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Even though most have a computer
Photoillustration: Harold A. Perry; images: Wieck Media and Jupiter Images

controlling the output, popular GM and

Chrysler alternators can still be
accurately diagnosed. Specific tests will
quickly rule in or rule out the alternator
as the cause of charging problems.

ometimes we goof by making a job more compli-
cated than it really is. Later, we look back and re-
alize we cost ourselves time, money and grief by
making the task tougher than it needed to be. Whoa!
We have enough aggravation already, don’t we?
Charging system diagnosis fits into way to simplify always has been to di-
that category, and I believe it should vide and conquer. In other words, di-
be kept as simple as possible. The vide a vehicle’s charging system by

62 September 2007

September 2007 63
carefully isolating a suspect alterna-
tor. Then replace the alternator if it
still doesn’t work or work correctly.

Photos and screen capture: Dan Marinucci

Diagnostic Premises
The single, most common charging sys-
tem symptom is a dead battery. First,
always recharge or replace the battery
as needed, then test the charging sys-
tem. Suppose the system fails the rou-
tine volts and amps tests—especially an
alternator that won’t charge at all. At
this point, the diagnostic choices used
to be a bad alternator or wiring failure.
Naturally, a thorough voltage-drop test
will identify any wiring problems and/or
bad connections. GM alternator wiring harness connectors used the same pin layout from 1986
Unfortunately, many modern charg- through the mid-2000s. At the very least, each connector has an L terminal. The
ing systems have a third failure possi- P (phase or stator) terminal is always the first in line, next to L. If the connector
bility—a computer! This combination has an S terminal, S is always at the opposite end from P.
of possible problems is one convincing
reason why isolating the alternator is ing toward that suspect alternator any- must be somewhere outside the alterna-
more appropriate than ever before. way. And once you make the proper tor. This means you need troubleshoot-
Another compelling reason is the time hookup, this approach completely sepa- ing time to methodically track down the
required to R&R some of these alter- rates the alternator from the computer problem. Politely explain your diagnos-
nators. If you’re spending that time, and its wiring. Now if that alternator still tic format to the customer. If he or she
you want to know the effort is justified. doesn’t charge normally, you’re confi- won’t authorize even a minimal amount
Yes, you must access the alternator dent that you must replace it and retest. of diagnostic time, collect for what
and connect something to it in order to However, if a so-called isolated alter- you’ve done thus far and move on to the
isolate it. But you probably were head- nator charges normally, the trouble next vehicle. Why entangle yourself in a

This is another close-up view of the

harness connector on a popular GM
application alternator. P (phase or
This is the typical oval-shaped alternator connector found on popular Gen- stator) is always at one end, S (sense)
eral Motors applications from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. Note that GM at the opposite end. L (lamp), the ex-
has sourced alternators from a variety of vendors, including Delco-Remy, citation terminal, is always in the
Delphi, Valeo, Bosch and Nippondenso. All used this connector design. same location, as are I and F (field).

64 September 2007
potentially lengthy troubleshooting pro- connector shape, the first pin is always
cedure if you won’t get paid for it? terminal P. I’ll discuss P momentarily.
Let me give the ol’ scan tool its due The second pin is always L, which
here before I proceed. Many scan tools stands for lamp or charge indicator
have an extremely helpful selection of light. The key to operating these alter-
active or output tests. These may in- nators is energizing or exciting terminal
clude the ability to command the alter- L. A typical P-L-I-S or P-L-F-S alterna-
nator to charge. But suppose you com- tor will operate on terminal L alone. In-
mand the alternator to charge and it deed, zillions of the GM vehicles that
doesn’t respond. In a pinch, is the root have passed through your shop had a
problem the scan tool or its software? single-wire alternator connector—a
Or is it an ECM failure, a wiring prob- lone wire connected to terminal L.
lem or a bad alternator? The electrical systems on the most
Here I’ll concentrate on nailing no- common GM vehicles apply either
charge conditions on popular General 5.00 or 12.00 volts to terminal L after
Motors and Chrysler systems. Fords are the engine starts up. Remember that
a topic for another time. I’m working on these alternators shut off immediately
the assumption that you’ll also consult if L loses its power supply! Equally im-
the appropriate shop manual and wiring portant, it takes only a very small
schematic for the vehicle in question. amount of constant current to energize
L and keep the alternator operating.
GM’s Terminal L I’ve measured current flow on many L
The overwhelming majority of General This is the rectangular alternator circuits; typically, it’s only 5 to 8 mil-
Motors products have used alternators harness connector that GM used liamps (.005 to .008 amp) with the al-
with the same basic terminals since 1986. from 1986 through the mid-1990s. ternator operating normally.
The most popular alternators have either The terminals are identified as ei-
terminals P-L-I-S or P-L-F-S. Remem- ther P-L-I-S or P-L-F-S. GM’s Terminal P
ber that a harness connector for a P-L-I-S Terminal P, which stands for phase, is a
alternator physically interchanges with ness connectors; later ones have oval- stator terminal. The typical P-L-I-S or P-
one for a P-L-F-S unit. For the purpos- shaped connectors. The lion’s share of L-F-S alternators have functioning P ter-
es of our isolation tactic, we’re con- GM products coming into your bays minals, but it’s rare to see a wire connect-
cerned only with terminals P and L. have the oval alternator connector, ed to P on the vehicle. Suppose there’s a
Earlier alternators with these ter- which was used until the mid-2000s. good circuit from the alternator output
minal layouts have rectangular har- The neat thing is that regardless of terminal (BAT) over to the positive bat-

Terminal P is always the first one in the common GM P-L-I-S

alternator connector. If you carefully backprobe P with
This close-up photo clearly shows the lettering on the a long probe, you can measure stator voltage. Unfortu-
rectangular alternator connector GM used on all of its nately, an inaccessible alternator location may make it
vehicles from 1986 through the mid-1990s. very difficult to backprobe this terminal.

66 September 2007
tery terminal and the alterna- I’ve found that using a reg-
tor is properly grounded. In ular alternator harness con-
that case, start the engine and nector is the easiest, most reli-
carefully backprobe P. Stator able way to make your own
voltage on a healthy alternator hookup to terminal L. Source
is one-half charging voltage, a P-L-I-S/P-L-F-S style con-
plus or minus about .50 volt. nector from one of your sup-
Therefore, if voltage at BAT is pliers or from a salvage yard.
14.00, P should be 7.00 volts Basically, the idea is to jumper
or extremely close to it. Expe- L directly to the positive bat-
rience shows that when a sta- tery terminal but to limit cur-
tor or diode failure occurs, rent flow through this circuit
stator voltage is way above or with a small light bulb. A sim-
below the one-half value. ple, effective approach is to
splice a No. 194 light bulb be-
Isolation Test tween the battery and the L
Procedure terminal of your harness con-
Suppose you’re working on a nector. A bulb socket with pig-
GM charging system with tail leads for a No. 194 bulb is
the common terminals I de- A common side-marker bulb (No. 194) and bullb socket readily available in parts
scribed earlier (P-L-I-S or P- work well as a current-limiter when testing a typical GM stores and salvage yards. For
L-F-S). The alternator isn’t P-L-I-S or P-L-F-S alternator. A lower current bulb, such your information, this bulb is
charging and you’ve already as a No. 53 instrument panel bulb, also can be used. rated at 270mA (.270 amp).
checked the ground and out- Never route a jumper wire
put circuits. Shut off the ignition switch in mind if you make your own: First, directly from battery positive to termi-
and unplug the harness connector from many alternators are mounted in awk- nal L because it will almost certainly
the alternator. You can isolate this style ward locations, where you can just bare- toast the voltage regulator.
alternator by exciting or energizing ter- ly get your fingers on the harness con- Okay, the ignition switch is off and
minal L independently of the electrical nector. Second, the terminals (including you’re energizing terminal L through a
system. The alternator is good if it L) are recessed deep inside the connec- low-current bulb. Now the bulb should
charges properly when you excite ter- tor; securely hooking up to L can be a be illuminated. Replace the alternator
minal L. challenge even when the alternator is if the bulb is off. But if the bulb is on,
You can buy the proper excitation easy to reach. Third, a secure connec- start the engine. A healthy alternator
tool or fabricate one. Keep these points tion to L is vital for an accurate test. will turn out the bulb and then pass

Chrysler’s voltage regulator is buried inside the ECM. To

Some GM vehicles have a battery hidden under the rear test that leg of the field circuit—including ECM opera-
seat. Check the schematic first or inspect the positive tion—trace the field wire right to the ECM. When you
battery terminal area because the system may have a backprobe that pin, you should see the computer
thermistor located at the positive terminal. switching the field circuit on and off on your scope.

68 September 2007
the routine volts/amps charging tests. in this article, the S terminal is always at
Note that you may encounter a few the opposite end of the harness connec-
perfectly good voltage regulators that tor from the P terminal.
can’t turn on a No. 194 bulb to normal First, check the wiring schematic for
brightness. Really, your concern is the particular car, or else visually inspect
whether the bulb turns on or not, peri- the positive battery terminal area. If the
od. But if you’re fussy, avoid this poten- car is equipped with a thermistor, you
tial annoyance by using a lower-current must recreate the thermistor-style sense
bulb such as a No. 53 instrument panel circuit in order to test the alternator ac-
bulb. It’s rated at 120mA (.120 amp). curately. Go to the electronics store and
What’s more, you can increase the get a resistor or combination of resistors
utility of your homemade isolation har- totaling approximately 1800 ohms (1⁄2-
ness by installing a terminal and wire in watt resistors are adequate for this task).
the P position so you can check stator Make a jumper wire that’s long
voltage. If the alternator turns out the enough to go from the alternator’s S ter-
low-current bulb and produces normal minal all the way back to the positive
stator voltage, it’s yet another measure- battery terminal. Carefully splice the
ment telling you the alternator is good. 1800 ohms of resistance into this jumper
If the Chrysler ECM is operating the
alternator correctly, you’ll see a sim- wire. Now, the alternator should operate
Remote-Mounted Batteries ple digital pattern as the computer normally with a low-current bulb in se-
You may have to diagnose a no-charge toggles the field circuit on and off. The ries to terminal L and an 1800-ohm re-
condition on a GM car with a remote- pattern will toggle between battery sistor in series to terminal S.
mounted battery. The alternator isola- voltage and approximately 0 volts.
tion technique in such a case is exactly Chrysler Charging Systems
the same as the one I just described, charging system on these cars also may The more some things change, the
but it may require an extra step. Here’s have a thermistor that monitors battery more they stay the same. For instance,
the info you need. temperature. If so, the thermistor is lo- look closely at the most common
GM’s G-body cars of the 1990s, cated at the positive battery terminal Chrysler systems in service since 1989-
which include the Buick Riviera, Olds and is wired in series between the bat- 90. First of all, these systems are basi-
Aurora and Cadillac Allanté, have a bat- tery and the alternator’s S terminal. cally the same. Second, they’re really
tery mounted under the rear seat. The Note that on the alternators discussed just variations of the first-generation

You may opt to make your own isolation test leads if you
The most common Chrysler products passing through your work on lots of Chrysler vehicles. The male spade field
bays are fitted with this Nippondenso alternator or one terminals on the most popular Chrysler applications
very similar to it. The next most common alternator is a measure .097 in. wide. So a .110-in. female terminal should
Mitsubishi unit. Both types have male spade field terminals. be suitable for each of your test leads.

70 September 2007
This photo shows an example of a vehicle-specific adapt-
JIMCO’s I-60 test kit neatly isolates the alternator on er in JIMCO’s I-60 test kit. The adapter plugs right into
Chrysler applications by substituting a solid-state reg- the alternator, thanks to an OE-style harness connec-
ulator for the ECM! The regulator eliminates the risk of tor. The little red lens covers a low-current bulb for the
potential overcharging during the test and lets you per- L terminal circuit. The tag shows the alternator connec-
form a routine, thorough amps output test, too. tor layout and terminal designations.

Chrysler systems of the 1960s. Third, ternator from the regulator simply by check by connecting a low-current test
they’re only as complicated as you grounding the ground-side field termi- light, duty-cycle meter or oscilloscope
choose to make them. nal—the one wired to the regulator. to the ground-side field terminal. Then
On the earliest Chrysler systems, Does the alternator charge? If it does, restart the engine. If the regulator is
there are two field terminals on the then either the ground circuit is open toggling the ground side of the field on
back of the alternator. Battery power is or the voltage regulator failed. and off, then the test light should blink.
applied to one terminal—technically, it You can make another simple system Or the duty-cycle meter should show a
doesn’t matter which one. An external
voltage regulator controls the alternator
by toggling the other field terminal; that
is, it switches the other field terminal on
and off to ground. The longer this field
terminal is grounded, the longer the al-
ternator charges, and vice versa.
Suppose this earlier charging system
doesn’t charge. First, verify that there’s
battery power supplied to one field ter-
minal. If there’s no power, trace that leg
of the field circuit, fix the problem and
retest. Second, if battery power is pre-
sent at the one field terminal, check for
battery voltage at the other field termi-
nal with the ignition on, engine off. Re-
place the alternator if voltage at the oth-
er terminal is 0. This means the field
circuit opened up somewhere inside the
alternator; the brushes probably wore
out. (By the way, worn-out brushes are
a common cause of alternator failure on This little box is the heart of JIMCO’s I-60 isolation kit. You connect the alli-
computer-controlled Chrysler systems.) gator clips to the battery terminals. Then plug the vehicle-specific adapter
But if the other field terminal measures harness into the black connector. Next, connect the adapter harness to the
battery voltage, continue testing. alternator in place of the OE vehicle harness. Now if the alternator operates
At this point, you can isolate the al- normally, the real problem is somewhere outside the alternator.

September 2007 71
duty reading. A scope should show the Okay, let’s flash forward to modern a computer has replaced the relatively
field being switched between battery Chrysler charging systems. The first inexpensive, stand-alone voltage regu-
voltage and approximately 0 volts. If big difference is that Chrysler hasn’t lator. Fourth, Chrysler gradually
none of these techniques shows activity produced its own alternators for years. changed over to B-circuit control; this
on the ground side of the field, it’s an- Second, the alternators are often much means the ECM switches the hot side
other clue that there’s an open ground more difficult to reach. Third, the of the field circuit instead of the
circuit or a bad voltage regulator. ECM controls the field circuit, so now ground side.
The test tricks I just described for
the old Chrysler charging systems al-
so apply to the computer-controlled
versions. But there are important
precautions you should take when
isolating an alternator on one of the
modern systems. Some techs isolate a
suspect alternator from the electrical
system by grounding the appropriate
field terminal with a jumper wire.
Obviously, this approach bypasses the
entire ground side of the field, in-
cluding the ECM. If the alternator
charges, the tech knows the problem
is in that side of the field circuit.
On the other hand, you isolate a B-
circuit alternator by applying battery
voltage to its hot field terminal. Re-
member, B-circuit charging systems be-
gan appearing on Chryslers during the
2002 model year. So when in doubt,
check the appropriate schematic before
hanging a jumper wire anywhere on
such a vehicle!
It’s also possible to isolate the alter-
nator on a Chrysler vehicle by discon-
necting both field wires from the back
of the alternator. Jumper battery pow-
er to one field terminal and then
ground the other one. The advantage
here is that bypassing both sides of the
field circuit completely separates the
field circuit from the rest of the electri-
cal system. What’s more, the alternator
rotor doesn’t care which direction field
current flows through it—as long as it
flows. So for the moment, you needn’t
worry about which field terminal is hot
or which is ground.
You can speed up this isolation tech-
nique even more by making a set of
Chrysler-specific jumper wires with fe-
male terminals. The vast majority of
Chrysler products you service have ei-
ther Nippondenso or Mitsubishi alter-
nators with male spade field terminals.
Each male field terminal usually mea-
sures .097 in. wide, so a .110-in.-wide
female terminal fits fine.
Perhaps the most pertinent precau-
Circle #40

72 September 2007
tion for this discussion is a reminder that bypassing the
ECM full-fields the alternator. That means the alternator
operates uncontrolled on a vehicle laden with electronics, so
exercise appropriate caution. For example, be sure all elec-
trical accessories are shut off beforehand. Then connect a
digital voltmeter to the battery. Have your jumper wire(s)
securely connected to the alternator field terminal(s) before
you start the engine. Then start the engine and connect the
jumper(s) to power and/or ground as needed—but only long
enough to see if the alternator charges. Disconnect the
jumper wire the moment you see a reaction on that digital
Experience shows that these alternators usually charge or
don’t charge. Revving the engine won’t turn a bad alternator
into a good one during your isolation test. The only thing that
revving the engine does for an uncontrolled charging system
is potentially send alternator output into the stratosphere!

Aftermarket Isolation Kit

Finally, don’t overlook the practicality of using an alterna-
tor isolation kit such as the I-60 from JIMCO, Inc. (sales; 816-331-1917). I first mentioned this
back in the summer of 1999, and it’s still the only stand-
alone test kit of its kind I’ve found. Typically, this kit bypass-
es all external wiring save for the alternator output wire.
JIMCO has been building test equipment for remanufac-
turers and auto-electric shops for more than 30 years. One
of its specialties has been adapter harnesses that connect a
wide variety of alternators to its test benches. Effective
adapters save time by minimizing the use of jumper wires
and improve accuracy by making an alternator on a test
bench think it’s operating in a vehicle.
The I-60 test kit puts this extensive array of adapter har-
nesses to use in the vehicle instead of on the test bench, al-
lowing you to isolate a suspect alternator from the electrical
system. The heart of the kit is a little box with two leads go-
ing directly to the vehicle battery. The vehicle-specific
adapter harnesses, which link the I-60 to the alternator, plug
into the tester’s own connector.
Common alternators have internal voltage regulators. This
kit lets you safely test charging systems under normal operat-
ing conditions because it bypasses only the external wiring, not
the voltage regulator. In fact, the JIMCO setup for testing
common Chrysler systems substitutes its own solid-state volt-
age regular in place of the ECM. This enables you to do a safe
and thorough alternator test while bypassing the vehicle wiring
and ECM. Where necessary, the adapter harness for a specific
application includes features such as a low-current excitation
light bulb and a test point for measuring stator voltage.
No, a kit such as JIMCO’s won’t do your thinking for you,
nor does it eliminate the need for methodical voltage-drop
testing. But it does give you a big head start on dividing and
conquering those challenging charging systems. Good luck
out there, and keep your cool!

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Circle #41

September 2007 73

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