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EAPP NOTES – MARCH 11-13, 2018

What is Data Commentary?
- Verbal comment on visual presentation
- Usually appears in the results and discussion section of a thesis
- Research Chapter 4
Why use a data commentary?
1. To present the results of a research
2. To interpret these results
3. To discuss the significance and implications of the result
Why use data commentary?
1. Highlight results
2. Complete and evaluate different data sets
3. Assess standard theories, common beliefs, or general practices in light of the results
4. Asses the reliability of data in terms of the methods that produced it
Structure of a Data Commentary
1. Location elements and summary statements
a. Location – where can it be found
b. Summary statements – contents of the results
c. Ex. Table 1 shows the point of entry of computer viruses for XYZ company.
2. Highlighting Statements
a. Generalizations that you can draw from the details of the data display
b. DOs:
- Spot trends or regularities in the data
- Separate more important findings from least important
- Make claims of appropriate strength
c. DON’Ts
- simply repeat the details in words
- attempt to cover all the information
- claim more than is reasonable or defensible
3. Discussion of implications, problems, exceptions, recommendations
1. Focus: Language Verbs for Introducing Summary Statements
- Table 2 shows…
- Figure 1 illustrates…
- Table 3 demonstrates…
- Provide, present, summarize, reveal, indicate

EAPP NOTES – MARCH 11-13, 2018

2. Some specific ways for qualifying or moderating a claim

a. Probability
- “The factory seems to have benefitted from the recent technology
b. Generalization
- “Tend” or a qualifying modifier
- Ex. Stronger: UST Senior High School students are too complacent; Soft:
UST SHS students tend to be too complacent; Soft: Many UST SHS
students are too complacent; Weak: A majority of UST SHS students tend
to be complacent
c. Soft Verbs
- Stronger: Ill-advised policies of the government led to the financial crisis
- Soft: Ill-advised policies of the government may have contributed to the
financial crisis
d. Distance
- Distance yourself from the data by showing in some way that it is “soft”
e. Hedging Devices


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