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Info System is a combination of Hardware Software Infrastructure and Trained personnel organized

to facilitate planning control coordination and decision making in an organization.

Hardware – used to i/o and process data

Software – computer programs to allow hardware to process data

Types of info system –

1)Executive support system(ESS)- helps senior management make strategic decisions

2)Management Info System(MIS) – mainly concerned with internal sources of info and summarizes
into management reports

3)Decision Support System (DSS) - specifically designed to help management make decisions in
situations where there is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of those decisions

4)Transaction Processing Systems(TPS) – process routine transactions efficiently and accurately

5)Knowledge Management System (KMS) – helps businesses create and store info

6)Office Automation System (OAS)-- systems that try to improve the productivity of employee who
need to process data and information.

Information Management System: A general term for software designed to facilitate/manage the
storage, organization, and retrieval of information

DBMS is collection of programs that allows creation and management of database

Functionalities—defining(in terms of data types,structures,constraints),contrsucting(loading

database to secondary storage medium),sharing,manipulating
protection and security to prevent unauthorized access , visualization of data,maintenance
Views- a virtual table which is a subset of data from one or more tables used to restrict database
access to everyone,make complex queries easy and allows independence.

(internal)Physical Abstraction – describes how data is stored

(conceptual)Logical Level - describes ‘what data are stored in database’ and what relationship exists
among those data.

(external) View level – highest level of abstraction. Allows different views for diff level of people like
a principal ion school and a student

Data Model – collection of concepts used to describe structure of database. Structure of a database
means data types, relationships and constraints that should hold for the data.

A description of data in terms of a data model is called a schema.

Database Schemas - The description of a database is called the database schema. Includes
descriptions of the database structure, data types, and the constraints on the databases.

Three Schema Architecture-

1) Conceptual Schema – logical schema,describes data stored in data model and describes relations
stored in the database.
2)Internal Schema – physical schema , describes how relations are stored in secondary devices like
3)External Schema – allows individual or grp of people to allow access and to be customize relations.

Data independence is the capacity to change the schema at one level of a database system without
any change in the schema at the next higher level.

Logical data independence – capacity to change conceptual schema without having any change in
external schema.

Physical Data independence -- capacity to change the internal schema without having any change in
the conceptual schema.

Database Languages –

1) DDL ( data definition language ) – definitions which specify a database schema.

Used to define all schemas.
2) DML ( data manipulation language ) – allows users to access or manipulate
Procedural DML – specify what data needed and how to get those data
Declarative DML- specify what data needed without saying how to get those data

A domain/range of possible values must be associated with every attribute. – Declaring an attribute
to be of a particular domain acts as a constraint on the values that it can take.

An assertion is any condition that the database must always satisfy.

Components of DB system –

1) Storage manager – interface b/w low level data stored in database and apps and queries
submitted to the system. Responsible for storing,retreieving and updating database.
2) Query processor – allows us to work at view level without knowing physical level details

Relational database is collection of relations i.e. 2D tables.

A relational database consists of a collection of tables, each of which is assigned a unique name.

Relation – table

Tuple – row

Attribute – column


• Key: A set of attribute values by which a tuple within a relation can be identified uniquely

SuperKey –a set of one or more attributes that allows us to identify uniquely a tuple in a relation.

CandidateKey – The minimal set of attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple is known as a
candidate key. superkeys for which no proper subset is a superkey

PrimaryKey - Candidate key chosen as a principal means of identifying tuples within a relation

ForeignKey – Attribute in one table which is a primary key of another table.

Example syntax --

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