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4th Marine Brigade (Reserve)

The 4th Marine Brigade (Reserve) was
activated as a provisional unit of the
Philippine Navy on 22 October 1996 pursuant to
Section I General Order No. 229 ONA dated 21
October 1996 during the term of Vice Admiral
Pio Carranza AFP as FOIC. PN. It was assigned
to the Naval Reserve Command and placed under
the operational control of the Commandant,
Philippine Marine Corps.

 To provide Command, Control and Administration of Marine Corps Reserve Units in order to
maintain readiness to respond to its mission mandated by R.A. 7077, which is to provide a base for
the expansion of the Philippine Navy in general and the Philippine Marine Corps in particular, in the
event of war, invasion or rebellion;

 to assist in relief and rescue during disasters or calamities ;

 to assist in Socio-Economic Development;
 and to assist in the operation and maintenance of essential government and/or private utilities in
the furtherance of its overall mission.

The 4th Marine Brigade (Reserve) has distinct functions during
peacetime and in the event of war.

A. During Peacetime:
1. Support to peace and order campaign i.e. anti-piracy, anti-illegal fishing, security of vital
maritime facilities;
2. Support to maritime operations i.e. Coast Watch, transport of personnel, Search and
Rescue Operations, Intelligence, Internal Security Operations (ISO)
3. Support to Socio-Economic Development programs i.e. Community Development Projects,
Public Assistance Programs, Food Production Programs, Reforestation Programs, Marine
Resources Protection/Preservation Programs, Relief and Rehabilitation Operations during
B. During Wartime:
1. Augmentation of Philippine Marine Ready Force.
2. Conducted Civic Action at Townsite, Maluso, Basilan from 24-25 October 2001 in support
to Task Force "TORNADO" operating in the area.
3. Conducted Civic Action at the municipalities of Luuk and Panamao, both of Sulu Province
from 25-27 February 2002, treating 2,277 patients.
4. Currently sponsoring an ongoing free Clinic for Marine and their dependents in
cooperation with the Small and Medium Enterprise Research and Development Foundation, Inc.
(SMERD-F). This is held at H4Mbde every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 0900H-1200H.


Among the officers, majority are graduates of 4-year college
degree courses with a small number coming from retired enlisted and
non-commissioned officers. Officers with the rank of Lieutenant
Colonel and Colonel have typically undergone the Master in National
Security Administration Course at NDCP and/or the Naval Command and
General Staff Course at NETC in Zambales. Post-graduate courses,
both military and civilian are fairly typical among officers. Among
the enlisted ranks, majority are either college students or
undergraduates. A small percentage are former military men from
other branches of service.

Some prominent members of the 4Mbde are Cagayan Congressman Juan

Ponce "Jackie" Enrile, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay and Land and
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Chairman Dante M

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