi
man is king, Berakit-rakit kehulu berenang ketepi- Minh Ngoc, 2010). Don’t cry over spilt milk was
an, bersakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang straightforward and the freedom to display the val-
kemudian - No pain no gain, and so on. They were ue. This proverb presented that English is freedom
the same but they were a difference style and cul- to make opinion. Harmony is not important for
tural values. English. English are free to communicate if the
content is clear. So, English do not to keep harmo-
Indonesian proverbs described optimism val- ny in conversation (Marshland, 1995; Lubis, 2013).
ues using indirectness because harmony and toler-
ance values influenced the indirectness style. How- From the proverb Seiring bertukar jalan, seia
ever, English equivalence proverbs described val- bertukar sebut, sekadang tidak berbau- All roads
ues straightforward because the freedom value in- lead to Rome, Dimana Bumi dipijak disitu Langit
fluenced the straightforward style. People ex- dijunjung - When in Rome do as the Romans do,
pressed freely to make a rational opinion then they Jauh di mata dekat di hati - Far from eye, far from
avoided the harmony and tolerance (Bowe and hearth, and so on. Indonesian and English ancestors
Martin, 2007; Moffaat, 2012). For example; Be-

were hypocrite. They were the same but they were (Do Thi Minh Ngoc, 2010). English proverb was
a difference style and cultural values. straightforward and freedom to display the value.
English are freedom to make rational decisions as
Indonesian proverbs described hypocrite val- autonomous moral agents about their own best in-
ues using indirectness because harmony and toler- terests. So the freedom is important values in Eng-
ance values influenced the indirectness style. How- lish (Marshland, 1995; Lubis, 2013).
ever, English equivalence proverbs described val-
ues straightforward because the freedom value in- Biar lambat asal selamat, takkan lari gunung
fluenced the straightforward style. People ex- dikejar- Slow and steady wins the race, Belum
pressed freely to make a rational opinion then they beranak sudah berbesan-Don’t count your chickens
avoided the harmony and tolerance (Bowe and before they are hatched, Mencegah penyakit lebih
Martin, 2007; Moffaat, 2012). For example; Seiring baik daripada mengobati- Prevention is better than
bertukar jalan, seia bertukar sebut, sekadang tidak cure, Orang tua tak kan kehilangan tongkatnya dua
berbau- All roads lead to Rome. Seiring bertukar kali - One bitten twice shy, and so on presented that
jalan, seia bertukar sebut, sekadang tidak berbau Indonesian and English ancestors were caution.
shared the value through indirectness, harmony and They were the same but they were a difference style
tolerance. This proverb used figurative language and cultural values.
that shown indirectness, harmony, and tolerance.
Indonesian avoids offensiveness and tries to keep Indonesian proverbs described caution values
the harmony. To keep the harmony, Indonesian using indirectness because harmony and tolerance
used indirectness to communicate to each other (Do values influenced the indirectness style. However,
Thi Minh Ngoc, 2010). All roads lead to Rome English equivalence proverbs described values
shared the value through straightforward and the straightforward because the freedom value influ-
freedom. English free to communicate if the con- enced the straightforward style. People expressed
tent is clear and they free to make rational decisions freely to make rational opinion then they avoided
as autonomous moral agents about their own best the harmony and tolerance (Bowe and Martin,
interests. So the freedom is important values in 2007; Moffaat, 2012). For example; Orang tua tak
English (Marshland, 1995; Lubis, 2013). kan kehilangan tongkatnya dua kali - One bitten
twice shy. In Indonesian proverbs, Orang tua tak
Indonesian and English ancestors were logic. kan kehilangan tongkatnya dua kali used indirect,
It showed from some proverbs such as Emping harmony and tolerance to portray the value. Indo-
terserak hari hujan - A rainbow in the morn, put nesian keeps the harmony in communication. It was
your hook in the corn; a rainbow at eve, put your presented by this proverb. These proverbs used
hook in the sheave, Tangan di atas lebih mulia da- figurative language that shown indirectness, har-
ripada tangan di bawah - It is better to give than to mony, and tolerance. So, to keep the harmony, In-
receive, Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, jangan lau- donesian used indirectness to communicate to each
tan hendak diduga - Don’t off more than you can other (Do Thi Minh Ngoc, 2010). Don’t cry over
chew and so on. They were the same but they were spilt milk was straightforward and the freedom to
a difference style and cultural values. display the value. This proverb presented that Eng-
lish is freedom to make opinion. Harmony is not
Indonesian proverbs described logic values us- important for English. English are free to com-
ing indirectness because harmony and tolerance municate if the content is clear. So, English do not
values influenced the indirectness style. Neverthe- to keep harmony in conversation (Marshland, 1995;
less, English equivalence proverbs described values Lubis, 2013).
straightforward because the freedom value influ-
enced the straightforward style. People expressed The fourth aspect is social organizations. The
freely to make the rational opinion then they avoid- organization shows how the culture involves in
ed the harmony and tolerance (Bowe and Martin, society. According to Lubis (2013) said that the
2007; Moffaat, 2012). For example; Kalau kail organization represent the various social units con-
panjang sejengkal, jangan lautan hendak diduga- tained within the culture. Here, several proverbs
Don’t off more than you can chew. We need to reflected the social organization aspect see on the
have knowledge or experience before we do some- table.
thing. Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, jangan lautan
hendak diduga assigned value harmony, tolerance,
and indirect to portray the value. Figurative lan-
guage used in this proverb presented that Indone-
sian is indirectness, harmony, and tolerance. Indo-
nesian tries to keep the harmony in communication

Table 4: Social Organization In the past, Indonesia ancestor was Hinduism
and Buddhism. In Hinduism and Buddhism, sapi
No Indonesian Proverb English Equivalences had high status. Then, sapi was a symbol of the
1 Dahulu bajak da- To put the cart before wealthy for Hinduism and Buddhism (AgriFlo,
ripada sapi the horse 2002). Sapi gave religious and material advantages
2 Ringan sama dijin- Many hands make for them. In other hands, society in England was
jing berat sama light work, too many influenced by Christianity. In Christianity, the
dipikul cooks spoil the broth horse was representative of god to apply the deci-
sion of God (Browing, 1996).
3 Kalau tak ada elang, In the country of the
belalang menjadi blind, the one-eyed Democracy was an important value in Indone-
raja man is king sian and English. It was represented in ringan sama
dijinjing berat sama dipikul and Many hands make
light work, too many cooks spoil the broth. They
In past, the leadership in Indonesia and Eng- meant that collaboration, the sharing of burden irre-
land were important. The selection of leadership spective of the weight (through thick and thin).
influenced the management of the country. Democ- They had the same purposes but they described in
racy or musyawarah determined the leadership in the different figure. Ringan-dijinjing and berat-
Indonesian. However, the England system was dipikul were in Indonesia then the hand was in Eng-
monarchy and feudalistic. lish.

Since prehistory, Indonesian society had em- In Indonesia, ringan-dijinjing and berat-
braced the principle of democracy of acclamation dipikul were the representation of teamwork and
through “musyawarah to determine their leader- democracy (musyawarah). Ringan was something
ship, the existing form of social organization was easy and safe and then dijinjing meant that mem-
ethnic (Forshee, 2006). The ethnic chief is chosen bawa sesuatu dengan tangan terjulur ke bawah.
by the person who has the ability highest (primus Berat was something hard and dangerous and then
inter pares) (Wardaya, 2009a; Mulyadi, 2012). dipikul meant that membawa sesuatu di bahu. This
There were several proverbs portraying social or- proverb described that bahu supported tangan
ganization in Indonesia as displayed on the table. while tangan was dangerous. In other hands, Eng-
They were dahulu bajak daripada sapi, ringan sa- lish was simple to describe the teamwork in the
ma dijinjing berat sama dipikul, and kalau tak ada proverb. Hand was a symbol of work and then
elang, belalang menjadi raja. many hands was a symbol of team work. Then,
English was anticipating when the many people
Nevertheless, England system which was af- worked in a division. It was represented by too
fected by Roman was monarchy and feudalistic. many cooks spoil the broth. This proverb described
“Medieval times were dominated by the feudal sys- that hand was helped by others. In Indonesia, de-
tem. Feudalism was a political and military system mocracy (musyawarah) was engaged by everyone.
that organized and benefited the elite members of However, democracy was participated by some
society—the nobility” (Allman, 2014:11). “Middle people in English because of the monarchy and
Age England was ruled by kings, nobles, and feudalistic.
churches (Lang, 2006: 105). The table was shown
several proverbs as classifying social organization A Leader managed a country. The leader fo-
in English. They were to put the cart before the cused to protect the society from danger then creat-
horse, many hands make light work, too many ed the social safety. The proverbs described it; ka-
cooks spoil the broth, and in the country of the lau tak ada elang, belalang menjadi raja, in the
blind, the one-eyed man is king. country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
These proverbs meant that the leader was the best
Sapi and horse in dahulu bajak daripada sapi individual in society. The strong leader was im-
and to put the cart before the horse proverbs were portant in Indonesia and England because the
symbol of social status in Indonesia and England. strong leader could make the state’s vision and mis-
The value of social status in society places one's sion than the weak leader.
position in relation to society in the environment in
which it lives and resides (Mirahayuni and Garnida, Belalang and elang were the element of the
2016). However, they were different because of the leader in Indonesian proverb. Belalang was the
culture’s effect. mildest disability. Elang was the best leader here
but belalang was a suitable figure to lead because
there was not figure like elang. Then, belalang and

elang were popular character in Indonesian folk takkan jatuh dari pohonnya, and so on. In English,
story and Hindu Buddha religion especially elang. there were forty eight as figurative proverbs; the
In Indonesian folk story, elang jawa was similar to farther the sight, the nearer the rain, after a storm
Garuda. Garuda was one of Vishnu’s transporta- comes a calm, a bird in the hand is worth two in the
tion. Nevertheless, the one-eyed man was the ele- bush, and so forth.
ment of a leader in English proverb. It was the
mildest disability because the society was blind However, the English proverb had more literal
people. Next, the one-eyed man was popular in rather than Indonesian. English had nine proverbs.
Christianity because the one-eyed man represented For examples, it is better to give than to receive, no
Anti-Christ. pain no gain, better dead than dishonour and so on.
In Indonesia, there were three proverbs as the literal
The last aspect is language. The study results proverb; susah senang permainan hidup, teman
showed that Indonesian and English proverbs were yang tertawa banyak sekali, teman menangis ja-
different in terms of the kinds of meaning used. rang adanya, and sedikit bicara banyak kerja.
Bhuvaneswar (2000: 2-5) classified is based on
derivation of meaning in proverb; literal and figura- Moreover, Indonesian, which used some
tive proverb. unique vocabularies including cewang, gabak,
awak, jerami, tong, dadih and so on, was in the
Literal proverb meant that the expressional proverbs. Cewang, dadih, and gabak came from
meaning derived from the collective literary mean- Minangnese, tong came from minahasa, negeri
ing of all the words in the expression (Bhuvanes- came from Malay. Cewang meant clear while
war, 2000). Therefore, Literal proverb contains a gabak meant clouds containing rain. Then, tong
literal meaning. Literal meaning means the meaning meant low tone. These vocabularies showed that
in the original context (Saeed, 2004; Griffiths, Indonesian was the blending of the languages from
2006). Bourque (2010 as cited in Lubis, 2013) ex- local languages. According to Forshee (2006), “in
plained that “literal has the same root as literary, modern Indonesia, it is possible to identify more
which means related to a book. A literal meaning is than 200 Austronesian and more than 150 Papuan
a meaning that is by the book, that is, according to (Melanesian) languages” (p.7).
the dictionary meaning. It is direct meaning”.
This was also displayed in English proverbs.
Figurative proverb implies types of proverbs There was some diction which referred to old and
which contain figures of speech such as simile, middle English including and, eve, loaf, love, god,
hyperbole, paradox, metaphor, and so on (Bhuva- and so on. Eve is the short form of even/evening. It
neswar, 2000). Figurative proverb contains figura- originated in 1200-50 century. The loaf is originat-
tive meaning. Figurative meaning implies the ed in the late 13 century. God is originated around 6
meaning is situational context (Saeed, 2004; Grif- century. Christopher (2002) stated that Almost
fiths, 2006). Figurative has the same root as the 2,000 years ago, “the Romans introduced Latin to
figure, which is another word for a diagram, dis- Britain” (p. 23). Then, English had influenced by
play; an image or illustration. A figurative meaning Angle, Saxon, and Jute cultures especially English
is a meaning that is not literal; the same meaning literature. English gradually became more widely
used is not the meaning of the word or phrase itself, spoken around England and became known as Old
but a different meaning implied by it. This meaning English (Baugh and Cable, 2002; Mugglestone,
is dependent on culture and history. This is the indi- 2006). During the Middle English period, dialects
rect meaning. from around the country mixed with each other and
with French brought by Norman Conquest of 1066.
Based on previous explanation, the Indonesian Thousands of the new words were absorbed into
Proverb Equated into English, there were several English in all areas of civil and cultural life.
proverbs which were classified as the literal and
figurative proverb. Literal and figurative proverb CONCLUTION
contained literal and figurative meaning. The find-
ing presented that Indonesian and English proverb Indonesian and English proverbs use figura-
had literal and figurative meaning. tive and literal proverbs. Then, Indonesian culture
is influenced by Malay and English is culture is
Indonesian proverb had figurative meaning ra- influenced by Roman. English proverb applies
ther than English. Fifty-fourth Indonesian proverbs more literal than figurative proverb which it is de-
were identified as the figurative proverb. For ex- notative meaning. Nevertheless, Indonesian prov-
ample, cewang di langit pertanda panas, gabak di erbs use more figurative rather than literal proverb
hulu tanda akan hujan, nasi sudah jadi bubur, buah

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