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P19-06 Assaignment Differential

Chapter 05(Modeling with higher order Differential Equations)
1:Driving Function
2:Forcing Function
4:Circular Frequency
5:Natural Frequency
6:Phase Angle
7:Aging Spring
8:Transient Solution
9:Steady-State Solution
15:Free Undamped Motion
16:Free Damped Motion
17:Driven Motion
20:Critical Damping
21:RLC Series Circuit
Chapter :07(The Laplace Transform)
1:Convergent Integral
2:Divergent Integral
3: Kernal
4:Laplace Transform
5:Piecewise Continuous
6:Exponential Order
Chapter : 05
1:Driving Function;
A special type of transfer function in which the input
and output variables are voltages or currents
measured between the same pair of terminals in an
electrical network.
2:Forcing Function;
In a system of differential equations used to describe
a time-dependent process, a forcing function is a
function that appears in the equations and is only a
function of time, and not of any of the other
variables. In effect, it is a constant for each value of t.
Time requaired to complete one cycle or ocillation.
4:Circular Frequency;
Angular frequency (ω), also known as radial
or circular frequency, measures angular displacement
per unit time. ... Its units are therefore degrees (or
radians) per second.
5:Natural Frequency;
The frequency at which a system oscillates when not
subjected to a continuous or repeated external force.
6:Phase Angle;
Phase angle is the time interval between two
rhythms or ocillations.
7:Aging Spring
Aging springs are characterized by a stiffness decaying
with time. Here an exponential decay from an initial
value at time zero to an asymptotic value is
Transient and Steady-
State Solutions:
The transient(Compl
ementry) solution is
the solution to the
differential equation
of motion which has
been combined with
the particular(Steady-
State) solution and
forced to fit the
physical boundary
conditions of the
problem at hand.
Reactance, denoted X, is a form of opposition that
electronic components exhibit to the passage of alternating
current (alternating current) because of capacitance or
Impedance, denoted Z, is an expression of the opposition
that an electronic component, circuit, or system offers to
alternating and/or direct electric current. Impedance is a
vector (two-dimensional)quantity consisting of two
independent scalar (one-dimensional) phenomena:
resistance and reactance.
Undamped Motion;
The motion of a body or system with its own natural
frequency and under no external influence other than the
impulse that initiated the motion. — called free damped
Damped Motion;
When the motion of an oscillator reduces due to an
external force, the oscillator and its motion are damped.
These periodic motions of gradually decreasing amplitude
are damped simple harmonic motion. An example of
a damped simple harmonic motion is a simple pendulum.
Driven Motion;
The boundary solution between an
underdamped oscillator and an
overdamped oscillator occurs at a particular value of
the friction coefficient and is called critically damped.
If an external time-dependent force is present, the
harmonic oscillator is described as a driven oscillator.
An underdamped system moves quickly to
equilibrium, but will oscillate about the equilibrium
point as it does so.
An overdamped system moves slowly toward
A critically damped system moves as quickly as
possible toward equilibrium without oscillating about
the equilibrium.
RLC Series
An RLC circuit is an
electrical circuit consi
sting of a resistor (R),
an inductor (L), and a
capacitor (C),
connected in series .
... RLC circuits have
many applications as
oscillator circuits.
Radio receivers and
television sets use
them for tuning to
select a narrow
frequency range from
ambient radio waves.
Chapter 07
Laplace Transforms;
Inverse Transform;
Exponential Order

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