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Subject :CHEMISTRY Max Marks : 30

1. Ice and water kept in a perfectly insulated thermos flask (no exchange of heat between its contents
and the surroundings) at 273K and the atmospheric pressure are in equilibrium state and the system
1) Liquid - liquid equilibrium 2) Liquid - vapour equilibrium
3) Solid - liquid equilibrium 4) Solid - gas equilibrium
2. CO2  gas   CO2  in solution 
This equilibrium is governed by
1) Raoult’s law 2) Charles’ law 3) Boyle’s law 4) Henry’s law
3. Equilibrium can be attained
1) Whether we start reaction by taking, H 2  g  and N 2  g  and get NH 3  g 
2) By taking NH 3  g  and decomposing it into N 2  g  and H 2  g 
3) Both (1) and (2) 4) None of the above
4. Consider the following gaseous equilibria with equilibrium constants K1 and K 2 respectively.
SO2  g   O2  g   SO3  g 
2SO3  g   2SO2  g   O2  g 
The equilibrium constants are related as

2 1 2 1 2
1) 2K1  K 22 2) K1  3) K 2  4) K 2 
K2 K1 K12
5. The equilibrium constants, K P1 and K P 2 for the reactions, X  2Y and Z  P  Q , respectively
are in the ratio of 1 : 9. If the degree of dissociation of X and Z be equal, then the ratio of total
pressure at these equilibria is
1) 1 : 36 2) 1 : 1 3) 1 : 3 4) 1 : 9
6. The equilibrium constant for the reaction, H 2  g   CO2  g   H 2O  g   CO  g 
is 1.80 at 1000C . If 1.0 mole of H 2 and 0.1 mole of CO2 are placed in one liter flask, the final
equilibrium concentration of CO at 1000C is
1) 0.573 M 2) 0.385 M 3) 5.73 M 4) 0.295 M
7. Consider the following equilibrium in a closed container, 2 4    2 NO2  g  . At a fixed
N O g
temperature, the volume of the reaction container is halved. For this change which of the following
 
statements hold true regarding the equilibrium constant K p and degree of dissociation   ?
1) K p does not change, but  changes 2) K p changes, but  does not change
3) Both K p and  change 4) Neither K p nor  changes
8. Partial pressure of O2 in the reaction
2 Ag 2O  s   4 Ag  s   O2  g 

1) K p 2) Kp 3) 3 K p 4) 2 K p
9. Which of the following is/are important application(s) of equilibrium constant?
1) To predict the extent of a reaction on the basis of its magnitude
2) To predict the direction of the reaction
3) To calculate equilibrium concentrations
4) All of the above
10. The value of K c for the reaction, 2A  B  C is 2  103 . At a given time, the composition of reaction
mixture is [A] = [B] = [C] = 3  104 M. In which direction the reaction will proceed?
1) Forward direction 2) Reverse direction 3) No net reaction occur 4) None of these
11. Which of the following relation represents correct relation between standard electrode potential
and equilibrium constant?
nFE  nFE  nFE  nFE 
I. log K  II. RT III. log K  IV. log K  0.4342
2.303 RT K e 2.303 RT RT
Choose the correct statement(s).
1) I, II and III are correct 2) II and III are correct
3) I, II and IV are correct 4) I and IV are correct
12. Consider the following statements for a given reaction,
Fe3  aq   SCN   aq    Fe  SCN    aq 
Yellow colourless deep red
I. The equilibrium constant
 Fe  SCN  aq  
Kc 
 Fe3   aq   SCN   aq 
II. A reddish colour appears on adding two drops of 0.002 M potassium thiocynate solution to 1 mL
of 0.2 M iron  III  nitrate solution due to the formation of  Fe  SCN   . The intensity of the red
colour becomes constant on attaining equilibrium.
III. The equilibrium can be shifted in either forward or reverse directions depending on our choice
of adding a reactant or a product.
IV. The equilibrium can be shifted in the opposite direction by adding reagents that remove Fe3 or
SCN  ions.
Choose the correct statement(s).
1) Only I 2) I, III and IV 3) I and II 4) I, II, III and IV
13. In the reaction, C  s   CO2  g   2CO  g  , when pressure in increased, the reaction goes in the
1) Forward direction 2) Reverse direction
3) Either forward or reverse direction 4) Dynamic equilibrium
14. A 0.2 molar solution of formic acid is 3.2% ionised. Its ionisation constant is
1) 9.6  103 2) 2.1104 3) 1.25  106 4) 4.8  10 5
15. “An acid is a substance that is capable of donating a hydrogen ion H  and bases are substances
capable of accepting a hydrogen ion, H  ”.
The above statement is justified by
1) Arrhenius concept 2) Bronsted-Lowry theory 3) Lewis concept 4) All of these
16. 
Point out the conjugate acids for the following Bronsted bases
NH 2 , NH 3 and HCOO 
1) NH 2 , NH 4 and HCOOH 2) NH 3 , NH 4 and HCOOH

3) N 3 , NH 2  and HCOOH 4) NH 3 , NH 2 and HCOOH

H 2 O  l   H 2 O  l   H 3O   aq   OH   aq 
17. aci d (X) conjugate (Y)
aci d
Here, (X) and (Y) refer to
1) Base and conjugate acid 2) Acid and conjugate base
3) Base and conjugate base 4) Acid and conjugate acid
18. Point out the correct relation between K a , K b and K w .

1) K a  K b  K w 2) K a  K b  K w 3) K a  K b  K w 4)  Kw
19. Match the Column I with Column II and choose the correct option from the codes given below.

Column I Column II
(Hydrolysis of the salts) (Example)
A. Weak acid and strong base 1. NH 4Cl
B. Strong acid and weak base 2. CH 3COONH 4
C. Weak acid and weak base 3. CH 3COONa

1) 3 2 1 2) 1 2 3
3) 2 3 1 4) 3 1 2
20. The pH of a mixture when a 50 mL solution of pH = 1 is mixed with a 50 mL of pH = 2 is
1) 0.56 2) 1.26 3) 1.76 4) 2.06
21. Which of the following solution acts as a buffer?
1) HCl + NaCl 2) NaOH + NaCl
p q
22. What is the molar solubility S of a solid salt with general formula M x X y ?

1/ x  y x y 1/ x  y x y
 K sp   K sp   K sp   K sp 
1)  y x  2)  x y  3)  x y  4)  y x 
 x .y   x .y   x .y   x .y 

23.  
The solubility product K sp of AgCl is 1.8  1010 . Precipitation of AgCl will occur only when equal
volumes of solutions of
1) 104 M Ag  and 104 M Cl  are mixed 2) 107 M Ag  and 107 M Cl  are mixed

3) 105 M Ag  and 105 M Cl  are mixed 4) 1010 M Ag  and 1010 M Cl  are mixed
24. On a given condition, the equilibrium concentration of HI, H2 and I2 are 0.80, 0.10 and 0.10 mole/
litre. The equilibrium constant for the reaction H2  I2  2HI will be
(1) 64 (2) 12 (3) 8 (4) 0.8
25. The unit of equilibrium constant K for the reaction A  B  C would be
(1) mol litre1 (2) litre mol 1 (3) mol litre (4) Dimensionless
26. In a 500ml capacity vessel CO and Cl 2 are mixed to form COCl 2 . At equilibrium, it contains 0.2
moles of COCl 2 and 0.1 mole of each of CO and CO 2 . The equilibrium constant K c for the reaction
CO  Cl 2  is
(1) 5 (2) 10 (3) 15 (4) 20
27. In the reaction, A  B  2C , at equilibrium, the concentration of A and B is 0.20 mol l 1 each and
that of C was found to be 0.60 mol l 1 . The equilibrium constant of the reaction is
(1) 2.4 (2) 18 (3) 4.8 (4) 9
28. 9.2 grams of N 2O4(g ) is taken in a closed one litre vessel and heated till the following equilibrium is
reached N 2O4(g )  2NO2(g ) .

At equilibrium, 50% N 2O4(g ) is dissociated. What is the equilibrium constant (in mol litre–1) (Molecular
weight of N 2O4  92)
(1) 0.1 (2) 0.4 (3) 0.2 (4) 2

29. In Haber process 30 litres of dihydrogen and 30 litres of dinitrogen were taken for reaction which
yielded only 50% of the expected product. What will be the composition of gaseous mixture under
the aforesaid condition in the end
(1) 20 litres ammonia, 25 litres nitrogen, 15 litres hydrogen
(2) 20 litres ammonia, 20 litres nitrogen, 20 litres hydrogen
(3) 10 litres ammonia, 25 litres nitrogen, 15 litres hydrogen
(4) 20 litres ammonia, 10 litres nitrogen, 30 litres hydrogen
30. Equilibrium constants K1 and K 2 for the following equilibria
NO(g )  O2 K1
NO2 (g )
and 2NO2 (g ) 2NO(g )  O2 (g ) are related as
1 K1 1
(1) K 2  K (2) K 2  K12 (3) K 2  (4) K 2 
1 2 K12

Key & Solutions
1. (3) Ice and water kept in a perfectly insulated thermos flask (no exchange of heat between its con-
tents and the surroundings) at 273K and the atmospheric pressure are in equilibrium state and the
system shows interesting characteristic features. The system shows solid-liquid equilibrium.
2. (4) CO2  gas   CO2  in solution 
This equilibrium is governed by Henry’s law which states that the mass of a gas dissolved in a given
mass of a solvent at any temperature is proportional to the pressure of the gas above the solvent.
3. (3) Equilibrium can be attained from both sides
N 2  g   3H 2  g   2 NH 3  g 

2 NH 3  g   N 2  g   3H 2  g 
4. (2) For the reaction, SO2  g   O2  g   SO3  g 
 SO3 
Equilibrium constant, K1  1/ 2 ...(i)
 SO2 O2 
For the reaction,

2SO3  g   2SO2  g   O2  g 

K2 
 SO2  O2 
Equilibrium constant, 2 ...(ii)
 SO3 
On squaring both sides in Eq. (i), we get

K 2

 SO3 
1 2 ...(iii)
 SO2  O2 
Eq. (ii)  Eq. (iii), we get
K12  K 2  1
or K 2 

2 1
or K1 
5. (1) X  2Y
Initial 1 0
At equilibrium 1-x 2x
Total no. of moles = 1 + x
 2x 
1  x . p1  4x2 p1
K p1  
 1 x  1  x  1  x 
  . p1
1 x 
Z  PQ
1 0 0
At equilibrium 1-x x x
x2 p2
Similarly, p2 
1  x  1  x 
Kp 1
Given that, K  9


4  p1 1
So, 
p2 9
p1 1
 p  36

6. (1) H 2  g   CO2  g   H 2O  g   CO  g 
Initial 1 1 0 0
At eq. 1 - x 1-x x x
x2 x
K 2
or K   1.80  1.34.
1  x  1 x
This gives x = 0.573 mol.
7. (1) The value of K p does not depend upon volume but on changing the volume  changes because
on both sides the number of moles are different.
8. (1) 2 Ag 2O  s   4 Ag  s   O2  g 

K p  pO2  Ag and Ag 2O are solids 

9. (4) Important applications of equilibrium constant to
 Predict the extent of a reaction on the basis of its magnitude.
 Predict the direction of the reaction, and
 Calculate equilibrium concentrations.
10. (2) For the reaction quotient Qc is given by
Qc   B  C  /  A

as  A   B   C   3 10 M

Qc 
 3 10  3 10 
4 4

4 2 =1
 3 10 
as Qc  K c so the reaction will proceed in the reverse direction.
11. (3) G = -2.303 RT log K
nFE   2.303 RT log K
nFE 
log K 
2.303 RT
nFE 
 0.4342 ...(iv)
nFE 
In K 
nFE 
K e RT ...(ii)
12. (4) Fe3  aq   SCN   aq    Fe  SCN    aq 
Yellow colourless deep red

 Fe  SCN 2   aq  
Kc   
3 
 Fe  aq    SCN  aq  
A reddish colour appears on adding two drops of 0.002 M potassium thiocynate solution to 1 mL of
0.2 M iron  III  nitrate solution due to the formation of  Fe  SCN   . The intensity of the red
colour becomes constant on attaining equilibrium. This equilibrium can be shifted in either forward
or reverse directions depending on our choice of adding a reactant or a product. The equilibrium
can be shifted in the opposite direction by adding reagents that remove Fe3 or SCN  ions. For
example, oxalic acid.
13. (2) In reaction C  s   CO2  g   2CO2  g  , when pressure in increased, the reaction goes in the
reverse direction because the number of moles of gas increases in the forward direction.
14. (2) K  C 2  0.2   0.032   2.1  10 4
15. (2) According to Bronsted-Lowry theory, acid is a substance that is capable of donating a hydrogen
ion H  and bases are substances capable of accepting a hydrogen ion, H  . In short, acids are
proton donors and bases are proton acceptors.
16. (2) The conjugate acid should have one extra proton in each case and therefore the corresponding
conjugate acids are NH 3 , NH 4 and HCOOH respectively.

H 2 O  l   H 2 O  l   H 3O   aq   OH   aq 
17. aci d (X) conjugate (Y)
aci d
H 2O  l   H 2O  l   H 3O  aq   OH   aq 
17. (3)
acid base conjugated acid conjuagte base
18. (3) In case of a conjugate acid-base pair, K a  K b  K w knowing one, the other can be obtained. It
should be noted that a strong acid will have a weak conjugate base and vice-versa.
19. (4) The hydrolysis of the salts are of the following types.
(i) Salts of weak acid and strong base e.g., CH 3COONa .
(ii) Salts of strong acid and weak base, e.g., NH 4Cl , and
(iii) Salts of weak acid and weak base, e.g., CH 3COONH 4 .
20. (2) For pH  1,[ H  ]  101 M

for pH  2, [ H  ]  102 M
M 1V1  M 2V2  M R (V1  V2 )
101 x 50  10 2 x 50  M R x 100
M R  5.5 x 10 2 M (Resultant morality of H  ions)

pH   log 5.5 x 10 2
 1.26
21. (3) CH 3COOH  CH 3COONa is weak acid and its salt with strong base.
p q
22. (3) A solid salt of the general formula M x X y with molar solubility S in equilibrium with its saturated
solution may be represented by the equation.
M x X y ( s)  xM p (aq )  yX q  (aq) (Where x x p   y x q  )
And its solubility product constant is given by
K sp  [M p  ]x [ X q  ]y  ( xS ) x ( yS ) y

K sp  x x  y y  S ( x y )

K sp
S ( x y) 
xx  y y
S  ( K sp / x x  y y )1/ x  y
23. (1) Ionic product is greater than K sp only in case of (1).
24. (1) H2  I2  2HI; [HI] = 0.80, [ H2 ]  0.10 , [ I2 ]  0.10
25. (2)
26. (2) CO  Cl 2  COCl 2
0.1 0.1 0. 2
[CO]  , [Cl 2 ]  , [COCl 2 ] 
0. 5 0. 5 0.5

[COCl 2 ] 2
  0 0.5   25  10
[CO] [Cl 2 ] 0 . 1 0 .1 5

0.5 0.5
27. (4) A  B  2C

[C]2 [0.6]2
Kc   9
[ A ] [ B] [0.2] [ 0.2]

[NO2 ]2 4  ( 0.05)2
28. (3) K c    4  0.05  0.2
[ N 2 O4 ] 0.05
29. (3) N 2  3H2  2NH 3
30 30 0
30-x 30-3x 2x
2x = 10 ; x = 5
N 2  30  5  25 litre
H 2  30  3  5  15 litre
NH 3  2  5  10 litre
[NO2 ] [NO]2 [O2 ]
30. (4) K1  K
; 2 
[NO][O 2 ]1/2 [NO2 ]2

[NO2 ]2 1 [NO2 ] 1
   1/ 2

[NO]2 [O2 ] K 2 [NO][O2 ] K2

1 1
 K1  K ; K 2  K 2 .
2 1


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